It's so hot but...

Summer Summer - I love the sun but sometimes it's a bit too much lol
South Korea
June 20, 2011 9:10am CST
Today I woke up sweating like a pig. The summer is going to get nastier I know. Anyway so as soon as I woke up, I headed to the shower. I was thinking of taking a cool shower before starting my day but I couldn't. I mean it was so hot but still, I couldn't shower with cold water so I took a bath with lukewarm water . Is it just me or does this happen to you too?? And how's the weather in your place?? Hope it's more pleasant than we have here
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31 responses
@missybear (11391)
• United States
20 Jun 11
It's getting well into the hundreds here in Vegas and like you I can't take cold showers either.. I just take kind of a warm but not too hot shower.
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• South Korea
20 Jun 11
Woop!! found someone who's the same as me . I can't take cold showers no matter how hot it is, I still wonder why. Thanks for the response. And Las Vegas must be awesome. Would like to visit it someday soon . Have a wonderful day!!
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• Seychelles
20 Jun 11
Hi! I'm from a tropical island so you can imagine what's the weather like.The sun is always so mad anyways i can understand what you mean about bathing wiv lukewarm water although its hot hehe i do it all the time i even cover wiv a blanket while i sleep although its hot.Well but i would not lie when its pretty hot its really irritating as well and i get mad along wiv the sun:-) Cheers!
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• South Korea
20 Jun 11
lol same!! no matter how hot i always cover myself with a blanket, doing that since I was a kid and probably will do it for like forever lol. someone like me awww and yeah i get mad too!! the heat isn't at it's best now but when it does get that hot, i'm in a very bad mood the whole time. Anyway thanks for the reponse. have a lovely day!!
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• South Korea
21 Jun 11
I'm from South Korea hehe I know sometimes mylot can be so slow
• Seychelles
20 Jun 11
Lol..i fink i will do it like forever as well.Hehe yeah finally someone like you :P lol i was checking where you from exactly to be having so much heat but your page is taking soo long to load and i bet i would get to the end of this comment and still not load i guess the page doesn't want me to find out :P well lovely day to you too.cheers!
@ElicBxn (63827)
• United States
20 Jun 11
we've had 15 days over 100º - 104 yesterday and Saturday - and it is supposed to go over 100 again today. it is very hard to take a cold shower, I have done it, but its not a lot of fun.
@ElicBxn (63827)
• United States
21 Jun 11
not really that different than a cold swim...
• South Korea
21 Jun 11
hehe true but i have never tried it though just around the legs maybe hehe anyway thanks for the share and have a wonderful day!!
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• South Korea
22 Jun 11
The first dip in the pool is actually very challenging to me.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Jun 11
It is raining, chilly and I am wearing a pullover! We are going to a cocktail party later and I shall no doubt shiver in the cold! I'll gladly swap for a day or two! LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Jun 11
Hatley - certainly does rain here. We have weeks of rain followed by weeks of dry, but not always sun. The plus side is that everything is green. The downside is that it is very depressing!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Jun 11
hi pikey wow its june and june gloom just flew away this morning as its just after 10 am and the sun is out in full sway no overcast sky so I bet its going to be hotter than usual today. so there it is raining and chilly come to think of it from all I have read, never having been in England ,it rains a lot there.right?
• South Korea
20 Jun 11
Comparing to the weather we are having right now, I think that's a lovely weather you are having there. I have a few friends from England, and they complain about how hot it is right now but to be honest it will get wilder than this. Uhh i can't take the heat no more LOL
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• Pamplona, Spain
20 Jun 11
Hiya TG, Very hot night last night and very warm Morning already before nine o ´clock as well. Very sticky and hot weather here too. Could not get into the Shower right away but when I could I did wash in lukewarm water as well as it cools me down quicker. I woke up really hot and needed to get up and throw some cool water down the back of my neck as well just to ease off the heat. When I came back from the Bank and the Shops it was the same I felt like a cooked Chicken too so I had to splash myself with cool water again. (grin). Very warm weather and set to stay as
• South Korea
20 Jun 11
Exactly what I'm feeling. Even if I go out for a while, I'll be drenched head to toe uhh it's so annoying at times. And the worst thing is, knowing the fact that it's going to get deadlier Oh well let's try to stay cool and happy =) Thanks for the response and have a wonderful day
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
20 Jun 11
The weather here changes from hot for a few days to cold for a few days. Always rainy though. When it is real hot, I take a shower with lukewarm water. The hotter it is, the colder the water. I can never take one just with cold water though.
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• South Korea
20 Jun 11
Same here. I can never take a cold shower no matter how hot it is . I get kinda scared showering my body with cold water :S Anyway thanks for the response
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
20 Jun 11
It has been hot and humid here where I live and during periods like that I take a lukewarm shower to both get clean and cool down.I know that its going to get hotter and then maybe I will take a cold shower just depends on how hot it is.Hope it cools down for you and hope that you have a great day.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Some people are that way I hope that the weather gets cooler for you.I know its going to be in the 90's all next week so I will be taking lots of cold showers lol.I hope that you have a wonderful day.
• South Korea
21 Jun 11
No matter how hot it is, I can never take a cool water . The thought of putting the icy cold water in my body makes me shiver hehe. Anyway thanks. i hope the weather turns the way you want it to too. and have a wonderful day
• South Korea
24 Jun 11
Thank you =) The weather is cooling down now coz it's been raining continuous for 2 days now. Loving the weather =D
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Sep 11
Hi, thatgirl13. It is hot outside now. It should be about 88-91 degrees outside. That is what I dislike about the summer time. The heat! I would like to take a cool shower, but the thought of taking a cold shower can seem unpleasant. So, I have no choice but to take a really warm shower that is not too hot nor that is too cold. It is just the right temperature for me to wash off in. I have sweated like a pig this summer, that is why I can't wait for the winter to come in!
• South Korea
10 Sep 11
Wow it must be really burning there. This summer was really nasty here too. I am so glad summer's gone now. We've had this soft shower of rain this morning which has made the weather much pleasant. Anyway I hope the weather there gets in your favour soon
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
I find the weather in our place too conducive for sleeping. It's almost 3 already that the rain is falling. Yes, it is wet all over but I'm glad the raindrops are just tiny and falling softly. Last night, it was raining almost all night through but the tiny drops of rain did not bother my sleep unlike when the rain is hitting hard. It rather made me sleep better and more soundly because it refreshes the whole surrounding and cool breeze could be felt. This morning the weather is so cool. The raindrops have stopped and I could see the sun shining now. I hope that raindrops come in the afternoon again.
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
We finaly had some rain today. I'm so glad coz it wasn't a heavy rain and eveything around feels so fresh and cool. I am loving the weather Thanks for the share and have a wonderful day
@anil02 (24688)
• India
22 Jun 11
I am also facing problem of sun strock from last some days. Here in India here are rainy days but the location where I am living have no rain till the day. I am feeling irritation with sun light in these. I want every time cloudy whether.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
23 Jun 11
I am waiting for it. yesterday is very hot day here. Thanks for reply.
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
We finally had some rain today . The weather is cool and refreshing at the moment. I hope you have some rain soon too so that the weather gets cooler
• United States
22 Jun 11
Yes it finally made it way here and it is so hot it is hard to breath. Gosh even after a shower I feel like I am sweating and so very warm at night. We finally today turned on the A/C but it is so hot it has not cooled down yet. Keep cool there.
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
Hehe thanks. We finally had a some rain here today and everything feels so fresh and nice and cool. I'm loving the weather at the moment. Hope it stays for a while more. Thanks for the response and have a lovely summer
@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
24 Jun 11
It is not just you, I cannot take a shower in cold water. I need to make it at least warm in order to shower and feel good. I cannot stand the humid weather either. I do sleep with the air conditioner on so I will not wake up sweating.
• South Korea
24 Jun 11
Hehe thanks for the share and have a lovely day!!
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Jun 11
Here in USA now the weather is hot compared to local peoples' standard. For me it is convenient. Still I take bath in hot water only because inside the house AC is there and temp is maintained around 70F. I know this time of the year it is very hot in my place chennai also. But even then while taking bath I use hot water only as a matter of routine. have a nice day.
• South Korea
24 Jun 11
Thanks for the share have a wonderful day!!
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
It is rainy season now in my country so it is always raining.. During summer, it is so hot that I rarely go out. I can't stand the heat that I am having rashes on my face and I feel dizzy..
• South Korea
10 Sep 11
I am so sorry. I hope your rashes go away soon and I hope the weather there gets better. We are having a really light rain right now and the weather has turned really pleasant. Our summer was really nasty too but now i guess summer has gone and autumn is here. Anyway thanks for the response and have a wonderful day!
@derek_a (10873)
21 Jun 11
I find that even on the hottest of days, it is not easy just to jump into a cold shower. I have done it by starting it off warm and then reducing it to full cold. It is quite pleasant when I am in there, but when I get out, my blood flows faster and I feel even hotter! Best to have luke warm showers, so that it doesn't increase the heart rate causing the blood to flow more quickly and making you hotter! The weather here in the south of the UK where I am is cloudy, damp and warm, making it very humid and uncomfortable over the last few days. As usual, we are not really have a great summer! That's Briish weather for you! _Derek
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
Hehe thanks for the share. I have a few friends from England and they tell me they hate the heat here hehe anyway have a great day!!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
21 Jun 11
I have never been able to shower with cold water. If the water didn't get hot, I just didn't shower. I might take a sponge bath, but I don't like running cold water over my body. I need it to be warm at least. The weather here is fairly nice, but I have mostly been inside with the air conditioner running so I don't know how it is outside. It looks like about 83 F so that is nice. I should go out for a while and do something. Have a great day!!!
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
Thanks for the share. ANd yes I have never been able to pour cold water to my body too. The thought kinda makes me shake. Have a good day
@lhenpaule (495)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Actually, at this time we're having a bad weather, in fact we're having another typhoon. Can't imagine another one is coming while we still feel and suffer with the effect of the previous one. Anyway, i usually do the same practice as yours. Even when it is summer I couldn't take a bath with the plain cold water. I boil water and pour it in to make the water lukewarm before I take a bath. I get used to it.
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
I'm sorry to hear about the typhoon. I hope nothing gets damaged and everone is safe there. God bless us all and good luck.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
21 Jun 11
Hi thatgirl...first of all[ and no offence] pigs don't sweat! unlike humans...who really stink when they sweat]pigs don't have pores so they don't sweat! so any way here is getting quite cold! tonight is really I would like a bit of your summer...and yes I like a lukewarm shower in summer I don't know why but is very refreshing!
• South Korea
22 Jun 11
No offence taken hehe just saying me and my friends use at times heheh!! And yes I would trade some of the summer here for a bit of your winter hhehe thanks for the response and have a great day
• United States
21 Jun 11
i am in india and here it is also too much hot.but hopefully monsoon is coming in some days so i think we will get rid of summer very a days due to global warming heat is breaking all the limits every summer.but we are truly helpless except nurturing our environment. i hope you will also get rid of the heat very soon.
• South Korea
21 Jun 11
Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant monsoon too Have a good day!!
• Indonesia
21 Jun 11
Indonesia is hot.I'm live in Palembang city, Indonesia that have hot weather especially on 9am - 3pm.Since kid, I used to live in hot weather, so it's kind of part of me.Everyday is sweaty day,hahahaha, but it's a habit, so I never feel hurt so bad and never feel need cool water to have a shower.Sometimes it's needed but not truly come to point.
• South Korea
21 Jun 11
Hehe thanks for the share. The weather these days are getting extremely hot i don't know if it's just me that's feeling this though. Last year was nasty hot too but this year I think it's much more hotter. Anyway have a wonderful day!!