My 14 year old son has proved that fruit "does" fill you up!
By Anne18
@Anne18 (11029)
November 8, 2011 3:15am CST
Some of you on mylot will know that I'm careful waht food I give ot my children and try very hard to give them their five a day and more.
My children always have three fruits (which they choose) in there lunch boxes every day... that way they will be more inclined to eat it if they have chosen it.
Anyway yesterday I gave my eldest son a different lunch box instead of his normal one. When he returned home he asked if he could not have that lunch box again as when he opened it two of his fuits went flying onto the floor and he couldn't eat it. Thus he said he went hungry at lunch time as he couldn't eat his fruit and also he forgot to take his tuck shop money with him.
Well done my boy.
Just wanted to share this with you all.
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26 responses
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
8 Nov 11
It's good you send fruit, with your kids to school. Do you give them a sandwich or anything to go with it? Fruit is good, but it doesn't last long for me. I eat it for a snack for when I am needing something if I get hungry between meals. I try to eat 9 servings of fruits and veggies each day. I wish my daughter ate more fruit. I have apples sitting on the counter, but I'm the only one that eats them.
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@Anne18 (11029)
8 Nov 11
Yes I give them sandwiches.
They have sandwiches with very good fillings in them every day. 3 pieces of fruit every day. Monday's they have crisps instead of cake as a treat. Piece of homemade cake or chocolate biscuit other four days, cheese strings on Tuesdays, meat stick on wednesday. Egg and cress sandwiches on thursdays. Sauasges rolls on fridays sometimes instead of sandwiches, i do put other little treats in sometimes. They take water to drink and have tuck shop money every day either to save or spend. All three are good at saving some of that money ot buy other things
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@sid556 (30959)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Oh..sorry to hear your son went hungry! Still, it's a blessing that he didn't have his tuck shop money with him to be tempted to buy something not so healthy. I will attest to the fact that fruit is very filling and healthy and low-cal. I work an odd shift. I work 2:00 to 11:30 in a convenience store. I don't get designated breaks so as a rule, on the days that I work, dinner is not an option. Convenience stores don't offer up many healthy foods as a rule. I bring in an orange or apple or some grapes and eat those in between customers and I do not feel hungry. I commend you as a mom for seeing to it that your child eats healthy. On my days off, I fix healthy meals for my daughter. She is 17 and on nights that I work, I leave her with plenty of healthy options to eat. She prefers to eat healthy and very rarely does she ask to get fast food or junk food. She works in a fast food place and almost never will eat their food. Your a good mom, Anne!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
10 Nov 11
Well now! That iS very interesting indeed! I especially like the idea of letting them pick their own fruit, so they are more likely to eat it all.. very good!
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@celticeagle (169138)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Nov 11
Kids and their excuses. A person should be washing their fruit before they eat it anyway. Have you heard of the cataloupe poisoning this last summer? I forget to wash my fruit sometimes and this story in the news really gave me pause to think about the facts.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
8 Nov 11
And of course in some weird, inexplicable, illogical way, it will turn out to be your fault that this happened.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
8 Nov 11
Very stressful - I am waiting for a letter offering me a new job. They told me I have the work but I cannot put in my resignation until I have signed the contract. There is just a lot going on in my life what with the general elections coming up and the whole country is tense I wish that my son had not been chosen to run for M.P. sometimes as it really hurts to hear him criticised etc. People come up to me too in the street
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
9 Nov 11
aha brilliant!! .. and they would have said the fruit doesnt fill them up and to give them something like crisps and chocolate instead lol!
how funny! but why oh why did you give the poor boy a different lunch box? lol!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
14 Nov 11
I don't even know your youngin' and I'm proud of him. My husband seldom eats fruit. My brother seldom eats fruit. I eat fruit all the time. I would eat at least one fruit per meal if I could. Right now my husband is buying the food and I can't wait until I earn enough $ to buy my own food. I just bought and brought two kinds of apples to a pot luck and one kind was gone except for 2 apples and my husband ate them! (miracle). The other bag only a few apples were eaten.
Do you know that if you leave apples over night in the fridge, the flavor gets better? Give it a try if the apples haven't been put in a fridge. The most flavorful apples are the ones that get a mild frost before they're picked here. Take care.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Sounds like your son is a chip off the old apple.
Glad you keep apples in the fridge. We're apple country up here. We have and had huge orchards. Some are being turned into suburbs, Ugh!
@Anne18 (11029)
15 Nov 11
Glad you like fruit, I also eat more fruit than anyone in the house.
I do keep my apples in the fridge, they do keep so much fresher in the fridge.
I have two fridges, a tall fridge in the kitchen which has cheese, milk, butter etc in, in the dining room I have a fridge soley fro fresh fruit and veggies, its just a small normal size fridge
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
8 Nov 11
In my opinion, having at lunch fruits, is very welcome. They are healthy and yes, they fill you up. However, again, my personal opinion, is that a boy at a growing age needs something more than only fruits. The body can not rely only on fruits, specially if he is running and keeping his body trained. He need lots of carbs too.
Great that he is saving his money for a special purpose, the question is how long his body can go without proper food.
I am not trying to say nothing else, than a normal body need normal food in order to produce "the gas" to keep it going.
Maybe the fact that the fruits "went flying on the floor" is a way of asking you to prepare something else too.
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@Anne18 (11029)
8 Nov 11
He has four slices of bread with a good filling in the middle and a decent size piece of cake along side his 3 fuits. Plus he gets tuck shop money as well, which he chooses not ot spend.
He does also ask for healthy food as he wants to look after his body and doesn't awlays have seconds unless he is going for a run to run it off.
Your view is very wellput, thanks for sharing
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@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
It is really nice to hear that your son is not hating fruit at all. right? Good job as a mom. Well, maybe your kid is having a hard time to his new lunch box he rather the old one. So, let him used it because he got hungry when he used the other one.
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@Anne18 (11029)
8 Nov 11
The lunch box I gave him opened a different way and I think it was a little stiff, he's back to his old one which does take up a little more room in his bag, but at least its easier to open. In theroy he shouldn't have had any problems with the lunch box. At least his sandwiches didn't go flying
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@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
8 Nov 11
the fruit is not fattening to.
I think it's still good to eat fruit because they are super and they are very helpful.
but you must know well what most useful for your child.
nice day!
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@telmesh (1793)
10 Nov 11
Shame about the accident Anne glad you've gone back to the old lunch box and that your son is having and enjoying proper food. Just wondered have your offspring ever pestered you to take them to MD's or any of the unhealthy fast food joints.
I have an issue with schools in our area where they don't allow any drink bar water not even flavoured water. I have a Granddaughter with ADHD who will not drink water, she goes without a drink all day long. As we should all know now 2% dehydration reduces attention by 20% therefore this rule of nothing but water is very harmful to her.
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@Anne18 (11029)
10 Nov 11
Yes we do og ot Macdonalds, not very often due to the cost.
We do eat junk at the weekends, I think a very good diet for 5 days and some treats at the weekend, after all ...all work and no play made Jack a dull boy!!LOL
Sorry to hear about your water problems
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@khare_1005 (1310)
• India
8 Nov 11
oh dear your little master chose on to stay hungry and not to eat rubbish.that means he has a great habit installed in him.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
11 Nov 11
Why couldn't he eat them? Could he have not taken them to the sink, and washed them off, or did they completely break?
Yeah, fruit can definitely fill a person up. Any food can fill a person up. Nice to know that he has something he likes so much. Good for you.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Nov 11
That is great that your children really do enjoy their fruits. My children do as well and it really comes as no surprise to me that fruit does fill you up because of the fact that it is full of the vitamins that we need to be able to function well. For example, fiber is plentiful in fruits and vegetables. My children love to eat fruits and vegetables as well and it is something that I'm very happy about because there are too many people in the world today that only eat foods because of convenience.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
13 Nov 11
That's a great way to prove a point!
I don't normally eat a lot of fruit except for the once in a while banana (and the recent frozen grapes that I've grown a liking to), but my kids always have a fruit in their lunch boxes. I'm just happy that they don't take after their dad, and that they like fruits.
@Anne18 (11029)
13 Nov 11
Yes it is good that my children like friut it does make my life easier. If they ask for food after tea I tell them to eat some fruit and they do so as they know nothing else is going ot be on offer unless its supper nights.
Glad your children don't take after you!!
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Those kids know what they are doing, and you have done a good job as a mother too. When I was in middle school and high school, I don't bring my own lunch, more likely I eat at school, not bad with their food though. Now, I am working, but I don't bring my own lunch either.