Reincarnation and Christianity
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
United States
December 20, 2011 11:12pm CST
I have heard people on here talk about reincarnation and that it was once in the bible but then taken out. Is there any evidence that there were once passages in the bible about reincarnation? I am curious about that.
I consider myself to be a Christian.. I believe in all the things that are essential to be one... but I also consider myself to be a free thinker. I believe that we die and go to heaven if we endure to the end of our lives by accepting Christ as the savior.
But still.. I have a slight hope of having another go around before I actually get to spend eternity in heaven.
Your thoughts? I know what the bible says... but did it EVER say anything else?
I believe I read an ambiguous statement that sort of suggests the possibly of life after life.. but I can't really remember what it says.. it says something about there is nothing new.. everything that has happened has happened before or something like that.
So please keep it simple.. I don't know anything about eastern religions and stuff.. I just want to know the validity of reincarnation, and why does it have to be at odds with Christianity? If it was once part of the religion, why isn't it now?
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10 responses
@katipunero5 (277)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
there is no such reincarnation. that is not biblical./. bible says.. we die once and judgement. so u have to know about God well before too late
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Dec 11
That's not really my question... I know there is no reference to reincarnation NOW. I'm saying that at one time it was in the writings of the bible and then taken out.. this is what I have heard here at Mylot in discussions and in other places... so I want to know if anyone knows about when reincarnation was once in the bible and then taken out.
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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
21 Dec 11
Wonderful! Another free thinker.
I believe the passages you were referring to may have been present during & shortly after the golden ages, when there was more enlightened thought amongst the ordinary people of the day. There are probably still many references to reincarnation throughout both the old & new testaments, though they will depend heavily on interpretation.
I believe that Jesus himself believed in reincarnation & spoke frequently about the matter. I can give at least one very creditable example currently included in today's bibles, if pressed. I do not wish to discuss in any detail why this teaching is at odds with Christianity, but believe that it is not taught, at least universally, throughout the reaches of Christianity due to it not supportting church doctrine & dogma.

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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
28 Dec 11
Further on the matter & in direct answer to your question, the Catholic Church's 2nd Council of Church Fathers which was held at Constantinople, 553 A.D, deliberately edited out a vast quantity of direct references to reincarnation from the Holy Bible. Subsequently, it was sacrilegious to question the Lord's business & inquire as to where we have come from or to where we are going. I'm sure I'll hang for this statement!

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
31 Dec 11
Thank you.
Yes, there is actually quite a lot of information "out there" from what I believe are trustworthy sources. Actually, it is not that difficult to prove these things - even on a mundane level without going into past lives, etc. If you have ever tried a sport or a hobby, played an instrument, etc, etc - just started doing it for the very first time & was surprised to find you did it well (or better than others) & very easily & comfortably to the point where you feel like it's familiar & you don't understand why... then you can say that it must come from what you have practiced in lives past.
Oh - and do be careful what you wish for!
Years ago in Germany, everyone wanted to study to be a doctor for the prestige & good income. But when they graduated no one could get any work as a doctor due to the massive over-supply of doctors! Many of them had to become taxi drivers just to make ends meet! But if you wanted to become a doctor in rural Australia, you would definitely be paid much more than any other doctor in the country, have a safe & secure job for life & the blessing of a great many people the whole way through!

@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
31 Dec 11
That is what I had heard from people. That any references to living again were edited out of the bible. I’m glad you wrote this. I hope to find more information. I can’t help that I feel the way I do. I feel there is more than me living this one time and going to heaven. I don’t believe this is my first rodeo either… I feel I have lived before, but I have no ‘memories’ or proof of this. I just feel like I have things to learn and until I get it right I will keep coming back. Maybe I’m all wet… but I feel I will be back again. I hope so. I want to be a doctor next time!

@urbandekay (18278)
21 Dec 11
I am unaware of any scriptural evidence for reincarnation
all the best urban
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Dec 11
Hi PointlessQuestions, It is a known fact that many of the early Christians believed in reincarnation. It is also true that some of the early fathers of the church believed in and taught reincarnation as a doctrine. Many people don't realize that the Bible as we have it today, was not put together until the sixth century. There were numerous writings that were excluded because the Roman Emperor, as well as many of the church leaders, did not think it suited their purposes. Interestingly, it was also in the sixth century that the church stopped teaching the doctrine of reincarnation. Many say that there are still references to reincarnation in the Bible and I will list just a few. I'd suggest that you do some research so you can make up your own mind on the subject. Here is the link to one article:
Here too are some Bible verses that are thought to refer to reincarnation:
Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; and before you were born I consecrated you, and I appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:45).
This passage clearly suggests that Jeremiah existed in a non-earthly part of Creation before he was conceived. This is to say that pre-existence is acknowledged by the Scriptures and that human beings do not come into existence only at birth.
"And as he was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who has sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?" Jesus answered, 'Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents, but the works of God were to be made manifest in him.'" (John 9:1)
The disciples ask the Lord if the man himself could have committed the sin that led to his blindness. Given the fact that the man has been blind from birth, we are confronted with a provocative question. When could he have made such transgressions as to make him blind at birth? The only conceivable answer is in some prenatal state. The question as posed by the disciples explicitly presupposes prenatal existence. It will also be noted that Christ says nothing to dispel or correct the presupposition.
"And the disciples asked him, saying, 'Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?' But he answered them and said, 'Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.' Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist." (Matthew 17:10-13)
As for the John the Baptist-Elijah episode, there can be little question as to its purpose. By identifying the Baptist as Elijah, Jesus is identifying himself as the Messiah. Throughout the gospel narrative there are explicit references to the signs that will precede the Messiah. "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." (Malachi 4:5)
It is also intersting to note that reincarnation is a doctrine accepted by Orthodox Jews. In fact, a statement by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the leader of the largest ultra-Orthodox Israeli political party, recently caused considerable stir throughout the world. According to the Rabbi, all of the six million Jews killed in the Nazi Holocaust were sinners who were reincarnated, at least in part, to atone for their sins from a past life.
Hope this helps. Blessings.
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Dec 11
What Pose says here is untrue, the biblical cannon was put together much earlier in a form that would be recognisable today.
It is one thing to say the early Church believed in reincarnation, another to provide evidence for the same
all the best urban
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
22 Dec 11
Thank you Pose for this. I'm so glad that you came to shed some light here, because I am Christian, yet I still have hopes to be reincarnated. People don't get why I have hopes for that, because they think I am going to die once and then spend my eternity playing harps or something... I can't understand why I feel I want to be reincarnated, but I do. These scriptures help me to believe the way I do without feeling guilty about it.

@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
21 Dec 11
There was talk of this at one time but I think that there is no proof that reincarnation was once in the Bible and then taken out. I think it's just a fantasy and you may want to read this and see what you think now.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Dec 11
Wow! Thanks for that link. So according to that site there is no evidence that reincarnation was ever discussed in those long ago centuries.
@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
21 Dec 11
At a guess - and this really is a guess - it's in the interpretation. Talking about being "born again" into another, better life and so on could be read as being reincarnated rather than the whole Heaven deal. So much of the Bible comes down to translation/interpretation choices.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Dec 11
That is sort of my dilemma here. There are some ambiguous statements that could have more than one meaning, depending on how you think about what is said.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
21 Dec 11
Hi PQ,
I will be short on this and hope that it will clear things for you. There never was anything written in the christian bible that we would be reincarnated. Maybe some were referring to the passages about being born again but that was when we accept Christ and are "born again".
I say this because the bible says that the writings are as they were and will ever be. Nothing will change, not one jot or tittle.

@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
22 Dec 11
There have been some copies of the bible that have been changed to fit the feelings of the cult that rewrote them but the original translation by king James is as near to the real thing as we can get.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Dec 11
I think though that some verses have either been changed or omitted. I had a rainbow bible and there was something in there I noticed that there was a note that a couple of verses had been omitted in that version. I can' remember where it was.. If I ever find it again, I might can investigate that.. so I think some changes have been made over the years.
I know the Catholic bible isn't the same as ours. My friend has a Catholic Bible that has more chapters than our King James and other versions.. I never knew what that was about.

@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Hi Savak03,
I'm just thinking here... so bear with me. How do you know that? How do you know what was written in the original texts so many thousands of years ago. I think we only go by what has been taught to us, and understand the interpretations that have been given to us. How do we know that the bible hasn’t been edited a number of times for reasons of religiosity and even political reasons?
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Oh, it has been edited as you have questioned. For instance, the King James Bible was written at the order of King James. Of course the scribes were not going to put anything into it that would anger the King. After all he could have you killed just for disagreeing with him. And the Catholic Bible has been edited many times to support the Catholic doctrine. However there are some people that are determined to keep the scriptures pure and there are original texts that date back almost to the time of Christ. They are, of course under lock and key, but scholars can get permission to study these texts. There is a group who have been diligent about translating the Bible directly from the oldest texts in evidence and they have published a Bible that is the most accurate available.
Also, since the Bible is God's way of communicating with His people today, don't you think He would be capable of making sure it was preserved accurately?
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
30 Dec 11
hi dear PQ the statement you refer to is in Proverbs where it says there is nothing new under the sun, I guess.
And there is another sentence in the Bible saying that we die once and then there will be judgement so I dont think there are reincarnations for us. (relieving cause I might have to come back as a fly or cockroach..... ewwwwww)
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
31 Dec 11
I want to come back rich. I want to come back smart and beautiful! And human! Hehe.

@joemarte89 (22)
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
That is not true since Jesus said, "I am the way , the truth and the life". He didn't say that He is the way through reincarnation. he came back to life as who he was as a Human as well
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
22 Dec 11
Hi Joe, I know the scripture. I've just heard several times that there was once writings about it before the New Testament writings and that they were taken out later on... I was trying to see if this was true or not.
Here is an excerpt I found:
[i]Reincarnation-also known as the transmigration of souls-is not some exotic idea of non-Christian mysticism. In ancient orthodox Jewish and Christian writings, as well as the Holy Scriptures, we can find reincarnation as a fully developed belief, although today it is commonly ignored.