What are some ways I can make money while I am out of work?

United States
December 26, 2011 8:13am CST
This is a tough year for me, it is the first time I have been without a job for over a decade. I was not laid off or down sized like so many other, I chose to leave my job, because I was tired of being a corporate slave. It seemed no matter how much I worked I could just not get ahead, and once my twins were born I felt like I had earned the right to see my babies grow up. I have been looking into different ways of making money, especially online opportunities,but I really need a bread and butter kind of income, so I'm wondering if anyone knows a legit way I can make money without becoming a corporate slave again.
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11 responses
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
26 Dec 11
I hear Ya but you should have really done a bit of homework first. Good luck anyways
• United States
26 Dec 11
Very true, but I believe family comes first in my priorities. Jobs are jobs, and should not take the place of your family life.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
26 Dec 11
I agree with ya. Work ethics and pay scales are different all over the world. Life is short so spend it where you most want to be. Between sleep and work that is two thirds of your life wasted
• United States
26 Dec 11
I know it got to the point where I was losing sleep to try and grab some me time, That didn't work out too good because it made work all the more unbearable.
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 11
become employer is really suck for some people, i also leave my job and i choose to become teacher. but i still working for some people, i also want to have my own office and have my staff. today, i also do online job.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
26 Dec 11
Tip Philly! Check the profiles of people on here. Location wise there is a big difference with the cost of living.
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
27 Dec 11
i teach a robotics, but i am really want to have my own robotics course.
• United States
26 Dec 11
What do you teach, and was it hard becoming your own boss?
26 Dec 11
Dear Philly dreamer , i have research online and real life business and opportunity . I am very eager to help you . Mail me for more information . best of luck.
• United States
26 Dec 11
Sure what's your email?
• United States
1 Jan 12
Thank You, I'm still learning how to use everything on this site.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
26 Dec 11
I think it depends of how much you want to win online. If you only wanna win some bucks than it's not that difficult to win, but if you want a real income, you will need to do something different. I used to have a gambling website and I still win money from it even doesn't having it anymore, because of my referrals. I do some online money sites, but most of my money comes from online poker. A lot of people looks bad for this, but I never invested my money on this, so, for me, it's totally worth it. But, of course, you need discipline.
• Brazil
27 Dec 11
Oh, I guess play it's not the best option for you. But, like I said, having a site can be a good way for you, because you have a lot of work to build the site and all, but after that you only need to update a few times. If you know players it's even better, I started a site without knowing no one to refer, but I got a good number of referrals on a online poker room and now I win 27% of their rake. But, it's not a fixed salary, because there are months when you win a good money and others months when the players don't play a lot, so, you don't win a few bucks only.
• United States
26 Dec 11
gambling would be tough, because in the U.s. it's illegal in my state, also I am recovering from gambling addiction so i don't think i'd have that kind of discipline. I didn't know you could refr peopl, i do know some gamblers so that might be something.
• United States
1 Jan 12
It still sounds like a good deal. It seems like referring people to any site will make you some money.
@champoy186 (1638)
• Philippines
27 Dec 11
If you are looking for an online job that pays, I think odesk is the site that you are looking for. They have many available jobs there that you can choose from. If writing articles is one of your skills, try make a blog and monetize it. I hope this helps!
• Philippines
28 Dec 11
There are different available jobs there. Try to visit the site and see for yourself. Happy mylotting!
• United States
28 Dec 11
Odesk, I will try that. What sort of online jobs do they offer? Is it a lot of writing jobs?
• United States
1 Jan 12
Definitely Champ Boy.
1 Jan 12
Hi PhillyDreamer, have you considered becoming self-employed at all? Like you I was a corporate slave and grew to hate it more and more. I took the plunge and left and finally ended up doing something completely different which I really enjoy. I'm certainly not earning a fortune but I am so pleased I no longer have to sit behind a desk and watch the clock all day! Best of luck to you in your quest.
• United States
1 Jan 12
That would be the ideal business for me, but I don't have any investment capital. Once I have a solid idea of something I want to do, i will definitely give it a shot.
@sergeantrom (5721)
• United States
26 Dec 11
You want to work specifically online or do you want to work from home??? I know plenty of companies that have flextime jobs and some only require 4 hour commitments. This type of job will allow you to stay at home with the kids and still have some kind of livable income to supplement household expenses. Surveys are another good earner if you like that sort of thing. What about shopping? Do you like doing this? If so, you can become a mystery shopper. Now thats a job you can even take the kids on. I myself am a corporate slave and wanted to get out long ago, but alas my kids are all grown up. If given the chance to relive, I would have certainly stayed home with my kids! Instead, when I retire, I will opt for tempting which allows me to work for who I want when I want. I tempted many years ago and made a good living from this. Many companies now even give all kinds of benefits and free training. Oh yeah, tons of good info when you look me up! Good luck with your search.
• United States
26 Dec 11
mystery shopping is a great idea, do you know how i could get started in something like that, also any jobs that offer work at home would be very interesting to me.
• United States
27 Dec 11
Philly if you do like to write then iwriter.com is a site where you can write articles for cash. I have done this and they do pay. I had a car repair bill that took me broke and I made $20 in one weekend doing articles on this site. It is not a passive income one you write an article for a person for a set amount of money. Good luck and take care.
• United States
28 Dec 11
Wow cool, I'm seeing a lot of writing sites. I wish I had more hands lol. $20 over a weekend sounds really good.
@indi15 (888)
• India
27 Dec 11
it is very difficult to get a decent job now a days . You can always join sites like mylot, some writing sites or some trade site according to your interest and keep trying in one thing or other.
• United States
28 Dec 11
That is what I have been doing so far. I'll keep plugging away till I go as far as I can go. Mylot has been a valuable resource so far.
• China
27 Dec 11
you have good experience and you are responsible. Please don't worry. Everything is gonna be OK.
• United States
28 Dec 11
I know, but to me the values of companies are changing. Experience used to be a valuable thing to have, but now companies drive out seasoned employees in favore of cheaper younger employees.
• China
27 Dec 11
I think mylot is a good place for you to earn money. However, I agree with you a formal job is needed. YOu have sufficient experice and you are responsible. SO don't worry you will get a good job. GOOD LUCK!
• United States
28 Dec 11
Yes there is always a job out there, I have to believe that so I can focus on trying to earn online.