Moving Out At The Age Of 18

September 4, 2011 7:03pm CST
I know very well that in other countries once you reached 18 you will have the right to move out of your parents house that even some parents would demand you to leave. However, would it be rightful for parents to do so? Or do children have the right to stay? especially in cases that they can't still live on their own...
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16 responses
• India
5 Sep 11
By reading the questions posted here I came to know that in US, children are either expected to move out of their parents' home when they turn 18 or they stay with parents and pay rent.What is the logic behind such a culture? If the idea is to make children stand on their feet, then isn't 18 years too young for that? At 18, most have not even graduated, so they do not get good paying job. Very good question. I'm sure this scenario can be very misleading to someone new to this country.A parent should be helping a child that has a future goal - going to college and working part time, or working and putting most of the money in the bank. My personal feeling is, if I allow a child to permanently stay home, bring in the spouse and their kids just so someone can take care of me when I get old that sounds selfish to me.
@samrat16 (2442)
• India
9 Sep 11
Very well said !!
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
In my opinion, a child after reaching 18 y/o should be independent already and should be responsible for themselves. In our country, Philippines, where family ties are very close it is not an issue. Children still lives in their parents even after the children have their own children. If a child was not sent to college, they blame their parents. If they end up poor, they blame their parents or the government. I think that is the downside of having too close family ties. The children end up dependent and with no sense of responsibility.
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• United States
5 Sep 11
Exactly! We as parents should teach our children to grow up. I'm not saying, don't live with mom and dad.. but take responsibility for your own life. Go to university or get a job and contribute to the family.. don't just live at home taking advantage of mom and dad so that they can't even retire for having to take care of their adult kids and grand kids. I see too many retired persons taking care of their grandchildren because the parents are unfit to take care of them... one of my friends is a year older than me and she has custody of 3 of her grands because her daughter and son in law can't stay out of jail enough to take care of them.. DCFS took them out of the home and the grandmother took them in.
@payout (3794)
• United States
5 Sep 11
Hey nice, My father let me move out when I was 17 and soon to be 18 years old I was happy I think it all depends on the parent and the child overall. If the parent knows how there child is since they have raise them for so long 18 years they will know if they are ready to be on there own or not. I think the parents that are kicking there kids out right at 18 some might be rough on em to teach them.. It's time to go on your own and learn life. And are doing it for there own good. Some might just dislike there child and know they don't do nothing around the house and just it's either get a job or leave situation. there can be a big view of reasons why. But overall. Like I said it all depends on the parents and the child.
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
well said.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
5 Sep 11
I live in a country where most people leave their parents' house when they are about 18 or in their early 20's. Independence is very important in my culture and people who still live with their parents when they are in their late 20's or older are considered immature and a little strange. In other countries it is normal to stay in your parents' house much longer, but in my culture that most people move away early. Some parents even kick their children out when the children turn 18, but personally I wouldn't do that. Some people are more mature than others, and don't think that the children have to leave the house "just" because they are 18 years old, I think that you have to consider other things as well.
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
6 Sep 11
In my country, most children usually live with their parents until they get married. As a tradition, most parents wish their children living with them. Even if the children get married, they are expected not to live far away from their parents. According to the law, people are no longer "children" when they reach 18 years old. Theoretically speaking, they should live on their own as adult. But nowadays many people who reach 18 years old still study in the university so that they have to rely on their parents. And in the view of the parents, their children have been and will always be "children", whom they should responsible for.
@kaylachan (76290)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Sep 11
While at the age of 18, you're considered an adult (in most countries) that doesn't mean you need to move out on your own. There are some people who don't, for various reasons... but there are some who do again for their personal reasons. The decision to move out should be based on each person's siutaion, and no one should be forced to... though some may argue they are forced to. Personally I didn't, but I was more then ready (except for having no money), but many aren't. So staying home a year or two, isn't going to hurt.
@ljames85 (294)
• Canada
5 Sep 11
I moved out at 16, ten years later I am back. I tell all my younger friends that are a younger ago and contemplating on moving out that they stay as long as there parents allow them to unless they are financially stable enough to move out on there own. There are a lot of responsibilities that some people are not aware of and might just be jumping at the chance of freedom and being out on there own. But it comes with consequences as well. I will let my son stay until he chooses to move out, or he is financially stable to make it in today's economy.
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
I may want to live independently but not at the age of 18. I am still dependable on that age. But still i don't want to move out unless i get married. I love staying with my family and my family as well. Parents don't want to live alone most especially if their children are so loving and caring. I do believe that it all depends on the relationship of the family.
• United States
5 Sep 11
I think that it depends on what each situation is. My oldest daughter is 15. I love her, but can't wait until she goes off to college. I hope that things will change with her in the next 3 years as she grows, and will hopefully mature. But if things stay the way they are now, she will not be able to live in my house. My house, my rules. I would be happy to treat her as an adult, but she must show me respect as well. I know that there will probably be people saying that I am a bad mom for this, but once she is legally an adult, she can make the choice. She can go to college (her choice if she wants to or not), move out on her own, or act like an adult. I guess what I'm saying is that I believe that kids should have a choice, but in certain situations, parents should be able to reclaim their homes.
@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
Nice topic. I know you've read a lot about how things are in the Philippines, but let me have my take on it. Like what a lot said, family ties is very strong here. Also it's worth mentioning that we don't finish high school at 18, we finish high school at 16. Not studying for college won't get you far. A lot of jobs require an educational background of at least up to 2nd year college. Since poverty is so rampant here, some don't finish high school, a lot don't even finish elementary. Looking for work with at least a HS diploma is hard. They pay is way below minimum and not even enough to pay for rent and food for a family. That's why we have a lot of squatters here. People who live on an empty land and put up their houses using wood, sometimes even cement. They don't have to pay for house amortization since they don't own the land. Sometimes even their water and electricity bills are illegally gotten. Since they can barely make ends meet, they can't send their children (yes, children, a lot of them actually) to school. The children work to help with the finances. The lucky children who were able to go to school and finish high school are expected to bring their family out of poverty. Even if the child wants to live his own life, doing so would make him a very bad child in the eyes of all the poor people. Most of the poor believe that it's their children's responsibility to save them from poverty.
• Canada
5 Sep 11
There are many occasions or scenarios that occurs in my society giving reasons for young adults to leave their home. In some cases, parents have dedicated themselves that at that age of 18, they either tell their children to leave or to start paying rent. There are also cases such as conflicts within the family. I personally believe, parents should always welcome or allow their children to live with them until they are ready. Consequently, children should also dedicate themselves into learning to survive without their parents, as their parents cannot support them forever. Both parties, the child and the parents, should recognize and dedicate themselves with this idea. Parents, should always have the doors open when their child faces difficult decisions. Children once they believe they are ready to move out, should move out, and work hard to survive. Furthermore, relationships between parents and children should always be kept golden, for one day children will be taking care of their parents, when their parents need them.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
5 Sep 11
I heard from some of my friends that in some countries,when we attain the age of 18, we will have the right to go out from house. But this is not correct. Father and Mother are responsible to make him to attain to that age. Then the son/daughter has to think of the aged father. When he cannot walk, who is with him to look after? Will he can eat good food? The same difficulty will happen to the son when he is old. The son will think it and has to act accordingly
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
It is not practice here in the Philippines but I guess it really depends on the person if he or she wanted to move out their parents house as long as he or she can manage on their own and is ready to face the world on its own. We also has the right to stay especially if we are not yet stable, no job to support our own needs but also we should do our part not to be overly dependent with our parents and stay there for the rest of our lives. Maybe if we don`t want to move out from the house we grew up, at least make an effort to help the family financially since that time we are old enough to find ways to earn money on our own.
@trent714 (73)
• India
5 Sep 11
Yeah,but how can u leave ur parents who care for u so much?Dont do that sweetie.You will regret it.have a good day!
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
I am 26 and still lives in the house my parents built. My parents actually moved out. Kind of long story. Anyway, I would like to point out that I think moving out should be an option not a must. I mean, I know I should be having my own place right now, I want to, but I still can't. I still hope I could afford to soon. I am already feeling guilty for overstaying here, it hasn't been my plan, but lately nothing has ever been going towards how I have planned it. Anyway, I know how parents love their children and would want nothing more but for them to progress in life, so the option to either help-them-if-can or let them on their own should always be there.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
5 Sep 11
In my opinion I think children should stay and should be there option if they want to stay or leave being forced out will make it difficult for the child because what if they have no where to go or have no jobs, 18 is not even adult