I want to be a selfish person.

@indahfth (11161)
May 25, 2011 10:58pm CST
I would like, one day only. be a selfish person, and think for myself. So far I always think about the feelings of others, while I ignore my own feelings. I want to, be the one who thought of themselves, and not have to think about others. I always obey the will of others, and not thinking about my own desires. Is it wrong I want this? But I am always unable to do so, I have always been people who always see the selfishness of others.
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31 responses
• Philippines
26 May 11
It is not wrong if you want to feel differently from what you are used to feel. Based on what you have said that you are unable to do so, it would be wrong though if you force yourself to be a selfish person, even for one day. Just be yourself.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
I really want to be myself, but the people around me to form my be a very obedient, without being able to make a defense.
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@kumakuma (84)
• Malaysia
26 May 11
I would like also to be the selfish person. Somewhat, I was being nice to other person and yet being hurt inside. So, i'm just want to be selfish for at least a couple of hours to think about what i'm going to do in my life and not hurting my feeling for other person.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
It's not good to be selfish person, friend. Because you abuse yourself morally and psychologically... Even me...I always think the good of others. But I never think to be a selfish one someday. I want to respect myself and I don't want to be alone as selfish do in their lives...
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
1 Jun 11
I really know, is not very good, being a selfish person. But, I am very tired of being a target of their selfishness. I wanted to, could refuse their wishes. I was very tired, under their control.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
6 Jun 11
I just want to have the right to myself.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
It's okay if that is your purpose in life, friend. But don't being a selfish in that action you make... That maybe a kind refusal but not being a kind selfishness...because you want to prove them something. That your not always their servant that give and give something to those people...
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@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
26 May 11
It is not wrong because you have to look after yourself and the things that concern your life. When you are good and full now you can help others. How can you help other and deny yourself. When you have problems, both of you lose. If you stay well and then you can keep helping others those who need your help. It serves both of the people to look after yourself first and other after. Not the other way around.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
I can not be selfish, if I am selfish, will make it difficult myself. But, if I'm not selfish, I continue to be a submissive, and can not be myself.
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
26 May 11
Yes, this is true. So be yourself.
• Philippines
26 May 11
Think of what makes you happy and do it...I don't think that is selfishness, it's just loving yourself...if you treat your emotions like it's nothing then other people would most definitely treat it the same!!!
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
What makes me happy, would make the people around me unhappy.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 May 11
If people around me, willing to accept what I desire, and go happy with the happiness I felt, I would be very happy. But, all that is possible.
• Philippines
26 May 11
my friend, i can see how hard the situation you are in....but you gotta start doing what makes you happy, people around you when they see you are truly happy will begin to respect you more and appreciate what you are for who you are and eventually your happiiness will affect them and maybe later they will join you in your happiness...Just do what you want to do and dont mind anybody,,,we all have our own business to do you know...
• Philippines
30 May 11
I share the same feelings when I quitted my job. When I still have my job and earning, I had been the bread winner of my family.I almost give everything to them and almost left nothing for myself.After being an unemployed for sometime,I realized that we can't just depend that other people will help us the way we are helping them.I envy those people who are thinking of themselves first.At least I learned from my mistakes and promised to prioritize myself more than anyone.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
30 May 11
Hi...., welcome to Mylot. Yes. You did the right thing. My problem is very different from you, I could not selfish in everything. In fact, I can not eat what I want to eat.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
30 May 11
Hi...., welcome to Mylot. Yes. You did the right thing. My problem is very different from you, I could not selfish in everything. In fact, I can not eat what I want to eat.
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
That's awful.I don't really understand if someone or your family is restricting you from the things that you want to do or you are just restricting yourself to follow what is right perhaps your religious beliefs.May God will always guide you to follow the right thing.
• Philippines
27 May 11
You made me realized how good a person you are. We rarely see a person like you who really cares for other. I really do believe you have a good heart and you deserve to be appreciated. In everything you do, you put some good deeds and I think you should continue on doing that. I am sure someone up above will really reward you at the end. Maybe others don't see how good you are to them but someone out there in heaven sees your good deeds to others. Just keep on doing what is good. I know in my heart you are doing the right thing. To love others as you love yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give. Happy myLotting!
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 May 11
Thank you. I want to continue that way. But I also want to be respected, and they want to listen what I want.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 May 11
It sounds like you are in a situation where you are doing most of the giving and not receiving enough in return. There is nothing wrong with taking time out for yourself and being a little selfish every now and again; it is not as if you are selfish all the time, in fact you seem the total opposite! Why not take a little every now and then. You deserve it and you have got to love yourself!
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
I am sometimes very angry, with people who want me to do something that I do not want to do. But I always can not be angry with them, and finally I do as they wish, though actually I do not want to do. They are too selfish, and not think about my feelings.
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@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
hello indahfth, a selfish person will remain unhappy. but a person who respects herself and has pride will be the winner. it is good to think of others and be forgiving.. but dont give everything you have. leave your pride with you. leave your self respect so that when this people you were so generous of giving puts you down, you still have some pride within you to stand up and start with. ann
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
6 Jun 11
I want to not give everything, but I had to give everything. if I do not give everything, I will be in trouble. If I give everything, I really will have trouble too, but not as hard if I give everything.
@allknowing (134415)
• India
26 May 11
We too are a creation of God and letting others walk over us is actually wrong. Helping others is fine but not at the cost of ruining our own selves. My moto in life is 'Love yourself and help save planet earth' as it is only when we care for ourselves that we will see that everything around is peaceful.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
I am very familiar, with what you mean. But, none of that can be applied in myself.
• United States
26 May 11
Hi indahfth I do know what you mean with this because it is my issue also. I often think about many before me and sometimes I say to myself that I want to be just as everyone else and only think about me always. Although I do some things now with me in mind, I still revert to my old ways because it is in our nature to always think of others. So sometimes you have to force yourself but it is not easy when we think about the others ahead of ourselves.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
This situation made ??me could not be myself.
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
At first i ask why?... You wanted to do it but you cannot do it, you are just being you, you are such a good person for thinking first the benefits of others and less to yourself, but do not be too unkind with yourself, treat yourself sometimes by doing what you want.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 11
I really want to do what I want, but I can not. I had to bury all my wishes, unless someone offers it to me.
• Philippines
26 May 11
You should always consider yourself first, think of yourself first and never allow others to do tell you what to do...My friend, there is nothing wrong with thinking about yourself first...it is actually the best thing to do. Because you need to be fully aware of yourself first, by knowing yourself down to the deepest core. Only then you will be able to live a true life, a true life that is worth sharing to the world. If you always think of others first, you will eventually loose yourself and that is not a good thing to happen... So i hope you hear my pieces of advice for you and begin your journey to your inner self...Blessing indahfth...
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
Unfortunately I can not do that, I must be a submissive in front of them.
• United States
27 May 11
You don't have to lower yourself as a person by being selfish. Just choose company that won't take advantage of you. People that will respect you, and everything you do for them.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 May 11
Every Saturday, my son picked up by my parents, and staying. But, the problem. I still can not be selfish, because of the problem, do not lie to my child. I just wanted to express what I want, and say no, to everyone who asks me to do something that does not want me to do.
@lhenpaule (495)
• Philippines
26 May 11
You are not alone with this, a lot of people also think about it, I for one had thought of this for many times especially when I feel burn-out by doing a lot of things and some of those are by helping others. For sure we need some time for ourselves in order for us to be recharged so that when we go back to the normal routine of our day to day living we have enough strength to carry it thorough.
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@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
26 May 11
So you are a selfless person who is always available to the needs of others.Forget their problems for a day it's your time to say no and be selfish for one day, anyway the next day it's back to your old self again.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
26 May 11
Hi indah!. I think OK to be selfish person sometimes if you think thats matter really worth to fight for. I personally see people who always follow others will tend to bored so don't be like thats because i know you are smart woman. By acting like thats you just invite more selfish into your life. Sometimes we are what we are think we are. So create the image of yourself you want and what kind of person who wanna be. Beauty is something we can buy if we want but behavior and brain is our power.
@bdance22 (86)
• Philippines
27 May 11
That is going to be hard ...its looks like being unselfish is in your nature.like its part of your will. And one day waking up to be selfish is like going against your will. That gonna be hard. Just be the way you are and believe that good things will happen to those who do good things
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
26 May 11
No it's not wrong to want that. After being so selfless with other people, it's high time that you should think of yourself also. We always come to the point of realizing that amidst helping others, we forget ourselves. We forget to take a rest , to enjoy things that we like to do for ourselves, so we have to take a pause also and give ourselves a break.
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• Romania
26 May 11
I'm also your type.. I want everyone happy.. and don't make anyone feel bad.. But after some time I realised that if you want to make all the people happy you will end by dissapointing all of them or the majority of them.. So i'll try for a short period of time to be a selfish person and see if that feels all right..