Out Done w/my Favorite Grandson.

United States
September 7, 2011 5:05am CST
As many of u know i just worship my grandson & do not know what was wrong w/him yesterday when i picked him up from school but he acted like a little butte. I was totally p.o. at him. One other time when he was younger he acted like that but that was because his other grandmother was there, i thought.I had to go to the bank after i picked him up & he has been there w/me before & always acted nice. He was argumentive w/everything i said & to be honest i didn't like it at all & he knew it. One thing my sons were taught was respect & my grandson 'WILL' learn to respect me to if it's over my dead body.. he is normally such a good child but i sure didn't like his attitude yesterday. I told him that to. He could tell i was not happy w/him & that's an understaement. I'm suppose to go to his school today for grandparent's day & i guess i will but my heart is not really into it. My son had me bring him straight home yesterday because he was off work. I know one thing for sure if he went home w/that attitude , he's in big trouble. I was so disappointed in the way he acted. I will not stand for him to act like that, would u?
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27 responses
• United States
7 Sep 11
Hi Antiquelady... You are lucky to have a grandson. I have 3 but don't know them anymore. Their father took them out of our lives when they were 1, 2, and 5. They are all adults now. I know that kids will have moods, but I honestly don't remember my daughter giving me much trouble. I wouldn't have tolerated much, for sure... she would have gotten a time out. I loved all 3 of my grandsons equally... they were my babies. I only know one now... I wouldn't say he is my 'favorite' because I never had favorites, and because now he only knows me now when he wants money. I don't give him money anymore for that reason...If he can't email me when he doesn't need money, then don't email me at all....I find that disrespectful to me and that is why I stopped giving him money. As far as having a little grandson and him acting up... I think it is pretty normal for him to be in a mood once in a while. He might have been tired or he might have wanted to do something. I'd probably tell him to behave or get a time out...lol.
4 people like this
• United States
7 Sep 11
Aww, I am sorry Point, my own daughter has taken mine from my life as well, so I can relate.
• United States
7 Sep 11
I am very blessed to have him. He's the only grandson i have & i have always been patial to little boys. I guess because that's what i had. ' I'M SORRY U HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO BE IN YOUR GRANDSONS LIFE. tHAT'S A CRYING SHAME.I would be like u if the only time i heard from him was when he wanted money i'd back off to.U are not hrlping him when u give it to him. They all need to learn to stand on their own two feet. i didn't have to tell ryan anything he knew from the tone of my voice i was unhappy w/him. If we had come on to my house we'd had a big talk.Thanks for your response.
4 people like this
• United States
7 Sep 11
Thank you. I agree that I wouldn't be helping him by giving him money every time he asks for it. I still give him and his wife at Christmas, but I don't give the other two because they are not in my life at all... I have tried to talk to them on facebook but they ignore me.
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@gjax57 (897)
• United States
7 Sep 11
Hi Antique, Wow does this sound sooooooo familar. My grandson use to act this way every day after school. My daughter was told because it was a long day for him it was because he was tired and had melt downs. My daughter would argue back with him but that would only make it worse so I told her to just try and ignor his bad behavier and he will quit. eventuly he did. he is in 4th grade now and the past couple of days he's been doing well. this will pass just hang in there I think its a stage all kids go through....we need to remember back in our days I bet we were the same way at times....just my thoughts!
3 people like this
• United States
7 Sep 11
Thanks for responding. It was such a turn around for him to act like that. I hope it doesn't happen again. Thanks for sharing your experiences & your response.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Sep 11
nope they get called on it real fast!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Sep 11
I am glad to . Raised by parents that dont give a darn for other people sure hope they thru the book at him!
• United States
7 Sep 11
Good for u. If they are not taught to respect their parents & grandparents they'll never respect anyone. THANKS.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Sep 11
I am glad they got the young jerk, good for them & good for u for signing the paper.
@AmbiePam (96640)
• United States
7 Sep 11
Good for you. Children need to learn respect. I know my parents excepted it from me, as did my grandparents. Of course I normally was respectful, but when I wasn't, I was corrected very quickly.
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• United States
7 Sep 11
Good morning Ambie, They sure do & he will. .If he had treated his dad like that he'd be in big trouble for sure. I was taught respect to.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Children do pass through such kind of misbehavior in their life. This is the reality so that even the Bible in Proverbs 22:156 says: "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child....." Such attitude will really offend us because we don't want our child to grow stubborn and ill-mannered. We love our own and we don't want him to go wrong. And with your favorite grandson acting that way I am certain you really are disappointed. I am happy you are one grandma who does not tolerate this kind of attitude. We as elders are in the position to discipline the child, to teach him what is right and what is wrong and to let him know that any untoward behavior will not be tolerated. Surely, I know your grandson will learn good lesson from you.
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• United States
8 Sep 11
Thanks for your sweet response. U are always know what to say to me & i appreciate u alot. Ryan & i had a good talk yesterday about his behavior the day before & all is good.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
So nice to hear that all is good now! And by the way sorry for the typo, it is Proverbs 22:15 not 156! My fingers should be blamed!
@marguicha (225700)
• Chile
7 Sep 11
Hi Jo, I guess I´m more accostumed than you to get occationally p.o. with people, including the ones I love most. No one can be with a wonderful temper his whole life. Sometimes people have problems and we don´t know what they are. Did you ask him what was wrong with him and if something had happened at school? I love my grandchildren but I recognise that sometimes they aren´t the best childs in the world. I´m not the best person there is either, so I accept their flaws hoping that they will accept mine. I hope all ends well
• United States
7 Sep 11
Good morning mARG,I did ask him what was wrong but could never get a straight answer out of him. I'm far from perfect but i really did not like his attitude, period where i was concerned.I have never treated him the way he did me & i wouldn't.Thanks for responding.
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• United States
7 Sep 11
I seen changes in my kids once they got in school. And I seen it in everyone between 5TH TO 7th grades, the more mild the child the longer it took, but they all went through a change. Have seen the same thing in my grandchildren. Has Ryan been in school before? If not he is getting exposed to other kids and sees their attitudes and behavior and maybe he was trying his wings to see how it would fly with you. Good thing you let him know that it wasn't flying at all. Go to grandparents day and try to act as if nothing happened, when you get time with him again maybe you can discuss his attitude and he can explain it better to you.
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• United States
7 Sep 11
I couldn't remember Ryan's grade. I am sure he is picking up more on the other kids attitudes in school. I hope you have a great day, and be sure to let us all here on MYLot know how it went! Blessings!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Sep 11
RYAN IS IN FIRST GRADE SO THIS IS HIS 2ND YEAR. No, it sure didn't fly. i'm dressed & ready to go. Hope he has a better sttitude today. I can come home, lol. Thanks for responding.
• United States
7 Sep 11
Well, if he's picking up behavior like that i'm in favor of him dropping it & soon. He seemed fine at school today. One of the first things he ask me was if i wanted him to fix me a plate of refreshments. That's the way he usually is, so sweet to me. I told his mom about it today but told her not to say anything to him & for sure not tell my son because i don't want to get him in trouble w/his dad. I told her i'd take care of it this afternoon when i pick him up at school.
@BarBaraPrz (49105)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
7 Sep 11
Are you sure you picked up the right kid? Doesn't sound like your sweetie at all. Did you find out what was the problem?
2 people like this
• United States
7 Sep 11
LOL, I agree. It was not his usual way of acting. I had to carry him on to his house because his dad called & wanted me to do that so we didn't get into it much. Thanks for responding.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
7 Sep 11
There are a number of reasons he could have been acting like that. The more obvious reason was that he was just really tired from a long day of school. Some other things to consider is maybe he's having a hard time at school, either with other kids (being picked on or bullied), teachers (giving him a hard time), or grades/classwork. Remember that kids have a hard time discussing emotions and handling stress, so they tend to act out when things change suddenly or when they can't handle their emotions. Yesterday was my kids' first day of school, and at night they were impossible! We had to go to a soccer game for my oldest son, and the younger 4 were just being crazy and uncontrollable. They're normally somewhat behaved, they might run and play a bit, but they stay within their limits generally. But yesterday it was non-stop yelling at them and chasing them down, which wore me out. I figured their behavior was just due to the fact that they were all exhausted from their long day at school. Hopefully once they get more used to it they'll settle down and get back to normal.
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• United States
7 Sep 11
Thanks for all your suggestions as to why ryan acted so ugly. He didn't come to my house yesterday, i took him home but he's coming today so we are going to have a little talk about his behavior yesterday.Thanks for responding. Hope yours settle down to. If i had to go back to school i'd probably act up to, lol.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
8 Sep 11
Hi Anti, children should respect their elders and I know that is the way he was brought up. He was certainly having a bad day. You should not let him get away with it because we all have those days and we can not take them out on other people. He should be taught how to controll himself in those situations. Don't get to upset with him, so that you will be stressed out too. Let him know if that happen again you will not tolerate it and maybe someone else will have to pick him up. I pray that things get better with his attitude problem.
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• United States
8 Sep 11
Good morning Chevee & thanks for responding. This was the first time he has ever shown me that attitude & i hope it's the last. U are right we all have bad days & i guess tues. was his.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Sep 11
I would tell mine that they can tell me anything. if they wee angry they were free to express it or what was troubling them, However, whatever they SAID it must be said respectfully because I am their mother and I am worthy of respect so they had better get their act together - FAST. Blessings. I hope that you went to the school for grandparent's day and hope that you enjoyed it. all kids will try it on at times
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 11
Great minds run together, lol. That is exzctly what i told Ryan yesterday when we had our talk. I started out by telling him how much i loved him but sure didn't appreciate his attitude the day before. I did go to grandparent's day & enjoyed it very much.Guess he was just having a bad day which i can understand , we all have them but don't need to take it out on the ones that love us. Thanks for your great response. hugs.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
8 Sep 11
I have a five year old granddaughter and she can sometimes have a really bad attitude. She gets it from her Dad unfortunately, she has his temperment. Thank God she is usually very sweet. Your grandson may have had a bad day in school. Did you ask him what his problem was or what happen in school if anything? Kids are very sensitive to things that happen around them which can change their behavior real fast. Hopefully he will apologize and not act this way in front of his grandma again. This is what I'm afraid of as they get older they change so much and I truly believe it has to do with the kids in school. They see how others act and they copy it.
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• United States
8 Sep 11
Hi lelin, thanks for your response. I'm sure your grandaughter is very sweet but we all have our moments it seems. I'm afriad Ryan was acting like his dad [my son] who acts like his mom sometimes[me], lol.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
7 Sep 11
Your grandson, like all of us, might have just had a bad day. But, that doesn't excuse bad behavior. "Whom God loves, he chastens." As long as you admonish him carefully, distinguishing between his unacceptable behavior and the child, himself, whom you so love, a good lesson will be learned and a great result achieved. All children need and love limits and need to know what is expected of them. Confusion ensues when adults are not consistent in child rearing and discipline (discipline means to make a disciple of) using reasonable and appropriate consequences. Adding to this is the fact that most of the kind of indoctrination of children that goes on in schools today is anti-family and anti-respect for elders. Try to find out from your grandson what he is being taught, and I know that it is hard for a child to articulate the "values" behind what "appear to be" the lessons taught. Always let him know that you love him no matter what, but that unacceptable behavior will be a detriment to him. Always keep the channels of communication open as well.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 11
Thanks for your good response. I love the way u express things. Ryan & i had a good talk yesterday & the first thing i told him was how much i loved him & i do but he has to respect me because i respect him & his feelings. Guess he was just having a bad day. He was fine yesterday & back to his sweet self.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
8 Sep 11
Love is the greatest teacher and can prove to be a resevoir of wisdom if properly anchored in Scripture. "He first loved us..."
@trezege (66)
• South Africa
7 Sep 11
Maybe you or someone did something different that made him act that way, you need to sit with him and ask him what is the matter. It could also be the fact that he woke up on the wrong side of the bad and was having a bed day, remember even though he is a child he is also human. don't be too harsh on him now just wait a few days and see whether he continue with his behaviour then you need to have a serous talk with him
2 people like this
• United States
7 Sep 11
Thanks for your response & your suggestions. We all have bad days, i know that. That doesn't give him the right to be rude & argumentive to me.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
8 Sep 11
I wonder if something went wrong at school? Or maybe he was upset that he was going straight home to dad, instead of spending time with you. Once they start school they get to where they act like everyone else's little monsters.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
8 Sep 11
This makes me think . . . when I was a kid and had a particularly bad day my mom always asked if I had had a bowel movement !!! As a kid I had no understanding, but as an adult I can see how a kid might not know he or she had that problem. Shock him if it ever happens again, and ask if he has had one.
• United States
8 Sep 11
Hi GG, thanks for your response. I really don't know what brought on this unusal behavior but hope it doesn't happen again.All is well again after our talk yesterday it seems. hAVE A GOOD ONE.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
7 Sep 11
I don't know your grandson's age, but my own son is 9 and usually a good boy, but last night he went to bed without me reading to him, that is how upset he got me.Maybe there is something in the air, but he was a lot nicer this morning, even took the time to do his chores before he went to school..
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• United States
7 Sep 11
He might, especially if your comment about him acting that way at home won't be tolerated..He may even apologize to you...
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Sep 11
When i told him yesterday when i took him home that i didn't like his attitude he said he was sorry. We will talk about it this afternoon when i pick him up. thanks.
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Sep 11
Ryan is 7. Glad yours felt better today. Hope mine does, lol. Thanks for your response.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Oct 11
You know, kids will act up, and if this is unusual for him, you are lucky to have a grandson who behaves most of the time. But I agree about not tolerating it.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Oct 11
Thanks for responding.
@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Sep 11
I would not be happy with my grandson either if he came out of school with an attitude. I wonder if he was tired or testing you? Has he been around his other grandmother lately. Maybe that was it. Around her and then testing you. I would take him straight home too. No icecream no nothing!
• United States
8 Sep 11
Thanks for responding. I don't know what brought this on. He very seldom ever sees his other grandmother any more. She really has no time for him like she should but that's a long story. I carried him straight home at his dad's request but would have liked to have brought him home w/me but we had a talk yesterday about his attitude so all is well again, i hope.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Sep 11
We all have our moods and he may have had a bad day. We often take out our frustrations on the ones we love. Glad it turned out okay for you. Atleast this time. lol
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Sep 11
Hi ya ANTIQUELADY I don't tollerate any kind of bad behaviour from my kids and although I don't make a big scene in public, unless I really really have to, they will get it in the neck when they get home and they know it!! Kids will be kids and push buttons when they can or when they feel like it thats for sure.
• United States
17 Sep 11
Good for u. It's a shame more parents aren't like that. Thanks for responding.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
11 Sep 11
hi dearest Antiquelady. have not been online much this weekend as it seemed soooo short. I am sorry that you had trouble with your favorite grandson. Sometimes this even happens when Grandkids and Grandmothers are real close to each other, was not much different here either from time to tim. Hope things are ironed out by now between the two of you and hope you had a blessed weekend. Hugs
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Sep 11
HI, always good to hear from u. Ryan & i are fine now. Don't know what was wrong w/him that day.Acting like his father[my son] who acts like his mother [me].. thanks for responding.
• Lippstadt, Germany
12 Sep 11
hi dearest Antiquelady that made me laugh at nearly 4:30 am my time. A wonderful way to start a Monday and open the new Gift Box called Life. LOL