Emotional eater

Stop raining so hard! - I do love the rain but please stop raining so hard so much that it goes and ruins someone's day :/
South Korea
July 26, 2011 5:52am CST
Ughh where do i start!! Today hasn't been treating me too well guys. First I reach home drenched even though I was walking under my umbrella. There was no one home when I came back. I headed to my room only to find out that the bathroom in my room had water flowing all over and that was the cause of some leak somewhere below the washbasin. Had I been a bit late all the stuffs in my room would have been soggy and wet. This had never happened to me and I didn't know how to react, so I just took a bowl like thingy and started throwing all the water into the toilet. It felt like forever gosh!! Finally mom came home and came to my room after hearing me curse in the wind. She was shocked at the state my bathroom was and at once called the plumber. I am so mad at the moment. I checked my bag and found most of my books are all wet at the edges because of the rain. I went down and cooked myself a ramen noodle and fried myself 3 eggs and ate them. I still wanna eat, though I'm not hungry. Turns out I am an emotional eater. What about you are you an emotional eater too?? Any experiences you wanna share?? And a quick question: Is it unhealthy to eat 3 eggs a day?? And how healthy is it to eat one egg per day?? Thanks!!
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21 responses
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
I am not an emotional eater. When i am upset or has an ill-feeling i don't have appetite to eat. Anyway, what an unfortunate day you have.. though it is fun, but i think you really struggled for that event.. anyhow, regarding you last questions, it is bad to your health to eat 3 eggs a day. It is advisable to eat 3 eggs per week.. and if it is ok not to eat an egg per day.. Eggs are rich in proteins and too much eating of it could affect the system of your body. Also, it also has side effects in your blood. We had a neighbor here that she is advice not to eat protein for a month because she has a wound and it does not dry. It is always wet and watery and the test results shows that she has too much protein in her body because of eating eggs..
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@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
she said 3 times a week is advised for eggs... just what your diet.. it is important to have a balance diet.. don't eat to much high-protein foods everyday..
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
Hey thanks for the response. Yes, I really had a strugglesome day yesterday. I am glad all the nightmare was over. And also thanks for the informations about the eggs. So you mean eating one egg everyday isn't a good thing too?? So how many times a day can I eat eggs??
• United States
27 Jul 11
I tend to get bored and eat. Thankfully my mom blessed me with a high metabolism. Inam sorry to hear you had such a bad day but tomorrow is a new day and a brighter one! I'm not sure on the egg question. Maybe If you don't eat 3 eggs a day everyday your'll be fine.
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• South Korea
28 Jul 11
aww thank you so much cupcakes_n_starrs the next day was a lot better than that day but it's still raining cats and dogs. i hope it stops soon coz we had a landslide in my city yesterday and about 32 people lost their lives may their souls rest in peace!
@missybear (11391)
• United States
26 Jul 11
Sorry about your Bathroom...how about 2 eggs
@missybear (11391)
• United States
28 Jul 11
If you would listen to everything that they tell you was bad for your health...you would starve, so eat whatever you want in moderation.
1 person likes this
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Thanks for the suggestion
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
I don't know why I ate so much!!
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Hello thatgirl, I feel the same thing, some how I can't help it though that when ever I feel tired and upset i tend to eat a lot. even at this moment i have not even considered loosing my weight. With regards to your problem, I think it's best to consider yourself putting plastic into your things so that it wouldn't get wet. I believe books are hard to buy and expensive. Have a nice day.
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• South Korea
26 Jul 11
hey thank for the advices. yep books are being more and more expensive each year! and we have to buy a new set every year. god!! everywhere we go there are only places where money flows like a river, i am seriously frustrated. Anyway thanks. I shall keep your advise in mind and put them in plastic bags from next time on. And yes when I am sad or mad I tend to eat much more and that too without realizing. this is a really bad habit and not a healthy one too, I should try and stop it.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 Jul 11
Hi girl! I just like you... I tend to eat more when I am not in a good mood.(^^) I like boiled eggs more than fried and 3 fried eggs per day is fine with me even if others might say that it is unhealthy!(^^) I tend to eat more an I feel sad or anger especially if my favorite foods are there inside the fridge. My chocolate and cakes along with ice-cream! But it is just feeling so I can stop eating whenever I want. it is normal we got drive by the emotion which make us eat more and more!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 11
I like to eat boiled eggs especially the white. I really like it. The scrambled and the sunny side up is tasty too!!! I can eat just eggs with bread as my meal and that is already enough for me.(^^) Yeah bad emotion will lead us to overeating but as I said before we can control it if we know that is is really unhealthy to do so. Even if I tend to eat more when I am in a bad mood I tend to stop eating too when I am already full or almost full. Eat more than I should will make my tummy feel unease and I hate that feeling so much.(^^)
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Hehe seems like we are the same then. But about the eggs I am like boiled eggs the very least. My favorite is scrambled or sunny side up. But I think emotion eating is a bad thing coz it makes us eat without realising so that must not be a good thing coz we consume a lot.
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• South Korea
29 Jul 11
Hey you just reminded me of this sandwich they sell in the 24/7 in our school. It's an egg sandwich and tastes so heavenly. Gosh i wanna have one now Well my problem is I don't know when I'm full when I'm angry/sad. I just keep stuffing my face!!
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@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I am. I do eat lots of chocolates before. I remember one time, when I was so sad, I went to the grocery and bought each kind of chocolate they have. Then ate them all when I got home. I was eating like a child with stubbornness on every bite. That was so relieving though. As per eating 3 eggs a day, they say, a person should consume 2 eggs a week. But I don't believe that. Eggs are better for losing weight when matched with grapefruit juice. And the more eggs you eat, the more you will lose weight as long as you are drinking grapefruit juice. I tried that already and been eating 4-6 eggs a day.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Any style of egg will do. Yes, grapefruit juice is compulsory. Do you want to try it? Okay, this might help you for your excitement. http://www.everydiet.org/diet/grapefruit-diet ...and this diet is effective to me. I lost 2 kilos in a week. Well, that was before, I got an acidic tummy so I quit. Grapefruit juice is high in vitamin C too. Tell me if you wanna try it. Then tell me if it worked on you. =)
• South Korea
29 Jul 11
Woop I like the looks of it and I might be doing it :D The only prob is I don't drink grapefruit so I have to go look for it. I hope I find it so I can do this diet. And it's nice actually coz I don't have to starve for it. Woop!!
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
yes i do remember when I get angry and go grocery shopping, I want to buy everything that looks yummy and dig into it once I get home. Wow i never knew eggs were used for diet purpose as well. So what kinds of eggs are we talking about? Boiled? fried? sunny side up?? And is grape fruit juice a compulsory? And can I eat other food or do i have to eat just eggs?? Sorry for so many questions at once but it just got me excited. And thanks in advance
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Hi thatgirl! Wow, what a mess! I would have threw a tantrum and kicked everything in sight! I'm not really an emotional eater. When I'm depressed or if I'm in a bad mood, I just keep it all to myself and do whatever I usually do. And yeah, I throw tantrums when I'm in a bad mood but that's not always. ^^ Most of the time I just let the smoke out of my head. But I remember there are times, too that I eat whenever I am depressed, if I feel bad, or some emotional fluctuation happening inside me. And I don't think it's healthy. But eating three eggs a day doesn't sound unhealthy. I think three eggs is not too much. And besides, you don't eat three eggs everyday. Only that day. ^^
• South Korea
29 Jul 11
Hey thanks for the response. Yep it was a mess and the day just got badder by the moment. I felt like the day wouldn't end but thank god that day is over and I hope I don't have them days again. Anyway thanks and yes I don't eat 3 eggs everyday
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Hi, thatgirl13. I am very sorry about your day going so badly. I have had plenty of days that was like this too. I hope that everything has gotten resolved for you now though. I am not an emotional eater. When I am upset, mad, sad or upset, I can hardly eat or drink. That is just how I am. If I have food in front of me at the time of my bad mood, I will lose my appetite. I don't think that it is unhealthy to eat three eggs a day just as long as it is boiled. It is very healthy to eat at least one egg per day, because you are, then not eating too much of eggs. Just try to use canola, virgin or corn oil when frying your eggs. These type of oils are very good for your heart. Take care.
• South Korea
13 Sep 11
Hey thanks a lot for the advices. I will keep them in mind I wish I could be like you but I really eat a lot when I am mad, sad and this was just a recent discovery. Anyway I have to try and not eat too much coz I know I will hate the outcome later hehe! Thnaks a lot for the response and have a nice day!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Jul 11
I am an emotional eater myself! I do alot of times when I am frustrated,depressed,lonely,stressed out form work and other things! This is one reason I am morbidly obese! My biggest problem! My big problwm with it I run to get the candy! Especially candy bars and ice cream! That is worse then the eggs and noodles! I have tried to work on this by myself. I can't do it myself! Therapy,I have had so much over the years I am not going to go back! I will try hyponois in the fall! I am sure this is the only thing that will get me to stop being an emotional eater! I am so sick of this!
• South Korea
29 Jul 11
Emotions can really provoke one to keep on doing the same thing over and over again. Like for you and me, it's eating. Gosh i really would like to get off this habit too, and the bad part is that I just came to know I was an emotional eater the day this incident happened. Goshh!! i have to stop this. And I hope and wish you will be able to to. With enough will and determination we can do it. Let's believe in ourselves and hope. Thanks for your share.
@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Yes I am!!! When I'm down and bored, I eat. Mostly sweets like ice cream, cake, and most of all, chocolates! I know! I can't help though coz it makes me feel good and forget about my worries and problems. I'm not fat though coz I exercise every now and then so that's why I don't worry too much about my emotional eating habit With regards to your question about the eggs, I think it's okay to eat one egg everyday but three eggs a day is I think a bit too much
• South Korea
5 Aug 11
I do eat when i'm bored too, and sometimes without even realising!! Yep there are food that comfort us and that make us forget our worries. And thanks about the egg infos. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the response.
@xuyxuy (432)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Sorry to hear your bad day with the heavy rain and the leak in your bathroom. I understand how you feel since I am an emotional eater too. In situation like this I would also grab for instant hot and spicy noodles and eat. As to you question about egg eating, as long as you won't eat the egg yolk, it's fine to eat the 3 eggs. The egg white is composed of more protein and we need more protein that carbohydrates and fats so there's no problem with that. Egg yolk is consist of more fat/cholesterol hence it's not good for our health, we can have it in moderation only.
• South Korea
29 Jul 11
Hey thanks. Ugh I had a tough day that day. i hope it never repeats again. And thanks for the infos on eggs. And thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day!!
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
26 Jul 11
First part ok. taking steps to safeguard books etc, nice. having ramen noodle ok. But 3 eggs -- I am not sure whether that much is required for a girl of ur age. Eg has got protein and also fat that may result in ur becoming fat, u must be aware of it. If u do more physical work as in a factory then that much is ok. otherwise controlled eating is advisable.
• South Korea
26 Jul 11
I am never going to have more than one egg a day from today. But is one egg a day Ok? I mean eating an egg each day? And thanks for the informative response, gotta watch what I eat from this time on.
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
aww thanks
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
26 Jul 11
very good girl. U are understanding the message properly. U will be happy and u will be a good company for others. blessings.
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
I'm an emotional eater too, at times! Haha! When I'm depressed or stressed, i tend to eat a lot!!! Try to spell the word "stressed" backwards. You'll get "desserts"! Haha! Yes, i eat lots of desserts when I'm stressed. I love eggs too! May it be sunny side up, scramble or hard boiled. I'm not sure if it's healthy to eat more than 1 a day. But you know what they say. Too much of anything is not good. :)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Hello Pinkpiglet, If I had desserts here I wouldn't mind eating a lot of food when ever something terrible bad happens. most specially if there is somethingt that I want to do and fails or delay for months. It's not healthy indeed but you know we need something to divert ourselves from eting to get over the depression.have anice day
• South Korea
26 Jul 11
@pinkpiglet: Hey I had never known it spelled "desserts" the other way LOL good one I like eggs too, every kind but not so much the hard boiled ones. Anyway thanks for your interesting share. Appreciated it http://www.mylot.com/images/emotes/happy.gif
• South Korea
26 Jul 11
Oops sorry, i don't know how the bottom link of the smiley face got there. gosh today is indeed a really weird day!!
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
7 Sep 11
Yes, no emotion no hunger I suppose in other words somehow they are connected. If you stick to fruits and veggies it is better than heavy duty foods like grains I think. Eggs like butter are good for you and if you are hungry and like them why not indulge just not every day that is all.
• South Korea
8 Sep 11
Hey thanks for the response and the heads up. The next time I think i best stick to fruits than noodles and eggs hehe! Anyway thanks once again and have a good day!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
26 Jul 11
I guess you could call me an emotional NON-eater. When I am sad or depressed I usually don't eat at all or eat very little. I usually feel sick to my stomach when I am stressed out or feeling really sad. I guess that is the main reason why I don't eat much when I am emotional. Eating 3 eggs at one meal I don't think is really all that bad, but if you eat 3 eggs at a time everyday then I would think that is probably not that good for you.
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
I had never thought of it before but now when i think of it, i do eat when I'm sad. I remember eating when I felt like crying before too!! Anyway I have to get rid of this habit!! Anyway thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day!!
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
Yeah, I can be an emotional eater at times. And emotions has 2 effects on me. Sometimes,I eat more and other times, I don't eat at all! If I'm disappointed and frustrated, I usually eat a lot. When I'm anxious for a test or presentation, I lose my appetite. I think it's unhealthy to eat more than a whole egg a day. Although we can eat 3 egg whites a day. The yolk is the fatty part.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
yes I do react in 2 different ways too when I think of it now. I lose my appetite when i'm scared or anxious. But when i'm sad or angry or when i feel like crying, I tend to eat much more than i usually do. Both of them can't be a good thing though and I guess I have to get rid of them habits. Anyway thanks for the share and have a wonderful day!!
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
27 Jul 11
From time to time yes, I have to eat this or that with an urge that it's hard to control.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Yeah it's the same with me too but the thing is I never realized it untill some days before. Anywya thanks for the share.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I love how the ranting suddenly turned into a health issue. And to answer your question, according to a health expert, it's not healthy to eat three eggs in a week, not only a day! We are allowed to have eggs twice a week only if we are that health conscious. But since i'm not that health conscious i don't care. My siblings and i used to eat dinner together when we were all single. So that's when faults are noticed and problems brought up to be solved. I get all the berating and scolding if my fault was noticed and when i'm in that situation i couldn't seem to get off my butt and run away but instead i tend to push more food into my mouth whilst crying.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Haha well i thought i'd explain why i got so angry and how my emotions got me to eat 3 eggs and I think that was kinda like a god meeting you and your sisters had. I mean you could talk about faulty things and make them better like a little intervention of your own. I did like the idea
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
26 Jul 11
Hmmmmm friend I am vegetarian egg is not allowed in my house so I cant say daily 3 eggs is good for health or not. If I eat the egg my husband will give me divorce and my parents law thrown me out of house hahhaha Ohh your full books are fill in water due to leak of washbasin this is not good.
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
Ohh ok then I hope you don't eat eggs coz it might cause problems for you. About my books, well not all of them are wet, just at the edges. But it really is bad coz I can't really flip my pages coz they're soggy.
• Davao, Philippines
27 Jul 11
For every normal person in this planet earth, there are really times when we can not avoid irritating things to happen in our lives. Like what happened to you as what you have described in your discussion. You were so upset that you resorted to eating to calm down your tempers and loosen you tight emotional grip of the situation. Well, for me,although I'm not a psychologist, I could still say that yours is just a normal reaction. But you must control your desire to eat more or it will damage your health. As what I've gotten from health lectures they say that eating more than 3 eggs a day is unhealthful, and they have medical proof to that. Maybe 1 egg a day is enough but depending on your body's metabolism. Sometimes, I tend to be an emotional eater, but I only do that to release a pent-up feeling of remorse within me...
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Hey thanks for the response and you are right, i should look at what I'm eating when i'm emotionally confused and not ruin my health. it is not me eating 3 eggs a day, it was the emotion that made me do so, you are right. Thanks and I'll try and improve my part