Leaping Lizards!! Its leapyear

@Hatley (163776)
Garden Grove, California
February 11, 2012 3:12pm CST
I was trying to eat myh lunch but my stomach was in pain from diverticulitis and some stressful things here and my table mate startled me. He reminded me its leap year. I immediately thought oh good I have one more day to try to make more earnings this month. February has 29 days, good deal. I am now wondering if anyone here is born on the 29th of February. your take my fellow mylotters.
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29 responses
• China
12 Feb 12
You do have the sense of humour and always look on the bright side of thing.I mean that you thought of the leapyear and having one more day to make earning when you had a pain from diverticulitis.Perhaps this is just the recipe for your great age.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi chang I feel much better today e ven though I just learned my last discussion was deleted. I am sad for the others who will lose earnings on it , and I will too of cou rse. but live and learn. I now will really need that one extra day to try to recoup what I lost. I need a sense of humor right now for sure.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi chang pride goeth before a fall so I fell and lost my discussion and sadly all my friends lost their r e sponses. I know better now as the thing got ou r of hand. from now on I will just ignore flaming remarks , let admins handle them. Less said soonest mended is what my mom always told me.I like your motto.
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• China
13 Feb 12
I am glad that you have been well.Today I find one of my respone that I made yesterday was also deleted ,as other'discussion was deleted.I don't care,"A fall in the pit,a gain in your wit."I have to read the guidelines once again.
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
11 Feb 12
Sorry you have been in pain with diverticulitis, that can be very painful. I hope you feel better soon. I wasn't born on February 29th, sorry to say. My birthdate is in the summer months.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi nailtech my own fault for taking everything too seriously here.I am feeling better already . I was born in November so an a Scorpio which is why I guess I get tied in knots. anyway one day sometimes'does help and being retired I have lots of time, not'much money but lots of mylot time. lol
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@telmesh (1793)
13 Feb 12
Just noticed you divulging some personal info there Hatley. Have a sister-in-law with an early November birthday but I am Sagittarius and I do seem to get on really well with Scorpio's.
@AmbiePam (89269)
• United States
11 Feb 12
Yes, it is a leap year. Maybe I should go rent that movie with Amy Adams, called Leap Year. I'm very big on renting movies during "theme" months. In October it's scary films, in February it's romantic movies...How did I get off topic here? I've always wondered if leap year babies prefer to celebrate their birthdays on the 28th or 1st of March when it is not a leap year.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi AmbiePam I always wondered that too as I had an Uncle whose wife was as old as he was but only had less birthdays as she was born on the 29th of February. odd I had not noticed it as the 29th is really marked on my calender. I remember her telling us how old she was in leapyears and as a little kid that really fascinated me.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
11 Feb 12
i never even thought about it til you mentioned it. i find it funny for people that have birthdays on that leap year day. i guess they only celebrate when that day comes along lol!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi cher I wondered about that, I guess if they only celebrated on leapyear day sure would save on money put out for presents.lol but the birthday person sure would go short of gifts.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Yes it is a Leap Year. I have often wondered when the people born on February 29th celebrated their birthday's the rest of time? If they celebrate it on the 28th of February or the 1st of March? Anyone know?
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi shellyanne some say they celebrate it on the 28th of February some on March 1st,I think it w ou ld be neat to have a 29th birthday and always be younger thant you look. but me I was born in Novemeber instead.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
Hi Shellyann36! I was born on Leap Day and if you look about five posts up from this one, I talk about that.
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12 Feb 12
hi hatley, i have a friend that was born on the 29th of feb. she celebrates her birthday on the 28th just instead.. and then when she is able to celebrate her birthday on her actual birthday, ie the 29th, they have an extra special celebration to make up for the years she didn't get to do it haha :)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi chicksdigscars yes that makes sense celebrate the day before then have real great celebration on the 29th when it comes round.I think it would be kind of cool and you will always be younger than you look lol
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
but the sad part is you will look older lol lol lol.
13 Feb 12
hahaha oh my i hadn't even thought of that lol!! :)
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@ElicBxn (63420)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I'm not, but I did work with a gal who was - I thought it was really cool!
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@ElicBxn (63420)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I suggested to my friend that she have a "10th" birthday for her 40th - pin the tail on the donkey... stuff like that...
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi ElicBxn oh how fun that would be . yes tenth birthday gee a person could be forever young that way even when grey haired. lol
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi elic bxn I am not either i was a Nov. bavy. Bujt I had an Aunt that was born on the 29th of February and while she was 76 she was also 19 I believe anyway 4 into 76. happy h appy
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@celticeagle (164283)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Feb 12
I think I have only met one person that was born on February the 29th. Not too many of them around. It would be interesting. Only 6 years old when the rest of your friends are 24. Interesting huh?
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi celticeagle Yes there are not too many and one thing they would sound young in years but sadly age wo uld still show I suppose. jIt would be hard to have to go fo ur years to have a birhtday party lol lol lol
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@celticeagle (164283)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Feb 12
Yes, but for those that don't care to celebrate another year it would be good.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
11 Feb 12
One of my bosses was a leap year baby. She quit & moved away so I haven't seen her in a while. She only celebrated her birthday on the 29th...yet she ALWAYS got drunk on the 28th. She was really 49 when she quit; but she said she was 12-1/4. She acted like she was 12 & a quarter so I'm not so sure that the way she counted her birthdays were that far off!!!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi lady marissa I needed a laugh. just had my next to this discussion deleted., so need to laugh again. yep getting drunk seems like its childish maybe some how she was still a kid acting like one any way lol.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Just glad I could brighten somebody's day!!!
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
11 Feb 12
Oh my goodness! We are already two months into this year and I did not know it was a leap year. I suppose that makes it an election year, too? I find it amazing how much life I let pass me by without notice. If it wasn't for my friends here on mylot like you I wouldn't know anything. I guess I really do need to slow my life down so I can see what is going on around me.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi savak I had a calendar staring me in the face and I did n ot notice it was leap year until my tablemate Steve mentioned it. I had got sidetracked mylotting and felling ill from divericulitis.Now feel a lot better. the last discussion I made I should have left well enough alone but I d id not. lost a fri end but again I do n ot think a friend would have treated me that way .
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi stowyk he he but his mouse is really moving up there by his resonse wow. Now I am eating crow as I went to comment on the' last response to my next to this discussion and whosh I could not get on.so checked under started.,yep its just been deleted okay so the peaceful person is checking out now hes asked mylot to delete 'my discussion.I would have asked to have it deleted myself but for one thing you and all my fellow mylotter who responded to it would lose their earnings. so now again this month I will not make my quota ohI will make minimum but not three times which I need to 'pay off my monthlyh internet bill. So five years here and in this one year have had three discussions deleted. Now I feel like just giving up quitting but damnn it I will not,.I am a survivor.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
12 Feb 12
By no means hatley should you give up. Don't let others dictate how you should live or what you should say. I don't know which discussion you are talking about being deleted but I am sure you didn't knowingly violate anything. And stowyk I am still fast enough to stay ahead of you. I'll be Jerry to your Tom.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
12 Feb 12
So sad to hear that u are in pain, i wish your quick recovery. Well, i dont know anyone till now who born on 29th February but i think s/he will be happy having such a birth date. Have a nice time.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi shibham I am feeling fine again even though I just had my last discussion deleted . i just feel sad that all my friends will lose earnning s on it. I should never have made it and I am sure who reported it and fine, guess he got his revenge as his last discussion that prompte mine was also deleted. so this has to be a happy discussion. I wonder how those born on Feb.29th celebrate it, on the day every four years or the day before or after the 29th? they will stay forever young lol lol
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20 Feb 12
haha atleast the guy who got revenge got his deleted too. you got your own revenge without trying lol!
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
12 Feb 12
Hatley aunty: thanks for reminding us 2012 is a leap year. Yes. we can earn for one more day and get paid. In India we had a Prime Minister by name - Mr. Morarji Desai. He was born on 29th February 2896. He lived upto 10th April 1995. see the wikipedia linkL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morarji_Desai
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi ravisivan wow He lived a long and full and honorable life. interesting. I am feeling a bit blue. I went to respond to my discussion next to this and it was deleted. here i went for four years, never had a discussion deleted. now in this past year and these twe months have had three. What am I doing wrong?, I feel like just quitting but no this upsets me but I refuse to be forced off mylot,.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
12 Feb 12
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morarji_Desai pl see the above link.
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Hi Hatley, Sad to know about your stress and discomfort. But hope you are feeling better now... and hope the stress here is over and done already. Hmmm when we're young we often laugh and think about people who was born on Feb 29. Maybe there were lots of them and it's a bit sad that they can't celebrate their birthday on the exact date. My mom and grandma is a February birthday celebrant but I don't know anyone who celebrates their birthday on 29th.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi enelyn I am okay now but lost my discussion . I only feel bad in that I had a lot of responses so a lot of people will lost earnings. I should never have made it sadder but wiser. I always wonder what day people born on Feb.29th celebrate, either Feb 28 or March 1st?
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Oh but that is why I had hard time putting my reply on that. I've tried several times until it get through. However, I have not received any notification from that yet. It's either I thought my reply went in or not. Yup I guess people celebrates it on those days only.
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• United States
12 Feb 12
I was born on Leap Year day, which often generates discussion when I present my ID for something. My mom and I often argued over when to celebrate. She always tried to make me wait until March 1, telling me it wasn't my birthday "yet." I'd argue back that March wasn't even the right month. In off years, I celebrate all week long and remind people that the U.S. holds its presidential elections and the world celebrates the Olympics to honor us.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi happy coming birthday. So you did not like being made to wait til March. yes I think Feb28th would have been a lot more appropriate too.there you go, you are celebrated fy the elections and the Olympics just for you leap year people.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi jellygator You are welcome. lol lol
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• United States
13 Feb 12
Thank you! :)
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• Canada
11 Feb 12
My step-daughter Ashleigh was born on Feb 29, 1976. She's living in the States right now, so her Dad and I are going to send her a birthday present, :) She is the only person I've ever met who was actually born on a leapyear day.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Hi Hatley, my late mother in law's birthday was February 29th. She was a leap year baby. Hubby would send her a birthday card every year although it didn't happen every year, March 1st would be her birthday for most of those years or we'd say, she's not aged much because her birthday would show only once ever 3? years. I wonder how leap year came to be....? It's funny how the world has figured out to add a day in so many years to make it balance out.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi cats every four years so your mom in law would always be younger than she really was,I was wondering that too how it' came about in the first place.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Hi Hatley. I'm not spending nearly as much time here as I used to, mainly because of two reasons: the arrival of my first grandbaby and my business that is just beginning to grow. So, the extra day this month won't make much difference, if any. I don't know anyone born on February 29th but used to wonder the same as you, do they celebrate their birthday on Feb. 28th or March 1st when it's not a leap year. If I were born on the 29th, I'd want to celebrate it on Feb. 28th. At least that way it would still be the same month. I'm going to be 60 years old in two months but, if I were born on Feb. 29th, I could say I'm going to be 15 but then everyone would say that I look AWFUL for my age. I'd much rather forget about that every-fourth-year birthday thing. When I say I'm almost 60 now, most people say I look great for my age and I like it that way. I hope your tummy is all better real soon.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
hi mentalward he he that would be funny to say youre 15 because of oledap year and people would look at you and say oh are you sure about that? lol lolYes I like to hear people say you look younger'than your age too.
12 Feb 12
Hi Hatley, maybe he thought you might propose to him, lol! and you were thinking of mylot insted, how funny! hugs. Tamara
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 12
oh how funny indeed hes 83 and I am 85 so fast chance, he is always trying to make conversation and I am one who likes to eat when I eat lol. I am not a very good table mate.Yep I was thinking only of an extra day oh now i really need it . just learned my last discussion was deleted so will lose some earnings too. hate that.
• Singapore
13 Feb 12
It is quite coincidental, I once had two classmates who are born on 29 February, both of them are in the same class. It is so rare to see. Yes leap year is definitely a good year, I think it is just so special! Take care, I hope you are feeling better now.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi bluemoonpavilion I feel fine now, spoecially since the discussion I never should have wrote, was deleted. I only feel bad beause allt the people who responded lost earnings. I always sort of liked leap year too.
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@telmesh (1793)
11 Feb 12
Sorry to hear you suffer from this nasty complaint. I hope the extra day earns you some lovely cash, I'm afraid the extra day won't make a lot of difference to me as I'm too slow.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Feb 12
hi telmesh it was my own fault for being too sensitive so now I do' feel better. I have such an advantage over most other mylotters in that I am retired and have lots of time to mylot but alas little money. So I found mylot and really fell in love with it. so I guess I am sort of addicted to it now. lol lol
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@telmesh (1793)
13 Feb 12
I have plenty of time as-well and keep trying to tell my wife that we can't live as we did when I was working but the message falls on stony ground. Last year we spent loads more than we should of, like a last fling, so the start of this year is a bit difficult but should get a bit easier about May. There's a little rowing boat out there floating about (an investment) and the boat comes in in May. It's not loads but it will help as we spend more than our income every month. I took out a new credit card just before Christmas, interest free for 13 months, I call it my Christmas card, there's still a little credit on it which should last. Luckily I don't have to rely on Mylot for income but every little helps. Have found the searches here help a lot when conversations between my friend group are quiet.