Dont make me ill!

@la_chique (1498)
May 3, 2011 5:27pm CST
I feel so annoyed sometimes, like today. I try really hard to stay away from illnesses. I use a disposable handkerchief when I sneeze, always cover my mouth when I cough or yawn and carry around an antibacterial hand gel in my handbag so I dont spread germs. I try to keep all the surfaces in my house antibacterialised and if I do ever have a cold I am always very courtious about not coughing in other peoples direction so I dont pass on my germs to them. Anyway, back to today, and plenty of other similar days, at work, someone I was providing technical support to had a horrible cold. You could see from her face how ill she was. All puffed up and sniffly. She was using the back of her hand to wipe away the mucus from her nose and coughing and spluttering right beside me in my direction without covering her mouth. I couldnt say anything because I would have got into trouble for being mean but I thought that was just disgusting. Anyway, a little later on my way home, a man on a bicycle was going past me as I was waiting to cross the road. He was just cough cough cough coughing I could see all the way as he was cycling towards me. I thought that he would at least stop it when he went past me, but no, instead he looked right in my direction and did a huge cough, enough so I actually felt his breath on my face. How disgusting. So I tried to hold my breath, but yuk! Is it just me, or are some people just completely inconsiderate? Its no wonder so many illnesses keep on spreading with so many disgusting people about. If everyone at least covered their mouths when they coughed, things would spread far less! What do you think?
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14 responses
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
4 May 11
Yes, people are inconsiderate. Most of them are thinking only about themselves so consideration for others would never enter their minds. Physicians and health organizations have tried to air public service announcements to help combat spreading of infectious diseases which have helped but there will always be those who think these things are not aimed at them.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
4 May 11
not only aimed at them they probably never read or heard about it. I was blessed I got to volunteer with an organization and got to learn a lot personally from CDC. So I always try to think of others as well as myself. Love the little avatar!
• China
4 May 11
i can totally understand your feeling and i also hate people who are impolite and rude,that's a lack of respect for others...don't they feel disgusting when others do the same to them. i seldom use handkerchief coz i feel it's inconvinient to wash frequently while i carry tissue and papertowel in my handbag in case of coughing and sneezing besides i have to clean my mouth every time after dinner to make sure i am far away from germs and avoiding passing on bacterial to others,i think it's a responsibility both on ourselevs and others... well it's inevitable to meet with those discourteous people so enhancing your resistance to disease and do much physical exercise...
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 May 11
Personally it has made me wonder. Especially when there are so many people out there with illnesses that cannot really afford to be around people who are sick like this. I know many Doctors offices anymore make you wear a mask if you are coughing even while in the waiting room, and suggest you do this if you are going to be around others. Makes you wonder though sometimes why some people are not caring when it comes to passing along their germs.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 May 11
I think so too. People should know to cover their mouth when they cough. We do not want the germs all over the place as it is. they also need to wash their hands afterwards.
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@betlynfrnds (4069)
• United States
5 May 11
Oh, that's just nasty!!! I'm annoyed in your behalf. Some people are so inconsiderate. It's common sense to cover the mouth when sneezing or coughing. You are so right - if more people would be more careful and keep their germs in a hanky or tissue then wash the hands, I think we would have a lot less illness going around. I get so aggrivated when people causually mingle with other people knowing good and well that they're sick and contageous. STAY AWAY!!!
• Australia
16 May 11
Ewww thats gross. People are so inconsiderate.
@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
4 May 11
It definitely is inconsiderate. I realize sometimes people are so ill they aren't really thinking straight, but if they are going to be around us, surely they would like the courtesy for themselves if our positions were reversed. One of my pet peeves is when someone sneezes and makes no attempt to cover their mouth or turn their head.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
4 May 11
Its okay to be concerned about your health, but don't get carried away with it. Somewhere along the way you will stop enjoying life, with all its decease causing elements. There is a new thought in Medicine today, "Resistance to decease". Most of the common sicknesses we have are easily countered by the right diet. Epidemics need to be countered on emergency basis. The habits of hygiene you have described are of that nature. There is this difference between good hygiene and extreme hygiene which needs to be redifined. Your encounter with the cyclist can be very upsetting and I appreciate and understand your concerns completely. But then consider this: Cough and cold are caused by viruses which infect via the contact or air-borne route. When any one sneezes or coughs, the spittle and the breath that comes out may come into contact with a person nearby. This by itself is not so bad, this virus laden rubbish must be ingested via mouth or nasally to start incubation and then the disease becomes full blown. The other way is the use of material of an infected person by a healthy subject to get contact infection. There is no way the cyclist could have infected you by coughing in passing. BTW holding your breath is not a solution. SO relax and give yourself a break! Enjoy life!
• United States
4 May 11
Oh gosh no this is terrible. If anytime I am sick I will immediately try and stay away and or upfront let someone know so that not only I safe guard but them too. I hate feeling sick so last thing I would want is for someone to feel miserable like me. I agree that many need to cover their mouth and or not open sneeze while other are around so that the germs do not get expose to everyone. Should do all of this in tissue, at least it is courteous too.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
3 May 11
Love your discussion. I keep tissues with me all the time. And if I need to sneeze and in the kitchen I grab a papertowel. Don't feel to good on the nose but at least I didn't spread any germs. On the other hand my husband will sneeze and sneeze and I offer him a tissue in the car and he says he don't need one and wipes whatever on his pants.UGH He NEVER gets sick. Then his mother is in a nursing home. We visited her after we had been on vacation. I felt good everything was fine. There was no place for me to sit except on her bed. next morning I woke up to flu like symptoms. I SWORE I would not go back to that home. I had not been back there for over 6 months. The week before Easter she got ill. My husband went and visited her and told me she was not looking good. I have a background in medical and worked at various nursing homes and when they called me I finally went in and saw her. Not going into the details of what I encountered, but after visiting her twice last week, I now have the flu or cold or something AGAIN. So, I am with you...I am trying to stay away from all this stuff I have a low immune system anyway. Even if you don't have the money for a box of kleenex I always have napkins in my car from getting a burger here and there. Not many things are free these days but we can always find a napkin or go in a restroom with toilet paper to use. I think its just everyone does not think they will make others sick, and always in a hurry. or just plain don't care about anyone else that could make them sick.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
4 May 11
I cannot stop myself from laughing at what you just have narrated. People could sometimes be so inconsiderate. They could have readied themselves with handkerchief or tissue since they know that they will be coughing and sneezing. Had that happened to me , i would surely tell them to at least cover their mouth!
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
5 May 11
thats disgusting i could understand your disgust I would be rather peeved myself but the sad truth is that alot of society doesnt care to much about each other. they cough,sneeze or whatever right in your face not caring that they are getting others ill. I agree that it would be nice if more ppl could cover their mouths or use a tissue to cover it or something.
• Philippines
4 May 11
EXACTLY!!!!I haven't gone out of my room because I have the flu and I don't want to spread it, but I got this I'm sure from the girl sitting next to me in the bus when I came to the city from my province, she coughed and coughed without covering her mouth and wipes her hand in her sides! and she's a girl!!!! in early twenties I guess like I am...tsk, tsk, tsk...
• Hong Kong
4 May 11
omfg! dats really gross looks like u had a ill day.yeah well i think its really rude to cough in sm1's face and people r so selfish they dnt thnk abt oder ppl nd so narrow minded i mean cnt they thnk long and consider wat could be caused by their actions.I agree wid u nd try staying away frm such ppl.They r just... GROSS!