What way do you think it's the best for students to catch up the professor

United States
July 7, 2011 5:32pm CST
I have attended the psychology class and she was talking to fast. I wonder if there are some good ways for us to follow... Thanks
2 responses
@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I would say your best bet would be to speak with her after hours. Go to her office and politely tell her that she was speaking too quickly and could she please clarify what she said. This obviously works best if you have a good rapport with her already, but either way, I assume she'll be appreciative that you took the extra effort to get the lesson. You can also take the opportunity to ask her to slow down in future lessons. If your class is small, you could likely do this during class, but if your classes are larger, you have to make the extra effort. Good luck!
• Brazil
9 Jul 11
I agree with you. Usually, when this happen, a classmate talk to the professor. In this case, one student should ask to her if she could speak slower. Sometimes, we had to ask to the professor more than once to he change the way that he speaks.
• United States
9 Jul 11
I think she is a French person and sometimes she have strong accent. I could not follow her. But she cares the students though. Sometimes she speak English with a little French. What a crazy.. :-)
@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I've never had a foreign teacher, and seldom have these kind of problems. :) When they do happen, I usually handle just as I said, and it usually works out fine. Good luck with your courses! :)
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
9 Jul 11
I hate when this happens. Sometimes, the professors talk too fast or too low that is impossible us to hear him. Any student asked her to talk slower? Usually, when this happens someone ask to the professor to he change the way he's talking.
• United States
9 Jul 11
Thanks. She cares about the students. And she will be better if she improve her handwriting and the accent. :-)