Why we cant change tradition?

bulbul fighting - Its a part of traditional bulbul fighting from my province. Just try to get the cruelty of human.
@shibham (16977)
January 23, 2012 3:42am CST
Hi everyone... Here, in my province a festival is celebrated on 13 and 14 january each year. Well, festive season, no problem and people enjoy a lot. But on three parts of my province traditionally bulbul fighting, buffalo fighting and hen fighting are organized. Leaving two of them i am saying about bulbul fight. Some wild birds are collected and caged from months ago and they were eaten a herbal medicine made by 108 items which make them intoxicated and let them to fight with each other on 14th january. In this process, most birds either die or get ill. Later on the field most bulbuls get severely injured.( may be some of them die later on). So why for? why we are making those innocent birds so intoxicated to be cruel to each other and enjoying the fight for our worst entertainment? Should it be called a tradition? if its a tradition then i think it should be changed. What do you think? N.B. Pics of a fight is attached here, you may easily guess the cruelty of human rather than birds.
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16 responses
@vandana7 (100076)
• India
24 Jan 12
Proud of you kiddo. They should not be made victims. Every living creature has a choice. We need to let them be.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Thanks Aai, I shall write to PETA and fight for it. Have a nice time.
@sumatix (257)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jan 12
There are many ways to deal such things.first you can launch a complaint against such animal torture.There are agencies who work for the welfare of animals and birds.They have people who can meet nad even take action on these who are caging those birds, as in most of the parts now it illegal to cage free birds other than zoo. as per as tradition is concerned they don't die at once one has to fight for the right for years and even generations.education is one method. so educating people out there as what ill they are doing to those innocent birds will cut down the participants..
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi sumatix.. I am member PETA ( people for the ethical treatments of animals) and thinking to write to them and proceed. Thats why i am collecting more documents to reveal the reality. I started a discussion regarding caged birds where as i am completely against such activities. you may follow this link... http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2618625.aspx you are right, it will be hard to change a tradition but we should not continue it too. Have a nice time.
• Pamplona, Spain
24 Jan 12
Hiya shibs, Its a shame that this is happening shibs a great shame. There is much cruelty here too as I have told you before. Bullfighting is still not being stopped and Greyhounds are still being killed when they are not able to run so fast at about 2 or 3 years old. Many of them suffer broken legs. Yes a few are fined but that is about it. Still goes on no matter what. Now if you hate your neighbour you can get the Police to go onto your Property of course if you are not there and have the Dog taken away to a Dog Pound where they are eventually put down. This is a true Story they are going to pick up the Dog today thanks to us we found him quite by chance. I would like to see all this cruelty end right now but I am one on my own and there is no real love for animals here as such. Hope my little Kaisho gets out of there today and does not end up being put down the links I have about the Dogs Home on my Facebook Page in Spanish is where the Dog was found. What a shame the Dog had to pay the price for squabbles between People.xxx
@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi angel... It will be more hard as bull fighting is the national game of Spain, if it has to stop, then all nation should have the same voice which seems very hard more than my mentioned one. Here, this bird fighting has been celebrating on a particular area. Its really shame to squab for price regarding a dog. Its nice to hear that Kaisho is again with his owner and happy enough. It should be considered animal cruelty too. have a nice time.
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• Pamplona, Spain
25 Jan 12
Hiya shibs, Kaisho has been rescued and is now at home and well apart from the typical bad nerves and stomach condition after being taken to such a place. He is settling down now and the stomach condition is easing off. Also they have adopted Zar the beautiful Alsation a German Lady has taken him on God Bless her. Kaisho was overjoyed to see his owner back again. Some good news does happen after all. Very strange Day today but things are happening.xxx
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• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jan 12
Hiya shibs, You see a lot of People still live and make a living with that industry. I would not want to do that so you are right it will be much harder to get rid of this problem with the Bulls. There are Activists that Campaign against the cruelty but they will not be able to do anything much till the Government changes those Laws. Bird Fighting should be stopped too as that is also very cruel. Well Kaisho lost a lot of weight because in the Dog Pound he did not want to eat so he lost 5 to 6 kilos in weight in a week that he was there now he is getting them back again but is still a bit upset and who I ask myself would not be? You have a nice time too shibs.xxx
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@kaylachan (67831)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jan 12
I will never understand why, humans act the way they do. Each time I read about animal cruelity, I'm reminded and further lead to believe, that Darwin was onto something when he came up with his theroy of eveluition. He was spot-on in my opinion when he did. We are animals. We may be more "intelegant" in some cases, but we're no better then the animals out in the woods. Our needs are the same as animals, we do things on instinct, and we find enjoyment in the harm of other animals. Therefore we are no better. We talk, we create, and we act on pure impulse. So does this make what we do right? No. It doesn't. Some people however, think in a more anamilistic way finding sport on proving they are stronger. One way to do this is to attack smaller weeker creatures. ( birds), or go after slightly larger ones (bulls) Just to prove their power over other animals.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Is not a nonsense of human to show their power by dominating and killing animals or birds. When birds tweet, it gives us an immense pleasure than a human shout. People say that snakes always kill human and thats why we should kill them before they bite, but never even i hold snakes many times but i am still alive. Actually, they attack when they feel danger around. These human show themselves smart about animal instincts. Human are never intelligent than others. Have a nice time.
24 Jan 12
Sounds like the bullfighting they do in Spain. Are you from there? It's tradition. It's like sports to the people who do it. It sounds like you should maybe band together with others who feel like you do (as I'm sure there are) and maybe create an organization to bring it to the peoples' attention. Maybe they feel as you do but fear doing something about it. Alternatively check out an organization like PETA and bring it to their attention. They (and others) have been known to take part in local activism. Tradition is tradition, but I understand how someone could have a problem with that.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Yes, here buffalo fighting exists. you may follow this link..http://www.agefotostock.com/en/Stock-Images/Rights-Managed/MWO-MW011698 (not a referral link). Yes, i am joining PETA and already send money to them. Hope i will be able to do something against that tradition by the help of PETA. Have a nice time.
• United States
23 Jan 12
I don't hold as much value on tradition as others if it is self-destructive or destructive with no sense of grand reasoning. I really don't see why this is a tradition, it doesn't symbolize anything or represent something fond or cherishable. Just seems more like a sport or something of that nature. Not to say I'm a "bleeding heart weakling" who is feeling bad for the birds, sure I feel bad for them, but I look upon this on the people's side. Torturing small animals is a tradition? What's the great enlightenment? What's the lesson? What message are they passing down here to their children? All-in-all I don't see this as a good thing, they should consider the impact more of a negative tradition and find a progressive tradition, something that passes down a message for their descendants.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
You are right. It should be consider as a worst part of entertainment. Tradition cant be destructive to anything, society or animals.... traditions are always for the sake of society. Plantation may be a tradition but deforestation cant be. I applaud your speech as your voice is cent percent similar to me. Have a nice time.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
23 Jan 12
I agree wholeheartedly with you Shibham. How would we like it if the animals and birds had to intoxicate us and make us entertain them and also get us killed in the process? Man is the most insensitive of beings.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi kala di... You are right. And thats why sometimes i consider man is the worst living creature on the earth. Have a nice time.
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
23 Jan 12
I find that very cruel, but traditions are only changed when enough people don´t want to hear more about that. Tell your acquaintances not to go to the fights and don´t go yourself. Write to newspapers. Check if there´s a place in your community where they will help. Write to Greenpeace. I hope this helps.
@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
But here from media to government are encouraging them even can say abetting. It is far long away from my town, so my familiars are not attached with that tradition. Already told media is alos supporting, hence no benefit on writing on newspapers. Greenpeace, i shall try that. have a nice time.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
shiby, I guess this is more of entertainment than a tradition. Or might happen mostly during such event/occasion. In every country, such kind of entertainment is done- not traditionally but for entertainment/gambling purposes. Here in my country, Texas (rooster) fighting is the most common entertainment as well as gambling when it comes to animal cruelty. My father is a Texas breeder and a notorious chicken(rooster/c*ck) gambler (duh)!
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Yes, didi... you are right. more entertainment. Rooster fighting was also common here before some decades but now its lessening. Here, no gambling is attached with such fight as far my knowledge is concerned but its too bad whatever it is, tradition or entertainment. Have a nice time.
@mtrguanlao (5522)
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
I've been hearing some of your traditions where animals are affected amigo. I read one article that in your place,there's a so-called festival where turtles are being killed as a sign of good luck,is this true? I hope your government will do something about it amigo 'cause it's really a big cruelty!
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi amiga.. Turtles? nope, i have not heard it ever, may be in other part of India but here buffalo, pigeon, duck, goat, pig are killed for the name of god. Government? its better not to hope anything from them. Have a nice time.
• Mexico
23 Jan 12
hi there you got apoint, but who will stop that? usually trsditions cannot be stopped, why? i really dont know, maybe they hav such arrangements wit h government or something like that , such things most be stop because of animal abuses, and again here in us with the rodeo or any other activity reated with animal entertained, in a few words people are the ones who demand such festivities and i dont think we can do something to get rid of them.
@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi investor... You know, that entertainment event was telecasted on all local TV channels and next day newspapers highlighted that. So, are not there people to have a voice against it? are not government watching that? Obviously they were, but silent. It makes me upset all the time. have a nice time.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jan 12
Anything and everything is possible, as long as its done drop by drop and soon you know there is a river. What I mean is, that people like you who take the effort and time to pass such a message and fight for such cause actually can make it happen someday. With more forces join, I know that this mission shall be accomplished and several more which people out there in the world are fighting for. There were many things in the past which are not practiced in the cultures anymore because people made the effort to make the change. Its all about starting from one person, and in no time there are thousands who are willing to do the same. Its very cruel my friend what happens to these innocent creatures, we Humans always forget that there is someone more greater than us out there watching our every moment and thus we you reap is what you sow - is what going to happen to us. We are destroying our own mother planet, killing our fellow creatures almost to the fact that many species have gone extinct. They are forgetting that our time will come to, and then who is going to save us?!! U know dear, when humans can be killed and hurt other humans for entertainment, then animals are nothing in front of such so called people who call themselves humans... This just upsets me..
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Hi dear... There was a tradition decades ago, where birds were let to fight with each other and almost hen and bulbul. Some sharp blades were knotted on their legs as when they fight they can be red with blood and one was mandatory to be killed so the owner can be the winner. Now, i hear that its still exist in some certain areas but not publicly. Here that fight is publicly doing and media and government also supporting as considering it as a tradition. It really hurts me .... and you know i shall fight for it still my last breath. 100% sure. have a nice time.
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
Is it for tradition or is it for entertaining? Either way, i think that intoxicating birds and get on a fight is something i haven't heard before. I think that's just cruelty to animals. If you think that this not right, then write a petition, or something, but i bet, those people in your province is enjoying and benefiting from it. That's too bad.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Its a tradition for entertainment.. Exactly, cruelty... years ago, some sharp blades were knotted on their legs to fight with each other and people brutally enjoyed that. Have a nice time.
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
It's hard to change tradition, because as a concept, human beings don't exactly welcome and condone change that often. Moreover, the tradition of an entire community represents a lot to the people concerned - that tradition might represent their culture. Though it might be hard for people to change tradition, I still think that it's possible. As long as enough people want change, change can happen.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Exactly friend. very hard..... i know that a mass awareness is important to change this tradition but it seems that it will take long long time. But i shall try my best from my side. Have a nice time.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
23 Jan 12
Ofcourse you can change tradition. It once started and so it can be end or changed too. Many countries had traditions that are changed or celebrated in a different way or not at all anymore. It just need someone, or some people to start with that.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
Do you think i can start with that? impossible coz they are so blind to tradition that either i will be killed or stabbed. It should be a mass voice, then we can change. Have a nice time.
@heartbit (237)
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
traditions were handed to us by our forefathers without questioning them before. but a lot of things have changed since then. if only someone would take the courage and question that tradition which is not really good and give explanations and basis why is should changed, maybe and i hope, it will.
@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Jan 12
You are right. days ago, i was talking with some younger that can we change this tradition, they shouted having same voice and tempo "impossible". Here, mass awareness is very poor and thats why animals and birds are being victimized. Have a nice time.