a 48 year old woman is 3 months pregnant....

@asliah (11137)
January 7, 2012 9:25pm CST
greetings to all mylot user,i just want to share this,a 48 year old woman is pregnant for 3 months,and at that age of 43 it will very complicated and risky ,and the doctor says that only one could survive,meaning only one could live and the other one will die,if you are in this kind of situation who will you choose to live,the baby or the 48 year old woman?why?
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18 responses
• Ghana
8 Jan 12
To me i think i will like the woman to live and let the innocent baby leave this sinful world , for the woman she is already a sina
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Very interesting point of view. in general, I think a lot of men choose for the woman to live rather than the baby. I have witnessed that a few times and I was baffled by that at first because as women we generally want the baby to live. But in studying man I have learned that a man is driven toward spreading his seed to ensure survival of his lineage. If the mother survives then the man has a chance to impregnate her again and create more children. I do see your point about the baby leaving this sinful world but if the baby is surrounded by love and care he/she can do very well despite the all the turmoil.
• United States
8 Jan 12
I am 38 years old and just birthed my fifth and final child. I had so many aches and pains. The ligament pain that this age was terrible. You do have to undergo extra testing because you are older. The chance for birth defects increase. However, with that being said, if she is healthy and wants to have a new baby.. MORE POWER TO HER.. Good luck and God Bless
@puppynut (370)
• New Zealand
8 Jan 12
Hi. I am pregnant at the moment with my 2nd baby and I am almost 34. I started late and had my first baby at 31 and I have to say it has been hard on my body, even though I'm not 'old', as in 48. This pregnancy I am having a lot of ligament and pelvic pain. My first birth was very long and hard aswell. In regards to the woman, my husbands mother had his younger sister at about 50! And both are fine 22 years later! I don't think I could decide about who lives, and it depends on so many things like if the woman has other kids in her care. I wouldn't ever want to be in that position and I agree God bless them!
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 12
My mother gave birth to my sister at the age of 40 something and thank God both of them are save and nothing bad happen. It depends on the woman, if she think she can get through of it then I am sure both of them will save. It's a bit risky but nothing is impossible.(^^)
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jan 12
Well everything is done by God, I am glad that your mother and your sister are safe and sound. May God give them both a very long and healthy life, Amen. :)
@FluxNL (503)
• Netherlands
8 Jan 12
I think the child, but a human life is a human life so I think both. In The Netherlands, where I live a woman, a age of 63, was having a baby. It was shocking news here, because the baby may not be alive or the mother will die. Afterall the baby was healthy and the mother was ok.
@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
4 Mar 12
Friend it is not a strange to hear, i here in my place seen more at the age of 48 and 43 women with new born child. and it is in the area that their not facility of any specialist doctors.
@kokomo (1866)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
Indeed, that was a very crucial situation. I think, I don't need to choose who's gonna live between the mother and the baby. They have both the right to live.And I believe to doctors that they can save both of them.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Hi Asliah, I could never make that decision for someone else and so I won't. There is too much to consider and so much depends upon the person's circumstances. It's way too personal. I could only guess at what I would do and then again, probably none of us really knows until we are in such a spot. And what would be right for me, may not be right for another. I hope whatever she decides that she has a lot of family and friends helping her with emotional support. She'll need it.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Sounds like a lifetime movie. I'm sure most people would say the baby should live cause the 48 year old women already lived most of her life but if I was her i wouldn't want to die yet either so it's a very hard question.......hopefully they both get to live
@free_man (7330)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I have a sister that had a child at 53 the baby was a preemie but the child and the mother did fine. Why would the doctor tell a woman at 48 that one might not make it after all this is a world of modern medicine? I couldn't chose which one should live God has a plan for all of us in our lives so I would leave it in Gods hands and let HIM decide.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
8 Jan 12
Well, it's up to that 48 years old woman to choose who will live and who will die. If I was her, I would choose my own life over the one of a fetus that still hasn't born. I wouldn't give up to many years of life that are still to come. But that is if that woman was me. I hope she takes the decision she believes to be the best one.
• India
8 Jan 12
A difficult situation indeed, the woman is 48 or 43? Well women get pregnant even at much highter ages and deliver safe, guess there might be some complicacies, so it is better she gets aborted, may become pregnant later if needed.. Best of luck. Professor
@shrmanoj (382)
8 Jan 12
Oh dear this is a very complicated case for anyone and I can't answer this. If I have to answer or choose one I would go for new baby because it is now going to born and the lady has already watch this world for 48 years.
@kaeirole (668)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
it depends on the mother..most likely, mothers will choose the baby to live..but of course, the couple must talk about that..many gambles their life to give a new life to someone..the doctor said that it's risky..if we will only think of the negative, then it will surely happen that only one of them will survive..and we forget to consider on the chance for both of them to live..for , me, i will think of the positive side..the percentage that both will live..
• Ireland
8 Jan 12
Hi asliah, This is a really difficult call to make but I do think that the woman should have the right to choose, if she is of sound mind and body to be able to do so. What she should do? I believe that's up to her. If it were me in that situation, I can only say that if I had younger children I couldn't leave them.....I'm not sure, again it's so hard to say but maybe I would have to consider staying around because of my younger kids needing me, at the sacrifice of my unborn child. This is what I think I'd choose but again, I'm not sure it would be the ultimate choice I'd make unless I were in that situation. It's weird because when I first read your discussion I immediately thought 'save the baby of course', but it's not as black and white as that, is it? IrishGal77 :)
• United States
8 Jan 12
It would be a very hard decision, but one that I would have to make nonetheless. No one wants to die. In fact God gave us all the desire to want to live forever since that was His original purpose for mankind. I would choose for my baby to live. I would want him or her to have a full life that way when I get the chance to see my child again we will have a lot to talk about.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
Tough one to answer. I could not imagine myself in such situation. If that will happen, I would hurt my partner so much if I leave him to choose the life of the baby. But I think the child deserves to live.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
this is a very hard decision..we would want both mother and baby to live. but if i have to choose one, i think i will just choose the baby to live because this baby is innocent and an angel that was destined to be formed and lived on this earth..as a mother who is in this kind of situation, i think i will choose to keep my baby and whatever happens i live it up to God,,and hopefully pray that everything will go out fine and alright in the end...
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jan 12
Well that is a very tough decision to make.. Firstly I would pray that some how God does a miracle and saves both the mother and the baby. I think the baby deserves to have motherly love.. If I was in this situation I would save the mother, even though she is 48, she just cant be let go so easily in order to save a new life. Rather give up the baby because he has not even come in the world neither has created that bond with anybody in this world. I am sure the woman is a wife, a mother to other kids, a daughter, a granddaughter, or grandmother herself.. So she holds a special place in many hearts.. The baby on the other hand anyways will feel regret, because he/she lost their mother because he/she was born!! so ya that's my decision.. I really pray that God saves them both!! Amen!