Ever get tired of answering "how to EARN" questions :D

July 9, 2011 2:23pm CST
Hello Lotters, To be honest, i rarely answer those questions unless am in the mood. even if the admin is around, i noticed there are sometopics that are need to be explain to when one user was asking for it. you know, there are emotions that are involved when you talked; dark, silence, friendly and hostile can be a very dangerous for other lotters to respond to. despite of that we gotta do our best to HAVE FUN. sometimes i do have fun, with mylotting the getting tired is reduced. I do get tired of answering these questions because i never knew them since 2008?. Having fun and Passion is one of the best being here, people warned me but i got received the right tools coming from them. but even if i was ranting, it was still fun to me. but i now i need to sleep, to forgot about how to earn faster in my-lot The question people should be asking, HOW IS TO BE mylotter when it's supposed to be how to be more sociable in this site. thank you
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18 responses
• United States
9 Jul 11
Hi Letran! It is mainly because in myLot is so easy to start any type of discussion. Most who do start these types of topics do so to get the opinions of those who may perhaps be earning lots on the Lot. It does get exhausting and sometimes I do skip the discussions because I feel it to be so repetitive and despite that they are the ones asking some do get offended. On some days depending on my mood, I will definitely try and help therefore, respond to a great deal of them. But yes the key is to socialize, have fun and enjoy. Though some do not believe it and prefer a bit more technical terms. I figure if they are willing to listen then I am willing to help. I do provide some helpful guideline links and hope they do take the time to read them. If they do not listen, I do at least feel comforted in knowing that I did try and help.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Hardworkinggurl, Unfortunately, I haven't been responding to a lot of discussion as I have reluctantly letting them passby. some discussions that are repetitive are some what something that i recently ignore now. i jsut didn't understand why mine wasn't that ignored and responded isntead. maybe i will respond and socialize that way some day. have a nice day.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
HOW IS TO BE mylotter when it's supposed to be how to be more sociable in this site. That i do not know my dear brother Now you made me think (hehehe) I just try to be friendly,thu sometimes can't hold my temper,still we need to friendly and still have fun like this Go to sleep,i also don't know hot to respond to your topic. I will come back tomorrow,i mean by afternoon or maybe evening to comment back. good morning :) (now i run out of emoticon) hehehe
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Sister Jaiho, To be hones, you are even more better socializer than i ever did. it's not easy to socialize most specially if the topic being responded or commented by others aren't related to my topic anymore or simply like to fool around. But i have seen you done it and proves that you can really socialize too as with many mylotters out here. specially from countries like india. have a nice day.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
That is why i also stopped answering them..because i myself do not know how to earn more.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
14 Jul 11
yeah but at times i try to be nice and respond to one or two..but then again i do not know what to say because i have no other way of earning online but just here on mylot
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Hello Jazel, I guess it's a waste of time to most of you eh, that's alright, don't worry things will change and if you start over then things might get better for you i guess. have a nice day.
• Mexico
11 Jul 11
HI Letran Knight: Definetly. These are not my favorite topics for the same reason you have stated. I prefer to participate on a discussion when I feel passionate about the subject, when I can share ideas and opinions, not just talk about how legit a new site can be. And at the same time almost all the questions are the same. This makes me feel bored. ALVARO
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Hello Star sailor, It used to be my favorite until the admin started deleting my post with regards to it. With that i decided not to share anymore specifics but with rather share something that more practical and can't be calculate and that is to socialize properly. have a nice day.
• Portugal
10 Jul 11
well im a very social person^^ i like to smile to everyone and help everyone by giving them advises^^ i even wanted to create a business about just listening to people problems and advise them ahah^^ sometimes we just need someone that is a stranger to us to just advise us without judge us^^ to answer how to be a mylotter i think that we have to be original when creating discussions and also be nice to everyone. i really hate when people are rude to me here without a reason for it.
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Hello sweetie Well, you can take psychology and it's not easy helping out people specially if you figure out in the end that he or she has mental or psycho problems. I hope you will have time to help and comment back on the users who have responded on you recently. have a nice day.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
10 Jul 11
Hello LK, There is no harm i suppose in asking these questions as i also asked it when i joined this site 1.5 months back and i think most of the users have got bored to reply these questions because i remember i got very few responses from people like Mysd,Owl.That is the curiosity of the new user and we should always motivate him and should always respond him. I don't find it boring. To be good MYLOTTER you need to be social and should not irritate with the questions of theirs instead try to respond to their queries.
• Brazil
10 Jul 11
I agree with you. I guess that when you are new here in myLot is pretty difficult to find all your answers in the terms section. I never created one discussion about that, but I learned a lot reading the discussions created from another users. For example, I didn't knew it before that I could win money using the myLot search box until I read this in a discussion.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello sjvg, Yeah, I guess there's no harm done, but some people find it very annoying and they tend to report when they wanted to with out reason. actually i find it exciting to answer those but if you see questions like that more than a week, that's something i should be avoiding. well, I let those other oldies respond it unless am in the mood. have a nice day.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I don't answer those anymore. As my work load has increased (thank God!) I've become more picky about what I answer and earnings questions don't interest me and could be answered if people would read the FAQ and use their common sense. As for earning on other sites that doesn't interest me, either. Many people come here to earn and stay because they enjoy it. Some, though, stay just for the few pennies a day that they can make and they are the ones I don't often answer because their "discussions" are apparently started only to make money and just aren't engaging.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello dragon54u, I just wanted to say Congratulations! that you got more work load now than before. Like you , I have also become picky with topics and discussions about earnings in mylot. few pennies is actually huge enough here. something that people should appreciate about
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
hi letran. i don't get tired of answering these questions because i just ignore these. lol! seriously, i think there is nothing wrong with asking and answering these questions but a little effort from those asking these questions is much appreciated. that is what the section on frequently asked questions is for. i would agree with what has been mentioned here a number of times already... have fun! so, you'll be typing away discussions and responses and before you know it, you'll be meeting the minimum payout and cashing out your earnings in you paypal accounts. i'm going to add one more... continue learning in mylot to continue earning! hope this tidbit helps! cheers!!!
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Allen, Definitely ignore those. but of course, if they are new indeed then there's nothing we can do even if we are completely tired or upset about it. Fortunately, this is something that new people here had to go through but probably they had to asked question. learning and having fun is what counts here. not to mention is addicting. have a nice day.
@GemmaR (8517)
10 Jul 11
I don't really get tired of answering these questions, because at the end of the day we have to support the new people who want to be on this site, otherwise it will never get any better will it. It is a fair enough question, because the earnings on this website can be a little confusing at times because there isn't a solid plan of earnings that people can look at and work out their potential from these. So people are bound to ask. The good thing about MyLot is that if you don't like certain discussions, you don't have to answer them, as we all have the choice to be able to decide which discussions we reply to and which we don't.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Gemmar, But what happens if they get deleted? does it bother you? I know i felt ashamed when my topic was deleted about a rouge lotter accusing the mylot boss dishonest. but of course, we have to be careful the kind of discussions we are also responding. well, I have a choice and that means not to answer those topics. have a nice day.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
I guess when you have been in mylot for quite some time, it would only be natural to come across how to earn questions not only in mylot but also in other sites allowed to be discussed in mylot. Even if you are new if you search through the discussions, you'll see a lot of them. But can you really blame newbies? At some point we asked those questions as well. Well maybe we did not post it and we experimented but those questions do cross our minds right?
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Hello Shattered, I never remembered asking the same question inthe past, but always asked when there's a discussion like that. you know, barging in here and there. But i do remember making some discussions that haven't been commented just yet. but I am right on track on those, it's not easy but I am doing my best here for now. well, they should just research first.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
I do get tired too answering how to earn questions...I guess I have answered a lot already! Yes just like you it all depends if I am in the mood. If I am then I'd answer a gazillion of how to earn questions but if I am not I'll leave it at that and go to next topic... or I look around for a good discussion if i do not find any I leave without doing anything?
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Candy If you answered a lot already, ever get tired of it? most of the time I do so i decided to start discussions instead. I don't have the mood to answer discussions in the form of responding. as am in the mood to comment on discussions. well, this isn't one of the good ones but something to talked about. have a nice day/
@moksha09 (467)
• India
10 Jul 11
the quest for online earnings is growing and it is but natural to receive queries of this nature. I am more interested in the answers that appear here, these have helped me a lot. There are people who will take 10 months to reach payout here and then there are those who can earn 200$ quite comfortably. In the last 10 days of jun i could manage to earn 75$ and all that was possible because there are people here at myLot who tell you how it is done. But why get tired of such queries? There are enough people who come here just to express themselves and take part in discussions. That way myLot caters to the different needs of the members.
@moksha09 (467)
• India
10 Jul 11
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
10 Jul 11
Hi In my view that kind o f people did not want take pain for reading the guideline or FAQ. Simply the think they find the answer and earn too. I always use myLot for get information and secondary earning
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello pro_ojha, That's because they are new but i guess some veterans take time to go there and respond to their discussion and giving some links about the guidelines and the faqs on how to socialize property in this place. well, that's good for you but i hope you learn to socialize with other users too. making discussions is a way to get information through responses but make sure you respond to them also. have a nice day.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
10 Jul 11
I didn't get tired yet, of course I'm only here for about one month. You are here for a lot more time than me, so, that can pretty annoying. I don't spend much time here, but I guess I see these type of questions around 5 times a day. But, I don't make comments in all these type of discussions, after a few time, you get tired of answer the same thing.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello moneywinner, Well, when i was newbie here for a month i didn't get tired answering those questions, nor making similar responses as to how to earn here and there in this site. then, i realized something after my old account was deleted, i was being ambitious and then not having a good time because i was so serious about earning with out fun. one thing you need to avoid is thinking too much about money and focus on haivng fun posting instead. have a nice day.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Jul 11
hi letran the reason you do so well getting responses is because you bring the issues up in mylot we all get disgussted with at times. There are so many of them and I do get so tired of repeating and repeating aqnd then some say they are only here to make money not that other {crap" i want to cry because mylot is a hell of a lot more than just making earnings here, we make friends, we share things and care for people, we socialize in the best of ways and even send prayers for our dear mylot friends and their families,its so much more than just some earnings really. In fact mylot helps a lot of us who could not afford a shrink to help us in our screwed up lives but mylotters come to our rescue and never ask a cent from us. I have fun on here. hugs from hatleyl Letran do get some sleep please?
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello Hatley, Yeah, something that not every one sees but usually open up with the usual and similar once but never the good once.there's no doubt now that we are earning a lot from this site but we should put that in the absence of mind and instead use our chance to respond or comment as we are talking to each other in person. don't worry i hope i get to have some sleep tonight. have a nice day.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I am convinced that there is a whole group of newbies coming through that don't even bother reading the frequently asked questions portion of the site! I admit I asked a few questions when I first got here, but it was stuff that wasn't covered in the frequently asked questions back then. However, it is a rather easy discussion to post a response to... so I go ahead and answer if I run across one. For the most part I just open up my email and when it says that one of my friends made a new post I just go through there and respond to them. That's how I found this discussion.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Yes these topics tend to get rather old after a while. It is right up there with "is the world going to end in 2012" that I have now as of right now put myself in a self imposed ban from even discussing with. Really it does sadden me when people want everyone to guide them through the hand and tell them everything on the website that they need to do in detail. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had to learn how this website works on its own and what to get the best out of it. Naturally there is really no right answer to how to earn money. Some people work better with making topics. Then there other people that really tend to do better with just responding to the topics of others. Then there is really a mix. Whatever works for you, just keep posting and making quality posts. It really is not rocket science. These questions, I understand why they pop up but they do get old.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello megamatt, I doubt any one would have time to do even just that if mylot doesn't pay no more, it will just another forum site where most people doesn't really want to participate with. I used to respond a lot here that's why i resulted to this number of post but i was very good at it and i never really understand why but i did my best, with out regrets. you're right, it's not rocket science if only people would jsut post it with quality.
@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul 11
While I don't disagree about "how to earn questions" being somewhat annoying, I try not to look at it that way. It takes a lot of self-control not to snap at those type of people, and it can be quite hard. Often I want to ignore them or bite their heads off, but then I stop and think.... what would I do if I were in their shoes? And, lets face it.... we've all been there before at one point in our lives. We should show those new people the same respect.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hello kaylachan, Well, there was some topics that I got snap but this wasn't it nor any of those topics. i know, it's more of an inquiring something from us but sometimes i see it as a poll or some one just collecting information and not commenting back, like a response collector. I respect them but if i feel that it's a violation then it should be reported. have a nice day.