Congressional Research Service Says NO ONE Required Obama to Prove Citizenship
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
April 30, 2011 12:15am CST
i just want to say before you read this, if there is anything in this world right now that I want, it is for my president to be who he says he is. A man who wants to put things right in our country, who cares deeply for our country. I am not putting this dicussion up to 'gain points' or to stir up crap about Obama. I am truly concerned with the state things are in. Maybe you aren't or don't want to know just how serious things are, but I AM. I love my country and I will not just sit back and see it's laws and it's intstitutions crumble into dust. Please take the time to view the two videos before responding.
According to THE CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE no one in the Federal Government ever asked Obama for his birth certificate.
There is no law requiring a vetting a process. But they did demand one of McCain.
John McCain had to, before Congress, prove his citizenship when only a candidate. Obama sat on that panel as a Senator, in judgement on McCain and then refused for two and a half years to show his birth certificate even after demanding McCain prove his citizenship. The birth certificate he originally showed (short form on internet) after Hillary made her comment concerning his citizenship, is often issued to people born out of state. So, the people of the USA asked for a long form birth certificate. They quickly became the object of ridicule by those same government officals that refused to vet Obama!
The Senate refused to require the same vetting procedure they imposed on Obama as they did on McCain. They were asked to do so and refused when asked to do so. Where are the congressional hearings on this matter?
News outlets, Senators, Representatives and others have declared in public that he showed his birth certificate and they reviewed it. According to the Congressional Research Services, this is a lie. This is not birthers, it is CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICES saying this. We won't hear about it in the news, because the media has bought into the lies told to them by the Senate that refused to question Obama as they did McCain.
View the video. It's put out by a reputable source.
Same source, please view.
In determining McCain's citizenship these were the considerations by Congress:
Were both of his parents American citizens? During the vetting of McCain, the Senate passed a resolution (HR 511) saying BOTH parents must be citizens to determine natural born citizenship for a person born outside US (as McCain was).
1. born on American soil. (military base is legally American soil.)
2. born of TWO American citizens.
This is the resolution passed when McCain was vetted by Senate. It clearly says his father was AFRICAN, and a student from AFRICA.
I say this about does it for me. If you can still say HE SHOWED IT TO THOSE WHO NEEDED TO SEE IT, you're naive. If you can still think the 'birthers' had no right to ask him to show it, you are willingly naive.
Why didn't he release the long form first? He swore that the COLB was the only one he had. Gov. Abercrombie of Hawaii said the long form did not exist. Tim Adams, a Hawaiian government offical who signed an affidavit stating he was told the LONG FORM did not exist. And why did Hawaiian Dept. of Health say they would NO LONGER release ANY long form birth certificates to ANY ONE?
Why does he have a Connecticut social security number reserved for those who were living in Connecticut when neither he nor his parents ever lived in that state?
We don't live in America anymore. I don't care if anyone agrees at all with me. The man is a liar and I still have the right to say so. I hope you will honestly review this material and not just post angery or abusive rants. Tell me honestly what you think of these allegations.
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10 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I have forwarded these two shocking videos to all my friends and also to the local TV stations. They succeeded in fueling my disgust not only for Obama but more importantly for our elected members of Congress and the Senate. These government officials who are supposed to protect our country have sold us out! THEY have perpetrated the usurper Ibn Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President of the USA. Nothing will happened until 'We the People' take charge of the destiny of our country by getting rid of these crooked senators and congressmen and hopefully elect new government officials who love and protect our country (if they exist) and do not allow us to be duped into accepting an ineligible leader.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Apr 11
BTW Debra thank you for such an excellent informative discussion topic.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 May 11
I have always wondered why Obama had such a soft sport for illegal (UNDOCUMENTED) immigrants and is determined to give them blanket amnesty...IT IS BECAUSE HE IS ALSO AN UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT! He might even need amnesty himself one day!
Thanks for this new link!

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Thats a link to the resolution.
You are one I should be thanking! You are amazing. I had planed to get busy today and email my representative and congresswoman. I was at work yesterday and when I got home I was so tired, but here you are...up and at 'em! God Bless your efforts!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Apr 11
McCain did show proof of citizenship when asked, and by doing so put the issue to rest for all. Obama could have done the same.
All of the machinations served only one purpose, to distract from the real issues and to keep some factions occupied with chasing clues and filing lawsuits while Obama got to work on his agenda.
Certainly Obama has had his long form BC all along. He kept it back for political reasons, to keep the controversy going. A recent study shows that most of the news coverage on "birthers" (not the birth certificate) was on MSNBC and CNN. They kept the focus on the "crazies". They've done this to keep people from listening to any objections coming from the right.
Is Obama a shady character? No doubt, he is. Are there plenty of unanswered questions? Of course there are. And certainly a lot of people told a lot of different stories to try to make it appear that Obama had a good reason to not release his BC. And I still haven't figured out the whole SS number thing.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Apr 11
Yup, it was all corrupt dealing and strategizing.. just Chicago thug politics.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 11
What concerns me is that when asked to do so for Obama, Congress refused. All this time...the left has been swaring they saw a birth certificate, they had done the vetting...and it was a lie. Not that privately they hadn't, but legally and publically they had not and even REFUSED to do so. Then to swear they had when asked is dispicable.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
1 May 11
What I have been wondering is this: If Barack Obama is a legitimate American, why hasn't anyone asked if he registered for Selective Service, as all American males are REQUIRED TO DO UPON REACHING THE AGE OF 18. If, indeed, he was an American citizen at that time this was, and still is, the law of the land. Did he comply with that requirement? If not, why not? I still agree with you Debra. I hope someone will take my concern seriously, but I doubt that it will help this situation.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
2 May 11
I am not well versed in what the accepted practice is, or what it was at the time, but I do know that the numbers that were used when I did it in 1964 used a certain order in the identification number. I still remember the number I was assigned at that time: 373462
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 May 11
He did register... or at least a copy of his supposed documents was found some time ago. There were inconsistancies in that as well.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 May 11
His social security number was issued to him in 1977, from the state of Connecticut. No one in his family ever lived in Connecticut. Isn't a person registered for selective service with their ss#? There are people investigating it now.
I remember reading about that very thing once. I can't remember where.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 May 11
Excellent article and good links. 0bama and cronies don't have a leg to stand on. These 2 vidoes should be shown nonstop during the next election.
I see the usual suspects are strangely absent from this discussion. Could it be they have no defense of these videos?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
1 May 11
Why was Senator John McCain's citizenship challenged in the first place?I remember for a year or so Kennyrose post on Obama's lack of citizenship.She was black balled by the Obama supporters and kick off the site in the end.Kennyrose post the truth,President Obama is not constitutional eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.In a nut shell President Obama has committed treason against the United States.We are either a nation of laws or a lawless nation.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
1 May 11
Why was Senator John McCain's citizenship challenged in the first place?I remember for a year or so Kennyrose post on Obama's lack of citizenship.She was black balled by the Obama supporters and kick off the site in the end.Kennyrose post the truth.President Obama is not constitutional eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.In a nut shell President Obama has committed treason against the United States.We are either a nation of laws or a lawless nation.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 May 11
In a way, I wish they'd read it. I appreciate you all. But its like preaching to the choir...not that that is bad. But you all know what's going on. The country needs this message. I admire what Whiteheather has done. I've sent emails as well. We'll see if they care. My rep. JoAnn Emmerson claims to be a Christain.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Apr 11
In John McCain's citizenship hearing which then Senator Barack Obama was involved in. Senator Obama agreed with the court a natural born citizen has to be born on American soil and both parents must be citizens of the United States.In McCain's case being born in an American military installation John McCain was deemed by the court to be natural born and a citizen of the United States.If you have not listen to the John Sidney McCain natural born citizen case go to my post "Is President Obama natural born".The document President Obama placed on the white house page has been deemed by many to be a fake.Listen at the link below as to why it is being called a fake.This could be bigger then even water gate.We have not heard the end of this by far.Obama supporters including the MSM did no bother to investigate what so ever they all jumped on the band wagon the moment it was released.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Apr 11
...And the bile rises as my stomach sickens...
"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into." ~ Jonathan Swift, satirist 1667-1745
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I hope to see the looks on the mugs of those who called us "birthers" & refused to admit even the idea that something is rotten in D.C. when this is totally public knowledge!
But mostly I just want the usurper GONE.
Hurry November! 
P.S. Thanks again, Debra! Your links are awesome! (And bookmarked...
"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into." ~ Jonathan Swift, satirist 1667-1745

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I appreciate the encouragement, considering I've been told I read 'drivel' and my links are boring.
But then it is all a matter of perspective. I can accept someone has a different perspective.
I am saddened by all this in actuality. IF we get full disclosure, if the Senate does the right thing, and I'm going to flood the halls of Congress with emails to be sure they do, what is going to happen? This is history Maggiepie...and I'm sorta scared of the blow back.

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I find the prospect of our allowing him to go unchecked to complete his shredding of the Constitution a lot scarier. You're right, though; this is history, & whether we fight this monstrosity or slack off & let him & his cronies get away with destroying our country, we're all going to be a part of that history.
If anyone accuses your links of being boring, that's a pretty good sign they're afraid people will look & learn the truth. I say it's a good sign that you're upsetting their rotten apple cart!
BraVA, dear warrior!
"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into." ~ Jonathan Swift, satirist 1667-1745

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@Mickie30 (2626)
30 Apr 11
We are living in a world that is soon going to be over taken. We cannot trust anyone. We have no freedom anymore in this world. The only freedom that can be granted is when you accept Jesus Christ and know that there is a world beyond this one that is far better than anything this world can offer.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Apr 11
If the Senate had of actually read the law and the US Constitution, they wouldn't have had a need to challenge his eligibility.
The law clearly states that anyone born outside the United States is still a US citizen if both their parents are citizens. There are exceptions defined for people born outside the US with only 1 parent who is a citizen, but since both of McCain's parents were citizens, they don't come into play.
Even if only 1 of his parents was a citizen, his father was serving in the US Military, so that would have made him a citizen anyway.
As for Barrack Obama, he was born in Hawaii. Since Hawaii is a state, so only one of his parents had to be a US citizen for him to be one.
He is a US Citizen. Since he didn't have to be naturalized to become a citizen of the United States, he is a Natural Born Citizen.
As you point out, there are still serious questions to be answered. However, reading the law, it is clear that he does meet the Constitutional, as well as legal, criteria of a Natural Born Citizen.
For the record, I'd like to hear why he has a CT SS# too!
btw, if you are going to call people "naive", don't issue a threat to "report" anyone who calls you names.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Apr 11
But the fact no one HAS to prove their eligibility is disturbing. I mean, if someone has to prove they are eligible to be a lowly private in the Army! I see no reason to hold the one vying for Commander in Chief to a higher standard.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Apr 11
The sad thing is, there was actually no real basis to challenge McCain's eligibility, nor was there any reason to pay any resolutions (which btw, aren't laws). The law clearly states that people born in other countries, of military members, are citizens.
I am nothing close to a McCain supporter, but them challenging his eligibility was nothing but harassment.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I was talking about the nasty names.
Anyway, I think there should be Congressional hearings on why one candidate was required to show proof and the other wasn't. Afterall, there WERE questions on his eligibility too, I'm not so sure I agree with your legal assessment of the resolution.
Here's the link to it.
It expired in two years. How does that work? Is it like 'precedent' in law?

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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
7 May 11
I watched the video, and you know what? Think for just a moment about how many of us are descended from immigrants? If what the video is in fact true, then my mother could never have been president. Why? Because her father was an immigrant who married an American. My boyfriend can never be president either. Why? His mother was Scottish-born but married an American, and as a result, he holds dual citizen ship. Immigration was still quite prevalent into the 20th century. The reason they asked McCain was because he WAS born outside of the United States, they needed clarification as to whether it was on US soil. And Obama was born in Hawaii in 1962--I (like every American SHOULD know) learned that it became a state officially in 1959. I believe that 1959 was still BEFORE 1961, unless that new math thing is still messing with my head...

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
7 May 11
I read (or tried to read) the link you provided--and to tell you the truth, the fact that there are FIVE different types of birth certificates is ridiculous! That is a tremendous waste of time and money.
As the granddaughter of an immigrant AND a sixth-generation DAR member, I'd like to know just WHAT tyrant state I'm at risk of becoming a slave to?
Something to think about...we managed to get through what, 40+ elections without any major issues, yet the last THREE have all been contested? Honestly, we have our priorities as a nation wrong. We are now still within one of the worst economic periods ever (still--I haven't seen any major end to the Great Recession); we're part of not one, not two, but THREE wars (WHY?!?!); and we're still fighting about the past? It's done...let's begin to move on and rebuild our nation instead of destroying it.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 May 11
Being the grandchild of immigrants myself I have no beef with those who came here for a better life. My beef is the disregard for the Constitutional Law I am seeing in this America.
Take a look at the laws of Hawaii. Decide for yourself. But don't take someone's word for it.
As an American you have a birthright. An inheritance. Fight for it, your ancestors that immigrated came here for a reason and it wasn't for their descendants to become slaves to a tyrant state.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 May 11
This is the biggest part of what is destroying it. People who want so badly to move on, they don't fix whats wrong were they are. As a DAR, you of all people should be most concerned with protecting and upholding our Constitution.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
30 Apr 11
I didn't and don't want to believe he was not born in the US. I did start to wonder what took so long for him to produce the long form. Seems to me it would have eliminated a lot of speculation. I know the answer from some is 'why should he' well for me that's not good enough. In my opinion he should have requested the long form 2 years ago. I find it hard to believe he wasn't born in why the 'games'???
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 11
Did you watch the videos. There is info there that I didn't include in my written OP.
The games are because he is hiding something.
i detest that the media has played along with this farce and tried to make those who vote, who buy their newspapers and listen to their broadcasts look like fools. Congress REFUSED to look into Obama's records and FORCED McCain to their scrutiny. And then, there's the very house resolution that Obama hhelped draft that says TWO PARENTS must be citizens...all the while he's got a father who is not. What does it take to make people realize he's lying!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 May 11
An expert of 28 years says birth certificate released by Obama shows evidence of enhancement and possible change.
Sine we were told all along that this document DIDN'T exist at all, and now we have an expert saying its been tampered with, what are we to think?
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 May 11
I understood there was a short form and long form. The short form was released and the long form needed special approval to be released. Finally Obama asked for the long form.
I find it hard to believe he is fabricating all this..he would had to have known he would be caught.
I disagree with Obama on some things but this is one I really think is legit.