I am a true believer in God but...
By JJohnson79
@JJohnson79 (301)
United States
June 4, 2011 7:15pm CST
Am I asking too much if I am constantly praying and asking for relief? I usually don't ask God for much, I give him thanks for all he has done for me and my family but lately I have been asking him to relieve me from this pain that I am going thru. I know that he doesn't put us in any situation that we cannot handle, and I don't even ask him why I am going thru what im going thru. Im just afraid that I wont be able to care for my kids a few years from now because of my disability. I try not to let it bother me or get me down but its kinda hard when everytime I move, walk, sit or stand im in constant pain. Im only in my early thirties and want to have more children. I don't want to be in pain anymore. God has always blessed me and he continues to do so, so should I keep asking him to relieve me? Or is it like im begging? I mean he knows my needs and my wants so I don't wanna seem like im doing too much...what do I do?
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13 responses

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
is God really answers our prayers????
now, please....
ask God if He is in favor of Philippine DIVORCE to be Legal or not-legal....
since half of the Roman Catholics here doesn't want Divorce to be legal
and the other half of the remaining Roman Catholics here want Divorce to be legal
all of the Roman Catholics here are all have a great Faith but why is it that God's decision are not always final, sometimes Divorce is legal while sometimes Divorce is illegal....
why is it that God always have no permanent decisions?
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Thank you so much and I believe he will answer me soon too

@marapplestiffy (2182)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Ask and you shall be given...don't worry, some ask more than you do...
It's not like your asking for something selfish, just believe and continue to take medications, your taking one are you?
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Yes I do take my medication eventhough they don't always work. Im on about 5 different medications but I don't always take them all at once because I don't know the effect it'll have on my body. But I do other things like try to exercise whenever my body can take it. I try not to put too much strain on my body but that's easier said than done...Thank you
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I think you are already doing what you should be doing and that is praying. You know, someone once told me, there is no bad prayer or a wrong way to pray to God. God wants us to pray to Him. Yes, he does already know our wants and needs, but He like to hear us pray about them too. God is good and I know if he has brought you through tough times before, He can and will do it again. Just keep praying and I will say a prayer for you too. God bless! :)
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. It always feel good to hear it from someone else who believes. I am and will continue to pray. Sometimes God is the only one that'll listen when nobody else will. I trust that he'll continue to take care of me
@myswirlyagelessmind (379)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
I don't really know why you're going through and I'm truly sorry that you're in a lot of pain right now. What I know about God is that he never looks down on our prayers, even if we keep on praying for the same thing over and over again, nothing is ever too trivial for him. Just continue asking, he is after all sovereign and the one who truly knows what's best for us. This isn't to compare your situation with what I had gone through, but I would like to share that prayer truly works. Back in 2007, I got really sick...one doctor told me I had ascending paralysis because I couldn't walk because I was always in great pain. I thought, I could wait one month, then two months and before I knew it, a year had already passed and all my doctors truly didn't know what was wrong with me. I prayed, cried, begged, lashed out on God because all I really wanted was not to hurt so much anymore. I gave up many times but I always kept going back to God then the doctors finally diagnosed me correctly and that time I was only 68 pounds,(mind you I'm 165 cm tall) often had fainting spells and intense pains...turned out, I had a very severe case of hyperthyroidism. I didn't get better right away but my family and I just continued trusting God's plans. These days I'm already living my dream of doing some things independently, of being back in my ministry and other seemingly trivial activities that I couldn't do being confined to the bed most of the time for three years...God answers prayers, he answered mine so there's no way he won't answer yours, after all your healing would bring glory to his name and people will see that he really is a living God.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
That brought tears to my eyes because I don't doubt him at all and I know things take time. He's not going to do it when I want it done, but when the time is right. For whatever reason he's wanting me to experience this, I am taking the path that he has chosen for me and dealing with it. I never ask him "why me", I refuse to question him because I know he will take care of me but on his time. God has blessed me in so many ways and I will continue to praise him until I have no breath in my body. Thank you so much and I hope you're doing well
@lindaharding627 (1442)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I can totally relate to this. I am only 35 but have been plagued by medical problems for over a year. I was diagnosed with a heart illness that causes the blood pressure to fall so much that I lose consciousness. I was at work a little over a year ago when something went wrong that caused my heart rhythm to change. Doctors think maybe a small heart attack. I have been going to many doctors since then trying to get my health to be controlled. The latest problem I have had is what sounds like a constant heartbeat in my ears. I go for an MRI on the seventh because when the doctor had me try to follow his finger with my eyes, I could not do it. He told me this indicates that something is going on in the brain. I had a virus about a month ago and they think it may have settled in my ear canals. My son is only eight and he worries about me. I can deal with not having a regular job if that is what is meant to be, but I want my health to at least be stable for my son. I just take it a day at a time. If you have a smartphone, I would recommend two applications that have helped me a lot. One is called Itriage and gives you information ion symptoms, and illnesses plus referrals to doctors. The other one is called Medscape and it checks for interactions between your medicines.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Wow, that sounds similar to my heart issues. For years my heart use to flutter and everytime I went to get it looked at, the Dr would connect me to a machine for hours and run test. Only to tell me that nothing is wrong. Of course I would get discouraged because I knew something was wrong. I kept going to the hospital and they kept telling me I was ok. Finally, just last year my Dr looked into it deeper and put me on a heart monitor. And with those readings, she was able to determine that I had severe heart arithmia which means my heart flutters 2 to 3x's the normal heart rate without notice. Sometimes I can control it and sometimes I can't. It causes my face and other parts of my body to get numb and I lose consciousness. My kids worry about me because they don't really understand why mommy is going thru this. They've even had to sit in the ER with me, so they've seen me when I have my attacks. Im on heart meds but can't really say if they work because I still have little attacks. I will look up those apps and I hope you feel better
@rhannealmoite (338)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
There's always a reason for everything, don't lose hope. In God's time every good things your heart's desired will be answered. Just remember that God is good all the time!
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Yes! He definitely is good...all the time. I will never lose hope because he has showed me his work plenty of times. Im still counting my blessings he brings me
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
5 Jun 11
You can never ask too much from God. Never stop from asking and along the way recognise what is happening. It might have turned your kids into being more responsible. Also do seek help for easing your pain. When good ideas come to your head, those are signs that God is helping you. Remain strong for yourself and your children. Try to be positive always.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Thank you so much, I feel a lot better because I didn't want to seem like I was asking for too much. I will continue to pray and hope one day I wake up and I can move the way that I use to. My kids are great and help me out alot, im very thankful for that. They understand that mommy be in pain and try to make things easy on me by keeping their laundry done. But they're kids so its only so much they can do. I stay positive at all times because I have too much to be thankful for
@carsocmaguinsay (417)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
God allow things to happen for a purpose. Just continue to pray and never stop. We must continue to believe that He have great plans for us and His promises never fails.
@floiecometa (156)
16 Jun 11
When we ask we to make it known. In the same manner will also make known to God our petition prayers. As Jesus promised.. " ask and you will be given"...
@leftthumb (13)
5 Jun 11
Jesus Christ himself commands us not to "babble" in prayer, but instead to use the Lord's Prayer (our father, who art in heaven...).
which he mentions in Matthew 6:5-15. If Jesus says to use that prayer, then use that prayer, since God knows what you need before you even ask for it. I guess we don't need to be specific because of that fact and the Lord's prayer contains everything necessary to pray about.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
That is so true and I am a firm believer in that. I will continue my prayers and I know that he will answer. God has never failed me and I will definitely continue to keep all my faith in him. He has answered things I didn't even get to say but was thinking it. So I know he will deliver in due time. He answers when he wants to, not when we want him to. Its all in his hands and will continue to follow his lead. God is good...all the time
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I will never stop praying. If I can't talk to anyone else, I know I can always lay my head on my pillow and talk to God. Sometimes i'll do it in the middle of me doing something. I'll close my eyes and give him thanks
@bkowalski (1)
• United States
5 Jun 11
God is the best healer! God is a Loving and Merciful God! You are right, He never gives us more than He knows we can't handle... But rermember God works in His timing. He always answers prayers, we must NEVER cease to pray daily. We can NEVER pray too much!God loves us to honor Him and give Him ALL the GLORY! Keep praying, Never cease, and truly keep the Faith, and just BELIEVE that He will answer your prayers. I guarantee you, Your prayers Will be answered, I just can't guarantee you that it's going to be what you want but it will definately be what God knows you NEED! AMEN.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
He has already done so much, opened another side of me. I don't ask for things in particular because he may not feel I need what im asking for. I leave it all up to him and just thank him for whatever it is he blesses me with. Im not a needy person and feel like I have the essentials I need to continue on this path he has given me walk thru. All I can do is follow his lead and know he'll put me where I need to be rather than where I wanna be.
@notbadman (3)
• China
5 Jun 11
Im sorry fot you lost in body.
But why you ask god for things you want?Go and get what you want by youself!
God won't give you anything so do not beg anymore.
if you can't get things you want by youself,then forget it and look for something else.
@JJohnson79 (301)
• United States
5 Jun 11
You obviously miss my whole point and don't believe in God. How could you ask why do ask God for what I want? Its not about asking him for what I want, but having faith that he will provide me with what I need. If you had an ounce of faith in God, you'd know that he's the healer of all things. Im asking him to relieve me from my pain, im not begging for nothing! You need to understand how God works and his will power before you tell me to stop begging him and get what I need myself.