How did you get your name?

@lady1993 (27224)
May 4, 2011 3:40am CST
I am not really saying write your real name here.. Just how? I didn't get my name from anyone, it just started with the first letter of my father's name...and then they scrambled the letters of my mom t add to it.My name is pretty ordinary. But it's nice.
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15 responses
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
4 May 11
I was named after a Miss Universe. My mom said her mother was a customer of theirs and they were ecstatic to know about her beautiful daughter.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
You are from the Philippines right? i think I know who you got your name from, did she win the pageant? So is it Gloria Diaz?... She is really beautiful and her daughter is too- who's going into showbiz now.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
9 May 11
Yes, I am. And, yes, she did - 1968.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
9 May 11
Ooops, my bad. 1969. I was born 10 years after, but since she was the first to win the MU crown, my parents remembered her still. Besides, they said her mom was really nice to them.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
10 May 11
I think it was a name that my mom heard on a radio show while I was still in her tummy. And it must start with an "R" as most of my cousins name start. I just don't know what is so special about the "R" in our family. But I still follow it naming my son thereafter. My mom wasn't really that creative and was very considerate. She probably thought I would have problems writing a very long name. So she gave me a very short one with only 4 letters. I usually am done writing my name before my classmates are through. Thanks mom!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
10 May 11
And I know yours too! I remember that we had an assignment when I was young and we were told to know the meanings of our names. There is such a thing about biblical names and their meanings. I was amazed about how wonderful the meaning of my classmates name are. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my name on it and I scanned the dictionary and there it mom named me after a bird!!!!!
• Philippines
10 May 11
a lovely bird Mine means red fox even my name sounds dangerous and wild
• Philippines
10 May 11
hi sweetpea, me too my name start with R now i know your name
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
4 May 11
I get it from my mom! My mom gave me my name. I did ask her what the meaning behind my name but according to my mom it does not has any meaning. She just like it.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Oh, yeah, usually moms give their children their name.. There is a dictionary that has definitions or meanings of names though.. It's really nice since you get to know what your name means and everything.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
9 May 11
No books say anything about my name.LOL My mom like it so she wants her daughter have it. It is fine with me as long as it sounds good.
• Philippines
10 May 11
hi lady, My Mom got it from her favorite song and for 26 years i only met one person same name and spelling i thought i am the only one happy mylotting
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 May 11
Well, with all the billions of people all over the world, it's really possible to meet someone with the same name.. But you've got a more unique than me, I have met 3 or more people with the same name, and hundreds more all over the internet.
• Philippines
5 May 11
According to my mother, a nurse have given them the list of names in their hospital. When they stumbled in the name with a meaning of "Smart Friend", they loved it and they give that name to me.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
That is a nice it a simple name? It would be nice if all hospitals would do that too- so parents would be guided in giving names and they would also take meaningful names for their children.
• Philippines
11 May 11
Well my name is a simple name. But still i has a great meaning.
@MrNuink (67)
• Malaysia
4 May 11
My name is Wycliffe Nuing. My first name is from John Wycliffe, my second name is from the name of a mythical warrior god of my people,the Iban called Bungai Nuing.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Yeah, you got it right, but that is not exactly what my name is, just add and take out a few letters. That's great, you're Christian right, since you're named after a famous person in Christianity..
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Wow.. you've got a nice and unique name.. Is Wycliffe and actor? My name is also similar to the Roman goddess of hunting and the moon. Thank you for your response.
• Malaysia
7 May 11
Thanks, Im not sure if theres any actor by the name of Wycliffe :D haha, I think my parents name me after John Wycliffe, who was the first person to translate the Bible into English a long time ago. Roman goddess of moon and hunting, Diana right? :)
@asiregar (864)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
5 May 11
do not understand where the origin of the word of my name was taken by my parents, but when giving a name for my child comes from browsing on the internet
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Yeah, you can definitely find anything in the internet these can even find wonderful names here with their origins and meanings.. Thank you for your response.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
4 May 11
Primarily I got my name because my parents gave it to me. On how they came to naming me what they named is a long story of the tradition, of the community I belong to, in India. My first name is my surname. Second name is the family's guardian God's name, Third name is the name of the family lineage, Fourth name is the name of the snake god my maternal grandfather worshiped, Fifth name is that of an uncle who had passed away before I was born. Sixth name is my own name. Seventh name is the name of my community. Agreed it is like a loco drawing a hundred freight cars, but still it is my name. Officially, however, I use my first and sixth names.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 May 11
Yes, usually the parents give their names to their children, but sometimes the grandparents do it.. You have quite a long name.. Our old name (what people used a few centuries ago), we have only 5 or 6 names, it does sound nice though.. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
4 May 11
My mother and father chose my name from an article in a newspaper. They liked the name and that is how i came to have the name i have. the entire time that i attended school I only met one other person that had the same name as i do but she spelled it differently.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
hello, your name must have been really unique. Mine is not so unique yet not so popular either- but I do have met some people who has the same name and some even have the same spelling.
• Philippines
4 May 11
My father named me, I don't know where he got the first part of my first name but Stiffy came from a tennis player that he user name is my name BTW...
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Wow.. you've got a unique name, quite long.. What's your nickname??I don't really know any tennis player, or that much famous people in sports.. Thanks for your response.
@kramsgir (146)
• Philippines
4 May 11
My dad just came up with my name. I don't where he got it
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Aren't you even curious at all on how he made your name or something? Anyway, thanks for your response..
• Philippines
4 May 11
My mom just wanted to have all our names start in letter J. So she got Jasmin for because she can't think of any name that time that starts in letter J... :)
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Your name is pretty, like the Disney princess. My father wanted all our names to start with D though, like his name.. Thank you for your response.
• Philippines
4 May 11
My first name is a combination of the names of my parents. the first two letters of my name came from the first two letters of my mother's name, while the last three letters of my name came from the first three letters of my father's.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
I like combination of parent's names too.. Good thing your mother and father's name fit well. Thank you for your response altirbonganay.
@rose1717 (190)
• United States
5 May 11
My mother named me after my grandmother.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
7 May 11
Then it must be quite a beautiful name, since from what I have read and heard about grandmother's names, they some are simple but beautiful and has nice meaningss or even names of countries and other places.
@pradoz (404)
• India
10 May 11
I don't know how i got my name.But my name means 'to be a light to others'