Coffee ?? Addiction?

United States
July 4, 2011 9:33am CST
Ok, just curious as I sit here this morning barely awake and enjoying my first cup of coffee. I just had this random thought of how many of you go for the coffee pot within the first few minutes of being awake? Or if you don't drink coffee do you have another vice in the morning? I mean what are your morning drinking pleasures?
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10 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
hi hardworker1972, for many years now i always reach for a cup of coffee as soon as i wake up in the morning. there are times that i drink hot tea or hot chocolate but most times, it is coffee. i like its aromatic smell in the morning but for a few days now, i have been eating fruits first and wait for a good thirty minutes before i drink my coffee in the morning. take care... faith210
• United States
5 Jul 11
Sounds like you have set a new routine for yourself! Fruits before coffee. Wonder if I could do that?
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
6 Jul 11
oh yes. a new routine for me. and so far, i have been sticking to it until now. try it sometime, it really is good for the body. take care...
• United States
7 Jul 11
Setting a routine as you have that is good for your body will improve your mood as well as your overall health. I am trying to set a new routine of working out at least 3 times per week. So, far I am successful. :)
• India
13 Jul 11
well nothing can beat than a cup of some good just makes the day for it has become a kind of habit for me...i mean it just feels like dat i just could not do anything unless i get a cup of coffee...nothing can beat it ..its an addiction and a good one..;D
• United States
20 Jul 11
I don't know if it's habit or addiction but first thing I go for my cup of coffee as well. :)
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Oh I have to have my coffee in the morning. Usually I get up in the morning and turn the pot on, then I go back to bed until it is ready. I usually drink about 4 cups of coffee a day.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Getting up to make coffee and then snoozing while it brews. That's a definite addiction in my book. :)
@frishy (221)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
I love coffee and i drink 3 cups of coffee a day without coffee my day is incomplete so i prefer coffee in the morning since it awakes me :) and the rest of the day i good for me.
• United States
10 Jul 11
You know I think I am right on target with you. I have to have at least 2 to 4 cups of coffee in the morning to get my day off good.
@febrigas (362)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
Drinking coffee in the morning while reading a newspaper, or play internet. Made me feel more fresh.
• United States
13 Jul 11
I know! I love catching up on my social networks with a nice hot cup of coffee each morning.
• Malaysia
5 Jul 11
I must have a cup of coffee every morning. Seems like I can't get started without a cup. The rest of the day will be chinese tea or green tea and 1 or 2 cups of water. Therefore can't say is addicted but just habit.
• United States
5 Jul 11
I always have at least a cup or 2 of coffee usually not much more. But I feel I MUST have it. I guess that's what makes it an addiction. :(
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
4 Jul 11
I am very much addicted to coffee too, drinking four to five cups a day, starting from breakfast time. There is a coffee pot in my work place too. I used to drink strong coffee before, but now, I have changed to decaffinated coffee, with lots of milk. That's better for my blood pressure.
• United States
5 Jul 11
Does the decaf still taste the same? And what in the decaf are you actually addicted to? I mean I have always been told that it's the caffeine that I am addicted to. Just curious.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
4 Jul 11
I love coffee, but I don't really like to drink hot drinks often. In the morning, I drink Mountain Dew, Pepsi, etc. lol. Caffeine is definitely my biggest vice. :)
• United States
5 Jul 11
In the summer I am so addicted to sweet peach tea from Sonic. That is my BIGGEST VICE! If I can't get it then I go to Dr. Pepper!
• United States
4 Jul 11
I cannot start my day without coffee daily. Though I do drink Decaf coffee, it is a must each morning. Rarely I would start my day without it and can say on a rare rushed occasion I have and Grrr, the beast in me reaches out. lol Always best for me to have two cups right away as I get up. Then I may have 2 - 3 more during the day.
• United States
5 Jul 11
Wow! Decaf and you still have a beast in you? Interesting thought there. :)
• United States
4 Jul 11
I barely go a day without drinking at least one cup of coffee. I usually get it on the way to the train station but it's always before 9 or I can't function properly and my whole day is off. I probably should try to go a couple days without, but the detox period sucks so I prefer not to do that; I just need a little to keep me straight =]
• United States
5 Jul 11
Ohhhh detoxing does suck. I agree so much!