frustrated weight looser!

September 14, 2011 11:10pm CST
it has been so many years that i really want to look good for myself.. i tried it as many ways that i could but i quit at the end..looks like that i have already accepted that i couldn't be as sexy as others.but then when i watched the biggest looser i was amazed! i really want to look like them too! to loose weight and be confident of myself! any suggestion what else do i need to do in order to loose weight? what exercise will you recommend? foods to eat! i am really becoming a frustrated weight looser!
4 responses
@stuckonu (726)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
Hi. There are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight so stay away from those lose-weight-fast programs or medicines. The best way to lose weight are still the natural ones. You may follow some helpful tips on this site:
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
yes! thanx for the site! yah im doing my regular jogging now and eating a lot of fruits.. i cant allow myself to try those meds.. im doing the natural one..and your right! loosing weight need not to be boring and am enjoying it really!
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
hi, do not loose hope, instead set aside each time you can, determination and will power. you can do it, i know you can. first, realize, what contributed to your weight gain. if it is food, then you have to educate yourself about nutrition and the right food and nutrients your body needs. if it is inactivity, you need to exercise. second, you need to take the first step, and that is now. all the best for you.
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
hi! yah im trying hard now..i have to be determined to loose weight..its not really easy..i have to eat like a princess-small 3 meals a day! my God! but i know i can do it this time! any recommendations of what foods i have to eat? i mean those with low fats?
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Sep 11
I think that you have to get your head around the fact that just going on a diet isn't the best thing for you, the best thing is to change your whole lifestyle in order to make your life healthy and this means that you're much less likely to be overweight in the future. I have lost 66 pounds in the past year, and this means that I feel much better and also I obviously look a lot better as well. I find it mad the amount of people who now notice that I have lost weight, and they comment on it every time they see me.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
24 Sep 11
Try not to eat like a swine, but a human being thinking of the coming of a national famine or food rationing in your tommorrow day, so that you can reserve part of your super big meals for life saving emergency on tomorrow and days after. Once you get a right mind set for yourself, then the rest of the weight losing puzzles will fall into place naturally.