How Can Jesus Christ (HalfBreed) Stand as a Sacrifice for Pure-Blooded Humanity?
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
February 11, 2012 5:48pm CST
Although there IS the 'fact' that we're ALL 'half-breeds' (as descended from Adam, a cross-breed of God's Spirit and Earth's mud), so Jesus's spirit-side was just a little purer.
But still, saying 'God came to save us humans' is like saying that the AntiChrist will come to enslave the monkeys!
If anything, Jesus Christ proved Natural Selection's weakness in the face of popularity---obviously Jesus Christ SHOULD have been the next step on the evolutionary ladder, but--as 'popular understanding' would have cast Him out of the human-race--instead He 'ascended into Heaven' (or 'moved to India,' depending on your source-info) and left us with nothing but what His friends could tell us about Him.
What do you think? Does Christianity need a new 'story' to pass-on its pure philosophy of 'all is forgiven but that which you cling-to'? Let's start it here!
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6 responses
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I never thought of Jesus as a half breed, but then again, I don't think of ordinary people as being pure bred or half bred either. People are mere humans and Jesus is the Son of God.
My source for information concerning everything is the Bible. The Bible was not written by friends of Jesus who merely relayed stories to other people. The Bible is the inspired word of God, written as dictated from God to people He deemed worthy to write His words for future generations.
What do you mean by that? "All is forgiven but that which you cling to"? I believe that all is forgiven if we have prayed in earnest for God's forgiveness.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Thank you PQuestions (sorry, I can't just type pointless, as I think we as God's children and creation, do serve a purpose and none of us are pointless).
I don't think we are wrong for responding to the discussion maker. I believe we are sppose to oppose those who we believe are telling lies and blaspheming God. I think that we should not belittle and degrade anyone else's views, but we are to speak out against wrongdoing.
My sister, I pray that you will not let Satan get the better of you and take control of your tongue. It is very hard to keep your cool when you know someone has blashphemed against God, believe me I know. The best we can do is pray for endurance for ourselves and forgiveness for the blasphemer to see the error of his/her ways.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Mar 12
Thank you DD for letting Our Father's mercy shine through your response.
I feel sorry for PQ, who--for whatever reason (maybe she can't see the mercy that shines unto her, maybe she follows Lucifer and only lets it shine as seems profitable to her, I'm not judging)--doesn't let that mercy shine through onto me.
I don't see (and am not gonna see) where I blasphemed God; I only see where I've set another human back down where the rest of us humans live.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Well said Deedee328. Forgiveness is given when we ask for forgiveness in earnest and we repent from whatever we need forgiveness from. One thing I believe for sure is that EVERY knee will bow, even the unbeliever. I shouldn't even be entertaining this discussion maker with a response, because it is so insulting to God and to Christians. God can take it, and Jesus can take it, but the Holy Spirit is one you don't want to blaspheme. I think I will not come on to this person's discussions ever again, because if I see something like this again, I might be tempted to say something I will be sorry for. Enuff said! 

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Hmm...interesting thought but I am not sure that Christianity would accept a new story. They are pretty set in their belief system and most anything offered "new" would send them in to an abomination frenzy. Most religions are based on the teachings that were spread in the beginning. Of course translations and revisions are to be considered where this is concerned but a new story all together might raise quite a ruckus.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Feb 12
No one said that the bible is just a bunch of stories. I would not disrespect anyone's beliefs so casually. I said...just as you are proving now...that Christians are set in their belief systems and would not accept anything being added. There are some people that have different ideas and then there are some people that are set in older fashioned ways. It is the spiritual well-being that is important.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Christians do not believe that the Bible is just a bunch of stories. We believe that the Bible is God's word, given to individual writers from God. How do you account for the scriptures that plainly say that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? God does not change, so how then could His word and instructions change.
For those who insist that Christians are foolish to believe in the Bible and a God we can not see, I say that when I die, I would much rather find out that I believed in someone who didn't exist than to face a God that I refused to believe in. For those that say we should not believe in what we can not see, I say you don't see the wind, but you know it is there when you feel it. God's existance is felt by christians just that clearly.
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
12 Feb 12
Hello... I would disagree to the proposal of a new story, because for that we will need to create a new God... And the world doesn't need a new God...
The concept of God, for me, has been initialized by the old and wise guys to stop and prohibit from being corrupt in daily behaviour. Most of the men today, do not act sinfully, because they are afraid of God, because their minds are cultured by those spiritual scripts and it refrain from doing any unhuman act.. It goes true for 80% of the world... The rest of it, they either don't fear God or else are driven to extremities to be inhuman....
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
There is, always has been, and always will be one true word of God. You are right the world doesn't need a new god because it has the One God that does exist.
God is not a "concept" made up to make us all behave like good little chilren. Without God, no one would have a concious about them and no man would have had need to invent an imaginary being to dictate people's morals.
There are evil people who have not come to know God or who have refused to accept that He exists. These are the people who do inhumane things.
I obey man's laws because I believe they are based on God's laws and because my God tells me to obey those in authority over me here until He returns. I have a concious to guide me because my God gave me a sense of right and wrong, not becaue some old and wise men decided how I should behave.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Mar 12
And why do you believe that? because more people agree than disagree?
How many people disagreeing would it take to convince you that the story doesn't matter?
@maidangela7349 (1191)
12 Feb 12
the fact is that the story of Adam & Eve is just a story made up by some desert tribal leaders a few thousand years ago so it is not evidence to account for humans. The very best evidence we have is that, as has already been said, we orginated from a woman in East Africa and until further evidence comes to light refining that or adapting it then we must accept this as the best current theory. It would appear that if there is a god who created the universe he did so 15 billion years ago and if he was interested in having some creatures like us to worship him one has to wonder why he waited until the last few seconds to create them. We do know that there are billions of suns with planets and good proportion of them that are older than the earth will be capable of supporting life so why? Of course it is nonsense we evolved on earth because conditions were suitable for us to evolve nothing to do with any god except for the power of being that laid down the conditions suitable
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
maid; ok, so you don't believe in the Creation "story"? What is it you do believe? Where did we all come from? Where did this woman from East Africa come from? How did she get here on earth? Did she just magically appear out of thin air?
I don't exactly follow the thought "waited till the last few seconds to create them" I believe that God created humans last because first He had to create the world for us to live in.
How do you know that these other planets existed before Earth? Are there humans living on these other planets?
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@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
12 Feb 12
All the people come from a woman from east African. And the appearance become different because of the environment.
I appreciate LOVE which Chirst advocate. If all the people love each other, we will not pay attention to the difference.
Jesus should be respect and we should be more elegant and gentle.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Lixiaos, I am confused. If you believe in Christ's love and believe that we should respec Jesus, then how can you also say that all people came from the women of East Africa? Do you not believe that God created everything?
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@JohnRok1 (2051)
13 Feb 12
"All the people come from a woman from east Africa"? Science indicates that all human mitochondria come from a particular woman who happened to be black, but where she was living on earth is complete conjecture. It also indicates that all Y-chromosomes come from a particular man who seems to have lived some generations after the aforementioned woman. These people have been nicknamed "Eve" and "Adam". In fact, the observations are more consistent with them being the latest common ancestor of the wives of Shem, Ham and Japheth (who may have been Eve, but is just as likely to have been a pre-flood descendant of hers), and Noah.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Would you want YOUR story re-written to something completely different than what actually happened. Would you want your loved ones to think that your existence was a lie?
I would not want to change the story. The events stand on their own.
You don't want to be a Christian? Don't. But why try to make some stupid story to explain something that has already been explained perfectly? It makes more sense than what you proposed... sorry... but the old story is good enough for me.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Amen PQuestions! We know that the Bible stands on its own merits as God's only true word. I wish people who call it a bunch of "stories" would actually take the time to read it so that they would see that the Bible does not contradict itself like so many people would have us to believe it does.
Some people will continue to disbelieve God's existance. I feel sorry for them. Look at all the wonderful, glorious things they are missing out on!
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