Are you poisoning yourself?

@Humbug25 (12540)
July 24, 2011 9:47am CST
Up until about a year or so ago I used to write things on my hand, the odd phone number of a future friend, ingredients for a meal, things for the kdis and anything else I didn't want to forget! Once when I was doing this, a woman approached me and asked me if I realised I was poisoning myself. Erm no! She added that it wasn't enough to do myself any serious harm and also as she was someone who had previously studied alternative medicine, I didn't know if she was speaking metaphorally! Hahahaha So do you write notes on your hands? Are you worried you could be poisoning yourself?
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28 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
24 Jul 11
Ha ha! Glad it's not only me that does this. Usually I will write on my hand what I need if I am popping to the shop, providing it's only a couple of things, not a whole list otherwise I'd be using both my arms. I think with all the toxins in the air, exhaust fumes etc, writing on the hand seems to pale into insignificance. If we thought about it we'd wrap ourselves up in cotton wool! So it doesn't worry me. Surely putting ink on our hands is the same as having a tattoo?
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi there my good friend wolfie Tatto ink is totally different to the type that is used in a box standard bic hun hahahahahahhahaha I once sent my son down to get a specific newspaper from the nearby garage and wrote it in big letters along his arm twice, one way so he could read it and upsidedown so the person in the shop could also read it and do you wanna know something Wolfie? Yes, my son came back with a different paper because they had sold out grrr. I sent him back with it as I wanted that specific one due to there being an offer of somesort in it, duh shop assistant!!! Hahahahaha Thanks for your response
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
That woman is exaggerating and a worry wart. Yes, ink may be poisonous, but not when it is being used in the manner you are using it. It is poisonous if you are to drink the ink.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi SIMPLYD Oh I think she was exagerating but maybe she didn't want me to get inot the habit incase it did become a problem or like I said, maybe she was talking metaphorically! Thanks for your response
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
2 Feb 20
Yeah, you're right, she probably was exaggerating but then that's what a lot of people do to get our attention.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
24 Jul 11
Bah humbug! The ink used in our ball point pen is non-toxic, and won't do any harm. If however, you decided in a drunken stupor to drink a bottle of fountain pen ink, you might have some problems. Otherwise, I got much bigger things to worry about.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Bah bonbon664 hahahahha I totally agree with you, I was more curious to see who actually writes on their hands rather than the poisoning aspect of things but I thought I would grab folks attention better with the title and the story (which is actually true) hahaha Thanks for your response
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
24 Jul 11
If you have no open cuts or sores, writing on your hand occasionally will not hurt you. Continually leaving yourself notes in the same place can eventually allow those chemicals to penetrate and accumulate in that area. If this is a bad habit that you have, they do make childrens markers that are non-toxic and you can carry one of those around with you for making your hand notes..
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi there speakeasy Thats a good tip, thanks. Thankfully I have managed to kick the habit and I think that if I had to remember to carry one of those pens with me then I should also remember to carry a notepad too hahahaha Thanks for your response
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
25 Jul 11
I used to worry about that same thing regarding tattoos, even though I never did get one. I've never heard of anyone dying because they wrote on their hand with a pen! Heck, our skin comes into contact with all kinds of contaminants, some could even be considered toxic. That's what we have immune systems for. Well, that's one reason. We get bitten by a mosquito and their saliva gets into our bodies through that bite. It is a poison to us but what does our body do? It comes to our rescue, even though it makes us itch like crazy, it takes care of that yucky stuff that shouldn't be in our bodies. I honestly can't remember ever writing on my hand before. In a pinch, I've used lipstick to write something down but, normally, I carry a pen and tiny notebook around with me. That actually started because I have ADD and tend to forget things almost immediately if I don't write them down so I learned to be prepared. Now, about being worried of poisoning myself, I try very hard to eat right and do whatever I can to have a strong immune system. I know that I was poisoning myself but I was doing it with food, eating foods full of preservatives, dyes, all kinds of things. These days, I eat as much organic, fresh foods as I can so I know I'm doing less damage than I had been.
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there mentalward Oh I know that if we worried about everything we wouldn't do anything now would we hahaha. It is just funny to see how many people out there still write on their hands hahahaha thanks for your response
• India
24 Jul 11
Well i didn't heard about this stuff much but i always had a hint that writing on hands can be poisonous, I have wrote many times on my hand be it a phone number or any short notes, that doesn't matter really much, Now the person whom you met who was talking about poisoning yourself writing on your hand she may be thinking that you must be writing every now and then on your hands, well if such is the case then i think it is a little issue because frequently doing this stuff may hamper your palms and can lead to some problems, talking the effects i really dont know how it causes troubles but it is better to take precautions than to be in cure after getting affected.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi there Princelierocks Well to be honest I used to do it all the time, like almost every day but it was only the odd work, wasn't like my hands were ever covered in ink haha Thanks for responding
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
24 Jul 11
When I was in my preteens I wrote on myself with a pen all the time. Then I too was told about poisoning myself. It's the ink, you can actually get blood poisoning if the ink gets into a small cut or a sore you can get blood poisoning. I quit writing on myself because of this realization.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hey there moondancer Yes I too have broken the habit of doing this but it was something I always did hahaha Thanks for your response
• Malaysia
25 Jul 11
I think I may have written on my hands once or twice... and I always got ink smudges on my hands from writing on paper with gel pens :P It's possible that you could somehow be poisoned especially if you use those toxic inks. But it's not very likely that you would end up with some major health problem unless of course you went and wrote all over your skin everyday or poured ink into open cuts. But if you've reached that stage, I think it'd be safer if you checked yourself into a psychiatrist's then to a doctor's ;) To be on the safe side though, just try to avoid writing own yourself. I personally note down everything i need to remember on my phone since I bring my phone with me almost everywhere.
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• Malaysia
13 Aug 11
Yup. When there's a will there's a way ;)
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there a_year_older Oh I think you are absolutely correct with what you say. The other day I needed to take someone's number down and had neither pen nor paper, then I realised I had left my mobile at phone charging so I didn't have that either so I told her to text a mutual friend and ask her to text me the number hahaha, there is always a way around things eh? hahhaa Thanks for your response
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
26 Jul 11
I don't know about that one! I'm not sure that ink is poison, as we use it to write on paper and rub our hands and fingers on it, and artists use it to draw and paint pictures and sometimes even, babies and kids eat it. I don't think it could be sold on the market if it was poison. I don't think the school system would be using them or letting kids use them. I really think that lady was fooling with you. Of course this is only my opinion but I think you are wrong and if not, then I stand corrected and I am sorry.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
27 Jul 11
I'm not sure anymore since reading all of your other responses, seems lots of people think it's poison so maybe it is and I'm wrong. Either way I don't think it will do much harm. Thanks for the best response my friend.
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Jul 11
Hi there chrislotz Your honesty and opinion are more than welcomed to my discussion and maybe you are right. Like I sid though that I do wonder if she was talking metaphorically, I guess I will never know! hahaha Many thanks for your response
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jul 11
I amn a total wuss about these things. I hate any ink on me. Not for health reasons just don't like the look! LOL. I saw a woman today who had tucked her skirt into her knickers. I didj't like to mentionm it as she was quite elderly. Fortunately another woman did comment. It made several passing Italian teenage girls laugh though!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi ya p1key Oh you chicken hahahaha. The trouble is that you didn't want to embarrass her, I know, I understand. As for regards to the writing on oneself I have managed to kick the habit quite easily, surprisingly. The woman didn't scare me but I just thought that I should learn to write things on paper or make notes on my mobile rather than my hands hahaha Cheers hun
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jul 11
hi humbug I used to but I think that woman was really blowing things out of proportion. Even if the ink were poisonous which I doubt at all that it was what little you used to write on your hand would not hurt you. breathing in the air where smokers are smoking their fool head off would more likely do harm to you. lol.That's one thing I never worried about these people with their cockamamie ideas about this thing is bad for you , that is good for you and they did not research it and are not doctors or medical personnel.So I save humbug to all those people with their cautions. bah humbug.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi Ya Hatley Like I said she did say that it would probably do no real harm and like I said, I wasn't sure if she meant it metaphorically hahahahahah. Cheers for your response Hatley
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
24 Jul 11
Well if that's true I wouldn't be alive because as a child I would draw a lot and get ink and marker color as well as pencil all over myself fingers and write smiley faces on my hands, and sometimes I still write things on my hand and skin not smiley faces but other things such as phone numbers or other info.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 11
Hi there apples99 It's funny because I don't remember doing it much as a child, I think I got told off because it wasn't the done thing. I have done it a lot in my adult hood for fear of forgetting something. I have even re-written on myself so that it wouldn't wash off until such a time that I no longer need that information or have been able to transfer it to something more appropriate hahaha Thanks for responding
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
I think that to some kids they see their body as a blank canvass and hey look, it didn't do you any harm eh? haha
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
25 Jul 11
My parent's sometimes got after me for drawing on myself, but I become such a good artist as a child they didn't want to discourage my creativity and in those days people didn't worry much about what things were made of.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
I did that sometimes but I wash it after. It maybe true that it give a bad things in our health because those are chemicals.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Jul 11
Hi aerous I don't think it is a hard habit to break because it is not something we do every day! Thanks for responding
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Maybe you right, friend. need more discipline sometimes to avoid it
@jiyeon21 (102)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
i dont think so, because i dont write that much especially now because im just always at home...
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@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there jiyeon21 I am sure that on average most people are not poisoning themselves as I am sure most people don't tend to write that much on their hands really. Thanks for your response
@jiyeon21 (102)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
your welcome, yes! i agree with you even the students nowadays they dont write that much now because they could bring thier notebook or anything and they could just photocopy it.
@shaggin (74039)
• United States
25 Jul 11
My mother always did this so I think thats where I learned it from. Once in a great great while I will do this but I try not to. I dont want to do it and have my kids see it. I also think it looks trashy to have pen written all over us. I was always told that it wasent good for us to do it because we could get ink poisining but who knows.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there shaggin Yes it is true that you can get ink poisoning but I think you would have to pretty much cover yourself and do it more frequently than just occassionally hahaha Thanks for your response
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
25 Jul 11
I used to write on myself all the time when I was younger and I've had no problems with it. Mostly, I think that that's just something people started saying to deter kids from drawing on themselves. I probably inhale more poison when I breathe than when I wrote on myself. Writing on yourself isn't going to do anything.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hiya _sketch_ I am sure it would do no or very little harm but I guess that there are some that it effects badly. thanks for your response
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
For me poisoning is the way you are not love to your self it is a big sin to Jehovah God because he is showed love to your self then get love to your self also.
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there ebuscat Oh right, I didn't know that but I do now! Thanks for your response
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
25 Jul 11
I've never grown into the habit of writing things on my hand. I just wrote things on a piece of paper, because the mere act of writing it down was good enough for me to remember whatever details I need to remember. The piece of paper I usually loose 5 minutes after writing it down. It is interesting to read about possibly poisoning one's self when they write on their hands, as my kid is fond of doing it. Maybe I should tell him not to.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 11
Hi there bounce58 I am sure that it is not doing your child any harm but I would encourage them to express themselves on paper rather than themselves and also you can keep their artwork aftgerwards, not so easy if it is on their skin hahaha Thanks for your response
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
26 Jul 11
Poisoning yourself?? I think she just make a joke on it. She did not mean really it will poison yourself.(^^)I write some notes on my hands too but it really rare-only when I don't have papers or my cellphone as I just write a text and keep it in my cellphone now and I am not worried it will poison myself because I don't think it will bring harm.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Jul 11
Hi there CTHanum Like I have said throughout this discussion that I don't think the odd bit of writting on the hand is going to do anyone much harm haha Thanks for responding
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
26 Jul 11
I knew ink was not edible and it was bad but somehow it never stopped me When i was in middle school, we had to write with ink pens. It was funny and also fun I must add that by the end of the day all of our hands would be filled with inks, not only hands but school uniforms too!! and sometimes when the nib wouldn't work, we used to pull them with our teeth resulting to have ink all over the teeth and inside mouth and the carboardy taste of ink would linger! Wow when I think of it now it does sound dangerous!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Jul 11
Hi there thatgirl13 Oh I remember pulling out the inside of pens with my teeth too hahaha not that I still do it haha I don't think the ink is so toxic these days as it was back then tho hahaa Thanks for your response