How often do you buy new books?

@puccagirl (7294)
August 3, 2011 1:58pm CST
I am an avid reader and because of that, I buy new books quite often. I should also add that I read very fast, so I go through books extremely fast. This is why I buy new books at least every other month, and usually I buy even more than one when I do. Since I am a bit curious about how normal this is, tell me: How often do you buy books? And how many books do you buy at a time? More or less?
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34 responses
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
4 Aug 11
i absolutely love to read and have done so for as long as i can remember. however, i seldom if ever buy books. on the odd occassion i will get them from the used book store or thrift store but my main source of books are from the library.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
3 Aug 11
Hi puccagirl, I also love to read, but I can't afford to buy books so much, so I take them out of the library..Then a friend here showed me a site where not only can I get books at a good discount, (granted they are used, but I am not picky, as long as I can still read it) proceeds go to help the environment..I got a book from them almost two weeks ago and am looking forward to ordering more soon..:)
3 Aug 11
what site is that??
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• United States
3 Aug 11
It's called, "Better World Books" and here is the link: I got an e-mail today that they raised one million and I also saw I was wrong, it isn't for the environment, but for literary and libraries..Still, a good cause if you ask me..
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Aug 11
I have never heard of this site before but looked like a really great place to buy your books. The discount is pretty good. Thank you for the information.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
6 Aug 11
The frequency that I buy books varies for me. I go through periods when I read a lot and then times when I don't read as much. I love books though and I usually buy them online from Amazon and I'll always buy enough to get me above the free shipping limit, so I usually buy 2 or 3 books at the same time. I still go to my local Barnes and Noble though and spend a while browsing the shelves. I usually end up finding something I want to buy even if I didn't have anything in particular in mind when I went in. I actually have quite an extensive book collection but my main problem is finding the time to read them all.
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
6 Aug 11
I buy books whenever I find a book which I like. So, I can buy a book every months or two months. I like reading and books. If I have much money, I think I'll buy more books.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Nov 11
I buy books at the thrift stores since I cannot afford to buy them new but I usually buy 3 or 4 at a time and I buy them once a month. I love to read as well and I am a fast reader just like you. It sounds normal to me =)
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
Hi puccagirl! I think buying too many books is normal for bibliophiles like us :) I also buy books even when I haven't finished reading my other books yet. When I used to work on a company where a bookstore is nearby, I believe I bought books every other day. I am that crazy. I also love buying books in booksales. There are so many treasures to find in there!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Aug 11
I go to cut price book shops, regular book shops and purchase books on-line from Amazon UK. I like to buy travel books and gardening books. Lately like in the last six months I have bought books about garden design and hardy tropical gardening. I usually buy around five new books per month. I am going to stop buying magazines because books are much better value. If my older son needs text books for his studies I buy these as well. When term begins I know I will be buying lots of books for him.
@sona22 (1430)
• India
4 Aug 11
We also buy books regularly. My husband has a books-mania. And sometimes I could not resist him as I have also interest. We have many collection. We read and discuss ourselves. Book is our best best friend, guide and wisdom. But I could not read as fast as you. I read at medium speed. Sometimes repeat the interesting pages.
• United States
4 Aug 11
I don't buy books often, but I do buy them regularly and I tend to buy 8-12 (or more) at a time. I typically buy books new, but I also go to used book stores if it suits my fancy. When I can't afford to buy books then I go to the library or borrow from friends. I love going bookshopping! It's my favorite thing in the world. I can spend all day in a bookstore (but who has the time for that when you've got so many books to read? lol).
@Wilbet28 (97)
• United States
4 Aug 11
Hi, puccagirl. I enjoy reading a lot too, but I usually buy used books (mostly paperbacks). Luckily there is a good used book store near me and they take trade-ins. I usually trade in a stack of used books that I've read and get several newer ones when I go there. I still end up spending some cash for the books but much less than buying new ones.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
4 Aug 11
Yes I always like to buy new books. Because I am always crazy about some different types of books. When I was doing my post graduate in computer application then I had bought many books about programming and networking. And now I like some novels and books about how to repair computer and also computer magazines.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
4 Aug 11
I love to read too.But i find that the price of new books is too much,so i go the second hand bookstore,and get them there.I also swap books with friends,or borrow from them.I do this when I run out of books to read.I heard that if you have a Kindle,you can get books on line cheaper than paper books.As much as \I like to read a paper book,I'll get a Kindle when I'll be able to afford it.
@dyeni23 (128)
5 Aug 11
Books are love! :) I also love to read because it's one of my best way to de-stress and spend quality time with my sister who loves reading as well. I usually buy books when they are on sale though, and makes sure I get lots of it. ;)
@koperty3 (1876)
4 Aug 11
I really love books. I'm worry that I read less and less this days. I use to buy books on amazon after reading some views and comments on some writers and books. Basically I try to buy some books once a month and If I buy so always two at time. Amazon is quite convenient site to buy something interesting. I also have good friend who read a lot of books so she knows what is good and gives me some tips before my book shopping.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
4 Aug 11
I think reading is one of the best hobbies and it is great fun to buy and read books. I do not buy that often, as I should have. I rather take the short cut and read the stories through e-books on my mobile phone.
@derek_a (10874)
4 Aug 11
I too have always been an avid reader since I was old enough to be able to read. Every birthday I was given a book or two and have kept up the habit ever since. I now have an Amazon Kindle book reader, so I don't many shelves on which to keep my books. I was a little sceptical about the Kindle at first, but now I am very pleased that I got it as it is very clear and easy to read. _Derek
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
4 Aug 11
Although i love books,but i do not buy books so often.I love to go to the library and spent a day there enjoy reading.There are lots of books there,so it is kind of enjoy.Sometimes i buy books on the internet because it's much cheaper than the bookshop.
@Shankerj (241)
• India
4 Aug 11
Some of my reading needs are being satisfied by Reading Online, However I do buy books but not that much, I usually buy around 4-5 books in a year, and I also buy some monthly magazines.
• China
4 Aug 11
I don't often buy books,because I don't have enough room for them. But if suddenly I call to mind to buy books,maybe I will buy several books. If which books I had read,and I really love it, I will buy it.
@cow_boy29 (236)
• United States
4 Aug 11
i am more like to read ebook than book, very seldom i buy new book so the solving is i am read information from internet, that is all free.internet is give you more information than you read book.