Would you search your 1st love in Facebook?

paris - picture from paris
@agmamayo (804)
February 6, 2012 8:04pm CST
While I am reading some news on the net this morning, I came across an article about a man who tried to look for her first love by posting her picture and telling their love story on Facebook. The man said that he met this girl a few years back when they participated in a talent workshop. In that workshop, he fell in love with the girl because of her beauty an talent. They nurtured a good relationship which lasted a few years, then afterwards, a strange event happened. The girl abruptly went away and disappeared without a formal break up or any communication with him. He said after that incident, he tried to move on and went about his life, meeting new girls and having relationships again, but they all went to waste and never lasted. Then after a few reflections about those things, he decided to search for the girl whom he first felt love. He posted some pictures of her on Facebook, and called for her or anyone who knows her, and asked the girl that whenever she sees or knows about his request to meet her once again. He said he would like to meet her on the place where they first met, and he will bring with him her favorite flowers. There are questions "What if she will not come to their meeting?", the man answered, if ever she will not appear at their meeting place, it would still be okay for him, and that will be the sign that the chapter of that long lost love will end, and a new beginning will start for him. He added that the efforts he poured to seek her will still be worth it despite not meeting her again if ever, and at least he gave her a chance to finally make that abrupt end of their relationship have a formal end. So, my fellow Mylotters, would you do the same thing and look for a long lost love using Facebook?. Share what you think.
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20 responses
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
7 Feb 12
I did that once Not my long lost love, just my first crush. I no longer have feeling for him, nor that I wanted to see him again face to face or not. It just that I became curious. He was special as he was the first boy I felt in love with so I just want to know what's he been up to and how's his life now. Well I did found him and that's that. I didn't even try to befriend him in Facebook.
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@agmamayo (804)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
That's is great, able to find news about your first crush on Facebook is cool. So how was he, does he have a family now?. Well, likewise I did that too, but to no avail I think she is not into Facebook. It is a good thing to at least know something about the people who became part of our colorful live once again and rekindle the happy moments of past. They might not mean anything for us today but they are steps for us to move forward and gear toward personal satisfaction and well-being.
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
I used to search my ex-crushes' and ex-boyfriends' name on Facebook, not for resuming romance or anything but just for connections and contacts. I don't have any feelings for anyone anymore.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
hi, Facebook is way to meet other people in any part of the world and also to find friends,but looking for a relationship or love in Facebook i think it is possible but its hard to know more that person because usually now a days bad people used Facebook and other social networking to do bad things such as robbery and murder.
• United States
5 Aug 12
i will do all possibilities where i believe would help me find the love i once had.
@Marvz18 (106)
• Philippines
23 Mar 12
I tried to find her on facebook, unfortunately I was not able to find her... :(... that is okay maybe it is really not meant to be... :D
@512771751 (1096)
• China
10 Aug 12
I don't search my first love on facebook. I don't care about him and he really hurt me so deeply. So I don't want to connect with him any more.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 12
It is interesting to hear what that man did to see if he could find his first love. I went to a further education college when I was sixteen to eighteen years old. I met my first love there. He and I dated for three months. We used to go for walks along the river, out on picnics and up to exciting London. We liked it around Greenwich. It was sad when he and I split up. When I was thirty two I went to a college reunion and it was interesting to talk about the past days at the college. On Friends Reunited I got a message from him amazingly. We met up to catch up on old times one lunch time in Canterbury. We haven't been in contact since. He is now married with two children.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
7 Feb 12
This is a sweet story and the guy must be very much in love with the girl, but apparently the girl didn't feel the same way coz if she did why did she disappear just like that? And if I were that girl now, I would freak out if I see my pictures on FB posted by someone without my permission. Some may find this act romantic, but I find it creepy. About your question, I actually looked up for an ex on FB, but not for the same reason. I was just curious about how he looked after more than 20 years, and I did find him there thru a common FB friend. When I saw his photos, I told myself, good that he left me coz I found someone better.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Ah that's kind of creepy to me. Your mileage may completely vary to say the very least. And if I was that first love, I would be kind of afraid that someone that I knew I was in a relationship with was looking for me. I wouldn't acknowledge the search and I would be a bit upset that he was using such a public medium as social media to seek me out. That's not romantic. That's just creepy. It just goes to show you that some people just can't really let it go. Some people rather get it rather obsessive about a lot of things, about past relationships. That's how stalkers get started out. Not saying this guy has the potential to be one, but it always starts so innocently and I can just imagine people freaking out to someone is looking at them. If a relationship has ended, there is a pretty good chance the other person has long since moved on, even if you haven't.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
8 Feb 12
Such idea never come occur to me though. Because I would let my first love gone if that is not worth it. Actually, I think my first love already married and started a family of her own, so, there won't be any point for me to wreck a happy family right? So, that is a romantic idea, but different people have different situation. Good luck to that man.
@Woody7189 (247)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I would never go to the extent you mention, but I have searched the names of my ex girlfriends on facebook just out of curiosity. I would never post about trying to find them because we have moved on in our lives. I wouldn't want to mess any of that up. Still, curiosity made me look, but I didn't find them.
• Bangalore, India
7 Feb 12
ya.. ofcourse myself searched for my chilwood love...And got also.. Facebook is a superb way to find anyone related you.. even you get better knowledge about that person...since almost everyone uses facebook really its a very good media to find anyone...
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
I think I would have done the same. I'm not fond of facebook, but it has its uses I find this situation interesting, it actually is worth talking about, at least in my opinion. Finding some kind of closure with a past love in order to move on, it's understandable. Being left hanging like that could make everyone wonder what happened in that relationship. I hope he finds this girl again, talk to her and come to an understanding. And I like the guy's attitude, too. He is willing to accept whatever the result of this situation will be. Mature and formal. Not the kind who would demand. Simply, he is making a request in the hopes of finding a closure in that relationship which ended so abruptly.
@maratus (184)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 12
Yeah I did that too with facebook. But not my love just temporary crush...
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I think that particular search for his love is really very sweet. It has the makings of a sweet love story. Especially considering that its the guy thats searching. Its a dream that many woman hold inside somewhere I think. That her prince charming would try to find her. It has a magical wish to it and I hope that it has its fairy tale ending. I think that its definitely worth the try because thats the only way that he will know. ~C~
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
No, I wouldn't do something like that in social media. There are small chance for a girl like me to do that, while there are big chance for a guy to do that. I am not into like that type of searching. I have nothing against what he did, if that's the only way to find he's first love so be it. I just hope there will be results, good or bad.
7 Feb 12
If I were a guy maybe I've done the same thing but as a girl well I might just be curious to check on him on facebook just to see how he look like but I will not go to far you know I still believe in the saying that if you love someone let it go,if he comes back to you he is yours,if he doesn't he never was.
• United States
7 Feb 12
well if they where someone very special then yes i would look for them on facebook especially if they where my first love. i mean i would love to see how they been and see if a relationship would work for me and him. he must really love that girl he looking for. but i think that its very sweet of him to be looking for his first love he probably think that she's the one for him.
@sumatix (257)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Feb 12
well i will have not to do all this as i have found my love forever...we are married for 2 years now.we too met on net chatting seeing each other for a year we decided to get married.Got our parents involved and got married with elders consent..I have found my love so for me i don;t have to seek for any now..
@utopia96 (640)
• Indonesia
7 Feb 12
yes I will do it to search on facebook,if I lose the my first love .becouse facebook is the largest social sites today,and many people have accounts on facebook