Well my mom certainly puts us all in a bad mood and makes things awkward..

United States
October 1, 2011 5:33pm CST
My mom, dad, and I just finished eating stir fry that he made. The chicken and vegetables were good but the white rice was a little mushy and plain. Well, my mom hates plain, white rice and she certainly let us all know with her attitude. She started off ok and put rice on all our plates. When she asked if the rice was too much and I said "No, it's ok, I'll eat it all" she gave me this weird look like "No you're not" Then, as I was getting my drink she said "Courtney get over and put what you want on your plate, you're a big girl". Honestly, I could care less about having to make my own plate. But she was so rude in the way she said it and I was going to put the food on my plate anyways after I got my drink. Also, my parents never call me Courtney unless they're mad at me or in trouble, they usually just call me Court. And my mom has been calling me Courtney since last night. Then, throughout dinner she was completely quiet and looked miserable while she ate and had her elbow on the table with her hand against her face. It made the entire dinner uncomfortable just because she being miserable. Honestly, I have no idea what I did do to make her act this way and it's really starting to get old. I barely talk to her now just because she's so unpleasant to be around with her little comments or criticisms about me or my boyfriend. I'm just tired of it so I try and avoid her as much as possible.
8 responses
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
2 Oct 11
You know what court, I can totally relate to you. I can't really understand my mom now, we have so much misunderstandings these days. Sometimes she will just shout and brag about things which I think are nonsense. I can;t understand what's going on with her mind. Maybe she's just troubled about the money issues with our family but I believe she doesn't have to take things on us. I feel like she blames us for her problems. Well, maybe not, but that's how I'm feeling right now. She doesn't understand me, too. It's like whatever I do will make things worse and she hardly supports me with my decision. It's not that I used to make wrong decisions.. and I know sometimes I make better decisions than she do.. I don't know. I'm really annoyed at her at the moment. I guess things turn out to be like this because we hardly talk things out. And when we talk, she's always shouting and I feel tired arguing and answering her. And like you do, I try so hard to avoid bumping with her as much as possible. :| :( Good luck. I hope you'll work it out with your mom soon..
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Oct 11
Thank you :) It seems like one minute my mom will be in a bad mood and act rude and then 5 minutes later she tries to be all nice. She's also always making little rude comments to me but she does it in a way that doesn't sound like she's saying something rude. But I know what she means or what she's trying to hint at and it's really hurtful. She controls my life way too much and I'm at the point where I'm just getting tired of it.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
2 Oct 11
Yeah.. Well, I just got tired of it. Moms loves controlling things. And my mom thinks I'm still her baby. She was likely to decide which underwear will I wear and I find it so annoying. :| And what's different with our moms is that the way mom say things could be really hurtful sometimes. And I thought I am already used to it but no, I will never get used to it. I hope she will realize it someday. :)
@Hazelme (647)
• United States
1 Oct 11
Her issue it's about your boyfriend. Maybe she doesn't like him lol. Maybe trying to talk to her about what is her problem in a nice way when she looks relax can actually make her open up to you and tell you what's her deal. Maybe she won't and still act like she is. You never really know just talk to her patiently, who knows maybe she has other problems she's worried about, you never know every single thing about your mom- personal experience lol.
• United States
1 Oct 11
I don't understand why she wouldn't like him though. He's always very polite and nice when he's around and he's never done anything rude to them. Lately, my mom has been like this with my dad and I. Of course she never lets anyone else see her in crazy moods. Everyone always thinks she's so nice but they have no idea what she's really like when we're home and it's just us.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
2 Oct 11
Since you are airing your dirty laundry publicly...Have you ever considered that your Mother might be going through the change and having a tough time of it? Some women start really early, so do not tell me she is too young. Even if she is older, some women have problems for years and years. Some women do not even realize that they are having a problem, they are just uncomfortable all the time and do not know why. Don't you think that she would be very sad if she knew that you had written this on a public forum? If you are old enough to date, you are old enough to deal with an unhappy Mother without whining. Your day will come...
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
4 Oct 11
You are very lucky...Most women go through mood swings and hot flashes and often experience depression or melancholy. I too am like you...I never had any symptoms, but my stepmother suffered a lot for years.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Oct 11
I guess this completes the picture in your other discussions. On how you're getting frustrated in your living situation, and how your mom is treating you. I don't know if it's all you that's the source of her being miserable, but she surely does not make any efforts to hide it. Hope you're hanging in there.
• United States
10 Oct 11
She certainly lets her emotions show. The funny thing is, she won't ever outright say what it is that's putting her in a bad mood. She just lets my dad and I suffer and stay confused. It's annoying because she'll be horrible one minute and then try to be all nice the next. I'm just over all her little comments she makes about me and how I hardly ever wear makeup. If she really has a problem, she should just tell us and that way we'd be able to fix it instead of just putting all of us in a bad mood.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
11 Oct 11
I was just watching an X-Men movie tonight. I think that's a mutation that we should all learn, read each other's mind.
@rose1717 (190)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I am sorry that your mother is being unpleasent to you. It sounds like she is being childish in her actions. If she has a issue with you then she needs to be a grown up and tell you what is up. Since she isn't willing to do that and insists upon pouting, you may have to be a grown up and ask her what is wrong or if she is upset with you and why. Again, I am sorry. I am wondering if it isn't so much you that has upset her, rather then your boyfriend. He might not have done anything to upset her other then her thinking that she is loosing her daughter to him. Mom's can get a little crazy when they feel that they are loosing their children. Mine did when my brother was marrying, my MIL did when my DH and I were marrying. Even if you are not marrying this boy, she may be coming to grips that someday you might.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
1 Oct 11
Is it possible there might have been some disagreement between your mom and dad that got your mom in this mood? It might not be something that you did that started this at all. I think I'd keep quiet and see if the mood passes in a day or two or until you can find out more about what might have happened. Maybe it isn't all about you at all. Maybe you were just one of those around when she felt bad and she's making everyone in her path "pay."
• United States
2 Oct 11
I honestly have no idea what's going on with her. She was in her room watching tv before dinner and I didn't hear them talking or anything. My dad and I have no idea why she gets like this, but we're both tired of it because then it just ruins our mood. I really do believe that it has something to do with me because lately, she's been onto me about the littlest things and just saying hurtful little comments here and there.
@Bryanx54 (644)
1 Oct 11
I think it might do with your boyfriend also, the best thing to do is just ask to have really long talk with her about your life and your boyfriend and ask her to accept that your not a kid anymore and you need to be able to live your life and then ask her for her support always, if she wants to be a good mom she'll have to let you go on with your life and just help you when you need it. Always love your mother even when she's being a pain because they aren't around for forever.
• United States
2 Oct 11
Not to be pushy but I would strait out ask what her problem is. I mean be nice about so she doesn't get on the defense but say something like , " You have been acting a little off towards me Mom is there something we should talk about?" If she says no push it about her behaviour. No point in living uncomfortably.