Have you ever worked in a group?

@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
May 17, 2011 10:47am CST
AS the title says, Have you ever worked as a team, by working here i mean something that you do for living, Was it hard to co-operate with others? what problems did you face? I personally find it quite easy to works as team, i know it is pretty hard for the team leader to manage everything but it gets easy for us to work in an organized work environment. also the fact the work gets way easier when it is approached by several peoples than by one. What do you think?
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12 responses
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
17 May 11
hi Rock Rock, i have not worked in a group till now,but this is not correct,now we are in the group of mylot people,but there is no group-leader to us to guide us,but alice and admin is there to guide us and to solve our problems,so this is the best group for me for ever ,mylot is my gateway to online earning and learning
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
17 May 11
indeed mylot is a group, and there are admins here working as a leader. thanks for you input.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
17 May 11
hi Rock Rock, thanks for the response,most of the social network sites are groups,there we will discuss every aspect with several people,but their in group people work physically,but here only online work with a supervision of the admin and moderators,that is the different we cannot find them but the activities guide us,have a nice day
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
17 May 11
I go with yugasini's ideas. Our rating has to be independent and not as a group. If it is group based then there is a possibility of it being biased. Still by reading the writing we can get to know the people, their thinking.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
17 May 11
I tried to work with a group before but the group leader did not give me any credit...it's good to work with a team but if they are not helpful I don't it will be worth...
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
17 May 11
yah kinda true, if the peoples are not co-operating specially the leader it could be a bad experience.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 May 11
The sad part is that when I joined and pay the membership fee for months. Their promise to put downline in my level is not fulfill all of their promises is lied. This is the reason why I don't want to join in a team anymore...
@allknowing (132209)
• India
18 May 11
I have had a few people reporting to me each having their own responsibility which I don't suppose can be called team work.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
Thats more like being a boss. Which has its own advantages i am sure, it can be however called as Team leading, your juniors report to you, you command, advice them on what to do next. yah kinda informal team thingy i guess.
• Philippines
18 May 11
Hi! I have worked both ways…with a group and alone. Working with a group is fine and effective if everybody does her share of work (I have experienced this and could truly be satisfying and gratifying ) but could be quite a load if everything lands on you (I have also experienced this and is truly frustrating. ) Other times, I would rather work alone if I want things done. I suppose work style would depend on the type of work that needs to be done and the kind of group you happen to be with.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
True the work kind matters a lot, but i think any work can be done more efficiently with a team effort provided there is an actual team effort and not peoples slacking off. lol
@cgrant (270)
• Spanish Town, Jamaica
18 May 11
I do try to work in groups and it has really proven to be beneficial. The thing that i hate about teams is the fact that most of the time, work is left on one person which is always me. Working in groups you will always find that there are persons who does little or no work and that is really annoying. I do better working by myself because if i fail i will know that the sole person to blame is myself. Sometimes when working in teams the work takes longer because persons do not always pull their weight. Do you think that an individual like myself who prefer working alone is selfish?
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
Yah it is indeed true there is always a certain someone who will try to avoid the work or let it on others and if you are the one the who gets to do all the work, its not at all being selfish, its kind of rude and stupid on their part who are slacking off and letting you do all the work, because in the end it will be them loosing the valuable work experience that might help them improving their skills. and if this has been going on for too long with you i understand you preference of working alone and its not at all selfish, what i think is you are so totally missing out working with a decent group, and you should report your leader about those slackers. They are generally the one that spoils a whole group environment.
• United States
18 May 11
I love working in groups as long as I am the group leader. I love having the responsibility of making choices that impact something significantly and I am talented at doing so. Although it can be extremely frustrating when members of the group seem to have no motivation to succeed.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
There are various famous theories that applies to the situation that you mentioned. such as when members are Able but unwilling to work the leader needs to show his/her supportive and participative side to make them work.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
17 May 11
Yes, I have worked as a team and I enjoyed it a great deal. I also have managed a group of employees and I enjoyed it as well. I find that it is hard to be a manager and a friend, but it helps to make the job easier.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
17 May 11
Old managerial bossy concept is vanishing nowadays, today managers main requirements are being friendly as well as efficient in getting the work done.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
14 Nov 11
i absolutely hate working in teams. i have ptsd and part of that means that i have problems being social, i don't like to talk much. i get frustrated when i feel like i am forced to. within every group their is a little fascist hilter . now that! i totaly can't take. give me my task and let me alone to do it. if i need help, i know how to go ask, and i take critism that is constructive and for the good well. the dealing with other people's personalities, i can do with out.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
17 May 11
I worked as an temporary worker for the IRS 1040 peeks. 9 days later they liked the way I performed and made me a team leader. I was shocked to get placed in that position so quickly. But they had said I caught on and learned all the positions and really needed me to assist others. Everyone liked me so working with a team was very easy for me. I think my good military training paid off as we always worked in teams. As they say we always had each others backs in the Army or any military force. So I think that is where I learned to work with others so well at a very early age.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
Yup discipline is very important, specially for the team works, I believe that was one of the reason they liked your work. thanks for your input
• Philippines
18 May 11
Yes, I do work with a team and a team leader. My team leader is nice and easy going. We can all talk to him directly regarding our concerns. The rest of the team are all okay. we get along just fine. However, I think wherever you are, there will always be this one or two person that will have an attitude and will not be willing to work with the rest of the team. There is this one person in our team. She is the oldest but she act as if she is the youngest. She has a very low self esteem and she thinks that everyone in the team is looking down on her. I personally decided to just not talk to her. I didn't want to end up saying things that I will regret afterwards so decided to just talk to her regarding work related issues. However, she still thinks that I have personal issue with her, and she tells everyone that I am angry with her. I am definitely not angry with her. I do not have personal issue with her. The thing is, I do not like her attitude towards work so I decided not to befriend her. Am I not even allowe to choose who I befriend at work?
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 May 11
I get it how you feel, i believe it would be wise to talk to her and tell her honestly how you feel be careful while putting it in to words as you dont want to hurt her. You never know your honest feelings towards her could help her change herself and it might end up being favorable for all the group members including you. Ignoring is not at all a good idea also befriending someone in your group should be the last option that you wanna resort to. Well thats what i think. Good luck.
@katieh (151)
17 May 11
I almost always work in a group. Sometimes we have very clearly defined roles (for instance in one project I am writing the program and another team member is setting up the website it is to go on). Sometimes it's less well-defined (in another project we are all fixing different problems with the same program, but sometimes we discover that problems overlap). I don't personally find it hard, and I appreciate having someone else to bounce my ideas off. It's much easier to find the oopsies before they turn into disasters if a fresh pair of eyes takes a look at them.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
17 May 11
indeed! clearly defined roles are very helpful but it somehow tend to follow bureaucracy which has its own disadvantages.
• Philippines
17 May 11
I've never worked with a group before but I've always wanted to try. I think it would be easier to work with a team because the workload would be easier.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
17 May 11
Yup working as team is indeed comfortable, as you can see here lots of peoples have expressed their positive views about working in a group. im sure you will experience group work too at some point.