When does life become easier?

May 20, 2011 5:18am CST
I've asked myself this question over and over and over for awhile now. I've never any money, all I do is work, my pets drive me mental, my partner and I bicker, I wanna move house but can't seem to find an area I like, my health at 24 is TERRIBLE, and i'm completely terrified to loose my partner even though I know she completely adores me. I fight with my parents constantly, I have crap, unreliable friends.. and even though I know people have it far worse than me.. I can't help but start to get really down, and think, whats the point. Does everyone go through stages of feeling like this? Because this has been the longest 7 month "point" of my life..
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13 responses
@Orson_Kart (7071)
• United Kingdom
21 May 11
You should have visited the queen while she was over there in Ireland, that would have cheered you up no end. I watched some of the coverage on tv and everyone seemed very excited that she was there. You could have got your little flag out and waved for all you were worth and felt good, I know I did. :)
• United Kingdom
25 May 11
Me neither! I am a republican myself and thought we might have been spared a bit of press while they were gone. No chance! damn :( Higherarchy is probably more right than the 'right' spelling. lol Off with their heads I say!
2 Jun 11
haha!! very Robin hood ;)
25 May 11
haha, i'm irish.. i wouldn't have been very interested in seeing the british queen. i don't believe in monarchy or higherarchy [can't spell] lol x
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
21 May 11
Unload your burdens to God through prayer and your life would be easy.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
21 May 11
24 May 11
to be honest, i don't believe in this. god cannot advise me, no matter how much i pray. i believe in god, but i need a physical voice.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 May 11
Life is tough. it never was meant to be easy. The more you deal with your problems the better life gets for you because you get stronger and they don't feel so bad. That's been my experience anyway. I've found over time that the least I depend on others and the more I count on myself ..the easier life is.
25 May 11
yeah, i think thats what i need to do, rely on myself more..
@akangirl (2436)
• India
20 May 11
Life becomes easy when you how to smile more at everything that comes in your way. Trust me that works. Being positive and taking that same attitude can work wonders in simple things everyday. I will wish everyday would be a bright day and would be really positive about everything. Even in problems also i try and sharpen my skills and utilise my available tools or assets to overcome them. They are just challenges everyday to me. Friends are also some part of my life. My day is not complete without meeting any of them now here and also in my office also. Sometimes my boss also expects me to do much work so i have resigned from the job now and i have the confidence that i will get another job now soon! I hope you can take life that way. remember when life throws a dagger at you there are two ways of catching it one is by the handle and other by the blade. Try to catch by the blade and see how you can use it for your own advantage!
20 May 11
i like that dagger business!! thats a good way of thinking. it makes life a challange, but one i've set for myself.. grab the handle each day.. and if i grab the dagger, well i've always another day to grab the handle? i like it! thank you so much!!
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@soulist (2985)
• United States
20 May 11
It is hard to bring someobe down who is always smiling. Look at ways to change ssome of the situation, like okay unreluable friends, ask what makes you feel that way. Or you look at meetup.. Com for events in your city for people with simular interestd, ull meet new reliable friends who can help brighten the day. Fighrs with parents are they pver small things or something bigger. You kinda need to look at things to find the solution all the while catching that handle with a smile.
• Nagpur, India
21 May 11
Habit is one of the biggest problem in the life of a person. There must be a habit of yours about which everyone must be complaining about either directly or indirectly. Bad habits which causes trouble for others must be crubbed as soon as possible. Demands if they are out of reach must be understood at once and then try to regain the ground on which you are standing. Things take time to improve but at the same time it is not possible that there will not be a better tomorrow.
25 May 11
yeah.. maybe my bad habit is expecting too much? but at the same time i don't believe it is too much to expect friends to be true and loyal to me, when i do the same for them. it's like if they have a fight with someone i'm expected to back their corner etc.. yet if i have a fight with someone, they chat away and meet up with that person like nothing happened. its always one rule for one these days i think!
@Flash2 (347)
• United States
26 Jul 11
Chicksdigscars I'm reading some of your older discussions. I thought maybe it would help me to get to know you a little better and see if you could put some of this great writing ability to use for some financial gain. This discussion saddens me a little. you seem to be so down. Let me know, Are Things Better Today than they were here, 3 months ago? or do you still feel the same? I hope things are getting better for you. You know, I'm the victim of some serious burns and somehow(I don't know how) i find some inner strength to keep on keepin on. Some times life is not fun. but you've just got to keep going.
26 Jul 11
see to be honest with you, things are picking up. slowly but surely. i'm finding new ways to get my hidden energy out, and i'm enjoying more and more things i never used to. i suffer from bipolar disorder so its always hard to stay on top of things, but i'm trying, and i'm pleased to say i'm suceeding. i still have little paranoid days.. crazy things like my partner wil go back to her ex, her ex she was only with for a short time, her ex that she regrets ever getting with and wishes they'd just been friends, her ex who she openly told to her face that she wasn't inlove with her anymore, a year before she met me.. someone she doesn't speak to ever, and hates because they didnt work as a couple, nor as friends, and just see's her as wasted time.. an ex who not to be big headed but has nothing on me in the looks, body and sense of humour department.. yet somewhere in my head a little man with a dagger tells me she'll go back there, even tho she never lived with, or thought about living with this girl.. and lives with me and is engaged to me, and it was years ago lol! .. see.. i'm a weirdo. oh and i also think i'm going to be sacked on a daily basis despite being good at my job. oh the mind boogles! lol!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 May 11
i think life will indeed become very easy anyway no matter when it is just as long as you do accept that you cannot change things... you just need to know and accept you would be able to do things and do something about your situation...
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
20 May 11
i really dont think life every becomes easier to be honest. its harder when you have kids and have no money (because of the kids) and trying to look after your elderly parents and plus you still have kids at home. then you get old yourself and have all sorts of health issues.
24 May 11
then how do you cope daily?
@zhpshql (693)
• China
21 May 11
Hi, chicksdigscars,having no money,ok,having no friends,ok,but have no faith,no,I always think so.. every one have the down moment,all that we can do is keep us healthy,,and have faith,,and work harder,then we can overcome it... it's nothing...life is life..
24 May 11
i have faith. i believe in god. but i need vocal and physical guidance.. god may move in mysterious ways, but he doesnt answer me. i do believe in him and i know he will help me in the end, but its people i need around me physically to help me get through each day.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
20 May 11
hi there, Most of the time I find my life becoming a lot more harder. My life is becoming a lot more challenging and a lot more crazier than I could ever imagine. I too have problems in different areas of life... LOL! from money, to family and to relationship. I sometimes wish to be born again and start all over again so that I could run my life differently. So that I could correct my mistakes and cherish all those things that I happen to realized I love but had ignored in the past. Life is not that easy but I am here to live it day by day and face every challenges that the world has to offer. I am strong and I know you too and we could handle things with the help of the Lord.
24 May 11
i know god is here for me. but its physical help and vocal guidance i need. i dont get that from god. maybe i should accept life is.. crap haha
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hi!chicksdigscars. There will always be a time in our lives that we feel this way. It's normal because we're just humans and as humans, we are vulnerable to this kind of feeling sometimes. Indeed, life has never been easier but we have to be tough in order to survive. We just have to teach ourselves the right attitude in order to overcome these things. We should always think positive and be optimistic in everything that we do. Never ever forget that there will always be a solution to every problem. "Smile and the world smiles with you" as the saying goes. Just take your problems lightly and don't forget to ask God for guidance.
20 May 11
i have't ever been very religious in my life. i believe in god, but i don't attend mass [i'm catholic] but i do go into a chapel now and again to pray, or light a candle, and i do this at home too. can i still ask god for guidance, if i don't visit the services for him?
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@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hmm... I see you've pointed out a lot of negative things going on in your life. And that really seems to be a lot and can explain why you feel so down right now. I wonder if it would help if you try to focus on some good things instead? I'm sure there are a number of good things in your life, even just small ones. You see, I have this idea that maybe, if you try to focus on those good things, you will find that they mean a lot too, and maybe you will find more of them... and eventually they might outnumber the bad things. And as this progresses, your spirits might lift and you will be encouraged to do better at work, maybe get promoted, have more money... maybe you will start to see that your pets are being playful instead of trying to get on your nerves... maybe you'll appreciate your partner more and bicker less, etc etc etc... and then maybe, life will get easier! =) Try to start from within. Good luck! I wish you the best. Have a nice day! =)
24 May 11
thank you. i am trying so hard, but my illness keeps me down. no matter how positive i try and be and no matter how much it works, my illness will give me a down day, and it seems like all my work has been in vain. but thank you.
@tammy27 (1241)
• Philippines
20 May 11
i understand how you feel. i've been there at some point of my life, i think it's 1 year or so. i hated my life so much. i have no REAL friends, i cant buy the stuffs i want, i cant express my real self as a Goth, my parents seem to hate me and i often fight with them, i often lock myself in my room and i just go to school for the sake of having new faces around me, of having a little bit of freedom from this prison house. i dont even know how the changes happened. it seems like magically im in these shoes now. shoes of a woman who has a better life. i dont know where my old shoes are and i dont want to find them. i dont want to go back to that stressing part of my life.
24 May 11
and you have no idea how this happened?? its so good that you changed yourself!