Sorry For Keeping So Quiet
By KrauseHome
@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
June 11, 2011 10:42pm CST
I had promised all of my friends here on myLot that I would let everyone know when I had gotten any results back from the Neuro Stress Test that they did this last Wednesday on my heart. Since getting the results back I have been a little down and been trying to find other things to do and occupy my time as well as post back to other discussions here to take my mind off of things.
Well, all of these Chest pains I have been having for the last 10 months now on and off have been something I should have been pressing about more, as they found something abnormal on the Test the other day, and want me to see a Cardiologist on Monday. To say I am a little scared, you got it. To say my husband is, Yes for sure. My Mom had Heart problems from the time she was in her early to mid 40s and died at 63 because of them. (I will be 47 in August).
As to what this means, all I can say is I hope it is not too bad, but having them insist I come in on Monday and I found out the results only yesterday (Friday), it must be something of importance. They are saying the weak tired feeling is stemming from the Test they did and normal since they found something. All I can say is I am scared and been doing a lot of Crying and Praying and know God is in control. Anyone wanting to keep me in Prayer is appreciated as well.
I am sure there will be more to come, but any advice and suggestions? Anyone else been thru something like this?
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21 responses
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I can imagine how scary this must be for you, but try to keep a positive attitude that even if it is a problem, it will be something that can be helped. I'll be praying for you that you will have peace over this and that you are going to get betetr and stronger.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jun 11
tina please do not worry as that will make e verything worse. I had all these tests and my ekg showed premature ventriculations yet the cardiologist told me that it was a benign condition and I was fine to have surgery,and on other ekgs it shows the same thing and the cardiologist one of the best in California said its benign do not worry about it. some people do this and it is fine. so after two renowned doctors telling me the same thing six years back I no longer worry.,I think they want to get you your the results quickly so you have less time to worry about it. I am saying there are a lot of degrees of heart
problems and some are not nearly as worrisome. I will send more prayers for things to be good for you again and you to get your health back. 

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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I am hoping that things have turned out ok. I am just catching up and reading this. It is scary, but best to find it now, so maybe they can help you.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Jun 11
Oh Tina dear! I'm so sorry to hear about this!! At least you know now that there is something going on and now something can be done about it. Technology has made a lot of advancements since your mom was here so hopefully they can do something to help you live a long and happy life. I hope it's nothing big or bad that can't be helped! I'm sure you've posted an update by now and I'll be looking for it as I catch up. Bless you!!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
hello Tina,
I know and understand about your feelings.
My sister was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse 2 years ago.
We are always aware about her health and worries each time she has mild attacks.
We never lost hope that she will be fine...thu her condition is not curable-but needs precautions.
Prayers -the greatest help and resort in this situation my dear 

@stary1 (6611)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse… and about 2 years ago I had a value repair. My poor husband and daughters freaked, but I was fairly ok with it.
Today I am problems, no symptoms..all is well. As I understand, quite a few people have this. Some need repairs, some need value replacements and some never need any surgery. I'll pray for your sister, but she may never need any surgery.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Jun 11
The best advice that I can give to someone that is finally going to be getting a diagnosis for what has been ailing them is to go into it with an open mind. It really comes as quite a blow to get a medical diagnosis, but after the period of grief that follows the diagnosis, there is also a great feeling of relief. I would also recommend that you keep plenty of notes of things that you would like to ask the cardiologist on future visits. When you have a medical diagnosis, it is very important to learn to be your own advocate.
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
12 Jun 11
I do not know you but I do hope you will get over this.
Do not forget God is on your side on hard and difficult times, so do not stress yourself too much on it, it won't do you any good.
I have had my share of health problems even though I am only 27 years old, and I do know that stress and sadness can only make things worse.
My prayers are with you.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Jun 11
You are only hurting yourself by worrying and crying--I mean really hurting yourself, as in making your body sick. You need positive thoughts! This is all in God's hands, you know, and what will be will be. There is a plan for you. Quit worrying.
I know it's scary, I was kind of nervous when I went to the cardiologist. And I had an episode there, too, thank God because they found out what it was and it wasn't bad. Yours may not be as bad as you think. An abnormality could be anything from trivial to serious, so relax. Trust God. You'll be in my prayers.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Tina, the last post I read of yours stated how tired you were after the test, and I must say this news was expected by me. What they can do now for your heart is so amazing that I would be glad to find out what is wrong. As long as you don't know it can only get worse, now you will have a good chance of fixing it. This is how you must look at this meeting. I know it is human nature to always think the worse but please try to believe in the prayers you will get from all of us and modern medicine. Blessings, Pat
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
12 Jun 11
It is only natural for you to be upset, but try not to be. I know there is extra concern because of your Mom's problems. Worry will only make things worse, and there is nothing you can do anyway, except praying, which you are doing anyway. A lot of times doctors scare you and then it isn't really serious. If it is something serious it can probably be treated. It might have been caught early enough that it can be stopped from getting worse. There are so many new advances in medicine since your Mom's problem. A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer, and they took their time telling her about it, and then waited months to operate. I always thought with cancer, they would tell you and operate right away. My point is that anymore you can't tell the serverity by the time length it takes for them to tell you.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Jun 11
I do sympathise Tina, I really do.
I had a little spell in hospital last year due to chest pains. Lots of tests were conducted and I had a go on a treadmill, etc.
It turns out I have mild angina but there have been no follow-up appointments at the docs due to the fact I don't actually WANT to go. I feel I am far better off controlling what I eat than being placed on loads of tablets (statins are the worsed) that won't do me any good anyway. I know they are good for some but I have not had a chest pain since last year so I am not going to start worrying over something unnecessarily.
As for the Mirena Coil that was fitted in October..well, that's another story as I'm not happy with the situation and will ring up for an appointment tomorrow.
The best thing to do is try not to worry as that will make you feel worse.

@christine888 (303)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Tina,I am sorry for what you are facing right now but you gotta need to strengthen your faith in God. Be strong and embrace whatever the result will be but do not lose hope either. Your family , friends and your mylotters are here to pray for you. It may be a serious condition that you have the ideas based from your mom's situation but remember God is so good just trust in him I am sure he will never leave you. GodBless you always and keep smiling do not stress yourself..
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I would be very stressed too. Heart problems run on my dads side very rapidly. He was in his early 30's when he got heart problems and passed away when he was only 45.Hopefully they found what is wrong with your heart and straighten it up pretty soon. Don't be so scared of having any procedures done that will make you better. My dads brother scared him when he was told to have a heart catheter test. His brother told him that it was real dangerous. Having that done might have prolonged his life a lot longer.I will keep you in my prayers.Try not to stress yourself out too much because that isn't good on your heart.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
13 Jun 11
You have my prayers, hon. I don't know what your tests were, but about 2 years ago I had an echocardiogram and the assistant said I had to see a cardiologist right away. I was a little freaked.
When I saw the cardiologist he recommended a value repair sooner rather than later, for my condition of Mitral Valve Prolapse . It took a few months to go through all the prep but I did finally have surgery. Honestly, it was no big deal. If anyone had told me they were having surgery for this I would have been frightened for them, but it really wasn't so bad.
I think the anticipation is sometime scarier than the event..the wondering ...what next is scary but once you know what you need to deal with, it's not so least that is the way it was for me.
You are definitely in my prayers sweetie...I know you are a religious person and trust God is with you always. If you want you can message me and ask anything.. if I can help in any way I will be most happy to do so. God Bless you.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
12 Jun 11
You certainly are in my prayers. Chances are that you may not ever inherit your mother’s condition besides there are new treatments and medications available these days that may not have been around during your mother’s illness. Remember that a peaceful spirit goes a long way towards good health. Let us know how you go.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I had a couple of abnormal EKGs. From different doctors. It indicated that one side of my heart was enlarged. Fortunately after an MRI, there was nothing abnormal at all. I still wonder though. My dad had problems when he was in his mid thirties. That's very young for that kind of stuff too.
I hope that everything checks out ok for you and I'll be thinking about you too. I know how scary it is.
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Getting all stressed out isn't going to help anything...but I certainly understand! I hope you get some much better news than what you re anticipating! I'll be praying for you here too my friend.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Tina I have not stopped praying for you my dear friend and surely will continue to do so. I am sorry my friend that the stress test did not come back favorable.
Do try and pray for positivity. Perhaps something that can be handled easily. I understand about the tears as I too would be just as scared and worried as you.
Do take care and please make sure to get some rest, so that you can fight what is going on. 

@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
12 Jun 11
No matter what has happened,you must keep a good mindset.I hope there will be a turn for the better.