What Christianity is actually about?
By Gordano
@Gordano (795)
United States
September 10, 2011 9:08pm CST
This question is directed at all Christians out there, and of course people of other faiths are welcome to give there view on this discussion, the reason of why I asked this question is that I recently read this comment made by a Christian member here in Mylot; http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2574340.aspx
"Christianity is not about the morality issue or about us being able to be good enough to merit Heaven, Christianity is about the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us to give us the possibility of eternal life in heaven. It's not who we are or what He taught but what He did."
Do All Christians out there agree with such a description of Christianity?
If you think that this comment describes your view of Christianity, How do you Explain these Verses:
John 14:15
[i]If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments.
John 14:21
[i]He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John 14:23-24
(23) [i]Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
(24) He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
Matthew 7:21-23
(21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
(22) [i]Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
(23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
these verses as far as I know reveal the fact that Christianity is All about the teachings of Jesus and morality issue and thus we can't say that it is not about what Jesus taught and mentioned in the above comment.
Is Christianity about what Jesus did (the death on the cross) or about his teachings?
What is your thoughts on this?
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15 responses
@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
11 Sep 11
As the son of a preacher, I should probably rant and quote scripture and stuff. Then again, as a non-Christian, I shouldn't!
To me, Christianity has always been very, very simple. It's not about heaven. It's not about God. It's not about Jesus. It's not about commandments and laws and rules and heretics and unbelievers and sackcloth and ashes and hair shirts and vows and all that other stuff. It's about one thing:
"Be good to each other."
That's all that matters. All the rest is politics.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
Christianity is about being like Christ and following his teachings and way of life. In turn, if we are like Christ than we are also like his Father. Jesus taught us what his father was like and how we can live in a way that pleases the Father.
John 8:28-29 J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)
27-30 They did not realise that he was talking to them about the Father. So Jesus resumed, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will realise that I am who I say I am, and that I do nothing on my own authority but speak simply as my Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me now: the Father has never left me alone for I always do what pleases him.” And even while he said these words, many people believed in him.
@bensclai (62)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
i don't agree with that description.
Apostle Paul illustrated that as Christians we are in a race. TO win the race, we must follow the rules. There are principles set out by Christ which include morality issues. To be Christian is to be a follower of Christ, not follower of what we want to believe or what makes us comfortable. "Moreover, if anyone contends even in the games, he is not crowned unless he contends according to the rules". 2 TIm. 2:5
@Fundamental_Charlie (106)
• United States
16 Sep 11
OK then... since this is originally my response in another thread I will weigh in. Actually it's kind of a cheap shot, but if you can't come up with your own, I guess this has to do. At least the discussion is still active and therein dwells the Glory to Christ.
My point is that there is nothing that we can DO in order to earn God's favor. There is no act we can complete which will entitle us to Heaven. If there were anything that we could do which would earn our way into Heaven, then the sacrifice of Christ on the cross was a waste of time. And God doesn't waste anything.
Morality - First, it is critical to understand that without a pure and holy God there can be no moral standard. In fact, we do not even practice our own morality but instead, compare ourselves with each other to judge which of us is closer to the moral standard set by Jesus Christ. This is not to say that we ought to be doing this comparison, but it's all we have. There is no right or wrong unless there is a law. This was the purpose of the original 10 commandments. God knew that no-one could keep them but only by the law are we able to see a glimpse of the holiness of God and the sinfulness of our hearts.
We all sin. We turn possessions into idols, we covet other people's things, we lie cheat and steal. If anyone can say that they have never broken a single command, then please refer to that, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," thing in Exodus 20. We are incapable of staying away from sin. As soon as we are told that we are not to do something, the only thing we can think of is how to get away with doing the very thing that we have been told not to do!
Salvation, therefore, is not about keeping the rules. Yes, we should strive to live as pure a life as we can, but that is the irresistible fruit of a changed heart and that is the evidence that the Holy Spirit is dwelling within us. Basically the condensed version looks like this... We should keep all the commands and Levitical regulations but God knows we can't. We, seeing that we are incapable of keeping the law, are to look to Christ because He lived the only perfect life and gave up that life to take on our sin and He accepted the wrath of God to pay the debt we owe for our sin. All we need do is accept what Jesus Christ already did in our place.
As a result of accepting Christ we open our hearts to Him and by the power of His Holy Spirit we are convicted to do what we can to be worthy ambassadors for Him. First we recognize our sinfulness, we realize that we are helpless to change our natures, we accept the payment that Christ gave to pay our debt and then we spend the rest of our lives living for Him.
I have been writing about the lives we are supposed to be trying to live at my blog and if any of you want to look farther into this you can check my profile and hit my link to see my site. While you're there you may want to opt-in to my E-Mail list but either way, I would be glad to have you visit me there.
@marge08 (17)
• Philippines
4 Oct 11
i definitely agree with what you said. specially when you said that we all sin. and salvation is not about keeping all the rules because as humans it is really hard but as we strive hard to keep it, it becomes natural because yes you are right, it is the irresistable fruit of the holy spirit dwelling in us. Yes we have continuous cleansing thru the blood of Christ. He has given the greatest sacrifice. God bless you brother.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Sep 11
All that means is the focus is not upon us making ourselves 'good enough' cause we can't do it! If we think we can we are not following His "commandments"/instructions about believing and trading our dirty rags of self righteousness (impossible) for his pure and holy righteousness.. this is a goodness which grows and expands from within and it is the very spirit of God come to live in us. This is the only life, and the opposite of life (regardless of all error and propaganda otherwise) is non-life.
@Mickie30 (2626)
11 Sep 11
There are many answers to this. The main thing is that if you have never accepted Christ that you realize how much He loves you and accept Him into your life. In response to your question, the answer is both. There is usually more than one way to answer a question and it is important to have your mind open. Try not to cut off possible ways of thinking. If you allow yourself to delve deeper into a particular part of the Bible then you will learn many aspects of thought. Following what Jesus did and is still doing is important. Jesus paid a sacrifice for us all and this is important, but there are so many other aspects of Christianity that are important to a follower of Jesus. For people who haven't accepted Christ then they need to learn the basics which is Christ's sacrifice on the cross and what this means to none believers. It is difficult whenever there is an argument about doctrine and there is usually more than 1 answer. Recently our Church has been involved with what is more important confessing your sin's or the grace of God to forgive us all our sins. For me, again it is both.
@sweetmary86 (822)
• Philippines
12 Sep 11
Christianity is following Christ way of life. keeping his commandments not doing harm unto others and being genuine. charity, love and mercy to others. to reach out and not do evil. to summarize it is good deeds and intentions.
@yansky23 (404)
• Philippines
13 Sep 11
Christianity is not only about believing Christ but obeying his commands. The motivation to obey Him are the fruit of your faith. It is not actually a religion but a process. It's about having relationship with Jesus and being dependent to Him on everything you do.
@flowerfest08 (1677)
11 Sep 11
hi Gordano:)
I am a Christian and I agree with you here, Christianity is a salvation religion because it teaches a message of salvation which is supposed to apply to all it is also a revealed religion because it traditionally focuses heavily upon revelations from God.
@flowerfest08 (1677)
11 Sep 11
hi Gordano:)
I am a Christian and I agree with you here, Christianity is a salvation religion because it teaches a message of salvation which is supposed to apply to all it is also a revealed religion because it traditionally focuses heavily upon revelations from God.
@flowerfest08 (1677)
11 Sep 11
hi Gordano:)
I am a Christian and For me Christianity is a salvation religion because it teaches a message of salvation which is supposed to apply to all of humanity, it is also a revealed religion because it traditionally focuses heavily upon revelations from God.
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
11 Sep 11
I am not a christian. Morality is important to be a good christian.I think Christ himself has preached such that Never desire other's wife.Every sinner is not get pardoned.Only those with intense confession get pardon.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
11 Sep 11
I'm Christian and I reckon Jesus is a role model. He too was both divine and human and he showed people how to live their lives as a good and humble person. There are some religious fundamentalists who take their religion a little bit too seriously to the point that they take every word of the Bible literally. It all depends on you. It's how you interpret life and how you want to live it to the best of your ability. =)