Do You Think The Way You Type Shows People A Bit Of Your Personality?

United States
May 25, 2011 7:55pm CST
So, first off, I must thank CTHanum for the wonderful inspiration. His discussion called "Do you know that I am a boy or girl?' really sparked an interest. I mean, you get to know people on here very well. Through their avatars and the way they type, the things they talk about, etc. I feel the way a user typesshows something about that person. If they put smileys or capitalize or use ellipses, etc. It's their own style. If you get to know someone well enough on here, you can pin-point their style of typing exactly! Do you agree that the way you type shows people a little bit about your personality?
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26 responses
• United States
26 May 11
I have read more then I have commented at this point do to wanting to get the hang of who I will connect to. So with that being said straight from the heart then I would have to say YES ! I am not here to pass jugdement on to anyone but at the same time I feel like there will be people on here that I will not connect with do to their writing. I am looking to chat and when I say chat I am talking about friendly chat that I may be able to help people. I also want help along the way. As of now I have found a few people that I just could give a big old hug to online on here{myLot}. When I log in and read one of my friends comments they have made on me or someone else's post and it brings a smile or even a chuckle to my face. Then I feel as if I have a connection to them through their writing. I try to use negative feed back as a FLIP. A Flip would be to turn it around into positive :) If I can not take the bad with the good then maybe I should look back into the mirrow {mirher as we call it} I was raised in a Hollow {holler as we say:P}. I think through the words upon this screen there is friendships to be made and I hope to be around for many many more comments :) ! Peace:)
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• United States
26 May 11
That is great advice skeeter, sometimes it is hard for some though, because you may use the internet to relieve stress, some use it to really relieve stress by posting negative things. I guess it depends on if one has another form of outlet to release the frustrations of life..As for changing a negative into a positive, that must be challenging for some, I don't think I could do it, but I could try..
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
26 May 11
Wow! I love that expression 'FLIP'! I love your idea of changing something negative into postive too. What is the point of coming online to be negatvie and disgruntled anyway? It must be fun and a distraction from all the offline troubles that we have! Way to go!
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• United States
26 May 11
FLIP around something bad to see the good that can come from it I use in the real world everyday life. As you said we all have offline trouble. True! So I use the online time I have relieve myself from pressure of the everyday world that I have to face. No matter where in the world you live there are problems for everyone to face. If help is needed with a problem and you are online then you can ask and hope for the right answer. Many don't have the chance to get help with life they are along I feel for them. However I feel like if a person has a wild hair up their behind then they should stay off line and not cause more stress. We all live life different and no two people are the same . So I try to keep my life as simple as I can without all the drama from someone else that don't pay my bills. Life is to short to be so negative all the time. Every chance I get I FLIP what is said to see what positive will come from it.Anywho we all know that there is negative people lurking around looking for people to just pick on and to cause some kind of harm. If I cant avoid the negative people then I will just move to another topic without even causing a fuss! Thanks mysd !
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• United States
26 May 11
Hi Steph I would hope my typing demonstrates my personality because I respond the same way I do offline. There is no faking for me when I respond. How I define my responses and or comments I make are very consistent. Reason I know they are is that I do not have to sit and think when I apply them. They are completely sincere, and when I don't know something I certainly inform the discussion starter. I don't try and or hunt to read people by how they type but I can kind of tell by their response and or comment what they are like. By this I mean, I am very active here so I have a tendency to interact with the same number of people continually and I can tell inconsistency versus being sincere. It is not my job nor do I make it my job to point out who is and or isn't as I am one to respect privacy. So to answer your question, yes I do believe because it does reflect their personality especially if they are sincere. There is no way to hide for too long and a word or two can trigger a memory instantly.
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@allknowing (134415)
• India
26 May 11
@Jessi_T - You don't seem the type anyone would want to see you go. But yes. You are right and it baffles me too. Why some users choose to deliberately misunderstand other users and create a shindig that is not called for shaking the entire site for no rhyme or reason. One needs to be strong here to bear it all. @HWG - I marvel at you and your ability to wade through dexterously here and I remembered the following song: [b] You've got to give a little take a little if you want to get a little lovin' And do all the things that make your man feel right And if you give a little take a little then you're gonna get a lotta lovin' And you're never gonna ever have to spend another lonely night If he needs a little lovin' then hold him Cause if you don't the fires of love are gonna get a little cold and dim And if his day don't go your way then take it with a little smile After all it's the ups and downs of love that makes it all worthwhile You've got to give a little... Never mind the times when his feet feel the need for freedom Just as long as they bring him on home to you when you need him To show you care you gotta be there when he laughs or when he cries There's no mistaking givin' and talking is the very best part of life You've got to give a little... You've got to give a little...[/b] A little homework for you please. Could you change the words here and there appropriately to suit myLot. Just a request. Thank you.
• United States
26 May 11
@allknowing which words would you like me to change the song lyrics? or my response?
• United States
26 May 11
Hi Jess_T Not everyone leaves because of bad situations and unless someone outwardly says hey look it's me, I see no reason to outwardly bring on as to who they are. There are a lot affected here by not so great experiences and I would be the last one to make sure they are once again haunted. Reason why it was not hard it because I do read a lot of responses/comments and having interacted for such a long time with you how can I forget the wonderful moments we shared.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
26 May 11
It certainly does, unless they are deliberately trying to hide themselves. Say if they are a member who left and want to come back with a fresh start. I have certain things that happen because of how my fingers cross me up. I have certain words that if I do not double check I put an extra letter in it or make something else capitalized that is not supposed to be. I leave off periods sometimes as well. Yes, there are people who probably would know me anywhere. And some I would know because of their topics and how they phrase them.
• United States
26 May 11
That is where I meant a word or two. Hi GG.
@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
26 May 11
In some ways I agree, others not. If I make errors and do not choose to correct them, I think that shows either a very laid back personality or a very sloppy personality. If I tend to correct others mistakes, that is another trait. I think I tend to try to help a lot, and yes, that would be more of my personality. All of it goes into play. I do understand that Stephanie is referring to the people who love the emoticons or who like to emphasize a lot with caps. I like HWG's interpretation, that she responds so naturally that her posts are always consistent in tone and attitude.
@allknowing (134415)
• India
26 May 11
@GG Knowing someone and knowing their personality are two different things I feel. Stephanie is talking about one's personality. Putting an extra letter or something else capitalised as you have put it will in no way reveal one's personality I guess. But the manner of responding/commenting may reveal something. What say?
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
26 May 11
I don't know, what does my typing show about my personality??? I think it may show some, but not the whole picture. Like when I am totally upset, whether in anger or sadness, I won't get online because I know I'll type something I'll regret later. So the worse you see of me is when I am frustrated or have calmed down enough to explain my situation.
• United States
26 May 11
Well you got that wanting to finish school quickly right.. And I won't show you my extreme sadness or anger, don't like upsetting my friends...
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 May 11
It shows wanna finish your school work quickly!! Don't let me see your anger and sadness! I can't bear with tears~ Anger makes me want to fire back!
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@celticeagle (165223)
• Boise, Idaho
26 May 11
I don't think it is an exact science but it could certainly give you some tips as to the persons personality and how they like to present themselves. People who are in a big hurry may go for the run on sentence practice and lack of capitalization. Style of typing definitely tells us alot.
@celticeagle (165223)
• Boise, Idaho
27 May 11
I think an 'occasional typo' means we are thinking ahead of ourselves. We are just so full of ideas and can't get them down quick enough!
• United States
27 May 11
No, it's definitely not always on the mark. It's not always correct since I'm usually really proper in how I type but I make the occasional typo. So, does that tell someone I'm careless? Of course not, but you get the point. But I do agree!
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@Jesuriel (267)
• United States
26 May 11
I do think the way people type resembles their personality. However, some times people write terribly online but irl they type correctly.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 May 11
If they write terrible means they are terrible people?
• United States
27 May 11
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
26 May 11
I HOPE so! Of course, I used capitals because when I started on mylot, it was the ONLY way to emphasis what you wanted to say... Not to say I don't LOVE the "mylot code" - I do, but I'm so used to the capitals I tend to use them more... **hee hee**
• United States
27 May 11
CAPITALS work just fine!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 May 11
I do agree but I can tell more about a person by the way they spell and their grammar than the way that they type. Usually, I say, because people have fooled me with poor grammar. I will look at what they are typing and the way they use the language and think they are from another country, only to find out they live in a major US city. I can tell that someone is (usually) lazy and self-involved when they use texting abbreviations consistently. Guessing a personality or character traits from the way someone spells, types or uses grammar is not always accurate but I find it's usually so. This is not to say they are bad or good people but writing/typing style is very revealing!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 May 11
Experienced people may know that very well...There also some people who gifted in knowing all this. Online and offline character~
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
26 May 11
HI stephanieAnnC I am not sure if my typing shows my personality but the darned typos show that I get irritated when I cannot type fast like I used to without the typos to slow me down. O ;pve to use emoticons and seldom respond without at least a couple.I think for me I get to know more about fellow mylotters through their expressions and their style of writing. I suppose my typing does show I am an impatient person at times and a dedicated one to whatever I put my hands on. I know there are certain expressions I use that probably show something about my own personality.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
26 May 11
typo lord o ;pve should have been I love see what I mean typos that I miss really bug me to tears. lol
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 May 11
I certainly do think so. I think there might be a few things lost here and there though. Some people have a knack for typing the same way that they talk..others are more prompt. It can also take time to reflect a personality through writing. For some it comes natural and for others, it takes a little time. I sometimes type a little faster than I should do there are those typos from time to time, but maybe that says something about me'm thinking very fast
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 May 11
See! That nasty little d just got in the way of the s!
• United States
26 May 11
I believe so. I type according to the person I am and try not to offend anyone. I realize that people can hide behind themselves but I truly believe that when a person puts it in writing their personality comes out. It is nice to read discussions and moreover to find the ones that you have common interest with and yes, you can find that in their writing. Most people can write better than they talk also. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
• United States
27 May 11
Yes, if people aren't hiding, then their true personality does come out. And I'm not the type of person to hide how I feel behind my writing.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
26 May 11
We can show our personality in everything we do. Why should not the way we type show that off too? It will show the world our style and what we can do with it.
• United States
27 May 11
Your responses was short and simple as well, so my reply will be short and simple as well. Yes, you got that right!
@allknowing (134415)
• India
26 May 11
It does show a bit of one's personality. But little knowledge is dangerous as they say. It would be so here too as many a time based on that little knowledge users are misunderstood and are subjected to brick bats. It is best therefore not to try and assess anyone here.
• United States
27 May 11
Oh. I wouldn't try to assess anyone here! I'm not that nosy! I'm just stating the obvious, I guess you can say. Even if you don't try to learn about someone here, it's hard not to sometimes.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
26 May 11
Yes I think it does. The way you type is probably the way you talk, the way you think and the way you act. The words we use could tell some things about our lifestyle, our activities, and about what we like. Not completely but in some way. That is what sometimes makes me feel identified with some people here and with others not. I like when people seem honest and writing from the heart.
• United States
27 May 11
You got that right! I write how I talk, most of the time. Except I talk faster than I type. Well, actually, maybe not. I've been told I have a poetic sense to my writing, and I do like to write for that matter, so there ya go!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 May 11
I do and you can even tell if they are upset or not! Or have an attitude! LOL....But since our relationships here are only via mylot discussions we only know as much about a person as they tell us. It remindes me of the country song ...about how much cooler he is online! LOL
@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 May 11
Why do you think it's sometimes so easy to tell a person coming back to myLot, even when they try to remain anonymous? We all have our own distinctive styles.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 May 11
Oh my God! I thought CTHanum was a female! Boy was I wrong! Alot of people think I am a guy because of my username. I didn't think it would be a problem when I decided to joined Mylot! I used my favorite color, favorte NFL team's name and my favorite players number as my user name. With my avater a person could think I am either one! I think when people read my typing they see someone who is a complainer,insecure,sometimes secure,an idiot,smart,stupid,an animal lover and someone who is getting pretty opinion! That is what is I believe!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 May 11
I think so! For me, not so much the typing, but more on the writing style when I post discussions. I don't like hitting a topic head on. Well I try to view it from a certain way. Or try and mix two unrelated components, and mash them up in one discussion.
• Mexico
26 May 11
Hi Stephanie: Definetly. The answers that we give hear and also the discussions that we start say a lot of our personality, what we like and how we see the world. It's interesting how you can start discovering someone online. Of course, they are just little clues. A human's personality is more complex to be known. ALVARO
@bdance22 (86)
• Philippines
27 May 11
Yup, i certainly beleive that part of you gets displayed in how you construct your sentences and how you write your thoughts