Are women more attracted to a men who own a dog?

January 5, 2012 9:16pm CST
I've been debating getting a dog for a little while now. Not just for the attenion of women but because I love the animal and have wanted to have one ever since I was a little child. I am curious however as to whether or not women do find men that own a dog more attractive? Again Im not buying little old Lassy just to get laid. I often see women walking there dogs so I figured that might also be a good way to meet women. Ladies let me know!! Take care!
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6 responses
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
I do not know with other girls out there but when I saw a guy walking with his Siberian Husky, he's kinda cool to me. So I guess having a dog is a plus factor. Although I am a bit turned off to those guys who owns small dogs like chihuahua. But since he's a dog lover, it is still a cuteness factor.
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
12 Jan 12
I actually depends on the woman. There are women who loves dogs while there are some who don't. In my opinion, men who can take care of dogs properly have the potential to be great fathers. Dogs need attention, patience and love, and so does kids. If you want to have a dog then go ahead and adopt one, sooner or later you'll meet a woman with the similar interest.
11 Jan 12
Ha ha DH, I like your angle! I guess in some ways if a man owns a dog - and is kind etc to it, then it follows that he'll be kind to his woman. Before you get a dog though - just make sure you can take care of it the way it needs to be taken care of. If you're out all day (or work night-shift) - then it wouldn't be fair to get a dog would it? Owning a dog is more than taking it for walks in the park - where incidentally - you may meet other dog walkers/carers - but most women who walk their dogs are already married. Good luck on that! MC
• United States
6 Jan 12
Well im actually the one with the dog and then my boyfriend came around and now my dog loves him and wants to only ever be with him and my boyfriend says that the dog is his best freind now and they go on trips around the town together and they really liek each other and its actually pretty cute. My mom took the dog last night and picked him up and he keps looking around for my boyfriend and its was really funny. My momg oes you only like that man dont you its not fair. It was cute but my dog reallylikes to have my boyfriend around and they cuddle and play together its super cute and they are the best of friends and im glad they like each other.
@godjuvah (50)
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
most women finds it more attractive because we think that the guy is more responsible and gentle.and most of all patient.
12 Jan 12
I think women WHO LOVE DOGS will definitely be attracted, lol. I know I am. My husband and I don't have kids but we have 2 rescue dogs and I love watching him with them, so loving and playful. You know this reminds me of some movie or tv show where a couple of enterprising guys "rented out" puppies to single guys to pick up women, lol. Yes, what nurturing woman isn't attracted to a puppy, lol, so dern cute! I never had a dog and always wanted one too, and it has been the most wonderful thing, I don't regret it for a second. I was single for a long time and traveled for a living so it was just impossible. When I got married, my husband wanted one also and so we took the plunge. I only fly occasionally now (flight attendant), so I'm home most of the time (hubby is an AF flyer, so he's gone some of the time, too), so we have to have a back-up plan (friends and a really nice kennel) for when we are both away, although it doesn't happen that often. What I'm getting at is, as a single person, it might not be easy...plenty of people do it, I guess, but will you be able to spend plenty of time with him? You've never had one you say, I'm here to tell you, it's like having a kid, it's a real responsibility and you don't have quite the same freedom as without a dog...also, they are no small expense, what with food, treats, toys, shots, vet visits, etc. Just food for thought. As I said, I don't regret my pups for an instant, they are the loves of my life (don't tell my husband, lol). Keep us posted!