Tax the corporations more! Right?...
By andy77e
@andy77e (5156)
United States
August 24, 2011 6:06pm CST
Why am I against corporate taxes? Well... let's go over some basics.
Why do people work? People work to make a profit. You get up in the morning, you've got bills to pay. Food, shelter, insurance, gasoline, car payment, so on.
These are your expenses for living. The amount of money you earn above the cost of working, is your profit. What if you made no profit, would you continue to work? No.
Companies are the same thing. They don't do work, unless there is a profit. When you take away profit from a company, it loses incentive to work.
People complain about companies investing overseas, or moving the entire company out of the country.
If there is lower taxes in another country, there is greater incentive to invest and work there.
Taxing companies creates bad incentives which harm the economy.
But companies do not need all that profit!
Company profits are where all advancement and growth come from. When you see a large manufacturing plant, or a big warehouse, or a huge store, all of those require massive amounts of capital (money) to create.
New products, services and goods, all require money to be invested to create them. That money is only available from company profits.
But look at the unemployment! We need that money to benefit us!
Where do you think all employment comes from? It comes from someone who has the capital to afford hiring you.
If you want a job from a lawn mowing company, that company has to have the money to pay you, and the money to buy a lawn mower for you to use, and gas to run it.
If you want to work at a factory, the company has to have the money to build that factory, and the equipment in the factory, and the power to run the equipment.
Without money in the hands of companies, no jobs will ever be created. Taking money away from companies in the form of taxes, hurts the poor.
But rich people have enough money! We need to tax them!
In the early 90s, the US government passed a Yacht tax. Only rich people can afford Yachts. Instead of the Rich pay more taxes, they paid less, because they bought Yachts from other countries. Instead the only people hurt by the tax, was the lower and middle class people who lost their jobs in Yachting companies that closed up shop.
All taxes hurt the poor. Every tax is passed on to the lower class, one way or another.
But all the money goes to the shareholders!
And who are the shareholders? This is something that no one seems to grasp.
The shareholders... are... us.
We're the shareholders. Your bank that gives you that interest, likely owns some stocks. Thus you are benefiting from those shares.
Your IRA and 401K are likely invested in mutual funds which own stock.
Pensions and investments, are all normally tied up in stock owning funds.
The number one owner of stocks in companies... is us the public.
I myself, have stocks. So I am literally a shareholder myself.
So when you take money that should go to shareholders, you take money that was going to us.
The bottom line
Is this... corporations having money is a benefit to the country and the economy. With government having money, as we've seen, they flush it down the drain and we're deeply in debt and poor.
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4 responses
@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
25 Aug 11
I know it's boring for you to hear from someone with the same ideas as you, but:
Are you in my brain?!
Corporate taxes simply drive companies away from our country and into countries where it is easier to avoid those kind of taxes. If taxes on corporations were lower, maybe we could afford to compete with China in prices. Who knows?
The government needs to learn to work with what they get and stop taxing everything that moves!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
There's this concept - transfer pricing, where companies study the impact of taxes on their production and/or sales in different countries including their home country, and where they see the least tax effect, they set up shop there. So it's studied whether it's cheaper to set up shop at home and be taxed at the home rate or set up shop abroad and pay whatever taxes in that place, and whatever importation charges when the products are shipped back home. So, if you look closely at some American brands, the tags say Made in China or Indonesia or some other Asian country.
Unfortunately, about China goods, one of the reasons they offer the cheapest prices is because labor is very cheap. Most labor here in Asia is a lot cheaper. It's a rotten system actually, because for example, it's way cheaper to set up shop here because the wages are low, and there's not much benefit. So, the laborers here have jobs, but, the pay is unsatisfactory. And the other effect is that the laborers in the home country of the corporation lose out the job to the Asian laborers. A lose-lose situation. Only the business owners are happy.
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@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
26 Aug 11
@andy77e: Somebody has to think about it. ;) I'd rather live free and fail than depend on someone to hold me up (That coming from a person who has lived in dire straits for a while now).
@gloryacam: It sure gets complicated in big business. Still, I've said this multiple times--there's a name for what China does: it's "predatory pricing", and here in the states, it's illegal. So, why would any sensible person want to allow good manufactured by pricing predators into the market? I honestly don't know. I firmly believe that if we made ourselves a corporate tax haven and cut trade with China that companies would be able to compete with one another as opposed to floundering in the face of artificially cheapened goods and prices would fall to their equilibrium. That's where they should be.
@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
25 Aug 11
That is why congresses approval rating is only at 13 percent. It does not seem to matter who we put in office it just keeps getting worse. Then it seems like more Americans start to panic and put extremists in to try to change things up. It ends making things that much worse. They just need to overhaul the whole system. It is corrupt and broken. I really think money and power makes people do funny things. What ever happened to just living a simple life. Why do most people think they need a gigantic house and 10 cars in their parking lot. It seems like we as a people are over complicating everything. We always want more. It is always about bigger, better, faster. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and take a deep breath.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
25 Aug 11
I talked about that in my thread on what's wrong in politics.
The problem is us, the public. The public wants to believe lies. They want to be hypocrites. They are not willing to endure truth.
See, the public is the hypocrite. The public are the liars.
What happens when hypocrites and liars vote in politicians? You get corrupt lying hypocritical politicians.
Just look at some of the threads here on Mylot. When Obama said that if they can't borrow money, they would not be able to pay out social security, look what happened on mylot.
We had threads on "it's my money!". And threads on "Obama trying to scare people!" and others saying "The government has plenty of money to pay social security".
One guy start talking about how there is a separate account with his name on it, and he deserves that money. I tried to explain to him that the government takes his money and either pays current recipients, or they buy government bonds, meaning the money is put into the general fund and spent. Either way, his money is gone.
When I told him this, he deleted the entire thread.
See? People do not want to hear the truth. They refuse it. They'll put their fingers in their ears and run away shouting 'la la la la la' rather than deal with the truth.
This is why things keep getting worse, and will continue to do so until the American public decides to ditch the lies, ditch the hypocrisy, and accept truth themselves. It may never happen. I don't know.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 Aug 11
And one of the lies the American public is believing in this drivel that we'd be better off lowering corporate taxes AGAIN.
I wish people COULD see the truth, but if you and I don't put ourselves in that same camp, then we're just big hypocrites too. I'm willing to believe I ultimately could be wrong, how about you? Are you REALLY willing to admit your political philosophy is flawed?
Obama's camp are not the only ones trying to scare people. Your going straight to their pocketbooks to scare them about corporate taxation and you don't see, at the very least, an irony, if not an hypocrisy in your stand?
CONSTANT VIGIL. It's not just about monitoring the government, we must be willing to recognize our own problems as well.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Sep 11
..."corporations having money is a benefit to the country and the economy. With government having money, as we've seen, they flush it down the drain and we're deeply in debt and poor." --- You said it!! In a nutshell!!

@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 Aug 11
"The amount of money you earn above the cost of working, is your profit", but don't forget taxes are a part of that "cost of working", they have to be figured in.
If the amount of work that gets done is related to how much we have to work to make a higher profit (your opening point) then taxes just make us work harder to make a profit. More work means more workers (collectively) because you say the opposite, making no profit, is an excuse to not work and we want people working and companies to push themselves to be greater, not rest on their profits, feeding tons of bonuses to do-little bosses.
But the companies do that anyway. Continuing to make bad decisions that, if left unchecked, would endanger the public, their workers and the country. Never mind that the country provides thousands of unseen benefits that help the companies to thrive, the country also needs to protect us all fom the evils of unchecked corprate activity. Why does noone remember the horrors of Laissez-Faire prior to World War II?
As our collective conscious, benefactor and protector, our government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is duty bound to get taxes from the companies to give us a safety net from their bad decisions and operating funds for monitoring agencies. And, remember this because few others are going to tell you: every dollar the government spends goes into someone else's pockets to be spent again, whereas the profits from companies partially gets stuck in savings, bad investments and off-shore holdings (destroying the final statement above that money is better in corporate hands).
Arguments to give companies free ride, even huge incentives, are obvious, self-serving corporate propaganda and the thought that so many Americans fall for it makes me very sad indeed. In fact, with careful accounting and millions spent on lobbying, many companies will enjoy a net gain: "corporate welfare". If we bend any further to corporate whims, we may as well eliminate governments and let international corporations rule the world.
Okay, I'm being Devil's Advocate and falling into my conspiracist roots, but taxes aren't going away and everybody should pay a fair share if possible. Mantaining corporate growth through tax cuts has failed and the recent bailouts have barely been a life preserver. We MUST reconsider taxation on all levels and if that means some companies pay more taxes then they should "buck up" and work harder.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
26 Aug 11
If the amount of work that gets done is related to how much we have to work to make a higher profit (your opening point) then taxes just make us work harder to make a profit.
Not exactly. The value of the work doesn't change based on how hard you work. For example you can work as hard as you want at Wendy's, there's only so much a person is willing to pay for a cheap burger.
If taxes were adjusted so that you couldn't make it earning less than $50 an hour, or if minimum wage was raised to such a level, would people pay $30 dollars a burger to cover those wages? Of course not.
Instead, the business would simply close down, or the entire store would be automated to replace employees. This is exactly why every time the minimum wage is raised, people lose their jobs.
This is also why various goods that used to be made in the US, are now made in other countries.
making no profit, is an excuse to not work and we want people working and companies to push themselves to be greater, not rest on their profits, feeding tons of bonuses to do-little bosses. But the companies do that anyway.
Name one. You show me the company that has not expanded? If you are talking about generally in the recent few years, we've already covered why... they are worried about government taking their profit, hence they are not expanding, the whole point of this thread.
Why does noone remember the horrors of Laissez-Faire prior to World War II?
This were much better prior to the great depression, before government started screwing around in the economy. Far from 'the horrors', the late 1800s and the first 20 years after 1900, were boom years.
In fact, government screwing around in the economy always causes problems. The year 1920 had a huge recession... the government did nothing but cut taxes and cut spending. The recession was over by 1921, and the roaring 20s were all boom years. 2002 recession, Bush cut taxes and cut spending. From late 2003 to 2008 were boom years.
In 1929, Hoover and the FDR both screwed with the economy continuously, and the Great Depression lasted until the end of WWII. 2008 Bush and then Obama passed tons of regulations and legislation, and we're still limping along now 3 years later.
See a pattern?
As our collective conscious, benefactor and protector, our government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is duty bound to get taxes from the companies to give us a safety net from their bad decisions and operating funds for monitoring agencies.
First, government, regardless of what you claim it is supposed to do, is only interested in one thing, growing, expanding, and protecting itself. It is in no way a benefactor. The Roman government claimed the same thing, and we see where it got them.
Second, again, all taxes are paid by us the consumers. Every single dollar you tax away from any corporation comes out of your pocket, one way or another. If you tax GM so they have to jump up the cost of a car, then they can't compete with imports and everyone loses their jobs.
No matter how you cut it, twist it, change it, or rationalize it, every dollar you take from a company, will come out of your own pocket.
Take the unemployment tax. Companies have what is called 'total cost of employment'. What that means is, when they decide to hire someone, they determine the total cost of employing that person, and adjust wages based on that. Unemployment comp costs the company per person they hire. Thus if the cost goes up, they pay you less.
Same is true for Social Security taxes. In the 90s when the government increased the 'employer side tax' for FICA, a plant near where I live, laid off the entire work force and closed the plant. They rehired everyone 5 days later, for a dollar less an hour. Thanks a ton. Your benevolence policy, cost everyone in the plant $2000 a year. Brilliant.
As a poster in another thread said correctly, the left views companies as money trees, you can just shake and drop some crash from. Wrong. Every PENNY that a company has (unless it's taking handouts from the government) comes from only one of two places. The employees, or the customers. Every dime you steal from the company, has to be made up from again... either the employees in lower wages, or the customers.
If we bend any further to corporate whims
Yeah, when have we ever done that. Please list off that times.
Mantaining corporate growth through tax cuts
Er.. wrong. Name one time that we cut taxes in general, and had no growth. Good luck.