Petition to Take the Kardashians Off Television

November 16, 2011 8:54am CST
About time people do something with these wayward productions that have made their way into our living rooms' screens - television. I suppose this is a good and organized cause since Occupy Wall Street. It seems like haters of the Kardashian Show are petitioning to E! Entertainment to have the show removed and a good call too, if I may add. It is really a wasteful production and just to let you know, I am one of the supporter as well. Interested? If you are check it out with the link below. Read more: Sign the Petition:
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14 responses
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 11
i think i 'saw' the show once or twice, but never really bothered to watch it... dont really understand why people do anyway... dont really have any impact on my life if the show is on or off the air.. but i would be willing to sign the petition to get it OFF the air..
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• United States
17 Nov 11
I have only seen a few episodes and I liked it. it id so sad hat Kim Thought Kris was going to live her life abd he thought the opposite but As shows go , they are not That bad.But if people want them off , so be it.
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• United States
20 Nov 11
Sheri on The View said something I agree with. A regular petition will not have the same effect on a Cable network. The petitioners should go after the sponsors.If they can get the sponsors to walk away , the show will disappear.
• Singapore
20 Nov 11
sarahruthbeth22, Along with the members that do not see the Kardashians to be entertaining and if I may add seems to be on the majority - I think I can understand the petitioners' minds and causes for the reaction. Let's see where the developments will lead to.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I just signed the petition! I can't stand the Kardashian's! They are just a bunch of rich snobs! I never seen the show but I have read enough about that family on the internet! Seen them alot on the times I had the chance to watch Entertainment Tonight! Enough is enough! It is a waste of time! Most reality shows are! It is time to get rid of the Kardashian's!
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• Singapore
20 Nov 11
blue65packer, My exact sentiments along with all other undeserving shows on the cable and television networks. I hope that this will be more successful than all the recent OWS protests!
@millertime (1394)
• United States
18 Nov 11
Unfortunately, TV shows of this ilk proliferate because a large number of people watch them. It's kind of hard to imagine why, but they do have a large audience. If they didn't, they wouldn't make money and they wouldn't be on. It won't matter how many people sign a petition as those people aren't the ones watching the show and the producers could care less. The only thing that will make any kind of difference is if the viewership falls off. If people don't watch, they won't make money and the show will end. That's the ONLY determining factor. I can't really figure out why so many people are up in arms about this anyway. The simplest thing is to change the channel. If you tune it in and don't like it, don't watch it. Switch the channel. That's the power that the TV viewer has, to choose what to watch and what not to watch. So why would anyone care what OTHER people are watching? That's the only reason to sign a petition to remove a show from TV. You want to restrict other people from watching it, right? I guess it just doesn't seem right to me. I mean, there are a lot of things on TV that I don't like and don't watch, but I don't try to get them taken off the air. I figure people should decide for themselves what they watch and not have it decided by others.
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• Singapore
21 Nov 11
millertime, I don't think I can agree with you that a show will be taken off just because there's a drop of viewership, for one, I believe you will agree with me that there are very popular shows on the network that were dropped even when they are at their prime in viewership. Retrospectively, we've seen other TV shows of this ilk actually thriving for several seasons despite their unpopularity which makes a lot of people especially the petitioners wonder and wanted to know the reasons. Obviously, I think since the people responsible does not give an inkling bother when it matters. In this age of modern technology, I think statistics can be easily manipulated especially viewership is concern and it is via the I.T. superhighway. All it needs to be done would be to release these productions on the worldwide web and the numbers required can easily be reached. On the opposite end, we can see good shows which are being protected against piracy are seen to be waning in interest and most of all, viewership. As for these shows' finances, I believe a large portion of it are from the cable networks which are charging sky high subscriptions. So, I am sure a lot of discerning audience does not need much effort figuring it out how these shows just does not seem to be taken off despite their low education and entertainment quality. Hence, we need to do something more than just switching to other channels to get these shows off our television sets.
@Mashnn (4501)
16 Nov 11
I would really appreciate if this happens. Their show and life style is something that you won't like your child to watch. I think there are more better shows that can replace them.
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• Singapore
18 Nov 11
Mashnn, I believe this is one of the positive sides of group consensus, one which is so needful in this world of very flawed entertainment which is actually condoning to immorality, promiscuity, profanity and wayward defiance. It would really be fair for the show to be removed and production ceased to pave way for better shows which seems to be lacking nowadays. As a consumer, I believe we should have a say to end these shows which is occupying time on our cable subscription. So, I would be glad that the petition will be successful and that it will be taken off the air in due time.
@Mashnn (4501)
20 Nov 11
Exactly, let wait and sincerely I believe we won't be disappointed.
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@jtj_hello (627)
• Philippines
17 Nov 11
I don't watch this show simply bec ause kim is not a good role model. If every person of that type of character is shown on air what will happen to the children. With her scandel and everything. 72 days marriage? why television producer even give a slot to this person?
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• Singapore
20 Nov 11
jtj_hello, While I am glad that we share the same sentiments or point of view on this show but I cannot just take a backseat and work on the television's remote control. Especially, when people do not literally care, starting with the producer who perceive that such show would have entertainment value, the cable networks that just collect our subscriptions even when they are not performing their duties depriving or disallow better quality shows from airing and produced as a result. The world is really in a bad state and becoming worse, when people do not care from all departments.
@AmbiePam (96686)
• United States
19 Nov 11
I used to think live and let live. Then the Kim Kardashian wedding happened, and I started to notice Kylie and Kendall becoming more and more in the public eye. I now know things about them I wouldn't simply because they are getting their own publicity. The last thing the world needs is another Kim. I mean they are all messed up. After the wedding disaster (which I have not seen and don't plan to) I fully support them being taken off of the air. SOOO many young women admire them and that is sad. But they are a cash cow for E! and I doubt they listen. I always felt kind of sorry for the matriarch, Kris because she divorced due to adultery. I thought it was the late Robert Kardashian who cheated. Nope, it was Kris. She was the cause of the divorce. My sympathy is gone.
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@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
17 Nov 11
Why don't you just stop watching it? I'm sure if there are no viewers they would stop it's production.
• Singapore
20 Nov 11
swirlz, I am sure you can be better than this comment here. Along with the rest of the petitioners, I do not think we can just take a backseat and work on the television's remote control. Especially, when people do not literally care, starting with the producer who perceive that such show would have entertainment value, the cable networks that just collect our subscriptions even when they are not performing their duties depriving or disallow better quality shows from airing and produced as a result. Cable networks and television are not free of charge. The money we pay are mutual where the other side will need to perform their duty which is to ensure that whatever is being put up are good performances that deserve our viewership. The world is really in a bad state and becoming worse, when people do not care from all departments. Being passive here, will just be sending the wrong message by both the producers of the show and networks that air it and at our expense.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I tried to sign it but it froze my computer. I did post it on my Twitter and Facebook pages though.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
16 Nov 11
I dislike all of these, ridiculous shows that are all about making people look stupid and glorifying rude and nasty behavior. No wonder the kids and teens in the USA are not as good as they used to be. I have been teaching, dance, for 38 years and I see a huge difference in parents and kids. I do blame tv for a lot of it. Get them all off and get back to shows with values. I remember the shows like the Bill Cosby show. Funny as all get out and yet, family values. Now, that is entertainment!
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• Singapore
18 Nov 11
nanajanet, Of late, there is a worrying increase of poor and pervasive productions which end up into our living rooms and our young innocent minds. The shows are really nothing but pure support for immorality and screaming profanities. Yet, the cables could not be bothered and actually support running it continuously for several seasons. So, I am supporting this petition in the name of consumer rights.
• Australia
17 Nov 11
I am soooooooooooooooooooo happy that I have never been exposed to this crap. I don't even know if it is on Australian TV, I never watch any of the commercial rubbish, and most emphatically never anything to do with "reality" (now that's an oxymoron in this context) TV. It was bad enough having to put up with the on again off again visit to our major Spring Racing Carnival by someone from that show, which seemed to be more important to the commentators than the racing itself. Who the hell are they? Never mind, who the hell cares? Lash
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• Singapore
20 Nov 11
grandpa_lash, In all fairness, I believe we (including you - unfortunately) will need to do something like signing this petition at some point of time. Frankly, I hate to see this happening but it is just unavoidable when the people and cable networks are not doing their jobs. As a result of their intentional negligence, good shows will not have the opportunity and/or airtime when these shows are hogging the limited airwaves. Not forgetting, the scarce resources namely time and opportunity. It is also a blatant fact that cable subscriptions are no longer cheap and I am just uncomfortable that part of our hard earned monies are going to these productions and undeserving characters like Kim. So, I support going up in arms (signatures only) against these very questionable shows which is affecting or rather, deteriorating the society and our young generation who are picking after them. I have to say that I care and I will do it as long as it takes.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Nov 11
I began to watch one episode in total amazement and then switched channels. Not my type of viewing so I will sign the petition. I really don'r have time to waste on these people. and I am not interested in what they do, may do, or have done
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• Singapore
18 Nov 11
cynthiann, I really do not know how these television stations could actually see these shows as anywhere near entertaining and not forgetting the problems that these shows bring to our society today. I believe this petition could not have come at a better time and hope that it will be successful in getting this show along with other wayward productions. Besides, I think you will agree with me that this is much more cause worthy than all the aimless and meaningless Occupy Wall Street.
• Indonesia
8 Dec 11
Yes, count me in. As for their show was not for children to watch I agree. I myself restrict my children from tv shows. I'm glad that they're only appear in cable tv, so it's easier for me to place the restriction. Have a nice day.
• United States
17 Nov 11
I actually enjoy their show and whether you want to accept the fact or not, reality TV shows have kind of become the norm of our society's programming! Their show is actually pretty interesting and since the whole family is practically gorgeous, why would you want to remove a show likeso? They aren't the typical family, but we all live somewhat like them so why hate on the drama or the crap that produce? Someone out there loves it and the reason it continues to air is because more people don't have a problem with it..
• Singapore
20 Nov 11
dellessimon45, I am sorry that I do not share the same view to find this particular show to be entertaining when what they are projecting are deemed to be questionable and very disturbing. I can understand the characteristics of a good reality show where I do not have or find any issue with moderation and mind for decency. But, the Kardashians are just the very opposite. In all fairness, watching it - the Kardashians going about in their utter disrespect and totally uncontrolled isn't what any parent would want their children to watch and most of all, pick up after. Surely, there are better entertaining shows which deserves the airtime and our viewership. I cannot believe that the Kardashians are that entertaining.
• Australia
17 Nov 11
I have no problem with people enjoying things I think are silly, that's variety at work. But I can and do get very sarky about the cult of the personality, since it shows that most people have no sense of their own identity and have to rely on vicarious life to actul;ly feel alive. Which only goes to show that most people are brainless, tasteless, meaningless morons. And we let them vote? Lash
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