CNN: Michael Moore speaks out OBL a cold blooded assassination by US

United States
May 6, 2011 1:09am CST
"They killed him not because there was a fire fight or something going on. They went there with the intention to kill him. That's an execution or an assassination, whatever you want to call it," Michael Moore told CNN.I have noticed the long time Obama supporters have not spoke out.Could they be upset as Michael Moore over President Obama's kill order? Michael Moore on CNN:
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11 responses
@ajk111 (2495)
6 May 11
it's pretty evident that is what the mission was about. michael moore is correct, it was an assassination. but before we get all pious here, this is not saddam hussain, the danger involved trying to stage a trail are enormous. the prospect of a terrorist act if this man was incarcerated are to horrendous to think of. i do not like the way the US took it upon themselves but what other option did they have?
• United States
7 May 11
ajk111, Eric Holder and Barack Obama put up a fight against the American people in their desire to bring a terrorist from Gitmo to New York City for trial. It is clear the white house ordered an assassination in regard to OBL.
• United States
8 May 11
Yes, they did put up a fight, but campaign time has begun so it's time to turn everything around and actually think what the people might want so Mr. O will be re-elected. Had he not started campaigning yet, Bin Laden would still be alive and waiting for the moment Obama needed to have him ordered killed.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
6 May 11
That kind of comment is to be expected from MM. But he'll probably cash in on the whole situation with a movie or a documentary.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 May 11
With Moore they aren't documentaries, they are propaganda.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
6 May 11
Well, yeah. That too. But he'll figure out a way to make money with the OBL news. It has already been politicized when it shouldn't have. The greed will not be far behind.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 May 11
Well, considering Moore is the president of the Bin Laden fan club, I don't doubt this. He's nothing but a pin worm who cheered on 9/11 and is now whining that his god was killed.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 May 11
Michael Moore, another term for vomit.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
6 May 11
Yestheypayme2dothis, If US is cold blooded, then what's his 911 which killed around 3000 people? Considering what he had done, I can only say that he is rightfully or should be executed instead of being brought back alive to face trial which could be wasting another few million dollars to house him and put up a trial.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 May 11
Interesting...People have been trying to KILL OR ASSASSINATE this person for years and now we have to defend this action...Why? Was this done illegally or something? It was a Killing...It was an Assassination. There are other Assassination orders out there for other people including Americans all ordered by Hussein Obama. Do we now have to not talk about those too? They are a fact and should be discussed...we have that right.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
8 May 11
Maybe, just maybe, someday Michael Moore and all "Obots" will be blessed to have the scales fall from their eyes and be thus unblinded to the truth re this Obamaniac who is cold, dark, deplorable and is decimating our once-free country. Every day that jihadist Obama sits in the WH illegally, unconstitutionally, he gives a KILL ORDER. He IS, among other things, the embodiment of the spirit of OBL which CRAVES the destruction of our nation and enending power over all nations.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 May 11
Consider the source and that said it all. MM is opposed to capitalism but likes the money he made. He thinks that Cuba has the best Medical Care but he is treated in the US. He seems to be opposed to everything American but won't give up the lifestyle. Enough said.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 May 11
I agree that moore will cash in on the situation. It is hard for people that have supported Obama to accept this assassination. Nevermind that there has been a price on his head for ten years that they could have objected to. Look at the money that killing him saved us in trials and security had we apprehended him.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 May 11
I agree that this is the sort of thing you can expect from Michael Moore. He is incapable of behaving in a rational manner. He praises anyone and anything anti-American and decries those who voice support for traditional Anerican values. Liberals are having a real hard time finding the right position on this. They should be against a secret operation to kill a terrorist without due process and to support it means they support a war. But then, it's the war that Obama said he supported so they can't be against it. It's making their brains swim. Maybe if Obama told the that the SEALs read Osama his rights before they shot him, they would be happier.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 May 11
He did the same thing on 9/ what's the problem? Bin Laden sent his people here with the intention to kill our people on 9/211. That's execution or an assassination, whatever you want to call it. At least we only killed him....Bin Laden killed thousands of men, women, children, policemen, fireman, not to forget those that are still alive but with health problems cause of what he did and the land damage it all causes and for absolutely no reason. What's Michael Dearest excuse for BL doing that?
• United States
6 May 11
When you sat "long time Obama supporters" exactly who are you talking about?