" Fire Ronald Mc Donald!" a rant!

United States
May 18, 2011 7:27pm CST
Our kids are overweight and the Only thing they can agree on is... firing Ronald McDonald?! Are you kidding me? They actually think if the clown leaves the picture All the kids in the U.S. will Automatically will stop wanting burgers?Really? I hate to tell them but it is the food , Not the clown that kids like and want. And busy parents will drive thru and get dinner regardless if Ronald is there or not. The best thing to do to get our kids to be thinner is to make the streets and playground safer so kids can go out and play. And take away the computer games for at least 1 hour a day So they Have to go out and play.Your thoughts.
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19 responses
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 May 11
I agree! There is alot more to the obesity mess than a clown with red hair. The streets and the playgrounds do hold the key. Parents would rather their children be inside doing whatever just to keep from being afraid that they might be stolen or killed.
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• United States
19 May 11
Yes. back in my day I would get home do homework and then go out and play until the street lights went on. Saturdays , Sundays and all summer I was only inside when it rained!
• United States
19 May 11
Stranger danger definitely plays a larger role than a big-shoed clown!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 May 11
I remember those days too. I would play outside from sun up to sun set. Me and all the other kids in the neighborhood. I live in suburban area...rural is not far..and it is not near as dangerous here as it is in some places...but it is getting there quick. The crime rate is rising and it seems like everytime I turn on the TV there is a child that has been hurt, killed, or kidnapped. Maybe not in my town...but in close surrounding areas. It is scary. That clown is the least of my worries too.
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• United States
19 May 11
You eat too much you get fat. In America the serving sizes alone is too much compared everywhere else in the planet.
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• United States
19 May 11
No, If you eat too much fat And you don't exercise you get fat. I agree We super size everything.
• United States
19 May 11
Nope its not just fat...any extra calories you don't use will turn into fat.
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• United States
20 May 11
Here is a link for a documentary called "supersize me" that most high schools in america maybe even elementary schools have seen. It was interesting to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7Tv_mihMBA
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 May 11
It's all dumb. I am a single mom of 4 and yes...poor. All 4 of my girls are fit and small girls. Some of it is genetic of course but I have to think that much of it has to do with the parent's mentality. I cook at home and my girls never ate at those places a lot. They were a "treat" for us. You can put all the rules and regulations on fast food places but they won't do any good. The type of parents that would take their kids to fast food places as a regular place to eat will still find quick and unhealthy ways to feed their kids should McDonald's magically disapear. I eat right and my girls are grown and all eat healthy for the most part. If we want a greasy burger ...why not? Two of my girls work at Wendy's. One weighs 80 pounds and the other weighs 120 pounds and had a baby 4 months ago. The blame lies with the people and not the fast food places. My daughters could eat for free where they work and they choose to more than not eat whatever I'm cooking for dinner. It's a parent thing.
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• United States
19 May 11
stine1, you must want to kill me! I have a sweet tooth but I only have one dessert a day. I eat what others call junk and yet I lost weight. The only reason I can come up with is that I walk constantly at work. No way do I " exercise" outside of work! I guess your family was Meant to be round. I'm round too. I always say I'm in shape, Round,lol! Take care.
• United States
21 May 11
Thanks I have always been round so I never thought I was to be thin! but then again I wasn't with the "In" crowd where size and looks mattered. My group of friends were the Crazy/ smart group. So I didn't get the message that I Had to be a size 0. Now I'm so glad I didn't. my guy Loves my curves. tell your friend She is the prefrct size for the guy/girl that is right for her.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 May 11
Stine, Maybe you are NOT overweight but just curvy and meant to be that way. I have a friend that is absolutely beautiful who is always complaining that she is overweight. I suppose she is if you go by the "charts". She is a big girl but truthfully has a very curvy and beautiful body. I can't picture her being any other way. It's just how she is meant to be.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 May 11
I say get rid of the golden arches and get a better jingle, that will fix the problem...
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• United States
20 May 11
They could have the food in grey buildings and they would Still go.
• United States
19 May 11
The new Bobby Bacala lemon commercial isn't doing it for ya?
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 May 11
That is pretty ridiculous. It's not Ronald's fault that kids eat junk food. It's the parents. And is parents and school both that don't make sure kids get enough exercise. Shoot, when I was in elementary school, we started the day on the playground, then had recess at mid-morning, again after lunch and at mid-afternoon. And you know what? We had few kids who were fat and few who "had the wiggles" with all that outdoors play.
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• United States
19 May 11
sid it is a parent thing And a kid thing. My mom tried to get me to eat since bringing me home from the hospital but I wouldn't eat . there is no way I would have a salad! So it is up to both the parent to introduce the healthy food and the kids to eat it. I don't think Every parent that goes to Mc Donald's is lazy, just too busy.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 May 11
Kenzie, I so agree with you. And why not cut some of the teacher's aides? Back when I was in school we had one teacher that taught a class of 30 at least. Now they have a class of 15 with at least one or two teacher aides. I can't buy that poor people are the ones that do McDonald's ....I'm poor and I cook at home. I really very rarely spend money at those places. It"s not poor people ...it is "LAZY" people. Tonite me and my daughter who works at Wendy's had a salad for dinner that consisted of lettuce, celery, cheese...I grated, Carrots,,I grated, cukes, onions, tomatos....she could have eaten at wendy's....this was her choice. It's a parent thing for sure.
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• United States
19 May 11
Oh, and....our test scores were much better than today's kids too. Back then, they realized that in order to learn, kids need to be kids, they need exercise and they need art and music lessons to have balance. Today when budgets are tight, the first things they cut are phys ed, art and music. Dumb. Cut a few administrators.
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• Canada
19 May 11
i hope they do get rid of ronald mcdonald. i only want that because i absolutely hate clowns lol. Other than that I don't get how they figure getting rid of him will stop childhood obesity. The problem is their food. They need to majorly improve on that. Also the parents need to learn to say no more often to the kids when they ask for junk food, and there kids be active atleast an hour a day.
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• United States
19 May 11
I hate clowns too.The problem is if they say no to junk food, What is for dinner. Many parents have no time to cook. so if they don't do McDonalds and the others What is for dinner?It is sad.
• United States
24 May 11
Oops.Ok. Then There must be more people like me. I never learned to cook nor will I ever learn. Either It is frozen food where I heat it up Or I order in Or Mc Donalds here I come.
• Canada
24 May 11
its not hard to make a homemade meal with in 10-15 minutes thats healthy. i do it all the time.
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• Canada
7 Jun 11
I agree with you. I never gave a damn about the clown, even when I was a little kid. Kids are going to eat the food as long as parents buy it for them, and as long as they like the taste of it. I agree with you. Busy parents go through drive- thrus.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
19 May 11
i really dont think that Ronald McDonald has much to do with kids being overweight, it is the parents that are at fault. really, kids are too busy as are parents with only time to grab fast food for supper. kids are left to entertain themselves and they dont go outside, they are on the computer and playing video games.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 May 11
I agree and I also told my daughter that if all they do is sit in front of a video game they lose their desire to use their imagination.....and there goes the arts etc....they need to get out and play! Fresh air is good for them too!
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• United States
20 May 11
• United States
19 May 11
Just read this discussion to my husband and now we are in a heated debate. We love to debate so it is nothing serious actually very normal for us. We both agree that firing Ronald McDonald is a dumb idea because it will not a difference. But he thinks they should eliminate the playplaces because this is why McDonald's is so popular with children. I think the playplace is a genius idea because at least they are burning off their calories!
• United States
19 May 11
Tell Hubby we are in this mes because Many Play places are not being used in the first place! If kids got to run and play outside , then they wouldn't be so fat!
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
19 May 11
It looks like there are about 550 advocate groups that want McDonald's and others in the food industry to be more responsible with their marketing to kids. Part of that responsibility would be to introduce more healthful food in their kids' meals. Dropping Ronald McDonald would be just one of the measures that they are advocating. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703509104576329610340358394.html Kids want McDonald's food because they taste good. I do see how Ronald McDonald, the toys in the kids' meals, and the play equipment at the restaurants may have some impact but the first line of defense would be for the parents to stop patronizing the place.
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• United States
19 May 11
They can take away Ronald and the toys And people Will Still go why? The food taste good. and it is fast and cheap. Parents will Still drive thru and get a quick and easy dinner.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
21 May 11
Your discussion hit it right on the money! I could not of said it any better!
1 person likes this
• United States
21 May 11
Thanks Friend!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
19 May 11
Ronald McDonald is an icon. He is not the reason for children being oberweight throughout the nation. /choices are the reason behind much of this. we can't blame it on one franchise or name one name to shoulder the blame. firing ronald mcDonald is no solution to this problem.
• United States
19 May 11
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
19 May 11
I thought that he was already fired a long time ago! I haven't seen Ronald around, in the 3 McDonald's near my place. Even the one inside Wal-Mart. So, I'm definitely sure that he's not the one attracting people to come in. This is so funny because when my kids play baseball (and Teeball for the little one), they always ask to go to McDonalds afterwards. And I don't see anything wrong with it.
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• United States
20 May 11
They just worked their little a$$es off playing ball! Yes, It is great that you take them to McD's!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 May 11
Isn't that the truth? I mean, I don't watch kid tv but frankly...I haven't seen Ronald McDonald in a LONG time! Wyhen My kids were little, I saw him all the time. I go to MCd's once or twice a month, but even then..I don't see the clown hardly at all...if I even see him! Granted I am not looking like a kid would, but I am not blind either! Yes, take their hand-held games away and make them play outside, or ride bikes or something and let's see how much weight they will loose! And have more fun while loosing! No one ever mentions that tho...it is always someone else's fault their kid is over weight. They act like the clown is force feeding their kid! What a bunch of idiots!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 May 11
That's so true , I couldn't agree more. What has firing Ronald got to do with all this unwanted issues. Ronald is just a garnish , a caviar not the real course menu , so to speak.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 May 11
Cosmetic change is all they can come up with cause nobody wants to give up the millions of dollars they make selling the burgers and fries. And yes, I agree the parents are not going to stop using it as a convenience just cause Ronald's gone. It's not just the burgers though, have you read the labels of some of the food in the supermarket? High fructose corn syrup and MSG are making them unhealty too.
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@picjim (3002)
• India
19 May 11
I can't agree more with you.There have to be better facilities at playground.the children have to be encouraged to participate more.When we were younger since the computer wasn't as freely available,we would automatically go to the ground and play.We could play at streets.We would cycle more.Another factor in addition to the burgers which has to be curtailed is the excess intake of aerated drinks.Recent reports seem to suggest that each of these drinks contains the equivalent of 13 spoons of sugar.
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@flapiz (23289)
• United Kingdom
19 May 11
Well I love Mc Donald. I like their chicken fillet. I also know it is unhealthy, but thank God I'm not fat. I do want to be skinnier though. The thing is you are right, even if they take out Mc Donald there are still other options. Still a lot of junk food(which I do like). Our rule here at home is you can eat whatever you want but you should work out to burn the pounds your food had added to you. Like my dad buys us pizza or ice cream, but in the morning we jog for an hour or two. To sweat it out and burn it. Healthier lifestyle is the option. Stop blaming the food. It's not the fault of Mc Donald. It's OUR fault. It's our choice. So let's not point a finger here. Instead practice self control and self discipline. After all, you were not forced by Mc Donald to eat their food, right?
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