malioboro...Oh Malioboro

@adhyz82 (36249)
August 14, 2011 4:16am CST
Chairman Foundation Widya Budaya Yogyakarta, Widi Utaminingsih said Jalan Malioboro area is still a major destination of tourists who come to Yogyakarta. Besides as shopping center, Malioboro area , is also still save heritage buildings including office complexes Kepatihan Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Vredeburg Museum, the Great House and the State Palace," he said According Widi, Malioboro area remains a major tourist destination, especially from outside the region, and will always crowded during holiday weekends or school holidays and public holidays of religious holidays. "For tourists, it's not complete if it came to Yogyakarta but did not visit Malioboro yet," said Widi which his foundation engaged in the study of culture and tourism development based on local potentials. Widi explained, the appeal Malioboro apart in the middle of the city, transportation to the region easily accessible from all over the city. "For tourists do not need to worry about when visiting Malioboro, as the region's available information Tourism Information Center (TIC), so that tourists can obtain information clearly about the attractions in this area," he said. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Society of Merchants Malioboro Suryadi said is Malioboro still a major destination of tourists when visiting Yogyakarta. "Malioboro is already legendary, live traders and perpetrators of tourism services in the region has always given good service, polite and clean to tourists," he said. To enhance the positive image of Malioboro, continued Suryadi, need awareness of various stakeholders including the guard region. Suryadi added, not only the cleanliness and comfort, but also security, and tourism awareness should also be improved. "Malioboro is a tourism asset that must be kept and maintained as well as possible," he said. what is your opinion about Malioboro area?? do you had ever visited??
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9 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
I live in Yogyakarta. But, I rarely visit Malioboro. Even went to Malioboro,I just passed it. From the story of my neighbors, Malioboro increasingly crowded, and there are lots of changes.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
why do you never visit Malioboro??
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 11
To exit the house, I have to get permission from my husband. In addition, I do not have enough money to go to Malioboro.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 11
i do hope you can get some much money to visit malioboro someday what about your business??
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
hehe malioboro can't wait to be back there again mate. the most busies road in ngayogjokarto hadiningrat. for whom never visit it, you should try to visit it,and try the diferrent. ps : if you wanna eating there please ask for the price first, before its to late.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
whats up with your PS?? why we must ask the price first? do you think the price of food in malioboro is expensive??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
fashion, i see...thanks for your explanation
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Hi adhyz82 sorry for interrupting in this discussion but P.S means post script, its like n.b in Indonesian. You know when you write a letter and you added something on the bottom of page you add n.b. Well, we need to ask for the price first because some of naughty seller may charge you double price because they want to take advantage from tourist.
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 11
last time I'm visiting malioboro is about 2 years ago, I think this place is more crowded than I expect. the retro buildings is very nice look, one thing that I have never forgotten is many stuffs that sold at the street you can buy with up to 25% from the seller's price with some good negotiations, I will miss this place.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
ya, i had ever visited too malioboro.. i like the unique market..many batik there
@nophie (2336)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
i think yes, we must care about Malioboro there are a popular idiom, if you visit Jogjakarta , it`s not complete if you did not come to Malioboro and enjoy with many food and the unique situation of Malioboro.. it`s famous area not only for Tourism but for Yogyakarta local government themself.. They really aware the potential market of Malioboro
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
ya, i think major of Jogjakarta aware about potential of Malioboro
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
i don't have still enough time and money to go there. i always want to go to trip at java island, especially jogjakarta. maybe one day, i'll do that.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 11
where do you live henkiprananda??
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Hi adhyz82, I've visited Malioboro several times. Even there are a lot of new mall in Yogyakarta such as Saphir Square, Ambarukmo Plaza but nothing can replace Malioboro and Beringharjo shopping center. What makes Malioboro special is not only the shopping area where you can find almost everything here, but also you can enjoy live performance such as Angklung or Gamelan. I agree with what you post, but I have a little advice to people who wants to eat in lesehan to ask for the price before they order the food because some naughty seller may charge you 2X from the actual price. Not all seller are like that but we still need to be cautious, it is better ask for the price than regret latter.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
first i want to say, welcome to mylot nice too see many indonesian here and give comments especially about indonesian items.. ya, nothing can replace the charismatics of brigharjo and malioboro...
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
so where do you live in jogja??
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Hi adhyz82 thank you for the warm welcome, my sister lives not too far from Malioboro and even when I dont have money I like to walk in Malioboro just to enjoy my time.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
15 Aug 11
For me I don't know about it maybe it is good but be careful you are about to mist.
@atleya (946)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Yeah, I know Malioboro in Yogyakarta. It is a wonderful place. If we visit Yogyakarta, I think that we will not forget to visit Malioboro. It is a major destination. I love Malioboro, and I love Yogyakarta... Best wishes,
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
had you ever visited malioboro??
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@atleya (946)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
Yeah, of course, I ever visited Malioboro. If you visit Yogyakarta, you may not forget to visit it.. it is a wonderful place., surely you will love it. Best,
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 11
thanks to God, i had ever go to malioboro...even now it become a saddest moment
• Indonesia
15 Aug 11
i had visited malioboro when i was study in junior high school. then i spend the night at a motel in the entourage of friends to celebrate the farewell. i buy some clothes.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 11 what is your feeling when visit malioboro??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
17 Aug 11
so am i.. i wanna visit malioboro once again
• Indonesia
17 Aug 11
i'm very happy. i wanna go there once again
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