Is the happiness based on materials?

September 26, 2011 5:09am CST
Poor deposit in my bank account leaves me in a state of apprehension; Unwittingly,the credit card debt has outreached my financial capacity; The heavy burden of rent and high expenses on living necessity make me feel hard to breathe; No housing. No car. ...... These are my real life. I can't be happy facing such situation. Do you agree with me?
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16 responses
26 Sep 11
I disagree: you're saying happiness is based on material possessions but your unhappiness has been caused by overspending on your credit card... to buy those very material possessions. Of course, living without the essentials in life - a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes to wear (not new ones, necessarily) - is extremely hard and depressing but those are very different from material possessions like a car. A car's a luxury. I haven't had one for years. To me, a television's a luxury - I haven't watched TV for over ten years. Get your priorities right and you'll be a lot happier. Modern society's obsession with gadgets and material goods isn't the route to happiness. Sure, they're nice to have if you can afford them (and they're fun and bring extra happiness) but they're not worth ruining yourself over. As for your current situation, there's a lot you can do: Pay for necessities first: rent and food. Use whatever extra cash you have to pay off the credit card. Cut back on anything you can - especially luxuries you don't need. Sell some stuff you don't need or use any more: use the proceeds to repay some credit debt to get it back under control. Contact your credit card company and see if they'll let you arrange some kind of payment schedule to reduce the short-term cost so you can cover your essentials. Contact the bank and see if they'll either reduce their charges (if you're borrowing) or lend you a little bit to pay off the credit card and convert to a lower-interest loan. There's a few ideas. You can find a lot more online if you hunt around. Never give up, never surrender!
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• United States
26 Sep 11
Hello Spike you offered some sound advice. For you a car is not a need. But for some such as me it is. I'm disabled and can not walk far or do much. I also live 17 miles from one town and 12 from the other one these are the closest small towns to me. I live in rural Tennessee. When I lived in town and was able to I walked everywhere even to and from work everyday. Or anywhere I had to go. A person can also ask the financial institution that holds the credit card to go down on their interest and to take off any late fees and interest that has incurred if they wish to pay the card off sooner or altogether. It is the law that they must do this in some cases as they have over charged in many cases. Borrowing to pay off the card will work if the person does not use the card to over spend again. I pay all things I must and then use what money is left for food and other things we need and if any money is left over then we can work on having things we want or would like to have. If we can not afford to have something, we don't get it until we can. That's the way to stay out of debt. It's how I do it anyway.
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26 Sep 11
The voice of reason. You're right, of course, though I still believe a car is a luxury almost anywhere except truly remote places. Buy a bicycle.
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• United States
26 Sep 11
You have made some good points and great suggestions here, Spike. I would like to point out, however, that what one person views as a "luxury" another person might view as a "necessity". For instance, you said that a car was a luxury, and in many places that is true. Where I live, though, a car is a necessity as there is no public transportation and it is not feasible to walk to most places. On the other hand, I would have to say that the Internet is a "luxury", while I know that you use it for your business, so you would most likely consider it a necessity.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
26 Sep 11
No! You can be happy no matter the situation! Happiness does not depend on what you have or don't have. Happiness has to do with the spirit and not with materials or possessions or anything physical. Happiness comes from taking care of the spiritual dimension. A good translation of what Jesus stated in Matthew 5:3 in my own words would be: 'You will be happy if you feed your spirit (the spirit being what you are inside, your inner person) what it needs, which would be spiritual food, which can only come from God who is a spirit. Then the material things would take care of themselves.' You really don't need much in a material way to be happy, as long as you feel good inside. All the material things you need to be happy are really free. You just have to know how to ask. This make take a while to understand and master. Always live in hope. Don't let negative thinking and negative people bring you down. Don't look at life and the world through a loser attitude. Don't let losers give you advice. Soar with eagle-like people that are truly happy in life! All the best!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Sep 11
Most certainly I agree. We all or most anyway have been in this position often. It's a fact of life and why I try hard to save money to fall back on for emergencies and times such as this. I don't use credit cards either as they cost way more than anyone can pay back. Many people were not aware if they just paid the amount due leaves them with the whole amount owed. The amount due is just the interest. So always try to pay way more than the amount due and try to pay the card off each month. I hope you get things sorted out.
• China
26 Sep 11
Nowadays,credit card is everywhere. Using it has convenience in case of no enough cash. Moreover, paying off the debt on time is needless to pay extra interest. Later, I will try to increase my income and reduce my expenditure by arranging a proper and reasonable plan.
• China
27 Sep 11
Thank you for your detailed and concrete suggestion. In daily life, lots of low-cost gadgets didn't attract my attention. Spending on those gadgets makes me ignore prices and total expenditure. Writing down the expenditure is a good habit,and the key is that i always can't insist on doing one thing for a long time,which is a big problem for me. However,maybe it is my best way to save money. I think so. I will try. Thank you!
• United States
27 Sep 11
Good for you! You are taking the first step to your financial conundrum. You will see exactly where your money is going and just how much you spend on certain things. If you high cost gadgets are being put on the credit card then maybe you should just buy them when you have enough money in the bank to pay for them and use your debt card more for purchases. I do this and I get my balance with each use. Keep in mind that many things do not show up for up to 3 or 4 days and then your. Think about talking to the holder of your credit card and ask them if they will lower your interest rate. Most of the time they will. People just don't know to ask. O they don't know if it will do any good. The way I see it is we have a 50/50 chance, they will say yes, or no. I listen to a number of financial advisors that work or worked for banks and financials institutions and I learn a good bit from them. I have utilized a number of their suggestions. I wish you the best in getting your financial status up where you wish it to be.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
27 Sep 11
No I don't agree. You are in charge of your own happiness, it's your mind that decides. If things are going not well and life is hard, set aside a time to notice really small things and be happy about them. First thing each morning when you wake up let your very first thought be, I will be happy today, then look for just small things to turn your attention on. As humans there is really very little we can do to control anything outside our mind, so if you know you do your best then you may just have to accept that it's happening. But you can be happy, you had a place to sleep, something to eat, that you can smile, try that it makes everyone a little happier. Blessings
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
Aw.. I am so sorry to hear this. The truth is materialism can make you happy for a while but then, a feeling of emptiness would still be there.
• China
27 Sep 11
Yes, material possession only brings one extra happiness, and the feeling inside is the key. The poor sometimes are happier than the rich,such as health,family,etc.
@koperty3 (1876)
28 Sep 11
Many people facing the same problem as you do at the moment. I got some financial problems as well. My partner's ex boss did not pay him for his work for some time and we got in trouble. We did and still do everything in our power to pull up our self and get back to normal life. I claim this money in court. I hope this ex boss will be sentence by court for heavy financial punishment. Don't give up. Just think straight and you will find solution. I wish you all the best.
@00fear (3216)
• United States
26 Sep 11
I do not fully maintain myself because I still go to school (college) but I know where this is going. I do agree. I can feel from others feelings. I don't know if this is somewhat similar, but it might be close to it. It was when my brothers and I wanted to go to a trip with their friends for their birthday so we started saving up a year early for the trip. When their friend's birthday came (the day of the trip), my brothers and I had everything set to go. The economy going bad started the same year which left my dad business going down and having to waste his savings money for things and plus my brothers and I knew we couldn't go to a vacation in this rate so we had to cancel our booking to help my dad out.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Sep 11
Happiness has absolutely nothing to do with things or about money.
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
of course you'll be unhappy as hell for such one could laugh without money in their pockets and bills are piling up with no assurance to get them paid.. were experiencing the same things sometimes..but that situation will not be abated if we just stay doing nothing. i mean to every problem there is a solution and in need of money and materials working and earning remains the best solution, otherwise if you have anyway solving it will do best, but dont try illegal dude! just do what is right man!
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
You better control your spending. Better maintain only one credit card, live by your means, and budget what is necessary so that you won't be over spending. It is true also that happiness can also be felt when you have the things you want. I will be hypocrite if I say that happiness can also be defined by having material things, but for sure is not all the main reason to be happy. Happiness can also be found when you are at peace of mind, simple wants and life and being content. In this life that we live in, it is really hard, but we must face what is reality and accept the challenges that we have to be happy also.
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
27 Sep 11
It seems that at some point of your life you thought that happiness was based on materials and you started to live beyond your means. Credit cards are to be paid and the Banks are vultures that sing mermaid songs about how happy you will be with more riches. I have a friend in India, a retired university professor and a wonderful man who does not have a car but a scooter. Housing is something the depends on the budget, as well as other things. When I became a widow I had to live with one tenth of what I was accostumed to live as my husband was the main provider. I learned how to live on a budget and, believe me, I´m living very well. Face reality, check out where you are spending too much, change habits and start saving to pay every month a little more than the interest of the card. There will come a point where you will sleep in peace.
• China
27 Sep 11
I think material is the base of happiness. But you can't be surely happy when you only have material.Real life is not like a fairy tale.We have to spend a lot of money to support our life. So be diligent ,work hard to get more salary,maybe you'll be happy for what you get.
• Greece
27 Sep 11
items we buy surely makes us happier. material belongings are a way to come back from misery and despair but they are not everything. people make us happier most of the times with their actions and what they say to us.
• United States
26 Sep 11
Well I have to say money makes life easier and a little bit more enjoyable. I don't have much money either I have cents in my checking account and no cash on me but you can be happy surround yourself with good people or place you can enjoy without spending a cent. You can be happy but it really doesn't have to be tied to money or by money.
• United States
26 Sep 11
I can definitely understand the feeling of frustration and being overwhelmed by debt, especially when expenses crop up that are unexpected and unavoidable but you do not have the money to pay for them. However, I do not believe that material things are the basis for happiness. It does not cost a penny to share a beautiful day with my little one, and that makes me immensely happy ... happier than any material possession ever could.
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
I believe that happiness is a choice. You don't need material possessions to be happy. Material possessions can be taken away from us, for example, because of flood, etc. So, your happiness shld not be dependent on these things. True happiness comes from within and that's the kind of happiness that can never be taken from you.