Sould children be watching tv regular for long periods of time?

June 28, 2011 9:46am CST
I ask myself this question all the time, I know some mums that will let there child sit and watch tv all day long and not have a problem with it. Don't get me wrong our son watches tv, but within reason, he usually watches it first thing in the morning for a bit so I can run hoover around and do washing up and then an hour beforebedtime. For me this is an adequit amount of tv. On a sunday we'll sit and watcha film, thats if he'll sit still long enough and its usually the same film Cars or thomas the tank engine. The reason I worry is because I don't want my son becoming sole dependant on tv as a form of entertainment, yes its handy when somethings need doing but id rather he was being active or doing something creative like drawing or painting with some music on in the background instead. Does too much tv harm our children, in my opinion Id actually say yes because there are a great amount of obese children that would prefer sitting in front of the tv then going for abike ride, walk, play sport and for me this isn't a good thing. I want my child to grow up active, healthy and not dissapointed when the tv isn't on. What is your personal opinion, can children watch too much tv and does it do any harm? Opinions and experiences please
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10 responses
• United States
28 Jun 11
Hi Katrina! I also think too much sitting to watch TV and video games. Yes I agree. Kids that sit around too much are at risk for becoming obesity.
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29 Jun 11
Thank you for your comment, we completely agree. It certainlly isnt good for them in the slightest
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
29 Jun 11
For me not so that they would good in school and have more time to be school lesson.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
29 Jun 11
I understand that the experts are now saying that children should not watch television before they are two years old. Then, as you point out, children who watch too much television may become less active and obese. It is much better to start your children on loving books and playing with paper and crayons than to watch television. I do think it is neat that you watch television together. It is a close family time. For a great deal of the time my children were small we did not have a television. They developed quickly in many areas. Television is not something you have to have to survive. If he is big enough he can help you with your household chores and does not have to be baby sat by television.
29 Jun 11
My son adores his books, he brings me about 5in a row to read and is only almost 17months old. His fav at the mo is a book called The duck in the truck. But he adores it, more then the tv so its a good thing. We have just started to doing some drawing each day with a big pad and box of crayons, occasionally tries to eat them but hes past that now. TV is not an item that is neeeded in every household its something we choose, occasionally as said in another comment when I need to hang washing or hoover stairs tv will distract him for all of 5-10mins, but all over chores he joins in, he has a pretend hoover, pretend kitchen and likes to join in and we make it into a fun game usually with music on in the background because he loves dancing
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
29 Jun 11
You are correct. We should not allow our children to watch TV for long periods of time. We should actually limit them, specially when they are already studying. We should see to it that they do their assignments first and study, before they will be allowed an hour or two of TV. On weekends, they could watch TV, but they should also be made to play with other kids outside. This activities could help their growing bodies and is good for them. They can learn to socialize with it too. They should also be taught on how to help on some household chores. I am proud to say that i was like that with my kid. Now, that she's a 20 year old, she would watch TV that interests her only and if there's none, she would fiddle with her laptop and do some surfing.
29 Jun 11
That sounds spot on, I mean at 20 she will have preferences to what she watches and what she doesn't, at younger ages they will just continue to watch everything and anything aslong as it on the tv and for me thats too much, thank you for your reply.
• United States
28 Jun 11
Hi! I agree with you wholeheartedly; kids need balance and we need a break occasionally. I have a 7 year old so I too, try to set limits on tv and be aware of what she watches. What else is your little one interested in? Does he like animals and is he/ she gentle? Perhaps take him to a petting zoo that is appropriate for his age. Is there a swim class he can take with you that you feel safe about? Does your local library or ymca have any suggestions? Overall, you're doing the right thing. Thanks!!! Too much obesity in this world. Be well!
29 Jun 11
I can't go petting farm or zoo at the moment as Im 5months pregnant and we have just come out of lambing season and can cause stillbirth in pregnancy! But we go for walks, swimming, town, lunch, finger painting, paddling pool, see his friends infact we do a lot without the tv lol, be well too.
• United States
29 Jun 11
YAY!!! I'm glad you're active and Congrats on the 2nd! Do you know what it will be? I remember getting my daughter involved on this when I was pregnant and afterwards; she sorted through her toys and books and decided which she wants to keep, which ones go to him, and which can be donated. She also helped in choosing some of the clothes at Goodwill. We also kept her posted on what was happening (without being graphic) and she just went along with it and she even saw a sonogram just before the baby arrived! When I was in labor and being driven to the hospital, she kept saying, "Breathe deep!" Just some memories!
29 Jun 11
Were expecting another boy cricket. We had the scan yesterday and found out then. It was very exciting. I can't wait to do it all again
• Guam
29 Jun 11
Get him off the TV. Reading the book is more stimulating for the brain. TV is not interactive. Reading is more interactive. It will build his imagination, vocabulary. TV is getting poisonous. Unless you pay close attention to what he watches. My nephew watches alot of TV and video games. Me too. I see the same thing in him that iI saw in me: laziness, unresponsiveness, disobedience, and sluggishness. TV will lead him astray and bar him from the God's nourishing spirit. TV will lead him to useless toys, games, and stupid fads. (Pokemon, Power Rangers, etc.) Cut the TV out. Teach him to read the Bible. You can't go wrong. The Bible is entertaining with the stories, its truths, its wisdom. Save the TV 1 or 2 hours daily if you must. Weekends you can make it longer but I recommend against it. Prepare him for the future by starting today. Star when you can. I will pray for you. Buy him a glove and baseball. Teach him how to catch. Teach him how to throw a football. these 15 minutes of exercise is alot. That way he can do the same thing with other kids.
29 Jun 11
I will just say this discussion isn't about my child in particular, I wanted to discuss all children. As clearly stated in first cooment he watches it in mornng for an or son then the bedtime hour before bed after his bath, tea, bottle and bedtime story. He will choose wheather he wants to read the bible himself when he is older as I personally do-not have any beliefs, I believe that we survive for ourselves and noone will help ourselves except ourselves and will teach my son the exact same things. I don't want him growing up relying on something thats possibly not there or real, thats what he has a mum and dad for. We dont have baseball in this country but is good at kicking a football, we take him most afternoons once his dad had finished work over the field for a walk or adventure as I tell him with our dog and he loves that
@GemmaR (8517)
28 Jun 11
I think that it depends what you let them watch. Some programmes are educational for children, and it has been shown that interactive television has an incredibly positive impact on the development of the child and their language. However, it is important that your child gets enough exercise as well. If they sit watching the television all morning, take them to the park in the afternoon, or go and play some games in the garden. Anything is better than sitting down all day and doing nothing else, but as long as you can get the balance right then there is no problem with television at all.
29 Jun 11
I think even with depending what there watchign wheather it be educational or not, its still not great for them to sit and watch a lot of it. they could be doing somethign educational that you don't need the tv for, like for example I take my on for a walk down the meadows to feed ducks and show him nature, this for me is much better, I really want him to be an outdoor child, not a chil wanting to stay in house glued to the tv like some do
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
28 Jun 11
I do not want my son to see the television for too long. I do not want my son addicted to watching television. But not good for health, also makes a child I did not know the neighborhood. When my son was too long to watch television, I always turn to activities that attract the attention of my child. Sometimes I fail, when it distracts my child, from the television. But, I do not give up, and tried to keep my kids do not watch television for too long.
29 Jun 11
In all honesty I use the tv sometime when Im desperate to do something but usually only means a few mins like put my washing on the line or hoover the stairs, I mean with the other jobs in the hosue bless him he tries and joins in with his pretend hoover, so tv again not required just imagination
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
TV time should always be scheduled for kids. it should be regulated as it would interfere with other tasks that they should be doing. besides, that would make them lazy if they will just stay in front of it.
@neusdo (33)
• Puerto Rico
28 Jun 11
Hi katrinakat! I think that maybe there should be a healthy balance, as you're doing right now. Your child watches just a bit of tv, but not all the time. I think that is important for kids to have active lives and have interests that make them grow as human beings outside of what they can watch on tv. Sure, most of us watch tv sometimes, but I hear my mom talk about her childhood and how she was always playing with other kids and not once is tv mentioned and I think "that is great" because I guess most of our best memories don't come from what we watch on tv as children. I think you're right in wanting him to be active and creative, you're on the right path!
28 Jun 11
Thnak you for your comment and opinion, I agree with you. I just think its lovely to see children paying out rather then stuck in front of the tv, but he does have his fav programmes and is lovely when his little face lights up when they come on