I am sitting here right now looking at Special Victims unit..

United States
September 15, 2011 9:05pm CST
I mean this show is one of my favorite.. I mean some of these laws are crazy how criminals get a break after they are the ones who caused people to die and everything, they get a deal that's bull, do you guys feel that some of the laws in the world today are fair? Do you feel that some people get away with murder because some detectives. and police don't take the time to research a case? I mean look how many people are now getting out of prison for a crime they didn't commit, then you look at technology now a days I think a lot of times you would think that most crimes would be solved but not. What do you think?
6 responses
16 Sep 11
Oh I hate that so much! The worst part of watching things like CSI etc.. are when they arrest someone who was involved, and offer them a “deal” to tell them the names of everyone else is involved. Oh what? Because they do the police a favour, and cut down the police hours for doing their own job and finding them themselves, they get a reduced sentence? What if the person they caught thought up the whole thing in the first place?? So annoying. The law isn’t fair. The law and police force are just as corrupt as the criminals they are arresting!
16 Sep 11
ohhh i have its amazing!! i love it. i left a comment under your discussion with 3 other films you should watch :)
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
I also like that show as I'm a fan of 'detective' tv shows. But, I couldn't help but shudder at the thought that these things could happen (some of them do happen, and sometimes even worse things happen in real life). It is frustrating when people get away with the things they've done just because some people didn't do their job well. And the one I hate most is when people get away with murder just because of technicalities like their arrest was not proper, or something like that.
• United States
16 Sep 11
Yes you are so right, people get away with a lot then the innocent are left to suffer something is not right.
16 Sep 11
oh i hate that!! or the evidence that completely pointed at them, was "tampered" with!! aarghhhhh so annoying!!
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I am a fan of the show and understand that the cases aren't real. It even says this at the end of the show, but some sure are a lot like some real cases. The show is sure going to be different with the new casting changes.
• United States
16 Sep 11
Well yeah I know the cases on the show is not real, what I was relating to was the cases in the show are the same cases that happened in real life, I am sorry I might have written it a little different, I think everyone is reading it wrong I am sorry, but yeah I was saying that the cases on the show are just like the ones that happened in real life
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Sep 11
I agree, that the cases on Law & Order are based on true cases. Watch an episode and then search the internet and you will find a case that is eerily similar to the story line in the show. That is part of what makes it such a great show. It is a bit unnerving to know that these things can and often times have really happened.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Sep 11
I am a huge fan of all the Law & Orders. I agree that our laws are not always sensable or fair. I do believe that there are instances where criminals get away with their crimes because of poor police work. I like to think though, that those mishappenings are rare. I think that for the most part, policeman are just like everyone else. There are days that they do their jobs and do them well. There will be days that they are having an "off" day and not work so hard. You cannot blame the police force for the wrongful convictions of people. Police make arrests based on the evidence they have at the time. They do not conduct the testing of said evidence. It is not their jobs to determine guilt or innocense. Wrongful convictions are the fault of the judicial system. I think that the majority of crimes are solved. Some just take alot more time and effort to solve.
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I love Law & Order, and Law & Order SVU, but I don't think you should necessarily believe a TV show is depicting what happens in real life. . .there is often much more information surrounding any criminal case than will ever be released to the public, so you will and I will never really know all of the circumstances. TV shows are written to "get a rise out of" the audience. Clearly tonight's SVU episode was successful in that regard, but it is just a TV show, not real life.
• United States
16 Sep 11
I understand what you are saying, but do you ever wonder though? I mean I use to think that everything I see on T.V was not real but honey child as time went on tell me why things you saw on T.V started popping up in real life, so I don't know anymore, LOL
@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
7 Oct 11
It's really not a good comparison between TV police and real-life police; like you say, time is a factor. On TV, you have to condense crime, investigation, apprehension, and court into one or two hours, and you have a squad of detectived working on 1 case. In reality, it takes much longer to investigate and such, and there is not an entire squad of detectives working one case. Themis tries to balance her scales while blindfolded. And I don't think there is one aspect of the judicial system that should shoulder all the blame. The police can do the most thorough investigation possible, but a good lawyer can sway a jury. But before we blame the lawyer, how permeable was the jury, or even one person on it. No the law as it is applied is not always fair, but we are always reminded that our system (USA) is the best there is.