Smelling a skunk..why it is such a strong smell!

@JenInTN (27514)
United States
November 26, 2011 6:13am CST
Those pesky varmits..if they spray it is an unbearable smell and takes time to go away. I once had a dog that got sprayed by a skunk and I did everything to try and get the smell to go away. Tomato it...I tried it, and I could still vaguely smell it. Well...I found out why it is such an overbearing smell and although it is useless knowledge..I thought that maybe you guys would like to hear it. We have these scent receptors bunched together, each with their own reason for activation. So if I smell a set of receptors fire and give me the scent. Well...the skunk spray is the only scent known that makes every scent receptor fire at the same time! That's why it seems so much stronger and longer lasting than any other scent. Of course this is a wonderful defense mechanism for the skunk too...we all get out of dodge when we see a skunk coming. So...have you ever smelled a skunk and thought..why in the world is it such a strong smell? Have you ever smelled one at all?
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23 responses
@derek_a (10873)
26 Nov 11
We don't have skunks here in the UK so I have no idea of what they smell like! I have always been curious as I've seen movies where the actors are pulling faces and holding their noses etc. But curiosity killed the cat as they say.. And where the skunk sprays from gives me a good enough idea! _Derek
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11 is truly terrible. You can even smell them when they haven't actually sprayed they are so strong. I am going to have to find you a Scratch n sniff skunk example so you can experience all your scent receptors firing at once Thanks for the response!
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@derek_a (10873)
28 Nov 11
OK... I think I get the message here.. Oerwhelming my senses.. Wow! That must be pretty bad! From what I've seen on nature programs, they seem to have spines too - like our British hedgehogs - But I guess the smell would stop anybody getting spiked by one of those spines! Perhaps in a way, the skunk is being kind, by giving its first warning of a smell to you won't end up with an injured foot if you should step on one... _Derek
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
26 Nov 11
I have often wondered why they have such a strong scent! Wonder if there are many predators who are after them? I sure would stay away from them. They are all over the place where I live, and it isn't unusual to be in the country and smell them. One time, when I worked at the drive-in theater, there must have been a family of them near, since we could smell them all the time. It has to be one of the most awful smells and does linger in the car, as well. UGH!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Nov 11
the odd thing is if you can get them deskunked so to speak they make the most loving pet but somehow with that mechanism dismantled so to speak they are short lived for some reason. Perhaps removing their safety from predators mechanism also messes up their small bodies so they cannot thrive that way.Also although you can tell people the pet c annot spray they still do not believe you so the pet idea is not a very good one. I can remember yet people looking at our tome and backing up because he had those odd stripes but he was all tom cat fdr sure. I never did know what breed he was as he was dumped off on our road into our farm as a kitten. but he was long haired and fluffy as all get out. I never understood whey people really thought he was a skunk as skunks are sleek looking while our tom was fluffy looking with all that long cat hair. and lazy. He would catch mice but they almost had to run over his feet before he would grab them. skunks arew not lazy animals lo l.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
I don't think they have much to worry The smallest skunk can send crowds running I thought it was some pretty interesting info that they have the only scents that fire all our receptors at the same time. It might come in handy to know if you ever had an inquisitive child around though Thanks for responding.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Nov 11
smelled them a lot in the country and was always told from a small child why they smell that way. its obviously Gods way of protecting a small lovely animal.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
It certainly is the way they are kept safe. We don't have near as many scent receptors as animals do..imagine how bad they smell to the other animals! Thanks for responding!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Nov 11
We smell them all the time in the country, they are great rodent control but can sure stink up the house. Here in the Northwest the smell seems a lot stronger then it did when we lived in the desert. It must be the moisture in the air. I think skunks are a beautiful animal and one of the cutest animals I ever saw was a tiny sknuk outside our back yard steps, it has turned away from us and raised it's tail in defense so we exited the steps and hid in the house where we could watch it and it wasn't afraid of us. Finally it just went about it's business hunting bugs in the yard, we were so charmed by this little one that we forgot to get pictures.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
They are very cute..especially when they are little. They can make you scoot right out of there though...oh...I wish you had got a picture! Thanks for responding!
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@allknowing (142817)
• India
26 Nov 11
I have not encountered a real skunk but have named a few creatures that look like human beings who get on my nerves. It may be perhaps ok to bear a strong smell but not a strong bad smell and that is how I am told a skunk smells!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
We can call them skunks too. They are very stinky for sure. I could smell the ones that used to live in the field behind my old house and they hadn't even sprayed! They are very cute but they pack a punch!
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@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
26 Nov 11
Haven't see any skunk in my life and don't want to experience its smell lol. It their defend mechanism for their protection.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
Yes..they are very stinky! They are actually very common in my area. I haven't seen one running around in a while though. Thanks for responding.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Oh yes I have not got sprayed but I have smelled them. and one more scent as bad as a skunk is running over a turtle and its on you r tires and the scent stays even when ya wash it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Nov 11
cant remeber what state we were in might have been in Tenn close to you or Virgina or Kentucky I know we were traveling form one job to another when we hit it
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Now that is something I have never smelled. There are those box turtles here but as far as I know, I have managed to miss them. Hmm...interesting.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
26 Nov 11
Most of the ones that I have seen...and smelled lately..ARE WALKING AROUND UPRIGHT....and on TWO legs! Two legs or four, smell just as lingering and obnoxious! Grew up in skunk I know that I am firing on on "smell receptors!" Had a friend that had one "de-scented" and what a delightful little furry friend it was...forever a curious little puppy! Did you get your Thanksgiving Card? you! The horrendous winds (which I hate) have hounded us every second day for the past 8...Every second day we can count on our power being out! Dang!
1 person likes this
• Canada
26 Nov 11
That's 'cuz I just "wubs" ya Tennessee folks...'specially U! Mauling animals...yup, and they never say; "not now!" LOL! Just thinking about it...have you ever had your little "furbabies" turn down some affection? NEVER! Picture this, I am loading wood into my wheelbarrow, to bring from the woodshed to the house (answer's your question..I only have wood heat, by choice)...Just got the wheelbarrow loaded...and my Ram (Rambo) butts the wheelbarrow over...I muttered a few unkind words...uprighted the wheelbarrow, get it half loaded, bend down to pick up another piece off the ground..AND GUESS WHAT..bent over I am the recipient of a big butt in the BUTT...wheelbarrow and I, intertangled on the ground! First, mad as a hatter...then convulsions of laughter, I couldn't get up..and he is muzzling my face, with his soft nose...HOW CAN one stay mad? Looking into his big eyes...I could see laughter!HUGZ!!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Nov 11
hi JenInTn oh indeed let me tell you what happened to me, I think I was about fourteen ,on the farm in SouthDakota. we had a lovely big tom cat we called skunky as he was black with some white stripes almost like a real skun,a big lazy tom who had the irritating habit of sneeking in the hen house and sitting on a nest of eggs. So like usuall it was du sk and I was gathering eggs and of course there he was the big old fat T om Skunky. uh I grabbed him and yanked on his tail but it was not my cat o h my G od. the odor but worse even tho ugh I was wearing glasses, the spray got in my eyes and whatever chemicals are in that it burned like fire,I was screaming and smelling horrid and my dad caught me and got me to our kitchen, he told my mom to wash my eyes out with a lot of water with boric acid in it to counteract the spray and finally it quit burning but the smell was nauseating my mom took my jacket and soaked it in tomato juice but finally I had to toss it. the odor although faint was still there. I was so glad that my parents quick thinking saved my eyes. my eyes were already quite near sighted but left in my eyes very long that spray might hav made me almost blind. After that when it got dusk I carried a flashight to gather eggs and if I saw anything that looked like a skunk I left that to the men folk to straighten out. I am 85 now but still remember that evening all too well. lol
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Wow! I have heard there are chemicals in the spray that burn the eyes. I can't remember where I heard it but I heard that they got the idea for pepper spray from skunks. I don't remember my source so that might be bogus but yes...thank goodness you got those little eyes washed out. That's funny you had a cat people though was a skunk. I bet he sent many people Thanks for sharing your story! I bet you do remember it like it was yesterday!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Nov 11
I've smelt a skunk a few times before. Just going down the road, it's such a strong smell and it lingers for a few minutes. I've never had a pet have the scent on their fur, but years ago my brother and uncle were coming back from somewhere when they went by one and it got into their clothes so much they had to take a shower and their clothes be washed instantly. EWW-E!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11 is amazing how such a little bitty cutie can send crowds running for their lives I thought my poor dog would never stop smelling like that. Thanks for responding.
• United States
26 Nov 11
I have desmelled a skunk, YUCK, but thankfully i haven't smelled one lately & i hope i don't.
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• United States
26 Nov 11
typed definitely but all that showed up was the de, lol
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
I haven't had one around in a while either. I used to be afraid to go to my car in the early morning for work because there was a happy family of skunks that lived in the field behind the house I used to live in. I would smell them as soon as I stepped outside. I was always afraid as soon as I got to the car one would shoot out from under it after me.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
26 Nov 11
You can't get rid of the smell in a dog. When my dog was sprayed, and I did not know until I let her in the house. In the few seconds that she was in the house, and pushed her out immediately, the smell permeated in my home. It took months to get it out of my carpet and furnishings, even with constant cleanings. The dog, well, according to my vetenarian, it does not work. We washed her EVERYDAY, had her sent out to be washed, it was there, for months. Even after that, when she got wet, it was there. Finally, one day, it just went away. Since I live in the country, we pass by road kill skunks and once you pass, it's in your car. Closing the windows is bad. After you pass them, open all the windows, for about a minute, and let the wind pass through. That dissipates the smell.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
Yes...thank goodness the dog I used to have was an outside dog. He was huge and it took a lot of bathing to even lighten the scent on him. I am glad I didn't have to do the carpet and furniture thing. I bet that was tough. Thanks for responding!
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Nov 11
Ugh! Out on the highway there are stretches where you can smell skunks all the time. You would think they would learn after awhile. Tomatos do help but sure don't aliviate the whole smell. I wonder if Febreeze would help any. Hmm. It does help with alot of things.
@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Nov 11
It doesn't last a long time but really does the trick on most ordors.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Yes indeed...I like that stuff.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11
That Febreeze is great stuff. I use it pretty regularly. I don't remember if I had any of it around when my dog got sprayed or not. Probably not's been several years back. I would definitely be spraying it like crazy if it happened again
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@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
For me yes it is good you have a good smell keep up the good work.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 11 don't have to have a good sense of smell to get that skunk idea. They are very strong and that is the way they protect themselves. Thanks for the input.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Dec 11
I have never seen a skunk let alone smelled one. We don't have anything like that here in Australia...unless you count stink bugs in the garden...yucky! they are terrible. Skunks are pretty little animals, it's such a shame they have that protective trait.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Dec 11
"On your toes" sounds very much like a literal
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Dec 11
They are pretty little can send a crowd running though. They are very common in my area. They usually don't come around areas where there are a lot of people but they do tend to venture a bit sometimes. I lived in a rural area before I moved where I am now and that is when the family of skunks that lived in a field behind my house kept me on my toes. Every morning when I would go out to my car, I would smell them and think there might be one under my car.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Dec 11
It was MsTickle! It was
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
21 Jun 12
That is really interesting! I had never heard that before. I never did care for the critters myself and now I know why! I just wish they did not exist because it can be a royal pain to get rid of the smell. Thanks for sharing!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
23 Jun 12
That would be difficult to deal with! I think I would have just gone out and replaced the entire unit. I don't think I would ever want to use it again if it had that smell for even a few seconds in the future. yuck!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
25 Jun 12
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Jun 12
I had a friend once that had a skunk spray his central heat and air unit I never thought about that before but it would be terrible if that happened. I don't know how you would ever clean it He said it is gone now but if it has been off for a while and he turns it on, he can smell it lightly for a moment or two...ewwww. Thanks for the response!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 Nov 11
We smell them all the time around here. In the country, especially around highways, it's almost a weekly thing. I'm almost used to the smell, but not quite. When I'm driving down the road and smell one, I turn on "inside air" and put the fan/AC/heat on blast as fast as possible until that smell goes away. I smelled one once when I was driving in my last car with the broken air conditioner and it was like 90 degrees outside. There was no way I was going to close the windows or I'd roast pretty fast. Since that smell is so widespread, especially when a skunk has been run over by a car and tends to follow you for a mile or so, I have to admit that I went a TAD over the speed limit to get away from that awful smell as soon as possible. Luckily, almost everyone else was doing that, too, so I didn't stick out. Thanks for the lesson, though. I honestly didn't know why skunks smell so bad for so long. That scent receptor thing makes perfect sense. Wouldn't it be great if we all had that ability so we could do what skunks do and for the same reason?
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Nov 11
I have been in a few situations where I would have loved to just spray someone right on out I thought it was pretty neat to learn why they were so strong. I know it is info we might never need or use..but it's kind of cool to know it. Thanks for the response!
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
26 Nov 11
You can't get rid of the smell in a dog. When my dog was sprayed, and I did not know until I let her in the house. In the few seconds that she was in the house, and pushed her out immediately, the smell permeated in my home. It took months to get it out of my carpet and furnishings, even with constant cleanings. The dog, well, according to my veterinarian, it does not work. We washed her EVERYDAY, had her sent out to be washed, it was there, for months. Even after that, when she got wet, it was there. Finally, one day, it just went away. Since I live in the country, we pass by road kill skunks and once you pass, it's in your car. Closing the windows is bad. After you pass them, open all the windows, for about a minute, and let the wind pass through. That dissipates the smell.
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Dec 11
Thanks for the lesson. I did not know that about skunks. you think that they were named that because they stink? It is not a very glamorous name for an animal is it? I have never smelled one, or even seen one in real life. Do they smell all the time or only when they are threatened and release the smell?
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Dec 11
They actually have a stench about them all the time and if they are within a certain radius, you can smell them. Lord forbid they spray. When they spray, they are unbearable. I know that just the smell on the dog I had was so strong that it almost burned my When I would go outside to the car in the early morning, I could smell them...they seemed very close. I was always afraid one was under the car
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Dec 11
Not now that I am living closer to the city but they are very common here in the rural areas. They often get hit by cars on the highway and when you approach know have to roll the windows down and you sure don't want to hit it again. They are somewhat nocturnal so they are out more at night than during the day. that is why people don't run in to them more than they do. They have holes or dens that they stay in and that is why curious dogs are more likely to run into them than people They are quite common in the US. More areas than
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Dec 11
So, are they found all over the USA? I never saw one when I was over there last time, maybe I will come across one when I return next year? I can imagine that they would be annoying to live with, do you see (or smell) them often?
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
13 Dec 11
hi dear Jen, I am not sure whether we do have skunks, I guess not apart from the zoo. LOL But I heard they are really bad stinkers.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Dec 11
Hey! Great to see you! I hope that you are still enjoying life! yes..they do cause quite the stink. It's the only smell that activates every smell receptor we Thanks for responding.
• Lippstadt, Germany
14 Dec 11
Hi dear Jen great to see you too on here. Christmas mail is done, wrapping and sending of bigger items is almost done too so I do enjoy this week off now where I can take time to catch up on e mails, mylot notifications and the like plus only got to send out the electronic greeting cards which I probably will do tonight when my husband is gone for his sports group and I got some peace and quiet here. In general I am really enjoying life inspite of the bad situation at work where I am still the doormat of the department as it seems. I have almost cut ties to my family, only connection is mail for bday, Chritsmas and some other occasions but thats about it. Yippieeeee that feels so good Hope you also enjoy life and are not in too much of a frenzy now as Christmas is nearing rapidly. Cant believe its only a little over a week from now.