Thinking "Look I cannot fold this up like a rubic cube.Step back please?"
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
September 16, 2011 5:16pm CST
Odd it seems like a little thing and even petty,but there are over 100 people now living here, a lot of us use walkers or worse yet
are in wheelchairs. No problem until you try to get off the elevator to go to a meal or for any other reason, and there are impatient
co residents standing right in front of you. Should not people just reason that they should step back to let off residents in wheelchairs seeing they cannot fold themselves up into a tiny person to just push around you? this has been brought up a few times in resident's meetings but nothing ever changes. I myself have learned to start walking right at the unthinking person. He or she then has to back up to let me and my bulky walker out of the elevator. For those in wheelchairs it is worse and really people out of common courtesy
should automatically move back.Several have made some caustic remarks which did get some to move back. Its just a silly common thing but given some in wheelchairs here can barely even stand up. Your take
fellow mylotters.
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29 responses
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Sep 11
Hi Mrs. Hatley!
Now that is a shame that you all have to have meetings about something that should be instant human nature. Seriously how come it can't just be instant that we see someone in a wheel chair and or walker and we have the common courtesy to move back. Wait not only move out the way but hold the elevator and or make it where it is convenient for the person.
It is likely that they will need a little more time, so why do the right thing and or help so that the person can get through. Wow, this is sad to hear Hatley because we all with time will be slower then our usual selves. 

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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
16 Sep 11
Yes, it should just be common manners to allow for people to pass by or leave an elevator. It's just plain rude.
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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Sep 11
Gosh yes it is rude and I can't understand how some think they have the right to be upset because they have to wait a couple extra minutes and or the right of way.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
17 Sep 11
It is bad manners, even when someone is not in a wheelchair to crowd so that they cannot get out. You cannot fill something up until it is empty. It is not even like someone is going to get a better place than another, there is no front or back seat to claim.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
16 Sep 11
Hi Hatley,
It's amazing to me how people just don't think. It's like you have to say excuse me over and over.. to first one person who is in your way.. and when that person moves, there are 3 or 4 others still in your way and act like they don't hear you. There should be some kind of WRITTEN rule in a place where you live with people in wheelchairs and walkers. No you can't fold yourself up and get by them.. you can't make an invisible tunnel to escape them and get by them... and they should just learn to make way for people who aren't ambulatory on their own.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi PointlessQuestons It is to me too as its just basic common
sense and courtesy. but I guess some people are so into themselves they care only for what they want to do. I always move to one side when I want the elevator and there are a lot of people wanting off. It only takes a few seconds to let the elevator empty before
you enter it.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
ho pointless questions ye s I have been in that spot and this pushy woman got her blasted purse caught on my walker as she was literally trying to get i n my sp ace and I had no place to move to as she was right in front and against my walker. so stupid
. just wait long enough to let me off please then get on.

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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
17 Sep 11
I know... and what about when you are trying to get off the elevator and the people outside are trying to get in at the same time.. and not letting you pass... gosh that is annoying! That has happened... actually it happened once when I was going through a hallway that entered into a room, and as I was entering this person shoved right passed me and it pinched me in the narrow doorway... it left a bruise on me! Granted I was twice the size I am now.. but still!
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Hatley, I can see where that could be a real pain. It makes sense, even if everyone is fully ambulatory, for the people waiting for the elevator to step back and let the others get out first. For pete's sake it is not a race and you are not going to get where you are going any faster by blocking the exit of the elevator. In fact, you may actually slow your own progress down. I wonder how many people think that this rule belongs to everyone else and not to them?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi GardenGerty yes it really is and its been brought up at our meetings several times.I could understand maybe if a person has
mental problems as some do , but most do not and are fully capable of understanding that if the elevator only holds say six people
you cannot fit another six people in it too. so they must wait for us coming down can walk by them and give them the elevator to
use.I know a few here really do not think the rules on anything apply to them.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
17 Sep 11
They have probably lived their lives that same way.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I know I've been guilty of trying to shove into an elevator as the door open, but I do agree that when I was trying to get my mom and her wheelchair out of the elevator, it was sometimes awkward because, ya know, those wheelchairs/walkers have to get off before you can get on!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi ElicBxn I think some people have the idea that wheelchairs and walkers will just zip right out of an elevator , and its just
not true. our two elevaors have tiled floors and the edges of the tiles catch up on wheelchairs and walkers making it hard and slow to push over them. Also some do not get the message that if you have six p eople on it coming down, you need to let them out before you and four or five people can get into the elevator. I love this in Western Medical center they have a number of elevators and its common of course for nurses , and aides, and orderly to be moving people on gurneys and in wheelchairs up and down in the elevator. but almost always one of the nursing staff will state"Please for safety sakes all of you waiting please wait until we come off with our patients." I was one of the patients being wheeled down to have a barium enema. the one man came right in any way and the orderly took his arm gently and said"Sir I will not let you on until you let us get off. our patients come first." He then did stay put.I was very ill at the time and I remembered how startled I was that he did not let anyone on till he and his coworker had taken us patients out of the elevator. lol way to go.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi fwidman he he wow yes the thought of that makes my toe hurt for some reason. Actually sometimes the way they will crowd past it
really is a wonder someone had not run over a foot. I cannot fathom
any way why anyone
in his right mind would be in such a hurry here to get on that they could not wait five minutes for the elevator to empty first. In an emergency yes but just to get to their rooms no I do not understand it at all.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi chicksdigscars no not my foot and lol its not wee either no its rude and downright stupid for people not in wheelchairs or walkers to get up so close to us in the elevator we would have to step on them in order to get out. what I am saying is just for people
to move back a foot or two and let us off the elevator before trying to get on an elevator that only holds so many' people in the first place,surely that makes common sense to you?

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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Sep 11
haha is that all you are worried about? your poor wee foot? haha!!
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
dear Hatley,
Sorry to hear about this ma'm.
Here in our place, people are aware to give importance and help those who are in their wheelchairs and walkers.
In an elevator, there is always a sign telling to let them IN first and assist.
Same thing with buses and trains where a designated seat/place exclusively for them.
Even with toilets especially in malls...they have their special cubicle too.
Yes, there are few inconsiderate people around and never knew how to give way and convey good manners.
Have a good day dear

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi jaiho I have a feeling this is much more common here in the US than in some other countries. I know that in other countries people are more considerate and helpful around People like us using walkers and wheelchairs. I love my country don't misunderstand
but we Americans sometimes get called for being thoughtless and
rude when we are tourists. And if we are rude, then we must change our ways. I am so surprised at times that a person who is really wheelchair bound has to say over and over, "Excuse me please, coming in, please move aside" she just wanted to get on the elevator and theothers standing in her way were not waiting for it, they were simply standing where they should not have been and not moving so she could wheel herself I was going upstairs too, I followe her in and got the buttons to start us u p. I apolozied for my part in delaying her but she smiled." you were not in my way, just htose four macho men didn't want to move.'
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
17 Sep 11
What is wrong with people that they now since being older and ill they forget their manners and what they were taught as youngsters? We were always taught to be courteous and to lend a helping hand. Now they just worry about "self".
I myself will stand aside and allow the people on the elevator to come off and then I board as I can. I also hold the door open so that the ones on there can come off without worrying about the doors closing on them. This is the right thing to do.
There is an order to things and waiting on the ones to step off so you can then get one just makes the flow of things much easier.
People seem to have forgotten their manner. It is respectful to wait and how can they expect anyone to respect them or show them respect when they don't show anyone else that same respect? !!!!!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Sep 11
You are so right! The thing is they need to practice a bit of patience and be more tolerate. They also need to learn respect. They should put themselves in the other persons shoes and realize what they are dealing with.
I think everyone that does not use these items they should be made to do so. Then they have to remember that people are using these items for a reason. They need them! They may move slowly or whatever but it's because they must.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi moondancer this last time in May when I landed in the hospital overnight they did not take my walker and the nurse startled me when she did not understand I needed help to get to the bathroom as I was still new to the walker. so they brought a potty chair to the side of my bed. I felt like an idiot bu t she did not understand that after that fall I was scared I might fall again an re injure my leg again.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi moondancer yes it does seem like manners are forgotten when they want on the elevator. It is not as though anyone getting off in wheelchairs or walkers wants to take forever to get off,we
'just need a little space to maneuver in so we can empty the
elevator for the others to get on.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Sep 11
Hi Hatley,
It's a common sense thing. It does no good to complain to anyone about it because the people that do this sort of thing are not going to gain any more common sense just because they are told. Actually it goes beyond common sense. It's manners and commom curtosy. if they did not learn these things as a child then there is little hope in instilling them into them as adults unfortunatly. Where I work is not not easy for those in wheelchairs. We don't have those automatic doors and the doors we have, pull open...pretty awkward for a person in a wheel chair and yet they do it. What really disgusts me is those that will watch them struggle and not jump to help.
I have actually had a line of customers and seen a person in a chair struggling to get in while people in line can see but are apparently more worried about losing their spot in line than helping. I have run to help the person and held up the line. They should feel ashamed but sadly many don't.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Sep 11
With all the awareness on the handicapped you'd think that all places would have those automatic doors and especially in a place like where you live!! I can't watch and not run to help. I know that some people have what I feel is too much pride and don't want the help but I at least have to offer. There is a man that is a customer in the store that I work. I dated him briefly and we didn't have much in common but I'll always admire him and this is one of the things that attracted me to him. He will ALWAYS jump out of line to help another person he sees struggling whether they be male or female, young or old, fit or handicapped. He watches for these situations. He told me that he doesn't feel right if he doesn't do one good deed for someone each day and if he can do more..all the better.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi sid I know as I ha ve s een it too and I hurry over and o pen the door with my walker sidewa ys so they can get in. after all someone has to help them as they cannot alw ays do that for themselves. we do not have those doors either which is stupid for a place that takes in people in wheelchairs. no many do not but they should feel ashamed of themselves for watching and not helping. I
sometimes have a problem getting the front door open and pushing
my walker too, b ut some of the men here are really so sweet and will come over and hold the door open for me.they have these rubber mats in front of the door on both sides and my walker can get its' wheels caught inthem.

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Sep 11
My take? They are rude and need lessons in being considerate. I take it these are adults??? Which means their parents didn't do their job and teach their children manners. I know my children have been taught manners, because when I can't see the person behind me, (ex, a person in one of those motorized chairs at the grocery stores)and I remember when my daughter said, "Mom, get out of the way" Of course I didn't see, and yet I was embarrassed that I blocked someone from passing me.
But these people see you and won't step back, that is rude and what you need is a stick or something, swing it out in front of you and yell out, "Get out of my bubble!!!"

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Oh no, I don't blame Theresa either..Did they catch the guy who barreled down on her? I hope so, some people are so stupid..I found this video I love ever since I first watched it..This woman is my heroine.. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi carm well I finally told this one man in his fifties,
look kid, I cannot fold this thing up into a rubic cube
so you and your friend are just going to have to let me
off along with the other people with me." He did not like
it but he moved aside with his friend who had already moved before I opened fire on him.I was with my walker, two on canes, one in another walker and one in a wheelchair.I really spoke relatively softly but he acted embarrassed and I hoped I had not made an enemy of him but they were right up against the opening into the elevator. Theresea in her heavy scooter finally came at the others and they all did move back. she has had too many hassles and is now just being a bit combative. I do not blame her. She has had a hellish year. She started across the street at the light and some idiot came barreling down Dawson street here and just literally mowed her down just about fifty yards from the front of Gold Crest. Broke both her hips, fractured her pelvis, and some bones in her back. Its really luck that she survived the accident.but she has had a long seige of healing and they pushed her too fast at first. she used a walker , and someone brushed against her causing her to fall. she then had the old fracture to one hip came open so she is now starting all over with the healing process. so if she gets a tad grumpy I cannot blame her.

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
17 Sep 11
Hi Hatley,
I think those kind of people (rude) are everywhere in the world. They might not have learnt in their childhood to be considerate with the needy people
. I don’t know how they can ignore those unhealthy people who deserved more attention and care. Here in our country people are more considerate, government also provided special attention to senior citizens, physically challenged people etc.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi sreekala yes I think here in the US so many people think only
of themselves and too there's not a whole lot of respect for elderly people either. look at how man y people who could easily afford to
keep their elderly parents in their homes will instead stick them into nursing homes instead, saying its better for them. no not because its better but because they do not want to have to give back the love their parents gave them when they were little.Nobody here wants to think about aging which is silly as we all will get
old one day.See how they spend millions in cosmetics to cover up
signs of aging.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I see things like this happen on the city busses too. It really angers me to see people not move out of the way for a wheelchair or walker. Its actually the drivers job to get up and lift the seats for the wheelchair areas but most the time its done by other riders and sometimes by the handicap person themself.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi jdyrj777 yes its on buses too. I have seen people in wheelchairs do most of the work for themselves before the driver
came to buckle then in. I have also seen an old man with a cane standing in the aisle with me and others and not a soul offered him a seat. finally another old man and his wife got up and insisted I and this old man take their seats. I was then about 79 and this
souple looked to be in their eighties. I felt really sick that these two had to do what young people should h ave done.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Ya one day while on the shuddle bus downtown. they have very few seats. A couple in their 80's got on the lady even had a cane. Nobody got up finally some chinese tourist got up. I told them thank you so much for doing that for them. She told me in their country we are trained to be that way. I told her it was embarrising for me to have a tourest do that while my our countries youth could not. I said that mainly to embarrise the ones that didnt offer their seats.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Sep 11
OMG!!! I just got home and i can not believe what i just witnessed on the bus today. It was the rush hour so the bus was quite crowded. On comes a family the mom easily tipping the scale at 300. All the family was quite overweight. They pushed all the way to the back of the bus. The mom rudely telling people to get up so her kids could sit down. Then squeezed into a seat herself. Soon the dad starts a argument with a lady that was sitting near the rear door. The mom gets up and start arguing with her too and calling her a fat azz. The dad spits in the ladys face. Then its time for the fat family to get off and as they do the mom punchs the lady in the face. OMG!!! The fat family cause such trouble and only rode a short distance. They should be teaching thier kids to give up their seats for older people not terrorizing people into getting up for them. I gave the assulted lady my card to be a witness if she needs me.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Sep 11
That is just discusting! I cannot believe that people haven't the common courtesy to move out of the way. Makes it so much easier on themselves and everyone else. It is beyond me. I remember when I was very young my grandmother used to take me with her to the VA hospital which was just afew blocks away from us and is now a park. She would take jams or jellys to the old men that were living there. I learned early about those less fortunate and how to act around them.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi celticeagle yes it really is as these people range in ages from fifty to ninety or more years old. At least most of them should
have enough intelligence to move back and let the people off before they get on. there are tiles on the floor and ou r walkers will hang up on them so it makes us slower getting off. but to me why must they be in such a hurry that they cannot let us off first so
they have room to crowd in and use the elevator themselves.

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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Sep 11
I just don't know. It makes me sick when you said that this fact has been brought up in meetings and yet this still goes on. What about a petition? It just seems idiotic that these people can't see that there is a problem and rectify it.
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16877)
• China
17 Sep 11
Respecting for the elderly and helping the disabled is a mirror of the Civilized society.I am sorry to read the word"they cannot fold themselves up into a tiny person to just push around you? ".How come some people were unconcerned at the sight of some in wheelchairs even stand right in front of them?They want of minimum common courtesy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi changjiangzhibin yes they are lacking the comon courtesy that surely their own moms taught them as children.l I think because we are all a bit spoiled by being waited on,some feel that they don't have to care about anyone bu t themselves. sad but true. Also they seem not to see that two people cannot occupy the same they still try to get on before we can move off the elevator.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
I imagine some of them were like that and maybe those are the parents that hope their spoiled kids will help then when they are old but the kids grow up and the moment they see their parents getting old wham they are shipped off to a nursing home for old folks.sad b ut its so true even here in this retirement c enter there are some really quite healthy old people who never see any of their kids. left here and forgotten. sad.
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16877)
• China
18 Sep 11
The behaviour with scant courtey offends most people.Such type of people surely behaved badly when they were children.I guess they can't respect for their parents either.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Sep 11
do you know what i have come across though? really rude ignorant people in wheelchairs who don't like to be helped.
i've held doors open for people in wheelchairs before who have actually scolded me in the street and told me i shouldn't be so presumptious as to think they WANT me to hold the door open for them!
i've moved out of the way for wheelchair users who have told me they are alot older than me, and have been in that chair longer than i've been alive and they can quite easily move round me, and all this stuff.
so while its one thing saying we should be curtious, its another to say we should help, because a lot of people don't like to be seen as a burdern.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi chicksdigscars yes there are alwa ys some l ike that but most of the ones here are not l ike that., I do know what you mean though.'And that would sour a lot of people on trying to
help,Yes like most problems there are two sided to them
always. my self I ha ve learned to swallow pride and accept help when its offered.but just moving back to let us off an elevator
should not hurt anyone's pride and also would make things mo ve faster which is all a lot of people here and everywhere else think about is time.
@chicksdigscars (5483)
22 Sep 11
i guess some people are just very different though and it also depends on how you have been treated in your life. those in wheelchairs who have always been treated kindly will accept help nicely.. but maybe those who have been bullied and hurt dont want anyone to feel sorry for them etc or dont want to draw attention to themselves either.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
19 Sep 11
This is the behaviour that really gets my back up. More often than not, I do see curtesy towards wheel chair users, but in crowded or busy environments arrogant behaviour still ocuurs. I think standing up for your self is one good way of dealing with this. But I would also like to see a government campaign emphasising respecting the rights of wheel chair uses. Unfortunately, there are still badly brough up people inour swociety who still need to be taught these basic values.
Much the same thing happens with disabled parking sites, with able people using them. Mind you, they do get pinged.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi jenny oh yes indeed I have seen two able bodied people sneak into a handicapped parking and woe be to them the police came around and wrote them a nice big ticket and a fine of two hundred dollars which hopefully will stop them from doing that again. I wish people would put themselves in the other persons place then they wou ld see its common courtesy to let them have room to get off the elevator.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Sep 11
This sort of behaviour is not just rude - it's downright stupid! How on earth do people expect to get into the elevator if they don't allow the others out first?
It's the same in a bus or a train...the crowd stands back to allow the passengers already on the conveyance to get off first. That's how it works in my country and I've always thought that would be the case everywhere. It's common sense for goodness sake. I find it quite strange that people are as impatient as you say dear Hatley and I certainly don't think it's a petty thing or a little thing.
I know, get yourself one of those bells that go on a bicycle and ring it like crazy when someone is in your way. Have some fun with it rather than getting walked over.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
hi mstickle thats a smart idea he he lookout tingle ling I am
'coming through here buster. I have still had people stand so
close to my walker they can touch it and have to bodily lift
it sideways as it is not built to go sideways, the morons.
those who have mental problems generally are the ones who'nove back which is sort of funny but as long as those in wheelchairs can'
get off easily who am I to object. really for myself it is not so bad but for wheelchairs they must move back.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Rude rude rude. I think it should be common sense to move aside or be considerate when there are people there in wheelchairs or with walkers. I also think they should remember that those people are the residents there. I do wish they would make it more accessible for those that are in wheelchairs or have walkers. That would be nice too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 11
hi Jenintn I am beginning to think common sense is not so easily found. I always thought it was very evident that in order to get on an elevator that has a bunch of people trying to get off , that one steps back and allows them to get off before pushing into the elevator.So many people seem to und
eresimate the amount of space
needed for a person with a walker.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi yes its supposed to b
inbuilt common sense to be courteous to other people but I do not know how many times I hurried to catch the elevator and just as I got there the person inside pushed the close button leaving me to wait for the next time down.If I see someone hurrying to get to the elevator and I am in it I always hit the hold button and let them on before pushing the second floor button or first floor button which ever way we are going.

@chicksdigscars (5483)
22 Sep 11
it is common sense jen!! manners are taught i know and our parents should teach us how to be nice and behave accordingly, but surely it's an inbuilt common sense to be curtious to other people!
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
20 Sep 11
Sorry Hatley, but it's just interesting to read something like this where even in a place for not-so-young people, where respect should have been earned by everybody, there is still influences of the outside world. Some people outside are a bit rude, so it's interesting that some still carry this attitude. And still have not learned common courtesy.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi bounce oh the ou tside wo rld get in here everyday as most of us not wheelchair bound get out and away a lot. I think this era should be known as me first era as so many are hell bent on getting into the elevator as if its a matter of real urgency which it seldom is. Some people do not think of anyone but themselves always and age does not seem to change them much. those whom were taught common courtesy as kids you can tell now as they still have that. those people will rush over to help you if you are trying to open a heavy door and still manage your walker. or if you are trying to get off the elevator will back up just enough to give you space to maneuver your walker or wheelchair.There are still some men here who when you approach your table in the di
ning room actually get up and pull your chair out for you.

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@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 11
Hi Hatley,
From the story, I can tell that the relation of the people there are not really that good since everyone are more selfish and just wanted to take care of themselves rather than helping each other. I think you center is lack of some kind of program or activities to improve the relationship among the resident there. When such a thing happen where everyone are just thinking of themselves, no matter how many time you brought it up in the meeting it will not help at all. If someone started to help someone, there should be more people will follow and I think the condition there will change better. At least someone have to start it first.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Sep 11
hi yspmyl yes there are about three or four who do try to get through to the others but we need a few more to really make
'a dent in it as like Jesse says we are all one big family
here and should then look out for each other.I think the care takers too could sort pf encourage others not to crowd up against it too. as they have a little bit of clo

@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
25 Sep 11
Poor Hatley, that really must be annoying for you and the others who need a walker or wheelchair.
I wonder why the other residents are not a little more considerate. Does not apply to someone who has dementia cause these simply cant think as far as this. but the others can so why dont they....... (shaking head in disbelief).
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
hiritter sport I can understand those who have dementia as they do not understand but the others amaze me, anyone with half a brain
can see four or five adults cannot occupy the same space so if they'
want on the elevator they must let us in wal
kers and wheelchairs off first then get on.