Where are all the Modern Prophets????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
June 10, 2011 11:29pm CST
In ancient times, prophets were very valuable. They spoke for God and told of things to come. They supplied answers for many. I only have one question. If God really sent prophets to speak for Him in the past, where are all the modern prophets today?? Why would God change the system after all these years??
We all have the power to choose how we value things. We can place great value on certain people of the past or we can see them for what they really were, People. The truth is that God speaks through all His children. We are all prophets to a certain extent. God will never rely on just one person to tell you everything. That would limit your view. God wants His children to be able to stand on their own two feet. God places all truth out there so we can discover for ourselves.
So, tell me what you think, Prophet.
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14 responses
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
people in the older times believe things not proven by science.....
they believe in just a simple myth....
if prophets are exist right now, they will only found whatever secrets to myths they have manifests....
they are like those modern magicians who reveals their secrets.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I think you are right. The world is getting smarter with each generation. It's harder to fool us today. There are still too many who will follow blindly on mere beliefs without finding the need to investigate. Lessons to learn, indeed. OK mantis36. You by chance wouldn't be a praying mantis would you???? OK! OK! Ha! Ha! I couldn't resist.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
here in my province, majority of the Roman Catholics here do believe mostly in Superstitious beliefs and false prophets like what they called Albularyo where it's job is to cure sick that Doctors can't heal, or drives away evil spirits such as demon possessions....
instead of Holy Water as what Roman Catholics believe,
Roman Catholics here using Ginger, Oil gas, onions, etc.... hahahaha

@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
13 Jun 11
We have got 66 books in the Holy Bible and we can find lots of prophecies that are already fulfilled until our days and some that will soon be fulfilled.
I made a search and found a chapter about what would happen in "last days" and we can see that it really happens in front of our eyes.
Why not test this: ask God to send someone to you who can explain what the ancient prophets told about our days.
Daniel, for example was told (chapter 2) about the world governments that would follow after his time. We are now seeing the last of them before God´s government will take over the earth.
The following part of Daniel´s prophecy is very interesting:
[i]"8 I heard what he said, but I did not understand what he meant. So I asked, “How will all this finally end, my lord?”
9 But he said, “Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, cleansed, and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means...13 “As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you.”"[/i]
(New Living Translation)

@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
14 Jun 11
Actually, I don´t fear the end of this violent world full of wars. I look forward to it. If you have followed me in the past, you might have seen all the positive posts here in myLot and Triond. I wrote a poem about the future paradise almost a year ago, and nobody was scared..
"And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations[c] will hear it; and then the end will come."Matthew 24:14 (New Living Translation)
According to the Bible, no human being is supposed to set out any dates about the end of the wickedness, even if some people have done it in the past. We cannot do it as we don´t know the exact day or year.. But I really long for the paradise to come and the world peace without today´s problems, and continue to tell the good news to others.
What solution have you found for solving the world problems?? 

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I know you are looking to be saved from the adversities of this world, however you will never be done with adversity until you have true understanding. This will be done through your free choices and eons of time. We will all know God's Unconditional Love. God will not abandon any of His children. He will teach them. Instead of looking for escape, try looking for solutions, try nurturing the goodness that is all over this world. You might paint a pretty picture of heaven but never discount that the fear you generate in people will return to you just as God returns all our actions to us. You will discover in time the hate that it is. You want to speak for God. Wouldn't it be just as easy to spread Unconditional Love rather than fear and punishment. Indeed, you would move many more people in the right direction.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Jun 11
You are giving me just more stories of doom and gloom. We see what happened when the last guy told us when the end of the world would be. You say I should ask God to send someone to tell me about ancient prophets. Why not let God tell me Himself??? I surely do not need a middleman between God and I. I know you have been taught this view probably from childhood. This is not God. If you really knew God instead of following holy books written by mankind, you would know that God is Unconditional Love. I fear you will never be happy living in fear of the next doomsday that will not come. One can just as easily choose to see and value goodness in this world. Can you see any?? Is there any hope of you seeing anything other than doom and gloom?? Is this truly how you want to be??? Changing is as easy as a choice. You have all my love and kindness my friend.
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@urbandekay (18278)
11 Jun 11
Perhaps a prophet is never recognised in their own country or time
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Jun 11
The world may be getting smarter but not wiser, thinks I. Whether or not I am a prophet or anything else, perhaps remains to be seen
all the best urban
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
There was a time when a hand was cut off for stealing a loaf of bread, the average person was illiterate, and a University education meant you could read and write. Nobody knew why apples fell from the tree, or how a bird flew. At this time the truth was anything that was pointedly obvious, and all else was hearsay, because no one knew any better. Story-telling was a wildly popular form of entertainment, because there was very little else, and many people learned to use their elemental imaginations to create Gods that lived on earth as well as in the clouds. Those people who were most respected and revered were called "Prophets," because they could make these Gods come to life in their fables and fairy-tales, and those who could spin the best tales were called Prophets. At the present time there are still a few who can feel the awe, when they read or listen to stories and folk-tales of ancient times when men spoke for God, and times were very much simpler than they are today!

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Jun 11
As a Spiritualist, I am in touch with God, and know Him well. Like you, I have sufficient proof that leads me to God. But I am no modern Prophet, as I do not speak for God, and not a Story-teller like those of ancient times who embellished their beliefs and insights to plant the seeds of Christianity, which grew into the Greatest Scam the world has ever seen. To say nothing of the wars and religious purges that have killed and murdered hundreds of millions in the last 2000 years.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
One can not allow religions and their stories to base their knowledge of God. If we did that, one would know God does not exist then never search. Simply because you can't agree with religion's view does not mean God does not exist. Just like all knowledge in this world, it is up to us to discover it. The learning is in the journey. I know God exists just as I know you exist. My proof is the same for you both. Just like all the physics of this world add up, so does the people factor. Many more variables make things much more complex. When you come to understand how and why everything adds up completely, it will bring new ideas, a new way of thinking that will lead to God. There is much learning in the journey. It is a long road with much work if one does not want to end up just confused by the experience. As with everything, the choices are ours to make. As for being a prophet, I have seen you speak for God many times in some of your comments. You might not be aware of this but you do.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jun 11
By your definition of prophet, you could never be that evil. You have spoken for God. Any time you insist the truth be told even through the adversity of people fighting you, you speak for God. Anytime you show people what they are really doing is hatred, you speak and teach for God, Anytime you give unconditional love and kindness, encouraging others, you truly speak for God. Being a spiritualist, you are ahead of many for you understand our true natures. We are all spiritual beings. Our bodies are no more than transportation in this physical world. I realize that given your past experience with religion, it's easier for God not to be Someone. That is OK! You know. If you would discover God, you would really like Him. There is intelligence far beyond those you have known, mankind. The journey takes much work to understand how it all adds up. Each discovery brings one to new doors. The choices are for each of us to make. Never be satisfied that you know the entire story. I have found there is always more to discover.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
11 Jun 11
I have often thought of this. I agree...somewhat. I don't believe in God as a higher being. I believe that all is equal, as we are all one. An external God and prophets both suggest that one can be greater or lesser than someone else. I do not believe this. I believe not in a separate God, but that we are God. The spirit inside all things, the life energy, the universe, everything beyond physical form is God. So I agree with you that God speaks through all his children because everything we do or think is an expression of spirit, our very being is a representation of God.Namaste.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
God is actually Someone. This is not a belief. You are right in that God is nothing like what religion teaches. All God's children are equal. We are just learning different things according to our individual needs. The system operates through our free choices. Life is fair. In time, we will be it all and do it all. The adventure continues.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
11 Jun 11
It's not a belief? Well clearly it is a belief given the fact that not all believe this and it cannot be proven either way.
@bountyhunter (38)
12 Jun 11
@ bird123:
Who are you to say that god is someone and it isn't a belief. As _sketch_ rightly says, there's no proof of anything as to what god is or if there is a god, so to make comments like that is offensive. You can state what you believe but please don't force your view on everyone else. That makes you come across as a zealot and no one likes a zealot. This isn't the 18th century you know, you don't need to try and convert everyone you talk to.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
11 Jun 11
The Prophets ended with the old Hebrew Prophets. There was no longer a need for them and the Lord stopped communicating through people in that way. So ended the era of Prophecy. Anyone who came forth from that time on was and is a false prophet.
We have the information, the intelligence and the resources to do what the Lord wants us to do in this world. We choose not to do these things. When the time comes that we decide to do what is right, then we will finally see the Messiah come to establish his kingdom here on earth and the millennium of peace will finally reign here on earth.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Sounds like a lot of Stories to me. If you base God's actions on holy books, one must ask why everyone didn't get a copy. Sure there are some good things in all holy books. Mankind is also in there. Perhaps the real test is not who blindly follows holy books but who really wants the truth then ventures to discover God themselves. It's a task we are all capable of.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
Oh, there are loads of modern prophets nowadays, only now we call them by different names then prophets... Now its more preachers, and evangelists. They really are the same kind of thing, they are people who say they have a direct connection to God, and that they can tell you what God wants, or why God is doing something that you don't understand. Back in more historical times, people didn't cast such a doubt on weather people could talk to God or not, there was no science that could say anything otherwise, and people who were true believers would go along with it quite easily. Nowadays, these people can easily say, "God talked to me, and he said this..." but it's a smaller number of people who actually believe in this people. I even know of a South American man, I think from Mexico, who even calls himself the resurrection of Jesus... now, how many people actually believe that is another story, but he does still claim himself to not just be a prophet, but actually the son of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
If God exists then God can be found. Never assume one can not have contact with God. That being said. Yes, many people want to be famous, important, and maybe make money claiming God this and that. There always seems to be an endless supply of believers and followers. Instead of blindly believing anything said about God, one should be willing to venture into undiscovered country and find the answers themselves. I can't understand why so many depend on getting all their information about God from others. Must there be a middleman in any relationship?? Seems too many people want one with God.
@snowhybiscuis (1882)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Your question really tickled my fancy. There may no be modern prophets nowadays but I listen to Bro. Eliseo Soriano because he's preachings according to the bible's content are really sensible. He stick to what the bible says and he understands its contents. Listening to him gave me a wider understanding of God's message to His people even to our times... the "end days" as the bible termed it.
I am not a prophet but I replied to your posting because I believe that God will not allow His children to be lost. And if He sent somebody for us to listen too, one would just have to pray hard so that we can find this modern day prophet. Just my opinion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
One must always remember that all holy books are written by mankind. One should stand on their own two feet rather than depend entirely upon others for your answers. God's actions are all around us to be discovered. To discover how and why things are done is to understand God and how God thinks. We are all well capable of this. God's children choose many hard lessons, however none are lost forever. If God can create universes, what are a few wayward or lost children? You say that you are not a prophet. Everything you say isn't from God, however every child, including you, speak for God to someone. It might be something so small yet important that you don't realize you do. Everytime one shares their love and kindness, they are speaking for God. Yes, a Prophet indeed!
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
I do believe in a gift of prophecy as stated in the New Testament, but I think it gets so abused because I've heard many Charismatic-style ministers make big prophecies and they didn't come true and such, and there's many of those kinds of ministers that even call themselves "Prophet So-and-so" - so while I do believe there's a spiritual gifting in the area of prophecy, I am very cautious when it comes to people giving prophecies.
As far as real, legitimate prophets like Moshe and Samuel, well, I don't think there's any of those types of guys running around anymore, I could be wrong, though.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
You are right. That last prophet preaching it was the end of the world, sure looks funny today. People all have different levels of knowledge and vision they share with others. It is important for so many to be rich and famous. That is their true goal. God speaks through all His children. Many with a special view teach others around them not realizing they are doing just that. That sounds a bit like you, sharing your warmth and kindness so that others can see the Possibilities. Religion teaches so many to see the world through bad eyes. This blinds so many to what wonderful children God does have in the world. If we look through our eyes of unconditional love and kindness, we will end up being one of the Greatest Prophets that no one knows exists. It is a Glorious life. You are a Prophet indeed!!
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 11
Modern Prophets are there i guess , but maybe we are too distracted to see them and listen to them, or our eyes hearing but not perceiving since our senses are being populated and distracted by modern technology and sins, temptations and daily burdens and forget about the Almighty god.Basically we are stiff necked and already harden our heart.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Have you been taught to see the world as evil?? Are you Happy??? You should never worry about God. Beliefs are not important to God. It's the Learning that counts. In some ways we are all prophets for we all speak for God at some time. People today are not as easily fooled by those claiming to be prophets.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
11 Jun 11
"God places truth out there so we can discover for ourselves"
Actually, according to the story of Eden, God placed knowledge out there to tease us and told us if we ever wanted it we would be disgraced. What a swell guy.
In answer to your question: Perhaps the rapture has come and gone. The rest of us are doomed souls beyond salvation and therefore undeserving of prophets.
The truth is probably easier than that. All prophets past and present are false. People just listen to who ever they want to believe to make their lives easier or more structured.
The concept that we are all "prophets" is equally intriguing but it invokes a different definition of "prophet". If true it would suggest the concept of God as a lone physical entity is unlikely. Religion would be whatever we create, willing all past religions and millions of gods into existence. Personally, I think that may be a good interpretation.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
God is actually Someone. On the other hand, God has many many many children. I can kind of go along with your statement. All prophets past and present are false. People just listen to who ever they want to believe to make their lives easier or more structured. ......It's always been easier to follow than discover the real truth for oneself. Even that choice has a lesson to be learned.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16876)
• China
11 Jun 11
I have never believed in what is called prophets,if any,they nothing more than put on a act.Not long ago,they say that the end of world was at a certain date.Some people were in a constant state of anxiety.All was safe and sound at the end.I like the word"God wands his children to be able to stand on their own two feet."The proverb"God helps those who help themselves."is a good match for that.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Very Good!! changjiangzhibin89. Yes, those end of the world prophets are everywhere. I don't understand why so many believe them so easily. We all do speak for God in some way. I can tell with your common sense and reason that you will help many around you to see how things do add up. Thanks.
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