Do you ever find it difficult to forgive someone?

United States
September 10, 2011 5:54pm CST
I consider myself to be a very forgiving person. However, when I think about two certain people, I usually feel very angry. Now these people did terrible things that I don't wish to talk about here. Please keep in mind that I am not someone that just gets angry with people for no reason, but.. even though I have tried to forgive them several times, and thought that I had decided once and for all that they are forgiven, I still have this feeling whenever I see or hear them or of them. As a Christian this is very distressing to me. I know that unforgivingness is not something I should be holding onto. I feel that maybe it is because I have pointed out what they did, and get response like, "Well, I'm not a very compassionate person." or "Well what do you want me to do about it? It's in the past." But this is still something that effects my life every day, and it hurts that I don't even get an apology. Still.. I really want to let this go. Has anyone else ever had this problem?
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22 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Sep 11
You do not have to worry. They did not say that they were sorry and obviously did not care when you pointed out what they did and in effect they did not care. In order for a person to forgive the one who did wrong has to admit that they are sorry. I have had this ;problem in that some did wrong to me and hurt me but never came out and said they were sorry nor wrote me a lettter. And it still hurts.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Sep 11
Well I find it difficult to cry. It could be a problem. Some people may feel remorse but do not show it. And if I made a scene and cry and threw a fit, people would think I was faking. A little sadness or contriteness does help though. But it should not be that the person is full over overmuch sorry as Paul said in Corinthians.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Sep 11
And thanks for the best response. I hope those people really do apologize and mean it.
• United States
12 Sep 11
I got a general... "I'm sorry for everything" at first, but that's it. and if they were truly sorry, they would be more understanding towards me, but they aren't. Not sure what to do with that, except try to move on without expecting them to feel any remorse.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
I'm sure there'd be a lot of people in here to tell you to forgive them, or to forget about them, or to just move on with your life. I wish I could also do the same. Instead, I'd tell you to hold on to those anger and use them as motivation in your life. So you'd not go through another experience like these two people have done to you.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
I'm glad that I made sense. And I'm glad that your therapist provided the validation, as I could use some of these advice myself. Goodluck to us!
• United States
14 Sep 11
wow. thank you for your honest answer. Again, it helps to know that other people go through this, and understand my feelings. Oddly enough it's just that kind of statement that will help me forgive them, because someone else understands that forgiving could mean opening myself up to be hurt again. I am definitely using it as motivation to better myself. I had a talk with my therapist today about it, and he said the same thing.. it can be great motivation to make myself a more important part of my life.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Yes, I have had this problem. I think when people hurt you or someone you care about deeply, it's hard to forgive them. I know there have been times when I have forgiven people only through the power of God working in me. In myself I could not have done it. Remembering something may not be the same as not forgiving it, but when we've truly forgiven, we remember in a different way. Compassion begins to surface and we look upon the people with the love of Christ, who even forgave those who were crucifying Him. "To err is human, to forgive is divine." That forgiveness comes through knowing the love and mercy of God reaching us. However, Jesus warned us that if we don't forgive, we will not be forgiven. He is able and willing, though, to help us forgive.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Sep 11
First: No, you have not met your "quota" of seventy times seven. Jesus used that number to mean there is no end to the times we must forgive. Secondly, why would you go to the person you're trying to forgive? It's not between him and you. It's between you and God. You and God and only you and God. That's where you have to go.
• United States
11 Sep 11
Yes, this is what is causing me such turmoil. I have prayed about this, and asked for help. I even went to one of the people, and told him that I was trying to forgive him. His response disappointed me, because he was focused on the fact that he didn't feel guilty at all. This made thing worse for the next few days, and I kept thinking things like "I hate you, you idiot!" which I know is WRONG but it was so automatic every time I thought of him and the things he had done. It goes pretty deep. For a long time I let him continue his behavior toward me, thinking that if I allowed it, and had understanding, he would eventually see what he was doing. Then one day he told me what he was doing, and that it was because I didn't give him what he wanted.. which was something that I had tried to give him as much as I could. That was when I began to hate him... I didn't want to endure any more suffering at his hands knowing that it was deliberate, and in revenge for something I had no control over. I believe I may have met my quota of seventy times 7. Hopefully when I am in judgment God will see that, and forgive me anyway.
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Just because you have forgiven them doesn't mean that the anger and pain is gone. Avoiding them and situations that make you think of them keeps you from feeling the anger is the best you can do. I avoid my brother and then there was one person who really hurt me in school. I do my best to not think of him or my brother, just do your best to avoid these people.
• United States
11 Sep 11
Thank you. You have a point about the anger and pain not leaving just because you forgive. Right now I can't avoid the people, but I am working on making them a smaller part of my life very soon
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@celticeagle (172426)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Sep 11
I have had a situation where I couldn't talk to the person who hurt me. So I found a place where I could be alone and I said what I wanted to say to this person. How they had hurt me, how I felt, what I needed, etc. Then I said that I was leaving here not hurting anymore and this did help.
• United States
11 Sep 11
I do that in my mind all the time. I'll think it's over, and then they do the next thing, and I have the same conversation in my mind, because having it with them directly only makes it worse. It's a cycle that I am desperately trying to break out of. I am hoping that this conversation will help a little. It is nice to know that others have been through similar things. Thank you
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@celticeagle (172426)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Sep 11
SOmetimes the way you try to talk to a person needs to change. The way in which we present something to another person.
@ABMI04 (22)
• India
12 Sep 11
The same to do very forgiving person everybody makes mistakes and forgiveness increase your potential and define you more about various situation. Try to get relax and be a forgiver
• United States
12 Sep 11
mistakes I have no problem with. it's deliberate repeated actions when they know they are hurting you that bothers me.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Sep 11
i try my best to be a forgiving person as i find that being an unforgiving person is much harder... it leds to hatred and bitterness and make my life vert unhappy... when i learn to forgive and let go, i find that my life is much happier and am able to enjoy myself more... also, if i don't offer forgiveness to people who had hurt me, then God will judge me the same way i judge other people as well... and i don't want that to happen to me... take care and have a nice day...
• United States
12 Sep 11
Some day I might be able to forgive and let go. I am really working on it, and God knows that.
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
11 Sep 11
If someone hurt me but not on purpose, I will forgive them, for I know that everyone may make a mistake some time. If I do not forgive them, things will not become better. But if I find that some one hurt me on purpose, I will try to fight back, if I can not make it now, I will wait for a time. I think I am not a forgiving person, but I am not the person like to hurt others.
• United States
12 Sep 11
I have found that some people like it when you try to fight back, and use it to make you look like you are the bad guy in the first place. Some people have no remorse and never will.
@GemmaR (8517)
11 Sep 11
I will admit now that I do find it difficult to forgive somebody if they've hurt me badly. I always find that I keep coming back to things weeks and months down the line when we fall out again, and that makes things even worse because I'd said to them that I had forgiven them for the things that they'd done to me previously. I think that it's important to talk things through with people properly, because it's a lot easier for you to put things behind you if you are able to do this and get all of the issues sorted between the two of you while they're still fresh in your minds.
• United States
12 Sep 11
Theses people have no real interest in talking it out with me, or being friends with me. The deliberately do and say things that will hurt me, because it makes them feel powerful. The time for talking is over.. now I just have to find it in my own heart to let go of my pain for the sake of my own health, and my own soul.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
11 Sep 11
Yes I find difficult to forgive my selfish friend she is spend full 15 days with me in my house day and night and I teached her and when she got more marks than me she called me told me our friendship was only for study purpose.. till I cant forget her and those words also...
• United States
12 Sep 11
That's horrible, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope someday you find a friend that is as loving as you are.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
11 Sep 11
You can go through the motions of forgiveness. You can say the words, "I forgive you." But, in order to truly forgive, you have to actually change the way you feel about the issue. If you don't, the angry feelings will remain with you forever. If you are trying to forgive someone but you are not sincere, let God take care of it. He understands what you are feeling. If He wants you to forgive, He will bring you around.
• United States
12 Sep 11
There is more than one permanent scar to remind me every day. It's hard not to feel angry about it when it still effects my life, and causes me pain every day. God knows what was done, and why it happened. He also knows how I feel about it, and that I am having a very hard time understanding the obligation I feel to forgive him. It almost hurts just as bad as what was done in the first place. I feel justified in my anger. And that is my biggest problem.
@sjvg1976 (42078)
• Delhi, India
11 Sep 11
Hello zionsphere, It depends on the situation and the person.Normally i forgive people easily for their deeds but sometimes when the things are severe and effects me badly it becomes difficult for me to forgive that person and it happened in the past that i did not forgive a person for his doings. But then i feel its life and it happens in life we should forget things and go ahead in life for enjoy it more.
• United States
11 Sep 11
Agreed. wouldn't it be nice if it were always that easy?
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Sep 11
Some years ago, my best friends did spill out my secrets to my greatest enemy. It was hard for me to forgive him but he convinced me about the whole issue and sincerely apologized, I had no option but to say I have forgiven him but in my mind I have never let it go. We are still light friends but I can't trust him anymore. Its hard t forgive and forget.
• United States
12 Sep 11
It's hard when someone betrays your trust. I think it's true that even if you can forgive the person who has, you can never really place your trust in them again. Sad.
@emjay86 (640)
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
Well zionsphere.I forgive but I don't forget. I won't be the same person to you after the fight or anything you did that really push me to anger. That is all.
• United States
11 Sep 11
I hear that a lot from people. forgive but don't forget. It is hard to do one without the other sometimes.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 11
Not really, because I believe (1) It is not going to change what has happened if I keep a grudge (2) There are other better things to think of (3) God will give an appropriate punishment
• United States
11 Sep 11
This is all true, and I am glad that you have found a place of peace with the people that have hurt you. Thank you
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
It actually depends. If the person killed someone I love, I can't imagine forgiving that person at all but if it's something simple, I think I can forgive the person.
• United States
11 Sep 11
I assure you it is not simple, and it is comparable to murdering someone I love. That is why it is hard. Thank you for your input.
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
There are people who are trully insensitive that when they hurt someone they think it is just normal. We could not do anything about this, maybe this is how they were brought up or they are so used to it that they dont care about the other's feelings. I think what is more important is we tell them that we they did to us is not good and they should not do it again even with other people. It takes a lot of understanding to be able to forgive someone who has done wrong to us. There are people who has hurt us seriously and we think that it would be very hard to forget and forgive. But we have to move on, so in moving on we have to forget what happened to us caused by that person. We also have to forgive him so that in our journey onwards we don't have a burden that could me our travel heavy. God punishes the oppressors and we just have to trust Him.
• United States
11 Sep 11
This is true. I know that God will handle it. My question is: Is it wrong to feel happy when I see that God ruins their plans if their plans are painful to me? Is it wrong to feel happy when I see them struggling with something someone said to them that is similar to something that they have said to me? Can I be joyful about God's punishment toward them, or will that also bring judgment back on me?
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
11 Sep 11
Yes I find difficult to forgive my selfish friend she is spend full 15 days with me in my house day and night and I teached her and when she got more marks than me she called me told me our friendship was only for study purpose.. till I cant forget her and those words also...
@pahak627 (5009)
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
My problem is not the same as your situation but a bit similar. During the early part of the decade, my boss did not treat me well because she wanted me to transfer to another branch. By the way I am in the government service so my boss could not just terminate me as we are just the same, employees of a branch of our government. I did not transfer although she treated me so bad and even tell me on my face that she did not like me. If I'll transfer I would be dislocated because it would be a new appointment on my part. She also told me that our blood are not in the same level and can not be mixed. I don't know if this is the right translation from our dialect. She did whatever humiliation she thought of. I was so afraid at that time and full of stress. Because I am the breadwinner of the family, I have to endure all those just to keep my work. I surrendered everything to God. However, I also sinned because I was angry with her and I have been hating her since then. Then in the middle of this decade, she changed. She already trusted me because despite everything she did to me I still do my work diligently. During christmas seasons she asked forgiveness from all of us rank and file employees under her but you know what it seems that I didn't feel her sincerity. Maybe because I am still blinded with my hatred towards her. You know what, I still treated her as my boss with sincerity I even thought that I had already forgiven her but I can't forget what she did to me. In our daily encounter at the office, I feel no hatred but when I am on vacation or whenever I was absent due to sickness and I'm alone, my hatred comes into my mind. Oh I hope God will help me for this.
• United States
11 Sep 11
Coworkers can be so difficult. Some of them don't seem to care that you need the money you get from your job to survive, and making that difficult for you makes all of your life difficult. I am glad that she has changed toward you. My situation is a little different, because the people haven't changed at all. They enjoy making other people angry, and have said so. They laugh at other people they have hurt, because they cried. It angers me that these kind of people stick together and pretend to be good people on the outside. And that other people actually believe it!
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Hello zionsphere, I try to stay away from people who hurt me there is just certain things that people do that makes you angry with them and not able to forgive because when they are around you, you think of what they have done even though they apologized and you cannot just get it off your mind.
• United States
11 Sep 11
yes, I did get a small apology (for everything that had been done) but the apology was followed by excuses why it was done. When I looked at the excuses, I realized that these people didn't come from a place that was too far off from my own. There were hardship they went through that I didn't, but in the end we all still make our own choices when it comes to how we treat others. Being treated badly is never a good excuse to do the same to others.