Just Curious...

Child - Are you happy to what you have become?
@Bamboee (645)
United Arab Emirates
January 17, 2012 10:24am CST
I came across this picture on the internet which had an amazing question, that got me to think really hard..! the question was: " WHAT WOULD THE CHILD YOU ONCE WERE THINK OF THE ADULT YOU HAVE BECOME"? Well my answer came very immediately that the child I was once, if that little girl looked up to be she would not be happy, because that little girl had many dreams. As the adult I have become I am not fighting for those dreams anymore, I think the child I once was would be very sad...very very sad..But there is one thing that would make the little girl (me) proud, that I've become a very dedicated wife... how about you my family of lotters? Would the child you once were, be happy of what you have become now?
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9 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Jan 12
I honestly think that the little girl that I was years ago would be pretty proud of the woman that I am today. The reason that I believe that to be the case is because of the fact that growing up I had two aspirations in life, those were to work in the medical field and to be a mother. Well, I've been lucky enough to have done both in my life. However, I have come to believe that being a mother is much more important to me than working outside the house.
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@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello Dorann, thanks for your response dear. I am really happy for you and the life your leading, its very good to be proud of yourself. you should pat yourself on your shoulder for all the achievements you have gotten. Being a mother is a heavenly gift, I am really happy that God blessed you with that. I myself am married but have not been successful in conceiving. I think that is the only way I would ever feel complete when I will be gifted with such a wonderful blessing, but that is up to God when He plays his role and grants me my final wish. I wish you best of luck in both your career and being a wonderful mother. I am sure your children will be very proud of you, and they will make you proud to. Best of luck, God bless u, Cheers
• Romania
23 Jan 12
I think that mini me will look at me and say: No way! That's me? I've changed soo much in just one year, learned so much and done so many things that were inimaginable for that little boy. The ones that don't really know me, think that i"ve changed in bad, but my true friends know that is not that way. If they can't understand something they think that it's evil.
• Romania
23 Jan 12
From my family, only my brother knows who I am.:D We have a very special link that will never break.Even the bigest fights are gone after a day. Two years ago I was afraid of beeing diferent, but now I know it's ok.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jan 12
Hello my friend, As long as your friends and your family and the people you love know who you truly are, then the world does not matter at all :)!! I am glad you have people who believe in you and love you just the way you are. I hope they will always be with you. Life is an on going chapter, we keep learning and growing, by every chapter that is turned. Thanks your response, Cheers.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Jan 12
Hello Again. Well i am glad you have your brother by your side. That is a really strong relationship and I hope that it shall always be the same,forever! People who love you,care for you and know you from inside will always be the same with you no matter what ever you do, or what path you choose. Because those people have a true heart and truly love you. Its very easy for people to change their judgments, even families. Because they dont truly care, so I am happy your surrounded by good loving people. :)
@Mickie30 (2626)
17 Jan 12
I had a very difficult childhood and I don't think I would have ever asked that question although it is a very good question. Considering the childhood I had, I think I have done as well as I could have done. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children and I have God on my side. However, the thing that I hold close that I still want so badly is to become a well known actress. I still have that inside of me.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello Mickie, thanks for your response. I am sorry to know that you had a very difficult childhood, that must have been very tough. Children who have difficult childhood actually have even more dreams than children who didnt get to see the hard of life in early age. I am glad that you have come to a level where your satisfied from life, that is a good thing and I am really happy for you. God will always be on your side, and I hope that He blesses you and your wonderful family with lots of happiness because your giving your children such a beautiful life by being such a great mother. And I also pray that your dream of becoming an actress comes true.. Nothing is impossible, :) all you have to do is reach out and grab it! Best of luck, God bless u. Cheers.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
17 Jan 12
Hi, Bamboee, I think that you are too humble. The fact that you remember your childhood dreams speaks a lot about you. This is a great question, thanks for sharing it. I see that other people too can answer right away but it's no the case with me. I'm not sure if I remember well the little girl I was so many years ago. And it's hard to evaluate the achievements in my life. It's worth it to think about all this. Thanks again for this question.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello fannitia, thanks alot for your reponse. I think your too nice, to give me such a big compliment - thank you so much. Well yes, I am always thinking about the dreams I had as a child, and they were very big!! I wanted to build a house for my mom and dad because I saw them working so hard just to feed me and my brother, giving up all their wishes and desires. So i always wanted to give them peace in their old age and take care of them. I dont want to die without having to fulfill this dream, because it means alot to me to make my parents happy. Once you get married, priorities change but somehow I just cant let go.. I just for once want to give my parents something they always dreamed about as a couple.. I am glad that you liked my question. I hope all your dreams come true, :) Best of luck, God bless u, Cheers.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Jan 12
That is a really good question. I think for the most part that child in me would be happy about what I'm doing and trying to do with my life.But I think that the child would have wanted me to make other decisions to lead my life in a different direction. But I wasn't a patient person and so now I have to deal with the consequences of those choses.
• United States
28 Jan 12
I do agree that it helps us to mature when we learn from our mistakes. Patience is something that I have more of now that I can look back and see how impatient I was and how things turned out. But I'm always striving to improve myself and to do better in my life.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello Dominique, thanks for your response. I am impatient too and that also led me to certain bad decisions.. My mom always use to tell me that the more you wait the better you get. But I guess I never understood what she meant, now I definitely do but its just too late for that.. but I am glad that your proud of what you are doing with your life.. and making it even better by trying harder. Its okay we all make wrong decisions, the best part is to learn from them - that's when we truly mature ourselves. Best of luck, God bless u, Cheers!
• United States
20 Jan 12
First of I think when your a child you don't see any limitations you think you can have it all and be it all. And then when you become an adult life hits you hard and open your eyes. So I think your adult self most likely won't be what your child self inticipated. I have a lot of regrets and tons of I shoudve, I wish I,and gosh what was I thinking lol. But I think the mistakes and challenges that accompany our life makes us stronger and prepares us for a bigger storm. So instead of regreting we didnt live our dreams. We should be thankful we are still alive and still able to be what our child self wanted to be. In short be thankful for what you have and continue trying to make your dreams come true you still have time.
• United States
22 Jan 12
Your to sweet :) Thanx alot. Yeah unfortunately a lot of kids are losing their life. Thats why i dont understand why we try invain to hide our age. Many women after the age 30 dont say their age unless it is reqired we should be proud of our age it shows how long were been on earth. We deffinately should not beat ourself up if we dont have the life that we want we should continue to strive for it.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jan 12
Lol, I dont understand the age factor. It does not matter how old you are.. I believe when a person is all lively and fresh and positive about life and people.. They always have a young happy heart, which attracts people more than age. If i am 60 year old and I put up a smile on someone's face.. Lol, maybe that man will end up asking me out because he feel's happy with me :) but thats just my perception.. I am not to sweet, your just very nice to take time to read and understand what i am saying :) Thank u so much. God bless u.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Hello Frans, A very mature reply to the discussion, thank you so much for your wonderful insight. I really like the idea of being thankful for getting by through in life and still being alive. Many children dont even get through this, some end up dying, some end up in a bad company, some encounter unfortunate accidents. So definitely we should be very grateful and thankful. We should take it as a positive light and try to work hard and making things possible and building better dreams and making them come true. Best of luck in your life and I hope you get it all. I am sure the little child you once were, would be definitely proud reading this comment. God bless u.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
17 Jan 12
This is a very interesting discussion. I personally think that the child I once was, would be relatively proud of what I have become. I have followed most of the goals that I had set for myself. I have graduated high school, I have married the man of my dreams and we have a wonderful family together. I also have started to follow the career goals that I had set out for myself. I have always loved reading and when I was younger I decided that I wanted to be a writer. Now, I am 30 years old, I have taken a course in free lance writer course, and I am working on making my short story into a full novel. Now that I have grown up I have made new goals, the first of which is to finish and publish my novel. I know that there are some goals which I haven't fulfilled but for the most part I think that I have done pretty good. Great discussion. Happy mylotting.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello Crivas, thanks for your reponse. It seems like when you were a child, you had a fairy tale dream and as each page was turned in the story book, your dreams one by one became true. I am really happy for you my friend, not many of us get to make the right choices and make our story book complete. I am glad that you got everything out of your life, and hopefully you will get to publish your novel. Please do let us know about it. I wish you very best of luck, I can imagine your excitement, because when your very close to making your dream come true - it feels like heaven has fallen right infront of you, all you have to do is touch out and reach it!! God bless you, Very best of luck from all of us, Cheers
• United States
17 Jan 12
I dont think the little girl would be proud of my either that i once was. I think she would be proud that im actually working in the field that my family once did and that my grandfather had as well. Being in the construction industry is what my family did in the past and i have kept it in the family but not sure if that little girl even knew that back then. Growing up i wanted to be in Miss America and be a dance teacher. Of course things change in life and after i turned 18 there were no dance studios here offering adult classes and if they did they werent good for me. I also wanted to be married and have kids by the age of 23 but that didnt happen either and things jsut keep getting pushed to the back and also still living at home isnt what i was expecting either. Hopefully this year will have a change for me and moving out on my own will work and hopefully to be married by next year would be nice as well.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
17 Jan 12
Heylo Lolo, thank you so much for your response. With all the hard work your doing keeping the family business going, i am sure the little girl will definitely be proud of sacrificing everything above family. Yes, life brings different twists and turns and we dont get to accomplish our dreams.. But dont give up.. I am sure you can do it, and the day you do it the little girl will have a big smile on her face because you would have atleast fulfilled some of the dreams that you really had.. I wish you very best of luck and lots of happiness in life. Just stay strong and all your dreams will come true. God bless you my friend, Cheers
• Belgium
17 Jan 12
Well i think that child from the past can look up to the man in the present. I changed a lot and so have my dreams. I also started loving to fight( fightig sports). I once did this and the trainers said i had talent in it. That's how some of my dreams drastically changed. Of course your mind changes as your body does. I feel more free now then i was before. Going out with friends and all that stuff. But still i became a little less hapier. Now i can think clearly. But when i look at the world. I become really sad then. As child i never tought of it, but now I do too badly enough. I really want a better world than this one. Still I'm happy with my life right now. Hope this respond helped you ;)
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 12
Hello Black0jack, thanks your for response. Your right as we grow up and mature our dreams do change and so does our personality over time. But certain dreams or wishes are born within us when we are little kids, and we hope that one day we will make them come true. No matter how much we grow up those dreams are still there. Your very right about the fact as kids we never knew the world could be so harsh and full of difficulties. It surely does make me sad to because I wish that people would live in peace and harmony, with love and respect all around... I am glad your happy with your life and I hope that you always will be, God bless you, Cheers.