Its rude to not respond to an email

United States
October 19, 2011 9:11am CST
I emailed my mother in-law about our christmas plans. Im sure she wasnt thrilled I mentioned the problem we have with her sister. I explained in a nice way and told her I feel it best we dont be around her since she causes to many problems. We want this Christmas to be fun and drama free since its out first time celebrating with family in 9 years. I told her it will be stressful enough working with everyone elses scheduales and making sure we see everyone. She hasnt responded. You can say oh maybe shes busy. I know she has been online since she has commented on a FB pic I posted of my pics. I think its just rude, especially when trying to figure out a family situation.
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9 responses
@aquacan (216)
• China
20 Oct 11
Sometimes people don't make response just because they haven't figured out how to solve that problem. In that case, I think you should just give her some time and maybe she'll soon respond to it.
@jammyPaul (101)
• Taiwan
20 Oct 11
Why don't you just use more direct way to connect your mother in-law by using cell phone or Skype. E-mail is usually not for such important meeting because it would be missed with other e-mails. I am not pretty sure that mother in-law would know the set-up of blocking spams. If not, you could not blame that she didn't response you so quickly. The mail may be mixed with spams. You should call your mother in-law instead of e-mailing her. It just too waste time to wait the response. Making a call would make thing easier.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
good day tink91879, as far as i know, generally it is indeed rude if you dont respond to an email especially if this really requires a response and attention. however, we also should consider that in every general rule there are some exceptions. as there are some emails that do not really requires an answer. for some of this was just a short notification. but in your situation, it is indeed requires an attention to look at. since you need your mother-in-law's opinion from what you have emailed.
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
Yes I agree with Lara, you should call her asap to get her opinion, because if you don't fix it now, you may not only have a problem with her sister, but you may also have a problem with her. And you know how hard it is to have a bad relationship with in laws.
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
In my opinion these kinds of matters would be resolved faster if you have called your mother-in-law instead of sending an email. Your problem is too personal and requires a more 'intimate' mode of communication. If you want a feedback immediately, then call her now or treat her lunch or dinner. Goodluck.
@cluznar (17)
• United States
20 Oct 11
I agree that it is rude, she should respond even if it's just to say no thanks. It sounds like she is telling you "forget it" by not responding. If I were you I would email her again and in the email say "I just wanted to ask you if you will be attending our Christmas celebration?" I sent you an earlier email about this but maybe it somehow went to your spam mail. Hope you're doing well. Await your answer.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
19 Oct 11
That is kind of rude not to respond. Maybe her feelings were a little hurt so she doesn't know how to respond yet. Sometimes people read into things what they want to. My husband's grandparents aren't involved in our lives. When his parents divorced his grandparents on his dad's side didn't really care to see him till he got old enough to do chores around the house. When we married we heard nothing from them, they don't send my husband birthday cards or anything. Out of the blue after like 8 years they all the sudden sent my husband a birthday card, which just "happened" to coincide with his dad's 50th birthday party they decided to invite us to. I decided to write her a letter explaining why were weren't coming. I very nicely said why we weren't coming and explained that they've always known where we lived and we never hear from them till now, never got invited over either so we didn't understand why now. She told everyone I wrote her a mean letter. Oh well. Life is too short to stress over it.
@rose1717 (190)
• United States
19 Oct 11
Yes it is rude to not respond at all. My guess is her feelings were hurt about what you said about her sister. I have the same issues with my MIL as well. I emailed her twice in the last two weeks and she has not replied to either one. I haven't heard from her in almost 2 1/2 weeks, but know that she is ok. She is online almost every day and does classes online. We have siblings that she talks with so she is ok, it is just her ignoring for whatever reasons. She has done this before. Whenever she doesn't like plans or what is said she will give that herson the silent treatment.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
19 Oct 11
Ok , You did your part dont stress out thinking of it, give her some time, just keep on with your christmas celebration. good luck .