Don’t be Jealous

June 7, 2011 5:53am CST
Friends we all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know that you work harder than your colleagues in the office, but sometimes they get promotions; you do not. You started a business several years ago, but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There are several examples like these in everyday life. Should you be jealous? No. Remember everybody's life is shaped by his /her destiny, which has now become his/her, reality. If you are destined to be rich, nothing in the world can stop you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you anywhere; it will only take away your peace of mind. [b]Am I right? Do you get jealous easily? Please respond and share your views.[/b]Thanks in advance. Professor ‘*Bhuwan*’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead.
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20 responses
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
8 Jun 11
I've noticed that people judge others success many different ways. One person can make money but can't sustain a healthy relationship. Another may be raised in poverty but rises up to become a happy, well adjusted successful business owner and gives back to the community. Both jealousy and pride are unproductive even dangerous emotions.
• India
11 Jun 11
Yes i agree both are irreversible too, we need to avoid lol Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• United States
8 Jun 11
Dear Professor No I am not a jealous person at all, I find that jealousy can be a personal destruction. I am more of a praise for someone gain, so that they feel that I am appreciative. I may want to achieve as much as them but find that my own efforts in positive manners is the only route to go. Being jealous will only cause me to be a negative person, hence cause a lot of damage to my thoughts and actions. Therefore I do not find it to be a good thing for me to do.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Dear gurl Happy to know you are not a jealous person, keep it up Thanks for response God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• India
8 Jun 11
You are right friend jealousy can be a personal destruction. I also not jealous with other because I know god give me mind and I can do everything. I will appreciate my opponent also but not jealous with him/her. Because I know jealousy is a work as a disease and spread all over the mind and then disturbed our work.
• United States
11 Jun 11
I do find the act of being jealous would be my worst enemy. Thank you dear Professor for my BR!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
We can't avoid jealous, friend. All of us feel jealousy when there is a basis for us to be jealous. This is shown that we are care with our love or partner...
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
It's my pleasure to share my opinion to you because your my friend here. Wish you all the best...have a great day!
• India
11 Jun 11
Thanks for sharing your opinion aerous God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
hi, yes i do,i get jealous easily in every category we have such as in relationship with my boyfriend,with my parents and my younger sister and sometimes to my friends too this happen to me,i dont know how to control this feeling but i try to change it for better.
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• India
4 Dec 12
Glad to know, you want to change
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
7 Jun 11
jealousy = man/woman. proudness = man / woman It takes away peace but we live with that all the years. Without jealousy no living person exists. Indian President envys US president. Infosys employee envies TCS employee like that. Sambalpur man envys Delhi man. People who do not have children envy those with children. People who has one car envy those who are having two cars. A child having one Barbie doll envies another with two barbie dolls. have a good day
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
As long as you use it in good faith and not to disturb anyone that would be helpful to shape your plans. It does exists to everyone but we should take it with grace. loL!
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
8 Jun 11
thank u for commenting on my post. have a good day.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Raviji and baby If there is no jealousy, progress will come to a standstill i guess Thanks for sharing your opinions God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
The feeling of jealousy is normal if not overdone. It can make or break a relationship. If there is an issue, then talk about it.
• India
4 Dec 12
yes too much of any thing is bad
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
8 Jun 11
i've thought about jealousy and instead choose to be happy for people since it makes the world a better place. i think if people are jealous of you then really they want you to fail.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Good if one is jealous for a good cause only, with a positive attitude.. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• Australia
8 Jun 11
I to believe in destiny and the road to success is based on the choice you make in life along the way. I have to admit i to have suffered from jealousy in a relationship more than a working environment, but i have been jealous of friends in high places but i choose to live postively and be thankful for what you have and wishful for your future. I never blame others for my misfortune, in most cases their are influences we can make to better our outcome in every decision or reaction.
• India
11 Jun 11
I think it is common in matter of relationship, we are human friend.. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Hi. Professor2010. I totally agree with you! Being jealous will only make things difficult for the person that is jealous. I have told my mother-in-law this so many times. I have told her that what I have, is what God wanted me to have. We all are different so that means we don't need to be jealous of anyone at all. What I have, is what God wanted me to have. Jealousy make a person bitter and angry. They will have to learn how to not be so jealous when they don't have something that someone else has. It is just unfair to be jealous of others because they have something that they feel that they should have themselves.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Hi cream If we are jealous, can we do any harm ? I don't think, we will be harming only.. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I really don't get jealous when people get promotions. I have gottan jealous when other people have something I want but don't have! I get jealous when I need to buy something but can't afford it and see other people being ableto buy stuff when they need it! For years I had major jealousy issues with seeing my siblings and some friends being married or just dating! It was so bad,I did some really stupid stuff that got me in trouble! I then tried therapy which didn't help! I found out that type of jealousy only got better with time! Being a jealous person is not good!
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• India
11 Jun 11
In relationship some kind of jealosuy is common, we need to be careful.. Thanks for sharing your views in details God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
I think it is natural that we are easy get jealous or envy of certain things and people in our life. The most important is, we should know that jealousy is a part of us that having insecurity or pride. We must try to overcome this kind of feeling, since it won't help to improve our self. Most of the time, it will leads to trouble and stressed. That's why, it is much better to lead our life through a simple way, so we can have a peace of mind.
• India
11 Jun 11
Best to think positive, work honestly, no jealousy of any kind Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
8 Jun 11
Nice discussion sir and some days before I also put this type of discussion jealousy is the disease of women but I think not only for women but also for men jealousy is a disease/decease. The person can jealous with other person in any event like in business, in study, in life and I dont understand why? I will suggest all mylotters and other peoples dont be jealous with other's work we have also a power or mind to go ahead. So use it and be happpy.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Surekha beti I am happy you like my discussions Jealousy in business is good if confined to competetions only.. Thanks for sharing your opinion God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
hello Prof, Jealousy is not healthy to any relationship, body and mind This attracts negative vibes to us I am not that jealous one but sometimes I can be jealous too it depends and if it is reasonable. happy mylotting
• India
11 Jun 11
At times you can't control, right? Thanks for sharing your opinion God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I agree with you. but honestly, we can't help it sometimes that we feel envious on the the luck of other people. For me, i just admire them and wished that I could be like them.
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• India
12 Jun 11
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion Welcome to mylot Enjoy life to fullest. Professor ‘*^Bhuwan^*’. .
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Jun 11
Hi Professor, Once again you are absolutely right. The only thing that jealousy will do is take away our peace of mind and probably bring on some physical aliments as a result of this. We must never blame others for our misfortune as we are the sole creator of what life brings us. Blessings.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Dude, but most blame 'luck'? We are responsible for our good or bad only. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• United Kingdom
7 Jun 11
I don't think I am jealous personally, I don't even know what that is! Perhaps once upon a time I could say that I was envious of another someone as they seemed to have everything that I wanted in life but I have given up on that kind of attitude or thought! The reason is I am content in my own little shell now and I am content and grateful for what I have. I agree with you that we each are the creators of our own destiny in this life. I must admit that I haven't been pushing myself too hard in relation to moving forward and achieving. If I am happy with my lot though and I am then I don't see any reason to change things if I don't want to. We are all very different and we all want different things out of life. I cannot say that I will ever achieve the goal of purchasing a huge house with a lovely sports car! I think I can definitely go for a few big macs at McDonalds though, these are very achievable goals! Andrew
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• India
11 Jun 11
Dear Andrew, we have limitations in our dreams always, we can never achieve every thing. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@GemmaR (8517)
7 Jun 11
I think that we can spend far too much of our lives being jealous of what other people have that we do not. If we allow this jealousy to consume us, we can have mental effects of that and will end up not enjoying our own lives because of it. We should try to remember the things in our lives that other people would be jealous of, and I bet that you will find that you have many things that could fit this description.
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• India
11 Jun 11
Yes i agree GemmaR Thanks for details God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
dear dada, Jealousy is part of having insecurities,pride and being egoistic. It won't help to improve one self,and always leads to trouble and stressed. I am not a jealous type...even in my childhood,i don't feel jealous or envy. I am just a simple girl with simple dreams and aspirations in life. I know my dada knows it...hugs to you,maa and shubee
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• India
11 Jun 11
Dada knows every bit of you, very well Thanks for response God bless you, you have Dada's blessings too.have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
honestly I never let jealousy get into me, I am always sincerely happy and proud of people especially my friends if they make it big. Jealousy is one thing that will hold our own progress because we lose focus, remember that in Western Mythology, it is pictured and referred to as the Green Eyed Monster. In my Christian faith it is also one of the seven deadly sins
• India
11 Jun 11
Dear lou Thanks for telling me about your faith, specially the Green Eyed Monster' God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• Indonesia
7 Jun 11
U got a point there professor. but i guess a little jealousy wouldn't hurt. we can use it as motivation to strife harder. well it just my personall opinion anyway
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• India
11 Jun 11
Thanks for sharing your opinion Welcome to mylot God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .