Is it ok to keep your "single" friends at a distance when...
By JJohnson79
@JJohnson79 (301)
United States
June 1, 2011 2:06pm CST
Since I've been with my man, I've kinda distanced my single girlfriends. I use to be single for a long time so I know that single people have a different state of mind than people who are in "happy" committed relationships. So am I wrong for keeping them at a distance? Or is that the private side of me? Im not to crazy about telling what goes on in my relationship as it is and kinda find it offensive if/when my single friend ask me about my relationship. Like why is it any of your I the only one that feels that way?
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15 responses
@mansha (6298)
• India
2 Jun 11
it depends on your perception actually but I actually felt welcomed by my happily married friends and we shared so much despite them being married and I kept my single friends close even when I got married and I am glad that I did as now all of them are married and we all have strong bonds to share and we rely on each others for ranting out and sharing joys and sorrows of parenting , marriage and so on. Friends complete you and more the merrier your life will be.

@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
That's great that you guys have that bond. But my friends on the other hand is like F love, F having more kids, F happiness it don't exist...etc. I can't do negativity like that and choose to stay away from it. I try to use myself as an example to my friends and tell them not to be that way but they're ignorant mentally. Everytime we do talk its either about some drama or gossip and im too old for that. I've never liked drama or gossip.
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@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
2 Jun 11
When one gets into a committed relationship, it is healthy to make the transition from the single life. Your single friends, if their truly your friends, should understand this. Of course there is nothing wrong with a girl's night out. But when you do it with single friends, you may find yourself in situations that you would perhaps want to avoid. As far as telling what goes on in the relationship, its not any of their business. I won't kiss and tell.

@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Many so called "friends" have used personal info of intimate business against one. They either bring it out if they are upset or try to use it to move in themselves. So it is best to maintain friendships outside of your relationship. At least that is my opinion.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I agree completely and I definitely never kiss and intimate business is my business. I surely don't care about what goes on in their relationship.

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I do not feel this way about my friends who are single. Whenever they ask about my relationship i tell them about it and i don not feel they have a different mindset than mine. These friends i an talking about are my friends since college and most of them are single but they are very logical people and are always the first people i go to when i have problems.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Sounds like you have great friends. I have been friends with them for 11yrs and with every relationship I've had since I've known them, they always have something negative to say about every guy I've dated. Its like misery loves company and they're happier when im single
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Hi JJohnson,
I'm very private when it comes to relationships and do not talk about it with my friends. I think too much talking to others rather than the person you are involved with can cause more problems than it helps. Other than that though, I do not keep my friends at a distance....I'm still a good friend to them and spend time with them and all and it doesn't matter either way to me if they are single or in a's all the same.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
So you understand my point to a degree...thank you. It doesn't matter to me either if they're single or not, it just seems that when they're single and im in a relationship, they tend to try and do extra meddling. Like they're waiting for me to say things aren't good. But when the shoe is on the other foot and they're in a relationship and im not, I barely hear from them or see them unless they need something.
@celticeagle (173140)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Jun 11
First of all I think you are very mature in your way of thinking. Single people are apt to do or say things that are not appropriate for people to be doing that are in a committed relationship. And your partner could hear back or see things that shouldn't be going on.I don't think it is wrong of you to feel this way but I am sure your friend is curious. I would just change the subject. A with it person will get the idea.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I can tell when a person is asking because they care and when they're just being nosey. It seems some people don't like when that person is happy so they try to ask questions hoping you'd say something they can run and gossip about
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@celticeagle (173140)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Jun 11
Yes, some people are like that but we need to stay away from such people.
@rdmcollamat (176)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
Well, it is not unusual for people to distance themselves from their group of friends when in a relationship. But, you should at least spend some time with your friends to keep up with what's going on and to prevent you from becoming too clingy and needy to your man.
If your friend asks what's going on, maybe they're just curious about what's going on with you. That's what friends do, right? If they ask, you don't need to spill your guts and tell them every detail about your relationship. Little casual things will do. :)
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
Yeah that's true but I think my friends ask too much as if they're waiting for me to say things aren't going good with my relationship. Im pretty good at sensing negative energy and I do alot with them. I also thought about maybe they're just being a concerned friend but they're looking for gossip rather than a shoulder to lean on
@rdmcollamat (176)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Wow, some friends you have. :(
Well, I guess all you can do is try to mention casual things that they can't make a story about. It's really hard hanging out with girls like that. Annoying too, 'cause they always tend to talk behind your back.
Hopefully, you can be with people who you can really call friends. :)
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I think it's necessary to keep our single friends and still enjoy them, whether in a relationship or not. Too often I see people 'losing themselves' while in a relationship, and our 'sisters' of friendship keep us true to who we are. My friendship circle has an equal number of married women, as well as single women. This one woman disappears each and every time she's in a relationship, and the only time we ever hear from her is when that relationship doesn't work out: and then it's back to the old girlfriends. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's happy. But when the only time she wants anything to do with us is when she's single, then to me it seems more like a friendship of opportunity. I'm not the only one in the group who feels that way either. It's one thing to distance the single friends a little bit, but it's a whole other deal to completely ignore them and make them feel like they don't matter anymore. I don't think I'd be offended if one of my single bff's asked me about my relationship, heck, I'd be flattered that they cared. Of course, that would depend too on what kinds of questions they were asking, some things are way too private within a relationship to be shared with others. One of the truest things I ever heard was: men (relationships) may come and go in our lives , but girlfriends are there forever no matter what.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I believe all that you're saying but I distance this person for a reason. Like when she was with her man, they got into a big fight and my car was parked in her driveway. She allowed him to kick a dent in my car and did I get an apology...Heck no! So I do distance her more than my other girlfriends. There's no way I would've let that happen if it were her. I would've put my man in check and apologize
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I have been happily married for 40 years and my wife and I still have some of our own friends. I see nothing wrong with her going out to visit her friends or my going to visit my friends. We have friends in different parts of the state so we do not get to see them all that often.
Keep in contact with them. I have known people who have lost a spouse and are at a loss because they have no friends of their own, all their friends were joint friends who don't always have time to take on a third person.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I do keep contact with them but not as much as I use to before I got in my relationship. Im a bit more goal oriented and family oriented then they are so that is my focus. I just feel that my family and reaching my goals are important now rather than trying to hang out with the girls right now.
@Galena (9110)
2 Jun 11
I don't think its right to distance from your friends, if they are true friends.
for some people friends are just people they hang out with. for others they are like an extension of family. I don't have many friends, but the friends I have mean a great deal to me. I know I can rely on them, and they can rely on me.
if I cut them off because I was in a relationship, I would not be being a good friend to them.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Hmmmmm...True? Ummmm as far as reliability, that'll be me. Im there for them more than they are for me, but really its not a competition on who's there for who the most. I guess I have more than one reason why I distance them. Its more than me just being in a relationship.
@jhoannejoj (963)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
It depends.. But then i notice that when a single person gets into a relationship tend to spend less time with their friends. I guess its because when you are in a relationship, you spend time with that person to learn and explore things together to make the relationship work. Unfortunately the relationship with friends suffer. I think its okay JJohnson that you keep some limits with your friends but then dont put an end to it. Friends are the family you choose =) and we need a breather from our intimate relationships once in a while. If your single friends ask you about you and your man, it would be nice if you will tell them that things are okay without spilling much details about it. Dont feel offensive if they ask you such question, they are not prying or something. They maybe want to know that you are happy and okay. I guess a nice and polite answer would make them feel comfortable. If they gets too prying, then tell them that you rather keep things in private. If they really are your friends, they will surely respect your view.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
That is definitely true...I believe I place them at a distance is because in the past I've gotten negative remarks from them when I was in my last relationship. And I didn't ask their opinion so how can they offer advice when their single, especially when they're not secure or stable with themselves in life
@mindym (978)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I think it is "normal" for friends who are in new relationships to distance themselves away from their friends. It is part of life to have friends, but for most people it is also part of life to meet someone. It is possible to keep both in your life. Most of my friends are married or are in relationships, and I am happy for them. I am not "unhappy" because I am not currently in a relationship. When I am in a relationship, I spend time with my boyfriend, but I also set aside time away from my boyfriend for girlfriends, family, and ME. It is important to keep friends outside of our intimate relationships, and you know who your true friends are because they will be there for you when your boyfriend makes you sad or leaves you. Boyfriends will come and go, husbands may come and go, but girlfriends are there until the end.
@persona_touch (1701)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I'm in the same boat as you to me i only let the ones i trust my life to around my bf, two years ago i use to be firend with this girl and i was single i was find with being single and she had a bf it was cool i didn't like him like that and even if i did i would never do anything like that. I don't do suff that i would want done to me she would all the time make little commants about her haveing a bf and me being single that pissed me off cus i didn't care for her bf he was ugly and a jerck. so i was o the bus one day and thats how i meet the f i'm with now.
the bf i'm with now we meet when i was still firends with her and when he and i were first dateing she didn't say anything in tell i show her his pic and she said he was cute. ever seicne then she would you say you should breack up with him and i'm like wtf he didn't any thing and you haven't even meet him, she would call me in the middle of the night asking me if he called her cause she had a missed called i was like wtf he don't know you and don't have your number i always have my phone. she was one of those people that like people being jeouce of her and was mad that she was jelouse of me, she told me lots of times that my bf looked better then hers. so its not all single people that do that cause she had a bf and tryed to get him. i end the friendship for that and other suff she was doing.
sorry about the spelling i can't spell
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
Wow that sucks. Its like I get into major private mode when im with someone because I feel I should be focused on my relationship rather going out with the girls doing things im not suppose to do.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I am single for a long time too but I am happy and never think that the moment one of my friends will have a relationship I will feel miserable. I think it is not good to distance yourself from your friends just because you are in a relationship now, try to get in touch with them, real good friends are more valuable, in the event that you and your boyfriend will be in the trying times there's no one to turn to to share your anxieties and troubles than your friends. It is very difficult to survive without friends. Your concept of having a "different state of mind" might not be the same concept breathing by your friends.
@EndlessNameless (48)
• United States
2 Jun 11
You should always spend the same amount of time with your single friends. If you don't, hostility grows and they will feel you have become a different person. Involve your significant other in their life. They will appreciate that and it will be a great opportunity for them to make a new friend!
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I have to disagree with that. I never involve or combine my personal intimate life with my single friends. When im in a relationship I do change somewhat but that only consist of not hanging out as much with my single friends. They live a wild lifestyle and I don't need to be around that being in a relationship. They like to be with different guys and I can't be around that. Unless my friends settle down and get on the same level as I am, then there's no reason to include my man to hang out with me and the girls. There's nothing we'd have in common
@amango83 (50)
• United States
1 Jun 11
I am single and I know that it can be hard to be friends with people who are not single.
I was in a relationship a few years ago that caused me to alienate a lot of my friends. Once the relationship ended, I was lucky to get those friends back. I have a wonderful group of friends. Some of them are in relationships and some are single.
Maybe you should have some of your single friends over for dinner or something. They might just need to get to know your man a little better before they will realize that you are serious.
Hang in there girlfriend! :)
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
1 Jun 11
That's true and maybe I will do that. Thing is, they're not so civil and of course my man will look at me and think dang you hang out with them. They say if you wanna know how your future will look, take a look at the people you mainly hang around