Have You Ever Been in A Car Accident?

@mamasaid (156)
United States
January 28, 2012 8:10am CST
Have you ever been the victim of a car accident that was not your fault? It happened to me almost three months ago and I'm still not myself and continue to face a variety of physical struggles - and emotional ones, too. I can't believe how a few seconds can change your life. What was your car accident like?
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5 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Jan 12
I was actually a passenger when we got into a car accident. It was raining outside and the driver of the car I was in was driving a little too fast. He lost control of the car for a second, he tried to turn to get away from the on coming traffic but when he turned another car slammed right into my door. It was horrible. My back and neck hurt for a few months after it...
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
28 Jan 12
What a horrible experience. It is really terrifying to be in a car accident and the pain afterwards is unbelievable.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
28 Jan 12
in 1990, i was crossing the street and suddenly a car came through a red light and hit me. i flew off the hood of the car and landed on my knees, i should have pressed charges but the police were not called (i was young and naive at the time and asked not to call them) now, two kids later, at 50, i have a lot of trouble with my knees because of that and just general wear and tear on them.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
28 Jan 12
What a shame! How awful you are still suffering, that is what I am afraid of. I was so sad to discover a friend from my youth was killed as a pedestrian because of a drunk driver - life really can change in an instant and what people do behind the wheel is so important.
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
30 Mar 12
yes i experienced a fact like that years ago in reality i was just the passenger of the car and not the driver anyway it was winter and the car sliced on ice and had a great crash luckly nobody was injured really personally i had just a little hurt on my leg but nothing serious!!
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
I experience it lately but it is not so serious because the other car only take small scratches and it is also his fault. We are going out in a crossing until he suddenly emerge in front of us and he did not follow the signal light. Sometimes no matter how we try to drive safely we can still be involve in a accident if other driver is not driving safely. Just always think that it is not your fault so you can forget what happened before.
@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
17 Jan 16
The car was rear ended when I had stopped for traffic that had stopped ahead of me.