Extremely Frustrated...

United States
July 26, 2011 7:25pm CST
Ever since I graduated from high school I had a job. All throughout college I worked in a restaurant. When I finished college I worked at a better restaurant. Well now that I'm married, have a baby, and recently moved to another state to be with my husband who is active in the military I am not working. I stay home all day with our daughter and do the wifely/motherly duties. It's fun and I love it but 1. I'm not used to staying home in a new place where I know absolutely no one and 2. Money is tight between paying all the bills for our home, cars, gas, food, etc. So I looked into making money online from home. I started affiliate marketing. Sounds simple enough but it is far from it. I'm the type of person that wants to see results instantly. It's been 4 days since I signed up, I have a few hits but no sales. I know it takes time and everyday I go through the training that is given more and more. People say give it a couple weeks but I get so stressed out and frustrated and can't help but to think I'm never going to make money doing this. I know I need exposure for my links in order to compete with all the other marketing affiliates out there but exposure equals money in this type of job. I guess sometimes I feel like, maybe, I don't have what it takes, although I'm never one to fail without getting up and trying again and again. Anyone else out there feel the same way I do? Or have any advice or maybe inspiration? If I could just make an extra $1000 a month doing this I'd be happy, not satisfied but happy. :)
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12 responses
• United States
27 Jul 11
To some extent I know what you are going through. My husband has been worrking a lot lately to the point where I can not make plans because he always cancels them. I feel like a caged animal being stuck in the house all the time. I have no kids and it gets boring watching tv. We only have one car and he always has it. I have tried talking to him, but all we do is yell and scream at each other and he always says that I am a liar. I have been seriously thinking about leaving him. I have not had much luck making extra money. I am in school, but even that is stressing me out.
• United States
27 Jul 11
It sounds like you and your husband are under a lot of stress. Staying home by yourself all day can be extremely stressful along with lonely. Do you have any family nearby or any activities or groups you could join within walking distance? That would probably be extremely beneficial for you. Stick to making whatever you can online without getting caught in scams and definitely continue with school. I wish you nothing but success and happiness. Stick with your marriage as well, hopefully things get better for you two, :)
• United States
27 Jul 11
we live in the country and none of my family lives nearby. my nearest relatives are 14 hours away. It is hard staying at home. I am ever afraid to have kids in fear that he will take resposnbility and he will end up disappointing them as well. I am going to continue in school. I do not know what to do about my marriage anymore. I can't handle being ignored by him and being isolated.
• United States
27 Jul 11
Being ignored is very difficult in any relationship. Especially when you barely see each other as it is. Attention from a spouse or significant other is where reassurance comes into play. It tells you that you are loved and more importantly makes you feel safe. You have to do what is best for you. Stay strong.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Jul 11
There are so many of those programs and I've never met anyone who really makes money at them. Pennies maybe, but nothing substantial. If you can write, I would suggest that you put together a few columns about what it's like to be a military wife and mother and send them to small and midsized newspapers around the country to see if you can get one of them to publish your column regularly. Way back in the 70s, newspapers downsized (and they're doing so again) and started using lots of freelance writers. At a newspaper where I worked, we paid freelancers to do garden columns, cooking, computer geek, wrestling, book reviews, all sorts of things. The woman who did the cooking column published it in 10 papers each week. Ours paid her $50 per week; some of the others only paid $25 or $30. But think about it. That one column generated at about $350 per week.
• United States
27 Jul 11
Note: I gave the same advice to a woman who was home schooling 3 kids and traveling the country with them so that they could visit the places where our US history took place. She ended up writing for 8 newspapers each week at $60 each.
• United States
27 Jul 11
That's a great idea! Maybe after a little more practice writing here i'll do that. I never thought my writing was my strong point and I've been out of school for 6 years now so I have to get comfortable again but that's a great suggestion! I appreciate it. Are you still working for the newspaper?
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
27 Jul 11
sign up for cash gopher. it will help with the pennies but i seriously doubt you could make the money you are talking about.
• United States
27 Jul 11
I've looked into that also. I know there are so many people making so much money online it's just frustrating trying to figure out their secrets because of course they all want you to pay for it and I refuse to pay and get scammed.
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
27 Jul 11
Another suggestion would be to take up couponing...it really cuts your expenses in almost every field. There are sites in Canada and US that are on top of it and explain everything. You also have someone to talk, to ask advise from. You find out where are the best deals in a certain week,abd everything you need to know how to save. You can take up trading coupons - you trade those you don't need with others that you do need. You build up a stash and use it eveytime there's a sale to bring down your OOP (out of pocket) expenses. I save every month around $200.00
• United States
27 Jul 11
That's funny because I just posted on someone elses discussion about couponing. I just started getting into it now that we have our own place and I am buying all of our groceries and making all the meals. I try not to spend more than $300 a month on groceries for my husband, 2 year old, and I. I just started clipping coupons and looking online at weekly deals. I'll definitely stay on top of that because I know there is money to be saved there!
• United States
28 Jul 11
Have you tried mystery shopping? I do it during my free time, and make about $400 dollars a month. It's not much, but it does pay a few bills. The nicest part about it is that I can stop and start whenever I want.
• United States
28 Jul 11
No I haven't. How does that work?
• India
27 Jul 11
Its the same situation you and me and many more others are in. We expect results in a day or two or may be even want to see that account balance increase to 100 to 200 dollars a day. Its just not possible and things will take time. You have to be patient and focus on the work that you do. MyLot is a amazing site and the more you participate in discussions the more money you can earn. Also once you cross the 100 points, they will rate you and with the help of a higher rating you could earn a little more. Also remember to post quality things and not just write things for doing so. The reason I say this is because quality discussions will get a good rating at the end of it..
• India
28 Jul 11
At the beginning even I did not know that but eventually as time went by I realised that the more you participate and the better quality content that you post, it helps your chances of earning more and also helps you in getting your rating up. It will take time but at the end you will be satisfied. As for now you points are showing as 10.
• United States
27 Jul 11
Thank you for that! I didn't know you could work your way up a little more. Can you tell me what that number next to my name is. I think mine says (4) now. Are those my points? Sorry I'm new to this and trying to figure it all out. Thanks!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
29 Jul 11
I make money working part time but that is possible for me because my husband can look after our child. I don't know that you can actually make a significant amount of money unless you are working at a job. Once our baby was old enough, I started taking him to the free library programs as well as to classes run by the city for parents. That's how I made other mom friends. (Not that this helps your financial situation, but making some friends can make life seem easier even if it isn't, you know what I mean?)
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
27 Jul 11
The great thing about being the spouse of a serviceman is that there is always something to do wherever you live! While you are waiting to make money online, there are a lot of other people that need daycare & other helpful services. Funny thing is, you get to stay home with the little one, work online (I wouldn't babysit any babies that were really young) and still make money. There are people moving from those places every day, look for someone that might need help packing or taking care of plants or animals while someone goes home to visit. When people move out of base housing you could make a good little chunk of money cleaning base housing or other living places. Good luck finding what you're looking for!
• United States
27 Jul 11
I'm still very new to my living situation so thank you for those suggestions. I have thought about babysitting but I have to find someone that will allow me to bring my daughter or that will bring their child to my home. I do have 5 years of nannying/babysitting under my belt so that's a good thing to have. The only problem is I will be traveling back and forth quite a bit due to my husbands trainings so I won't be very reliable for them. I will when i'm here but obviously not while I'm traveling.
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
27 Jul 11
I understand so much what you're going through. I tried every form of online making money, including affiliate marketer. You have to have a very good product and one that you believ in it, in order to make it work.Works much better face-to -face than through the internet. Now I do have a product I believe in, it's a real health advanced product, not a vitamin, or a juice, or fatty acids - nothing like that. Not only I take it and my whole family too - so we all benefit from it's activity, but I have also friends who signed up and take it. For every case orderd I receive a nice comission. If you want more details, and it is really for real, no scam this time, contact me directly and I'll give you more details. My credibility stands on the fact that I tried it before recommending it to anyone else and also it was recommended to me by a very trusted and well know naturopath in my town.
• United States
27 Jul 11
I've thought about doing that but I'm not a big seller. If I'm face to face with someone or over the phone I'm not good at selling. People have told me to try it but I'm almost afraid to. Can you message me the product anyway because you never know, it may be something i'm very interested in.
• China
27 Jul 11
Hi,kahano42.Don't worry about it .Everything is gonna be all right .It is always hard for one to start in a new field ,especially for a young mom with a baby . Since online earning is not that lucrative as the average think ,all you need is merely patience .As long as you keep doing what needs to be done ,as long as you are patient ,you can make it sooner or later .
• United States
27 Jul 11
I've definitely learned that patience is key! But its a little hard because i'm not the most patient person especially when it comes to making money but I'm trying and keeping at it.
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
Online jobs arent that easy especially if you are just starting. I too become frustrated and sometimes lose my patient waiting for results. But sometimes we have to wait and then try again. Do you love marketing? There are actually some company who give at-home call center jobs but you will do marketing, you get commision by the number of service or product you sell. I tried that once and that way you can get the 1000$ target each month, if you work harder than I did hten you could double that too.
• United States
27 Jul 11
I don't love marketing but i'm starting to get into it a little more. I would be very bad at call center jobs because I hate talking on the phone. I will avoid my phone at all causes. So i'd be terrible doing that. Thank you for the suggestion though! Are there any other money making sites you're on? How are they?
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I feel for you because we're on the same shoe. I mean, my situation is worse than you. Living in a poor country is like hell. I don't have a car, so I commute everyday. I dont have money to pay for a taxi so I'm taking a public vehicle. I'm the youngest among five siblings but I'm the bread winner. My salary is too small and not enough for everyday expenses. I pay high tax but I can't see any progress in our country. I hope I can earn through my lot.
• United States
27 Jul 11
I always have to remember that when I think my situation is bad or I'm frustrated, there is always someone that has it worse than me. We seem to forget that, which is natural. But thank you for reminding me. Continue to work hard and you will be rewarded. You sound like a good, hard-working person and I think you will succeed.