my laptop

November 5, 2011 10:07am CST
when i have my laptop in my room its like im having the world in my room:)
10 responses
@woheri (88)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 11
i feel not only laptop, maybe by mobile phone we also can make in small roon as be a world. Certainly, laptop is a greater thing better than pc. Very simple...
@rollylolly (2843)
• India
18 Nov 11
I agree with you friend . I love my lappy and it brings the world right into my study . I can't imagine a life without it . It has become a part of my life . The internet is the most essential part , without it my lappy is blunt but once connected it acts more intelligently than me Sometimes virtual world becomes more real than the real world within my grip . Happy myLotting
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Nov 11
I keep my laptop with me always, when at home, and when traveling too. It is an absolute necessity for me these days, for my work and for personal communications. My laptop has all my business files on it, and all my contact email addresses. Yes, just as you said, my whole world is on there !
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
Same here. Nowadays, most people have two different worlds; the harsh, stressing real world and the cool, take it easy virtual world. Most of the time I am in the virtual world. After school, I prefer going home early in order to surf the internet than stay at school and be with my friends. I have always been a loner so I really do not like hanging around other people. So I'll just talk to you fellow myloters and earn a few extra cash
• Romania
7 Nov 11
I agree! Without my laptop I would be nothing! It stays open almoust 24/7! Everything I whant to know is in here:) My world is in here!
17 Nov 11
we can't count the advantages of having a laptop attached with internet. i just bought a laptop so that i can combine learning and working online.but untilnow ,i don't have any jobs . anyone can help me? in addition , i like writing and translating . will can i get a translation job on internet?
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
5 Nov 11
I feel the same , but , I think like when I on the big computer I open the window to see the world and when I take the lap top to my room I feel I open my world to the rest , hahaah its so funny the feelings that brings ah?? I understand myself.
@indi15 (888)
• India
5 Nov 11
Oh yes its like whole of the knowledge, entertainment, fun is all around you.
@Nero66u (32)
• Finland
5 Nov 11
Hello allainkerby, I agree with your words. :) That really feels like that. :)
@ajpa23 (92)
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
Definitely true! With a laptop, you can do a lot of things like lay in your bed while checking you social networking sites. Less chance for backache that way. Multi-tasking is also and listen to songs at the same time. :)