Canadians loss is their governments sad!

Regina, Saskatchewan
August 22, 2011 8:11pm CST
Today Canada lost the leadership of the one and only truly honest and visionary politician it has ever had. Jack Layton of the National Democratic Party (NDP) lost his battle with a new cancer that was only diagnosed a few weeks ago. In May of this year the leader of the Liberal Party called a no confidence vote on our Conservative Party Prime Minister's government and an unnecessary election ensued. Trust Jack not to complain, but rather to take the bull by the horns and in spite of just beating prostrate cancer, traveled this country from end to end, resulting in his party's historical capturing of enough electorates to form the first true majority NDP opposition this country has ever seen. The Conservatives squeaked back into power, but the country had shown it's disgust with the Liberals and new found belief in the NDP. Jack was rightly optimistic that the NDP would be the country's leaders within 4 years. Sadly, I don't believe that will happen now, which means that the Conservatives could be around for a long time tearing this country apart. Jack Layton was a very special man. He truly cared about each and every Canadian. Over the years I have sent him many emails on various subjects and concerns. He responded to every one personally and in good time, even the ones that were not specifically political. One particular night just before the recent May election, we corresponded by email regarding the turning away of my son from a hospital where he had been seeking the advice of a doctor, when he thought his cancer had returned. There was a glitch in the system which wouldn't accept his OHIP (provincial health card) and he was refused a consultation. I knew Jack had just finished treatment for his own prostrate cancer and so I wrote to him. At 11pm that night he got on the phone to the hospital that had turned my son away and told them in no uncertain terms that my son would back in the morning and that he'd better get in to see a doctor. The next morning he called the OHIP offices himself and had the glitch straightened out and my son received his consultation. Just after the May election, I wrote again to Jack about the abuses in the oil and gas industry in Saskatchewan where my husband works. This time I didn't receive a response, but my own life was so full of family emergencies and such, that frankly I quite forgot. Several weeks ago, at 8am my time the phone rang. It was the House of Commons in Ottawa.......the seat of our federal government. It wasn't Jack, but his deputy leader calling. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Jack was again facing a battle with cancer and was in the process of turning his leadership over to his deputy. The gentleman I spoke to that morning assured me that Jack had seen my email, was very concerned about the issues I had raised and had instructed his deputy to phone personally to assure me that the very issues I had raised in my email would be part of the legislation that the NDP would be tabling in the House in the Fall, and to ask me, if needed, would I consent to address the House of Commons myself, live and in person. I was gobsmacked. For a private individual in our political system to be asked to address the House of Commons, is not just an honor, it's almost unheard of. But that's how Jack rolled. He believed in his responsibilities, and he believed that he represented the PEOPLE not just a party and if he could involve the people in living up to his campaign promises and political responsibilities, he took every opportunity to do so. Jack had faith in my ability to articulate and I had faith his aides would keep me from fainting dead away should my presence in the House be required. I am devastated not only for myself at the loss of what I had come to consider a friend, but also for my country which has lost it's best and brightest hope for our country to establish not only it's place on the global stage, but to finally and at last have a leader that doesn't lie, play political self-serving games, and who truly concerns himself with the issues that affect the working class of this country. Despite their platitudinal condolences, I'm sure the Conservatives are dancing behind closed doors at Jack's passing. I however am actually in tears at the loss of a great politician and a true Canadian. JFK aside, when was the last time you cried at the passing of a politician?
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11 responses
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
Why don't you continue his fight?
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Too old and it would take too long to work my way through the political system. However, Jack's wife is an elected Member of Parliament for the NDP and I'm hoping against hope that she will continue in Jack's place. Fingers crossed........
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@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
One step at time spark, it's never too old to serve. The parliament may be a long shot but you have to start somewhere, what about your own community?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Well I was elected mayor of my small town. All sixty one people in it are my responsibility! lol
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 11
THis Jack Layton sounds like a rarity in politics. I wish we had many of him in government. More than we obviously do. I must say that JFK would be the last time I cried at any politician's passing. I stayed home from school and was bed ridden. I didn't even truly understand the man but when I heard he had been shot and what all transpired I was stricken.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
I've always been an NDP supporter because they are the only party here in Canada that truly worked for the people. Jack's loss is a terrible blow, especially at this time in our history. I remember JFK's passing too and all that came after. Politics is a terrible business.........
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
25 Aug 11
I hear ya there my friend.
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 11
It is and one I usually don't enter into. That and religion.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Aug 11
SO sorry to hear this happening wish we had one as good comeing up for elections. WOw what and honor has this happened yet or going to happen DOnt think I could talk in fron of al tose people! I would have to be half drunk lolololol WElcome back long time since you been here. and how did things go with your son and did they have him take the Graviola? I Was just taking of your this evening with you might know her as PErspective on here. Or ya might be in the Fresh Beginging forum. Come around more ofter hugssssssssssssssssssss
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Aug 11
Well I have missed you alot and perspective too altho she has a forum of her own so we keep in contact. I am so glad that son is doing so good and that he is taking the Graviola as I think it is a great herb to keep our cancer away. YEs its a wait and see game HUgssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Hugs back at ya sweets, and I know I've been MIA from a lot of places on the net, but I've been busy with life, you know? It's been a really terrible year for me and mine........... Anyway, my son is fine and taking his graviola. His last cancer marker tests were clear so that's good news. And yes, I know Perspective though I've not interacted with her in some time. Nice to know people still talk about me. LOL The legislation will be presented to the house in late Sept. or early October, though Jack's sudden passing may delay things. We'll just have to wait and see. I have the NDP rep for Saskatchewan putting together a report on the oil and gas industry here, and if that's all that's needed, then I won't have to appear in Parliament. Again, we'll just have to wait and see..............
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
23 Aug 11
It's good to see you, it's been a long time. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like he was a really good man to have in a position to do good for Canada. It's a shame that he is gone now. My condolences to you and others that know him. I don't know of anyone that we have lost that I was upset to lose not in politics anyway. Please write to me when you get a chance to. I have been worried about you. Take care dear lady. I sure have missed you. hugs...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Don't worry about me sweets. Take care of yourself. And let me know how the surgery goes ok? I have candles lit for you......... And I rather feel sorry that so many Americans feel as you do about their politicians. lol I'll write tomorrow and bring you up to date on what's been going on to keep me off line. I promise. Love and many hugs.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 11
There are a few I keep in contact with but they have not passed away. I'd be hurt and upset if a few of them left this plane of exsistance. I'm glad they are still here. But yes, I agree that many people here don't care much for the politicians but that's because there are not many that are there for the right reasons. Yes, please do write to me tomorrow because Wednesday I go into the hospital for the surgeries. I'd like to know that you are alright before I go. love and hugs to you...
2 people like this
23 Aug 11
Hi Sparky, it is so lovely to see you again, hope are you sweet? so sorry tha Jack as passed away and he seems to be a special person to do thing for the Canadians, not politicians would bother, and the only politicians I have ever cried for was JKF and Bobby, but the politicians here in the UK are not worth my tears, they are all the same, promises thigns will be better but each party that gets in power just makes the country worse, they are just makeing themselves richer, sorry but things are sky high and people got eat and food prices are just so high never mind the petrol, no, I would not waste my tears on them. Well Sparky, I hope that your son is better and sending all my love and healing to you all, love and hugs always. Tamara xxxxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
SOOOOO good to see you sweets. I've not been online much. Have you noticed? LOL My son is doing fine as far as his cancer goes and I'm busy taking care of business offline. SO much has been happening here and it's been a terrible year for me and mine. I do feel sorry for poor old England. I've been following things there, and I so worry about my friends and how they are getting along just trying to make ends meet. I'd bring you all to Canada if I could! Hugs and much love always to you too sweets.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Aug 11
How wonderful for you that you had this treasured experience with this fine gentleman. Please take a good look at this and if possible you may find a different meaning, that could affect the rest of your life. We constanly choose our life and it's goals. Blessings
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
I honestly can't find any other meaning but loss for all Canadians in this situation Pat. I know how prepared Jack was for such an eventuality and how prepared his party is to carry on without him, but it still hurts and politics being what it is, it is truly worrisome to contemplate the future of this country without Jack keeping the Conservatives in check and acccountable.
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• United States
25 Aug 11
Hey Sparks, missed you and your political posts. I'm so sorry that the people of Canada lost someone as good as the song says, "Only the good die young". I am too young to have cried at JFK's passing (my parents were still engaged then), so I can't say that I've ever cried over a politician passing. He sounds as if he was a visionary leader that ran out of time. You were truly fortunate to have known him and befriend him.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Aug 11
im truly sorry for yer loss sparX, and that of yer country as a whole. to answer the question? never.. not even for jfk. granted i wasnt even born yet .
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
I was in choir practice when we heard about JFK. They sent us all home and we were glued to our TV sets for days. And the loss of Robert and Martin. Landing on the moon in 69 seemed pretty pointless after all that had come before........ Good to see you sweets.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Aug 11
wow he would have made a fantastic leader of any country it sounds like. im so sorry such a great man and leader is taken from the world. last time i cried for a leader was when Robert Kennedy was killed. because i thought he was a good guy but whats come to light since about what he did to Marilyn monroe, one of my favorite actresses and a gentle soul. im sorry i ever cried over him.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Hi sweets. Good to see you. It's been awhile eh? And don't believe everything the American publishing industry puts out about the Kennedy's. They were not perfect, but they were outstanding politicians. Poor Robert was always left holding the bag for his brother Jack.............
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Aug 11
My dearest Sparks, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your friend, and especially after hearing all the praise about the this man himself. This type of wonderful, honest and humane individual especially in the "polical arena" doesn't come along very often (most definitely not here in the USA)! He really believed in "helping" people even though he didn't know them personally. This is a politician who gave straight from his heart-can't think of too many of those, not nowadays-again not here in the USA, at least not anymore~And you are right, as you said-haven't cried over any politicans since the Kennedys and what a sad bunch of tragedies that family has suffered, but still remained well respected pretty much despite some "questionable stories"?May your friend RIP and be remembered for all the wonderful things that he did selflessly~Leslie
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 11
Thanks Opal my dear friend. What a lovely tribute you've written for him............
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I am truly sorry for your countries loss, my prayers go out to his family. I remember when JFK was killed, it was truly a sad time for our country.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Aug 11
Well Spark looks like the Federal Government also thought very highly of Mr. Layton. It is sad to loose such good officials. They are few and far between these days.